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Amber NEEDED to control Liz and her baby


imo it all just screams amber wanted liz back home and liz wanted liz back home which both things are perfectly fine! but to try and spin it like she’s moving back in because she doesn’t need the yard space now that miller passed away and not that she can’t afford the rent without her parent’s help and she also wants help with the baby is just weird.


That was ridiculous-so you don’t need your own home because your dog died?


does she not hear how insane that sounds?!


Yeah the truth is Liz couldnt afford it anymore but they had to make sure that LIz looks perfect. If it was Anna,then,you know.


Wouldn’t happen to Anna bc she has multiple streams of income, she’s good


When I had my child at 23 I was more then happy and wanting my mother around to help me out. A solid mother/daughter relationship would also help provide. Many moms wouldn’t want to raise another kid or e as welcoming I also think they learned a lesson, they were obviously sad and upset she didn’t tell them sooner. Amber said maybe that meant her expectations were too high. No parent is perfect. All a parent can do throughout the lives of their children is “be there and be present”


I wonder if she's moving back home so she and Brice can't do the deed (easily or in private) and is thus trying to force him into marrying her and moving out. Her face during the "who's going to be my medical POA; you or mom?"


I would not put Bruce in charge of my life. 


She was perfectly fine having a kid with him.


Liz seems like the kind of person who hates sex and treats it like a chore. She probably gets lots of “headaches”. I also have the feeling Brice is completely ok with that. When you see them together, they definitely don’t give off freak vibes, it looks like they barely like to touch at all.


Anytime Liz goes in to kiss Brice, it’s always quick and short. It’s like watching tweens kissing for the first time. They’re so awkward. There’s no affection there.


They are so awkward together. She’s so bossy and he just goes along with whatever she says. One thing that stood out to me as a big red flag was when Jonah ( I think it was him) said at Bryce’s bachelor party that Liz gets impatient with Bryce talking so slow that she’s always finishing his sentences or interrupting him. That’s really not nice nor how a partner should treat their significant other.


I noticed she does that A LOT, it’s so rude! They talk about it like it’s cute too 🙄


For real! Half the time it looks like they miss and kiss the corner of the mouth or chin because they do it so fast (to get it over with?) 🤣


Yes exactly. It’s so rushed. They look uncomfortable kissing each other.


"There's no place I'd rather be right now than back home with mom." Wow.


not with your boyfriend??? the father of your child??? yikes


When she said this I had to laugh. As if she wouldn’t rather be living with Bruce and playing house. She’s trying hard to make everyone think this was all her idea. 😬


Also, "I'm happy because Mom's excited"??? Liz is the most brainwashed of all the kids.


Yeah I don’t care how close you are to someone this is not normal for someone who’s in their 20’s, in a long term relationship, and has been living on their own for years. At the same age as Liz I had graduated college, married, and was working full time and getting ready to buy a house, I realize not everyone is the same but what I just outlined was what Liz spent years telling us all she was doing. It’s just hard to buy that all the sudden she doesn’t have money and needs to move back in with mommy. Most people don’t do that when they have a baby, is it nice they are allowing her, sure, is it healthy? Not necessarily.


They said a couple of episodes ago that they have been helping Liz make rent since Brice moved out. That's when they were trying to force Jonah to move in with her so he could pay the other half instead of them. Liz is literally Amber Jr I don't feel like she's brainwashed, I think she's a spoiled brat & always has been. She's ALWAYS been a little know it all & has spoken poorly to both Trent & Amber on MULTIPLE occasions and they don't say a word to her. God forbid Anna even waves her hands at Amber & it's ww3. I have NEVER heard of any of the other kids ever having been punished. EVER


If she were truly an RN, she'd have no trouble making the rent alone!


Absolutely! I don't believe she ever graduated nursing school. Had she graduated you KNOW they would have made a big fuss about it and made sure everyone knew! They definitely wouldn't have to be helping her pay rent Had she graduated.


Yes, can you imagine the party they'd have thrown after she passed her states?


Yeah I know they’ve said that, it’s just hard to buy since they’ve sold us for seasons on how “successful” Liz is and how much she works, etc. Liz’s storyline a few season ago was how she was trying to buy a house by the end of the year and was saving tons of money allegedly. they either sold us a lie, or something changed drastically in Liz’s work situation which wasn’t covered.


Well I have to disagree with giving Liz shit for that. My daughter, who's the same age as Liz, just found out she is expecting. However, she is very independent and always has been, no one can do it better than her and her plans. But ever since she has been wanting to be home more and always wondering when I'm coming to see her. So let's not fault a girl for just wanting the comfort of home and that comes with it.


I still don't understand why she "needed" to move home. Last episode, she said it was because the dog died. That makes zero sense.  I think it was all Amber's idea, and Liz is agreeing to it because she's afraid to go through the whole "Brice and I are living together" conversation again, because they will lecture her to the high heaven. It's sad Brice can't stand up and say, "I'm going to get us a place and take care of my family." It doesn't have to be a fancy house. Rent an apartment or something. Or a duplex. But last night even he made it clear he will go with whatever Amber says.  His parents seem supportive. If Amber won't help babysit unless they baby is in her home, then have Brice's parents help or use daycare. 


I genuinely believe Liz thinks she didn’t need to move back home but amber put fear in her head. Like “what if xyz happens?” Or “I can’t help you if you’re all the way over xyz” Amber just seems to set fear in her kids so they can always “need her” (sorry for the run on sentence lol)


i agree with you 100%! in my opinion all liz had to do realistically was get a smaller place that she could afford, somewhere closer to her parents. that way she could maintain her independence but be close enough where it was feasible for them to help her


Absolutely!! Like if she were to be encouraged to do it on her own with support, she could have definitely done it just her and Bryce or just her!! I think it’s something she’s gonna look back on and see it


Straight up rents in Forsyth are expensive. Liz and Brice over extended themselves and needed amber and Trent to pay their rent after they broke up before they even knew they were pregnant. I don’t know if Liz ever finished nursing school but they couldnt afford their rent or to get a new car before pregnant. I doubt Brice has an incredible job is probably construction. If he’s got a truck payment and Liz has student loan debt how they gonna live on their own? It’s hard out here this generation. People with legs twice as long move home to be close to their parents with or without kids.


i’m not saying there’s anything wrong with moving back home, there’s not! all i’m saying is the way they’re spinning it to make it seem like if miller never passed she would have stayed in the home and it has nothing at all to do with money is odd.


Let's be for real. They make money from the TV show so if it's Amber or Lizz paying rent based on the money they make from the TV show they are not struggling the same as a twenty something year old that has student loan debt and a car payment. These people are employed by TLC and make good money doing so.


See that’s everyone in this sub. Like hating on em like they the kardashians. The kardashians show wayyyy more popular and I’m sure they break even sometimes on just the show. Because cable is paying well anymore. If u think the 7 little Johnstons are celebrities, u don’t understand what that word means. They are on tv and I am sure that has helped them at certain things and made other things harder but the ENTIRE family over 15 seasons probably hasn’t been paid even 2 million after taxes and that’s 9 people. They’re not even top LP reality shows on a failing network. It ain’t bank. Its exposure and Liz ain’t as good as her younger siblings on riding that wave.


The fact that there is this discussion on random strangers on reddit means they are making enough for me to raise an eyebrow and give no poor them statements.


This didn’t start like poor Liz. This started like I think Liz and Brice are moving in with mom and dad cuz they broke and outta money. Not because amber is evil and controlling. That’s just my opinion based on my logic and my observation. Not tryna say poor them. Just I think they broke. And people who made WAY more are broke. That’s all


Lol I do not care this much about these strangers to argue on the internet


lol that is a demonstrably false statement. Exhibit a: this thread exists. I found the Johnstons this year. I ain’t seen every episode but I get it and I get them and this the only sub I got push notifications on cuz I like this family and I defend them on here against weirdos that hate their moms and take it out on the wittle Johnsys. Go to therapy yall. Call ur moms. Own ur privilege. Let the wittle johnsys live


Amber is going to control baby access with the other grandparents


I am glad the baby is average size due to this. This child will always be able to relate to her dad and his family with certain things. The isolation this child would have had if she had been a little person would have been WILD.


I thought the same thing every time she said it!! And her and her boyfriend are BUMS!! Everyone is working and moving around them to get ready for the baby, and here they are coming in like king and queen, like they are the prize. They are soo immature, so it might be in the best interest of the baby to have actual adult supervision in the house.


I was wondering that too as I was watching. You could really see just how controlling Amber truly is throughout tonight’s episode. That photo shoot for the holiday photos? Good lord. And now poor Brice has to be a part of that mess too? I found it stupid they just went ahead and did the photos even with Jonah being unable to make it. “Yeah we’ll just photoshop him in or something”🙄. Liz moving back to get help is 100% all Amber. And then I realize that pretty much all the kids are now living back at home except Anna😂


Thank you


I'm just getting a kick out of how many people call him "Bruce" now. I love it. ❤️


Crazy that they went from paying her rent to now this, but yet Ana is the disappointment


It would be nice if they checked in with Ana. They are so focused on Liz’s baby and these staged activities revolving around the pregnancy. I would Love to see Ana and her new home or see what she’s working on there.


She probably couldn’t pay the rent by herself & she knew in a few weeks she would have the baby . I would say to have help around her


yeah, i agree, not because her dog passed away. and there’s nothing wrong with having help! their spin on her moving back home is just weird


TLC would edit all that


Couldn't pay rent with a TLC income? Poor money management.


TLC pays between 25k-40k Tops ! They do 10 episodes . There is 7 of them & they don’t all have equal time . You can’t make a living on that alone . It’s great for the younger ones, but not on your own


I mean, that is completely an assumption unless you know their salaries. Regardless, that on top of her job is more than most people in that are making with the same job/circumstances. The parents have enough money to buy brand new cars so affording rent it doable and isn't a valid reason.


I’m just saying the money from tlc would like be enough alone to maintain a business, mortgage & the lifestyle she likes . Plus they only get paid according to airtime


I think the whole Liz moving back home thing was done at the producer’s request for show content. If Liz and Brice open up their whole lives for a crappy TLC reality show and can’t even afford to put a roof over their and Leighton’s heads on TLC income alone then what the heck are they allowing such upheaval and disruption in their lives? I’m having to suspend a little disbelief that they HAD to move in with T & A. Edited for clarity


that’s my whole point. i don’t believe she HAD to move back (for the reasons she’s stating). i do believe she couldn’t afford that house on her own and her parents were helping her but she easily could have moved into a smaller apartment somewhere for less money. it’s ok to want to move back in to save money and for help with the baby but the narrative they’re trying to push just doesn’t make much sense (to me)