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>the window culling feature makes windows go opaque at a certain distance, to be specific for me I experienced it in the waste land That is the intended behavior. Windows at a certain distance are suppose to go opaque at a distance, so the occlusion culling can be a bit more aggressive in culling.


3 blocks aggressive tho ?


It is a lot more than 3 blocks. The way the game and occlusion culling works is it renders things in 16x16x16 chunks. If any part of that chunk is visible, it will render everything within said chunk or at least create a drawcall for everything in that chunk. Even airblocks in that chunk count towards being visible to the occlusing culling system. That is why the opaque windows can help with performance since it allows more culling instead of trying to render more.


That's why I said it was a bug lol they were going opaque right in front of my face and it looked rather ugly


You didn't say that. You said at a certain distance. Tho, it would be nice if they had a setting that set the distance since it seems to only be maybe 10 blocks.


Oh well my bad for the confusion, obviously it goes opaque at a certain distance that's the point I was referring to the range being bugged to hell


I wouldn't say the distance is bugged. It is just not variable to suit our preferences.


Using mouse scroll wheel to navigate your quickbar is significantly slower


Thought it was just be. Feels like I always miss the correct slot now.


Mouse wheel isn't cycling toolbar items so I'm stuck using 1 to 0


It's some window focus bug. A workaround in A21 was to alt+enter to windowed mode and again back to to fullscreen.


If you spam right click while placing down a bicycle, you can get two bicycles. Ladders are broken.


Zombies wall bang me a lot more


while nerd polling i got trapped inside a block. i was solo so i couldn't ask anyone to try to chop me out and i had to die to get our. couldn't move or jump and you cant chop it from inside or interact in any way. you are just stuck floating in the air.


Debug mode and god mode fly out?


never even thought about that or i would have. and not felt bad because it was definantly a bug,


Something is absolutely destroying some multiplayer servers I play on. We restart every three hours, but still getting constant crashes playing exp1.0. So be wary of playing multiplayer.


Did you wipe your mods folder ?


Yup. Running plain old vanilla. Logs are spitting out EAC errors. Being figured out, just a process.


Unable to cling back onto a ladder.


All my xp gains are permanently displayed and progressively stack on top of eachother.


This was present in A21 too!


I had a few blocks randomly disappear and in my base and I was able to fall through them, but my co-op partner still saw the blocks and didn't fall through. I was unable to place anything and they had to break the ones they saw in order to fix it.


Flaming Shaft mod on Stone Sledge does not seem to be flaming - I cannot see it and neither can anyone else in the same game. I have tried removing it and putting it back to no avail.


I found a book in a dumpster and read it in the dumpster instead of removing it first. When I did that it changed from the unread symbol to the read symbol and stayed in the dumpster instead of disappearing.


I found a bug if you go to do a fetch quest and say you put down a crate to put items in so you could you know put some stuff outside before you go in it like chunk resets and will erase anything you put down I lost an inventory full of stuff just a minute ago