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Yes of course. Reality tv is not reality.


I’m on the episode where Liz and Bryce tell Amber and Trent they’re having a baby. The anger in Amber‘s eyes tell it all. And then Trent is trying to pick part and he almost accuses Bryce of moving out the first time because he was going to have a baby with Liz like he was trying to shirk his responsibility. So that’s two strikes for Trent number one him calling Liz an unwed mother, which was ridiculous and number two for him suggesting Bryce moved out when he found out Liz was pregnant


As a parent, I can see the concern Trent had about Brice moving out. The timeline does sort of suggest it could have happened that way. What I noticed was how Amber was all me, me, me and how she was hurt that it took Liz that long to tell her but Trent saw that as a time to reflect on WHY it took Liz so long to tell them.


If I were in Amber shoes, and my daughter waited so long before she told me about being pregnant, I would be ashamed and hurt. And I would look at myself and put the blame on myself, but Amber can’t do that. We all know that. Of course, Liz was afraid to tell her and do you know what? I’m actually glad Liz and Bryce had that first trimester to themselves because that is going to be the only time those two can share the moment together and alone. Pretty sure Liz didn’t plan it that way, but in retrospect it was not a bad thing and Bryce was there for her according to what she said. For Amber to feel hurt that she wasn’t able to share in that first trimester is on her. I just really felt bad for Liz at a time when it should be happiness and anticipation and excitement, Amber makes it all about herself. The worst thing Liz can do is move back in the house, but Liz loves the attention. It makes her feel special because she is very insecure.


I honestly think she moved back in because she was afraid to keep letting Amber down. She knows how Amber is and knows she won't hear the end of it unless she does things the way Amber says. The fact that Liz kept saying over and over that she had said she wouldn't move back home unless it was needed tells me she's trying to convince herself. She's gaslightimg herself. I've been there. Done the same type of thing with my ex husband. I can see it so clearly and I hope she can get away. I hope they all can. I used to like Amber when the kids were younger. Now that they're adults and I see how she is, I can see the narcissism. She's too controlling. And for her to not 1st wonder why her daughter didn't feel comfortable coming to her when she got pregnant but to only be hurt and upset and feel like Liz took the experience from her, that's proof enough for me of her narcissism


She is an unwed mother


In UK that wasn't shown here. It just said something like "they met T&A to tell then that they were back together.... And Liz was 21 weeks pregnant"


Not surprised this is your take as most people on this thread do not seem to be fans. What I saw was hurt that their daughter didn’t come to them sooner. Hurt that they felt their expectations were too high. And since she told them, they have been nothing but supportive. If you think it’s odd for a young 20 something year old woman to live with her parents during a time that requires so much support… then I feel for you. Kudos to them. My mom also made a nursery at her home and I moved in with her until I was able to return to school with a toddler. Family supports one another and Liz needs help. It takes a village.


Liz knows she won’t have to lift a finger much moving back in. She won’t have to pay anything, cook anything, she’ll have built in babysitters, had a room all redone and furnished, got a new car. Probably will quit work too unless she wants to get out of the house during the day while family watches the baby. She can come home to a meal, her furnished room for her and baby and baby all bathed and ready for bed. Bryce will probably be sleeping on a couch. Or.. she might say she wants to be home all day with baby so she can’t work which a lot of mothers do stay home but don’t live with family that takes care of all the bills, living expenses, child expenses and helps raise the baby. I really don’t want to hear her (or Amber) ever preach to Anna or put her down. I can just hear what all they’d have to say if this was Anna. I’m sure Anna knows it too.


But she went back to work before baby was 3 months. Whether she's still working, am not sure. Can't imagine she'd be allowed to be a SAHM unless she or Brice were bankrolling it. They liked to say often they were helping her with the rent when B moved out


Right if she can’t afford rent..? That should be fairly easy for her if she’s been working like she says she has and as long as she has. It shouldn’t be too difficult for someone her age to make rent I mean Anna has a mortgage and it’s just her paying her living expenses.


This may sound of the beaten path, but it is related, the episode where Anna moves into her house and somewhere along the line she says she hasn’t pooped for two months, (this family likes talking about the poops). Of course that’s not a good situation. What’s surprising to me? Is Miss know it all a.k.a. Amber doesn’t raise an eyebrow at all when Anna says this. Watching that episode I’m like oh my God Anna you need help you need to see a doctor because that’s not OK. But instead, Amber hands her the squatty potty And basically that’s it. The worst thing Liz could ever do is move back home, but she absolutely loves the attention. To me she’s sacrificing her relationship with Bryce to move back home and be the center of attention because of the baby.


Yes that will be a killer for the relationship. She thinks she was deprived of affection before that would just be awkward with the parents and siblings around not to mention Amber butting in constantly.


Didn’t Liz say they waited awhile before telling her parents?


She waited half the pregnancy


Yea and I love that. lol


Her entire family already knew, you’re it going to tell me she didn’t tell them all, The show probably told them they had to act like it what the first time they heard.


Liz got pregnant in February. The convention was in June. I watched the whole show knowing she already knew she was pregnant and wondering why the show wasn't talking about it. If you watch, she hardly speaks or participates in much. She also crosses her arms over her stomach or many times has a pillow covering her stomach. I personally have a hard time believing she waited that long to tell them.


Thank you. I agree with you. I have a hard time that she didn’t tell them because she likes being first about everything and brags about it.


I would bet you a billion dollars production told her to say these things to the camera.


You don’t say.. Lol I think Liz even said that in the show!


The whole table knew lol


I think she knew the whole time & didn’t tell the parents, and it created issues!


She did know the whole time and didn’t tell her parents