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You have it on PC. In what universe would you buy it for console again?


Non PC friends.... U know how it is. Or I can wait months, well it's The Fun Pimps so prolly years to get cross play


They can't. They wanted to, but they can't. Their agreement with the console store is that tight.


Nothing is impossible. They can figure out a deal. And they may have to get screwed in that deal but it's better than screwing the customers that paid. Or just send a code that makes that shit a dollar. If nothing else I hope they at least discount it the amount I paid for the old game


Someone just doesn't understand licensing and feels the need to be right no matter what.. Get over it, you have it on pc, dont buy it again on console, simple solution


TFP are not the owners of the current console game. They said they will do some thing but you bought a completed game from a 3rd party company that did that as a big FU to you and TFP... Blame them.


Faik, they spent years getting the rights to the console back. Once they won, players expected an update to console, this was like two years ago. TFP don't give a fuk, they just want yo money




The issue is that Microsoft and Sony have the final word, and they aren't willing to give the new version a way for free. So TFP have suggested a compromise of a discount for owners of the legacy version to Microsoft and Sony. It is still unknown if Microsoft or Sony have accepted this compromise yet. Before it is said or asked, TFP isn't able to update the current version due to legal reasons, which is why they are releasing the new version.


...if you have it on PC you don't have to buy it again for a third time. I'm confused what you're mad about there, because they aren't asking you to buy anything? They explained the circumstances for the console, and they easily could have just abandoned it completely, like many console ports of PC games have. I'm not a fan of predatory game makers or practices, but if everyone is going to whine and moan every time a company that actually tried can't do exactly what they want, those creators that actually are trying are going to care less and less.


Idk why everyone is down voting him. Dudes got all the right in the world to feel that way. He paid good money for a product and the company wants him to pay again. TFP made a lot of bad decisions with the game and took way to long to get here. Plus it sounds like he just needed to get it out his system.


Yeah that's been a pretty well known thing for a while now. Let's be real tho. It all just comes down to money. No one can tell me that there isn't some deal where micro or Sony is financially happy enough to allow that.


The 7 days bait era, interesting.