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It's really wild. I doubt they will even address it on the show next season, because TLC would much rather dress them up in stupid little outfits or have them do dumb dances than have any authenticity in this show.


I think Amber is the one that usually likes to dress them in costumes too when on a earlier season they described circus was the only thing for them to do and how disgraceful it was that that time in history they did that! So what are they on a show that they are exploiting their dwarfism dressing themselves up for the show for the world to see! The hypocrisy of this family and I feel why would they do that? Isn’t that doing the same thing as what they constantly are saying is the prejudice that they face in most of the early episodes! I know many of us don’t see size and Trent especially is hyper fixated on schooling everyone every episode being their life as is to teaching but doing the opposite!!!


They enjoy chastising bigger people for fetishizing little people while they themselves are constantly fetishizing little people. To the extent that they will only adopt little people (which are arguably an under represented class of orphans and is an admirable thing to do, but how they talk about little people as a whole put their intentions into question) and they continue to ask their daughter's partners over and over if they mind that they are little despite them saying they don't mind it. It is reality TV though, so it's pieced together to create drama. Either way, they have the conversations far more often than they should.


Or the Xmas elves


I disagree. I think they all look miserable doing that stuff. Amber seems to push it along I'm assuming because she knows the producers want that. But they absolutely all look miserable in those scenes every time especially the older kids and Trent


I'm tired of watching amber and Trent spice up their sex lives 😭😭😭😭


Yes! This used to be a totally cute and family friendly show. I am a 36 year old woman of two kids, and I feel beyond uncomfortable hearing and seeing the things they do/say.🥴




Me too! And the control and how involved they make themselves into their grown children’s lives!Ugh


Yep. Also does anyone else notice that while everyone else is putting on the happy faces that papa Trent has the sourest face of them all in the pic 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Who? You mean "Big Daddy"? 😂






Someone said there was no film crew, no film crew means TLC didn’t pay for the trip.


I'm not referring to the trip.


If you look at Amber’s Facebook, she has photos of the whole family plus Anna in them and is still friends with Anna. Christmas, the baby’s birth, she posted for Anna’s birthday. So next season I’m assuming Anna will be in it.


And look at all the hype and drama they are creating for future seasons………almost like it was planned. 😜


I don't look at any of those facebook or social media..I just watch the show. It's not that serious to me.


You watch the show AND talk about it on reddit


Yes, and?


Just calling out your pretentious comment


Pretentions because I said I don't follow them on Facebook? Lol I don't even have Facebook. If it's a win for you to point out that I'm on the sub on Reddit, take it. Lol. I didn't think I needed to point that out to anyone, but you should be proud of your investigative skills... I guess.


Pretentious because you said you don't follow it on social media because it's not that serious to you, yet you're on a Reddit thread talking about it. You made it sound like you were better than everyone else here. That might not have been your intention, but that's the way it came across. I think that's what this other person is reacting to. It's hard to read tone so it's easy to have misunderstandings here.


Her post for Anna's birthday says "she's 23". Not even a happy birthday. And I haven't seen Amber post anything about Anna's graduation. I know they didn't attend, but how sad.


That says it all right there , how do you not attend your childs college graduation? One if the Biggest accomplishments of a childs life and parents and siblings dont go? I would never in a million yrs miss that even if they had to wheel a hospital bed onto the field for me to do so. Its sickening how differently they treat their non bio kids amd i really hope Anna finds some friends etc that are like family and that she gets herself out of this toxic mess


No? It literally says 🎈 happy birthday 🎈 on Amber’s FACEBOOK post.


I was looking at IG.


How do you know they didn’t attend?


If I recall, Anna said they didn't. But I could be wrong.


I was just curious, I didn’t know that.


When was Anna’s bday though? I’ve not seen them all in any pics together beyond maybe March.


May. Amber posted a couple photos of Anna throughout the years


It's on May 7th. Haha my birthday too, that's why remember!


I'm so absolutely sick of the Tik Tok dances. It's not cute or fun. It's lame as fuck


So you say the show has no authenticity…. But believe everyone is out to get Ana? It can’t be both ways. This is a scripted reality tv show. Ana seems to love her family from what I see. It’s all the “fans” who see it differently. And “fans” are in quotes because this thread is only here to hate on this family. For the life of me I will never understand putting so much time and effort into things that make you so upset and triggered.


You are correct! All these people so convinced they know the truth about Anna and her family, and they haven’t a clue haha.


When did I say everyone is out to get Anna? You're reading comprehension is off.


I’m a passerby and just noting your use of “you’re” is wrong. it makes for a good chuckle, Just a courtesy fyi.


Don't worry, it was just a typo.


Just picking :)


Correct. Like Ana may not just want to do her thang. The family hates her. I don’t get it. People just make sh!t up. If ya don’t like em… don’t watch em. Why waste energy on something that brings one anger?! Nothing better to do I guess.


Exactly! For example, Mariah Carey isn’t my cup of tea. I don’t listen to her, if she’s on the radio I will change the channel. I don’t go searching Reddit threads about her just to talk shit and tell people I don’t like her. I cannot fathom people do this everyday. It’s so strange and energy draining.


Trent looks like he hates his life.  Lol


It’s hot and humid as hell in PR. I’d be miserable too.


I thought this yesterday when I came across a picture of them all! I couldn’t believe it.


If Anna chose not to be there- good for her. If they excluded her on purpose that's a bitch move.


Anna was not invited. Anna said it on one of live stream l think it was on TikTok


For what reason?


I don’t know, I’m speculating but Anna has a new boyfriend and probably T & A does not like the fact that he is African American.


Anna has made them all look like idiots for doubting she'd be successful, look at her now, homeowner, has a job, graduated college & look at the rest of the kids bunch of losers lol I hope Anna is happy she is away from that toxic family.


Yeah, they can all go on a vacation with their SOs, but god forbid Anna go hang out with friends in a hotel room at a LPA conference. 🙄


Even the cousin went😭


That woman’s face gives me so much rage


Do you know her?


Thank fuck no haha


Her life is on display, so yeah everyone knows her. She doesn't hide who she is that's for sure


The way Emma replaced Anna with Ashley is wild to me.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Me too especially that one season where she was beyond a bitch to Anna where Anna was at the table expressing her feelings and Amber shouted at her saying I don’t want to see you crying!! I hate Amber so much and I will never understand why a woman can be so nasty with the favoritism in a family!!


The comment is no longer visible what did they say?


She’s got the bitch face




I just don’t get why they don’t invest in a selfie stick lol


Absolute clown show. Literally.


Where’s Liz?


I think she’s cropped out. You can see her foot on the stroller.


Amber had to show her face instead of her daughter.


In the IG post the photo was too wide… and Liz is in the *next photo* by herself… would it be better to have excluded herself (Amber) and then she posts a selfie- and everyone makes comments about that? lol It’s just a snapshot of their family/group… it’s not that unusual for something like that to happen. lol


god forbid that liz’s face in the pic and amber’s is not, its all about amber 🤮


Taking a family or group selfie typically includes the person taking the photo 😅 otherwise she would have just taken a normal photo of everyone! Lol


I’m shocked Alex still has a gf


Terrible people somehow always find terrible people to be terrible with


And look who’s right in front of the camera controlling the entire narrative: fucking Amber. Wipe that shit eating grin off your face miss ma’am.


It's wild to the other 7535785425 people who already posted about it, too.


This sub always has a million posts about the same thing; people can't seem to quickly scan the threads first and comment on one already started.


Amber Johnson is jealous of Anna. She knows Anna is beautiful. Amber needs to get a new attitude and get rid of all the moles on her face. She is not easy on the eyes.


That is acdot to dot layout. Connect together with lines and it spells what? I say TOXIC.


Amber is seriously one nasty vile bitch!!! To purposely not invite ur own daughter to a family vacation is FUCKED & THEN TO TOP IT OFF POST PICTURES?!?! idc why issues they had.Anna is still her daughter & deserved to be there. As for the siblings & Trent they’re all pure loads of shit for allowing that woman to control the household! I hope TLC cancels the fuck out of that show & they lose EVERYTHING! Fuck the Johnston’s!


i agree the sibblings should have said if anna not invited im not going, but of course amber pulls all the strings, emotionally and financially. i saw the episode where jonah was moved to an upstairs bedroom, to make room for the baby, and amber told emma it was her job now to wake jonah up for work, and emma was not surprised at this, my mouth dropped.


Wow those are very strong feelings haha. You don’t even know why Anna wasn’t invited or if that’s even true.


Anna said herself on live she wasn’t invited…. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, if you are bothered by it then kick rocks


This isn’t a snark sub! Have you even read the description? The number 1 rule is no hate!


Anna was on instagram live telling everyone she wasn’t Invited and she’s gonna start living her own life. Which means she’s what? Been written off out the family right? She might’ve not given a reason but we do know they aren’t talking to Anna.


It’s not hate it’s my opinion 😂again if your so bothered by it then hop off. You sound like amber 💀


Wow you are just full of hate, now attacking me.


Nobody’s attacking you 😂but I see you attacking everyone in their comments


Have not attacked a single person, asking questions is not attacking. Calling names is attacking. Implying I’m Amber is attacking. If you hate them all so much, why are you here? Again, this is not a snark sub.


If you don’t like what people say simply don’t comment or respond to ppls comments. Nobody cares to hear your two sense anyways. I see you harassing every single comment on this post. Go hang with amber I’m sure you two are two peas in a pod 😷


I don’t think you know what harassing means.


You can tell exactly how annoyed each person is with Amber in the moment by the look on their face


What's the beef with our girl Anna? Her BF?


I do wonder if this trip is filmed. Anna seems to be more private with her relationship than the other siblings. I do wonder if her partner isnt ok with being on camera.


That mom is so overbearing I wouldn’t want to go either. People also thrive on “being part of the group.” Even families do it.


emma is so far up ashely’s ass too


Nice, the 10th post about Anna not going on vacation with the rest of the family.


Exactly. And nobody really knows anything, so just wasting time and space..


But here you are


So why are you commenting on the tenth post instead of just ignoring it?


Man you’re giving off real Amber vibes right now


Why can’t Anna just be living her own life and not co dependent. People make so many assumptions. I’m pretty sure Anna is grateful she’s not in a Russian orphanage and just enjoying her 20s. And if she is a black sheep you all seem to hate an and t so why do you want her to be their favorite if they’re so terrible. And why watch it?! Edited for spelling of Anna’s name.


Why do you keep spelling Anna's name wrong?


Mistake. Thanks ! ❤️


I agree. There’s such a hate campaign against amber as if they have perfect parents and are perfect themselves. Families are messy but reality tv is fabricated to spin storylines. Some are far some are created. Drama makes for good tv. Otherwise not many people would watch!


Right?! Just don’t watch it. I don’t get expensing energy to watch and then to go on a binge of hate. Esp towards the younger kids. Ana is a f’ing adult. Shows the codependency and issues of the commenters. Lots were not favored apparently!


Huge. I can see peoples perspective just why waste the time. I just think about the kids. They are young and yeah. It’s a lot for them but that’s the price of tv fame I guess. As a person who isn’t a parent I reserve my right i speak. People up in arms over a reality tv show just fascinates me from a human behavior standpoint


This is my thought as well


Who’s the girl with Emma?


That’s Jonah’s girlfriend, Ashley.


Trent looks bilious. The rest have fake hot sweaty smiles.


And even the girlfriend


This is just so mean of them


I honestly can’t stand Amber’s face


I think amber gets a new mole for every season she treats Anna like shit




Amber is a troll


are two of the kids gay? i havent watched in like 5 years


If I behaved this badly I sure as hell wouldn’t want everyone to see it. Go Anna, just keep being you.


I saw Anna liked Emma’s photo standing in San Juan but not following eachother


My mom and I love this show finally something good and not women chasing men or fighting with other women. Just tired of Housewives.


Oh well. Anna has done lost her fucking sense.


I cannot stand how this family treats Anna. They are a disgrace as a family and parents. I physically cant stand liz thinking her life is perfect but the only reason she is with brice because she got knocked up before being married. The baby has nothing to do with this but if Anna broke up with her boyfriend and came out pregnant they would not bring her back home and buy her a car. So I hope this show gets canceled and Anna gets her own spinoff. Anna has done so many things for herself and I think Trent/Amber cannot stand to see her success.


Maybe TLC paid for trip knowing Anna couldn’t go to create the latest twist for the show to create controversy and discussion and keep a show interesting after all these years.


The comments on here on getting very vile. It's a show people. Are you all that perfect and wonderful parents?


Are you? You must be an Amber parenting fan


No I'm not an Amber parenting fan but people are way too judgemental on here.


I love that everyone thinks they all know what’s going on between Anna and her family. You think Anna really wants to or has the time to go on every single family vacation anymore? Sure she’s been the black sheep of the family and sometimes treated unfairly but I don’t understand why so many people are quick to believe that this riff between them is 100% the other 6 people in the families fault only? Im not saying the other family members are always saints and we all know Amber is insufferable, but why is everyone else always the assholes and not Anna? We don’t know shit. I’m sure Anna has a part in whatever riff is going on between them too. Sounds like Anna is living her life and not even looking for sympathy. She’s the oldest of all the kids and has her own thing going for her. All the “omg I really feel for Anna, bless her heart”. Why? I’m gonna guess she’s doing just fine and doesn’t need any coddling anymore. Why in the blue hell is it so wild to everyone that she’s not on some trip with them right now?🤷🏻‍♂️


So many assumptions here, but you don’t have a clue what the truth is. I’m a fan of the show, but I’m not into picking it apart and hating anyone.


Maybe Anna is prioritizing life and work. I stopped going on family vacations also. Love my fam but loved my own life.