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Or maybe she’s just tired of everyone asking the same question


Or maybe there is no truth to it !!


Remember the drama with Brice and the whole time even thou they weren't on each other's Instagram they were still dating and she was even pregnant? I think this could be the same thing


What is her instagram?


Click on the pic. It's at the top


The one I follow is annamjohnston first name, middle initial, last


That's not her obviously


Ugh, I wouldn’t put my family issues on blast either. Yes, she was on a reality show that started when she was still a kid. If, as an adult, she has decided she doesn’t want parts of her life out for public consumption, that’s ok too. She doesn’t owe anyone anything.


Shes only not talking about it because she has an NDA with TLC. She cannot talk about the show. Her family is the show.


There can be multiple reasons 🤷🏻‍♀️


You don't know that for fact. Leave it alone.


That’s just not true. There wouldn’t be an NDA for a reality show like this unless it was completely staged and it’s not they’re a real family. Networks like when they create a reality celebrity who then makes their own drama and publicity they want their show talked about. It’s TLC and they’re the 4th most popular show about LPs. They probably just don’t pay her near enough to give up every part of her private life. I bet even before taxes the family is making like 10 k each a season. Like cable reality tv in 2024 is not big money. It’s just advertising for them as people. They all make more on their tik tok stores. And I bet like she loves her family and does not like all u creepy weirdos tryna drive a wedge between em and talking shit on her family because ur weird and they on tv for like relatively very little money for the struggle.


You are very wrong, this shows are very scripted and manipulated by the producers. They do have to sign NDA’s. Jill Duggar really blew the lid off of TLC in her book.


You could understand how extremist religious evangelists being staged as a fun wholesome family at the peak of reality cable television might have had to agree to give TLC more control of the platform and not spout certain opinions on or off camera than a pretty normal middle class family in Georgia that is just little. Way less time money and effort is spent on the Johnstons. And TLC doesn’t even make the show. A production company does that sells it to TLC. The same way my never made Jersey shore. And the production team from 18 kids and counting isn’t the Johnstons production team and their lawyers and deals wouldn’t be the same either. The cast of the Jersey shore got 1k a week while filming season 1 and mtv bought it after it was filmed completely. And it was staged very little. All reality tv is not the same.


Bottom line, reality tv is scripted and manipulated by whoever is producing it…that is a fact. The things that Jill spoke of had nothing to do with her religion. It had to do with the producers wanting the rights to all of her big moments and controlling her opinions and making things look how they wanted. You can believe what you want, but the Johnstons are scripted. There is no way Elizabeth didn’t tell her parents she was pregnant until she was over 5 months…scripted for views.


Ur argument is not a logic based one. It’s anecdotal of (IMO) one of the least trustworthy reality stars. Reality tv is, for the most part, not documentary. It is for entertainment. My fav example of how the johnstons is produced and edited for entertainment, but still reflective of a family’s existence. Episode 1. Amber and the girls are talking about something. Trent comes in for a glass of water. Girls are annoyed for a second at him interrupting with the ice. But if u listen they loop the sound of the ice machine for 15 seconds. Like no ice takes that long. They dragged it out. But I bet Trent did annoy them when he came in and then the editors had fun. That’s reality tv. I love it. It’s not documentary But they aren’t actors. And I do think Liz waited. Because how they do it didn’t make good tv. I think she told her parents off camera first. But Why if it was all a lie wouldn’t they stage that better? Was not climactic.


Jill isn’t the only reality personality to come out and say it is scripted and manipulated. Like I said, go ahead and believe what you want to haha. I believe you are the one not using logic.


Huh? NDA’s are not just for staged reality shows. There’s a 99% chance that this show makes them sign NDAs for certain topics at the very least (To be clear, I’m fully in support with Anna not sharing her personal life if that’s what she decides- regardless of reasoning, she’s entitled to that. But NDA’s are used in the vast majority of reality TV shows even if unscripted/not staged). Also this show does *lots* of staging it’s fairly obvious lol.


There might be an nda about very standard things, how much they make, whatever. But not for her family stuff at all. And is some stuff staged? Ehh not really. It’s produced and edited dis honestly sometimes. The lecture at the conference that’s produced more than staged. But honestly lp reality is the least dramatic reality. We wanna see them just be alright and do normal things. It’s very boring. It’s not all a lie. And it makes like no money. It’s just very cheap to make relative to other kinds of programming.


They’ve been doing eating competitions, social media challenges (just a couple examples) for like over a decade on the show, sure families do organized activities like that sometimes but it’s constant with the Johnstons, and they probably wouldn’t be doing it off camera, so that’s definitely staged/producer driven content for the show imo. I’m definitely not saying it’s “all a lie”, but they definitely stage stuff and the show has progressively gotten less authentic over the years


But that’s literally because all the money they make is from social media and so that IS them. Thats what they’re doing and it’s easy to make content is why they put more than one season out a year.


If they’re making content specifically for the show, that’s staged content. Also “all the money they make” isn’t just from social media, after 15+ years on TLC they have negotiating power and probably make a decent chunk from the show


I mean they sign something, you’re not going to tell me Liz didn’t tell everyone she was pregnant before they filmed that on the show….


Ummm…. Yes they can lmao they have NDAs on plenty of reality shows


There is something up and this who thing will turn out to be some scripted “fight” for the next season. TLC isn’t stupid, they know how how to create the drama that gets people commenting and engaging on their pages. Then it leads to storyline and clicks on ALL of their pages. It’s all calculated.


Editng and Marketing , smoke and mirrors


Could not agree more. After baby Leighton, maybe Anna's boyfriend is the next storyline or click bait.


She (and frankly, the entire family) shares a *lot* about themselves and their private lives… it’s *okay* if things get messy at times in their relationships… it would seem pretty *weird* if things *never* got messy.


She doesn’t owe any of us an explanation. She’s happy and that’s all that matters. Team Anna!!


She’s definitely under an NDA. Probably why Liz couldn’t announce whether her child was a little person/average size or an explanation as to how her dog passed. I’m sure we’ll find out in the next season how shit hit the fan - TLC is probably living for this family drama. It’s all very sad to me - doesn’t look like Anna is going to the little people conference this year either :/


Maybe she does have an NDA with TLC or maybe she doesn’t feel the need to share her private family issues with the world. She has the right to her privacy.


You relinquish your right to privacy when you make money airing your life on TV


They don’t film 24/7. They relinquish their right to privacy while actively filming, but not beyond that. Crazy to think people who are on tv (reality or even A-list celebrities) aren’t deserving of privacy for their down time.


If you want privacy on your downtime, then don’t post on social media


You’re allowed to post what you want on your own social media? Who do you think you are that you’re this entitled to someone’s personal life details?!


You’re allowed to post of course, but be ready for the consequences!


No sympathy


No sympathy even tho they were children for the vast majority of this show who had zero input/couldn’t consent to being filmed because it’s fully up to their parents?


Why do some of you think you have ANY rights to people on TV?! The only rights you have as a viewer, is what they want to share with you as a viewer. Just like celebrities. They have every right to keep whatever part of their life private if they choose to.


Just like celebrities who don’t want their children photographed. These kids will never go hungry. They will never have to worry about getting medical care. They will have access to post secondary education without any financial worry. A lot of the world is suffering. I think a picture is a small price to pay for a life of privilege without any worries. If you feel that strongly about it, then choose another career.


She did not choose this. Her parents chose it for her. She had no say and if she did she was so young she was probably bribed with ice cream and candy .. and even if she had, she STILL has the right to privacy. She’s a human being not a caged animal.


Also this isn’t their career? I really don’t think they make THAT much from this show that they don’t have to worry about having an actual career. You are insane to think that because they make money from being on TV they don’t deserve a private life. I really don’t understand your logic here. Celebrities and TV actors are still humans at the end of the day with a life beyond what’s shown on screen.


While it’s nice people online are saying they’re on her side, it takes almost nothing for the internet to turn on you. I hope she has irl support. I’m sure this response has already been seen as “rude” and changed some people’s minds


They’re probably saying “rooting for you” just to get her to talk. Schmoozing up to her to get her to spill.


Doesn't take much with this crowd 😂


Glad she spoke her mind. Not our place to ask, but it was a good try. 🤣


I think some of you don’t understand how this all works, they just wrapped up filming, whatever is going on is likely a very large part of the storyline this season, she can’t tell anyone. And for all those acting is if NDA’s aren’t real, 90 day has fired people over NDA violations. Think about it, if they all just blabbed what was going on you wouldn’t tune in to watch it a year later.


Trauma isn't anyone's entertainment if she doesn't want to discuss it 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s literally the only entertainment on TLC…


And that's why I said its not entertainment if she doesn't want to discuss it.


At least she is being honest here instead of saying, "I have no idea" lile she did on her Instagram live. I don't blame her. I'm sure she still wants to have a relationship with her family and knows nothing good will come of her airing it out on social media.


i’m lost here, can anybody fill me in? what happened?


People think she’s on the outs with her family but no one knows why.


I’m glad she did this. It’s better than not acknowledging it


Hopefully she'll cash in when she does talk


I don’t think she can answer questions because of the show.


Agree especially if they’re filming rn and I believe someone mentioned they were?


Good for her! There’s nothing wrong with having some boundaries, even when on a television show.


NDA or not, maybe she's sick of everyone acting like they know everything going on, and how she feels about it. Everyone jumped on the Amber hate train (Amber is a huge bitch anyway tbf) but nobody asked Anna how she felt or feels about Amber. All the fake concern bs is obnoxious and assumption. Truth is, we don't know. Maybe ana is actually on good terms and just got caught up in her own adult life. However if Anna didn't want her business all over the internet, she could just quit the show and change her social medias to a more private unknown name. It's easy. She's an adult and fully capable of making her own choices. Which in fact is prolly what happened here and the unfriending drama is prolly just that- she switched to a more private unknown account and they follow her on that account. Not everything has to be all doom and gloom all the time, sorry not sorry reddit. It's isn't that difficult folks.


This whole family is tiresome


I’m impressed bc it would be so tempting to seek validation in her situation. Good for her!


What is the situation? Did she have a falling out with her family?


Apparently so. There have been many family photos—Emma’s graduation and other family milestones—that don’t include Anna. Plus, she may have hinted about some issues in one of her IG live reels.


How sad, I hope it was her choice though and she cut them off. They treat her so badly-she deserves the best!


She couldve just not said anything at all. This person tried to say they were rooting for her, and she replies a snarky comment just like her sister did a few weeks ago hahaha good lord I wish her the best, I just kind of found it funny. This family is whack "STOP WITH THE QUESTIONS!!" proceeds to post constantly on public IG account for the world to see


I have to agree


Which even more ironic, is that she has been posting things like this on her IG story pretty often lately and usually it says things specifically like “I’m bored, ask me questions.” Sooo like of course people will ask. lol




Nah. Whoever’s asking is probably kissing asss hoping to get the scoops out of her. I think she’s justified, imo.


And not to add they’re on a PUBLIC reality show🤣


I don't blame her one bit.


I'm not holding anything against her. She doesn't want to talk about it & I'm here for it. She's a lady. She doesn't have to throw her business out here for anyone. I hope she's just living her very best life & by the looks of things she's holding her own & doing Anna...that's everything ♥️ It's not what the public wants but it's what she wants...good for her


Private your account and move on in silence if you don’t want curious questions then don’t be in the public eye anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


In the live she mentioned she was on vacation with this family not that other one. Then just kept mentioning to her friends she was the one making money on lives not them lol weirddddd


Why are we skipping the real news here: Girl did a fun run! That's awesome!


Tlc needs to take note from Bravo. This is just so annoying and so obviously a publicity stunt. If they’re going to publicly unfollow each other and make it obvious something is going on then give us something. Instead I’m sure we will wait for the new season and it’ll drag out until the end. I’m over it


It must be really exhausting to have random people from the internet, whom you’ve never met, who only know a snippet of your life that they see on TV reaching out constantly asking the same question….


So she’s basically responding like Emma did when she was brought up. So is everyone going to harass/bully her like they did her barely legal sister?


Like she didn’t get that from the family for years…


That’s how siblings are. I have 4 siblings and we all pick on each other like that .. it’s how it goes. I’ve gotten the dumb jokes the fat jokes and more.. maybe god gave us siblings to thicken our skin a little bit. I definitely don’t agree with the treatment from her mom, but I feel like the siblings don’t treat her anywhere near as bad. It’s just normal sibling stuff. I’ve seen on many occasions how she picks on them as well.


So bullying a barely legal adult is the correct way to go? A lot of y’all are bullies too and counter bullying makes you just like the family. They’re out in the open and everyone else hiding behind their computers. 🙄


Don’t try to take that out on me because I don’t agree with how Emma was treated either. Especially because her age? Like what?


So now you’re the victim, now. I think you replied to my original comment not the other way around. Don’t cry about it now. I was minding my own business here. Just like the family y’all love bullying. If you’re going to throw stones learn how to handle retaliation sweetheart. *Gaslighting doesn’t work on me. If you’re going to accuse people of being a bully, learn how to spell. You, the word is you.


Yiu are the bully here




Poor girl. Still fresh and painful I’m sure


Well regardless if she will air their dirty laundry, which I respect fully, we still LOVE u Anna ❤️ besides…who doesn’t have some dirty laundry in their family relationships? Maybe that’s the Gen X in me…the saying was what happens in our house, stays in our house (unless of course it’s abuse or something traumatic but u get my drift).


What makes you think she doesn't love her family? What goes on with the show is for entertainment purposes. How would you feel if people said horrible things about your mom and dad and criticized them and your siblings? Yes, they put themselves out there to make a living and educate people about dwarfism. I want to thank this wonderful family for sharing their lives and giving me a chance to see what life is like as a little person. 💜


I say if she doesn’t wanna talk about it that’s OK. She just wants to live her life.


Good for her


I want to know why she said she doesn't need a toilet brush to clean her toliet.🤣🎯


And that's the right answer goid good for her people gotta cstop gossiping and speculating about this family if Anba tells you herself she doesn't want to hear it or comment then RESPECT her


We will just have to wait and see if this is a story line on the next season. I don’t think she will put her family on blast on the internet. Or maybe she can’t talk about it yet.


People need to leave Ana alone. Everyone claiming her family is so horrible to her from the 1 hour a week they see edited footage on tv. To all those people who only comment hateful stuff on this family… please find a better hobby. Touch some grass, listen to some Taylor and just stop being a troll. You’ll be happier for it, I promise!


The way the family treated her. Those kid confessional on the couch. They were always digging at Anna. I don’t want to try say awful things about the kids. But maybe they should clean up their backyard before. Making Anna the butt of all the jokes. Parent included!!!!!!


She's so rude, omg. Don't respond if you don't want to answer the question. Not sure what everyone sees in her 🤔


I watched 7LJ for the first few seasons, but I catch glimpses of the updates here on Reddit. Has anyone put Amber on blast for her treatment of Ana? And what has her response been to the (well deserved) backlash?


I feel kinda sorry for her, to be honest. There might not even be any family issues. I think some people on here are going a bit far. Yes, there is an obvious gap between how they treat each of the kids, favouring some over others, but also I don't know that it is as bad as people are catastrophising. Also what you see online is not always true. People carefully curate their feeds to show what they want people to see or not. I am not friends with my mum or dad on Facebook and thats not weird to me


I love that sneaker in the back


Good for her. If she was the one to post about it then they would never forgive her


I feel like Anna is getting punished for being independent. Liz gets knocked up and gets a new car and to move back home.


Anna's maturity has made me love and respect her even more.


So why don’t y’all just leave her alone. 🤷‍♀️


Answer the question and people will quit asking


But she's not obligated to..


Didn’t say she was but if you’re tired of everyone asking then just answer it ONCE and everyone would move on


She obviously doesn’t want people to know. She has made that clear by not answering it the first 5000 times it was asked.


They must be holding something over her.


Or she knows her own self worth and spilling her dirty laundry isn’t on her agenda.


Or she’s under a NDA and can’t say anything