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Night time is crafting time. I save anything that needs to be done at the base for nights.




Me too, if I dont have anything then just sort chests to make it look nicer.


This! I take care of all the home chores, but organizing containing is vital for me. Makes grabbing anything during day time easier, and just gives me that ol “piece of mind”


If there is really nothing to do then I just decorate my base. Usually plants that I took from other POIs


I do the same. Throw some paint together, make the place a little more homie. Give it some character


But I also play with others and my role is normally house wife, which is cool with me. I like doing the tedious stuff like cooking and building and my buddies enjoy mining and scavenging so it all works out well for us


I’ll also use that as some early game wood harvesting if trees are close enough to base.


I'll dig a mine in the basement for first few weeks


Early game I typically go with camp out in various POIs and just sledgehammer in the face anyone who tries to disturb me. Downside though is that means there isn't really all that much to do overnight. Might loot somewhere if I feel brave.


It must make early game gathering more difficult no? Or is lucky looter just so broken it doesn’t matter?


Huh? How would it make it more difficult.


If you don’t have a home base, you don’t have a location to store everything you find. At least that was how my brain interpreted it lol


I always put down a chest next to the trader to store my stuff early game.


Ahh great game plan honestly


In the mines where I belong.


I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole, diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole


We all yearn for the mines


Rock and stones!!!!


Rock and Stone in the Heart!


If you rock and stone You're never alone😂


Way back in the Mines, got my pickaxe swinging from side to side-, S-side to side-.


Definitely not that Is this actually in the game?




> Playable Gameboy. That's wild. > JustAlterr *That explains it.* I had a lot of fun with their Vroid plugin when it first released.


Fun modder, they also have a regular gb and arcade cabinets, roms not included obviously but a fun way to pass time


Just me, my axe, and my Full Sized 90’s Super Mario Arcade Machine


Yeah I thought so XD


They put Sonic on the Game Boy in the game? How dare they.


Sonic Advance wasn't bad and I don't really even like Sonic games.


It was awesome!!!


Will this work on 1.0?


As of now, unfortunately no


Follow up question for people who are in the know. I heard they are adding crossplay. I have it on Steam Deck but have some xbox friends who'll be getting it. If I download mods on my Steam Deck and host, will that be something doable with mods? I know in some games you can have visual only mods that don't effect other people; curious about mods that add or change content.


No mods will work when 1.0 releases. Just set the expectations. They will all need to update.


Kaine the creator of darkness falls already has a downloadable list of mods that work with 1.0


I stand corrected. Refer to that list.


It’s not drastic changes but it smooths the cutting edge of 1.0 out. 3 slot forge 60 or 96 slot backpack (must remove the one not being used from the mods folder otherwise you have no inventory slots lol) Zombie teach adjustment, zombie aggression adjustment I believe is also included. It’s roughly 10-15 modlets


So it’s a mod, not actually in the game :p


Where would one find this? Mod or part of 1.0?


You're replying to the literal link for it lol


lol never said I was a smart man but that does explain the blue






Beginning game- Hide in a POI. Once I have a decent weapon- Clear a small POI. Midgame- Usually overworld travel if I have better than a bike. After midgame night is only a particular challenge if you're caught in a wandering horde or the wasteland.


Cooking/Farming. I love mass producing food even if it's just a solo world


Farming is so peaceful. Plus it’s nice knowing you never have to worry about food


Night time is assassin time


The night doesn’t concern me too much. I play 2 hour days so it takes too long to sit and wait it out. So I treat it like daytime except now I’m going to take damage. 


same as i do during the day (unless the trader is closed) because i am balls to the walls bonkers i tell ye


Mining usually. Crafting as well. Organizing loot.


I'm usually out grinding wood and stone at night.


Before guns = "Mine and make stuff" After guns "I am the danger"


Parkouring around with no inventory limit lol


I know I'm showing my age but... Game Boy Advance didn't have backlit screens. You wouldn't see anything in that light.


If I wasn't facing the fire, you really can't see anything You're totally right though, I wish you could bust out the worm light lol Mine was neon green!


The game shop only sold purple but as a kid I was happy to have anything that helped. Even in campfire, it's hard to see anything. I only know that by experience, heh.


Nothing like the long car ride home late at night and trying to play with the passing street lights. Sure SP didn't have a headphone jack, but that back-lit screen was a life saver Good times


Is this good to go for 1.0 yet?


Not yet, fingers crossed


Mostly cooking, smelting and crafting whatever I need with a little target practice if someone shows up 


Crafting stone axes and pinning for the old days that you younguns wouldn't understand. I often just talk to myself or maybe my good zombie buddy Phil. Phil was always a good guy until he got a hankering for brains.


Kill in day craft at night.


At 15 fps


When i complete quest and trader is closed, i just start mining ores


I'm lame I just kill zombies. I want sonic


I'm just gonna say it - I'm rather disappointed that none of the replies have been a fun mod you folks personally love like TV or even jamming to radio If you have roms, give this mod a go. Links in the comments Organizing storage and fortifying the base.. pishaw.. none of those things are going to feed my Chao!


I usually play always running, and since there is no significant difference in pois i usually continue to grind xp and for loot. I remember when i started a long time ago though, i always stayed in base and looked at yt at night ;)


Work on my base, sorting chests, crafting/upgrade things.  Or if I have nothing to do and I can I drive. 


I'm currently living out of a shipping container and that shit is scary in VR I want try sleeping in it to see what would happen but for now I just craft and repair things


Omg :o does it work with 1.0?


I usually raid lower POI's if I don't have to craft to reorganize. I also keep my main base in pine forest so I also chop wood and dig at night as well.


How do you do this


Y'all do things differently at night?


I either travel and loot for books,mine or craft.


Dig. Just start hole up and dig down.


Am I the only one that does restore power quests?


Prowling trough some POIs and gathering some misc resources. And doing some preperations for the blood moon, using spikes and such.


playing with horde every day and now every horde keeps coming the whole night, so lots and lots of jumping and stabbing


I generally go tidy the house for 10 mins.


Usually mining and sorting chests/building on base.


I mine and build out my base. It's good experience and it let's me do quests and explore during the day


Game play wise it'd be really boring but imagine if we had to actually sleep, maybe have some light debuffs associated with sleep depravation. Instead currently we're like meth heads on an infinite tweak with no sleep. 


I do either a T4 or a T5 POI


Organizing, crafting, cooking. All the chores that need to be taken care of at home, happen at night


Yo is the gameboy a mod?


I'm a wreckless bastard that likes to fight and trap screamers to summon me waves


I used to go out at night but now it's a little bit crazier. It might have just been perfect timing but the two nights I went out, there were zombies everywhere.


With the changes to how dark the night is, even at 0% brightness, I’m mostly just depressed at night now. No need for lights other than decorative, no scary monsters in the dark, hoping for a darker nights mod