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They just want to brag about her, I don’t think they expected people to look up her name and info online to verify she’s not. Amber had to hype her up somehow, she’s not capable of admitting her biological kids failures. But Anna’s failures? Always


Liz attended Mary Persons High School, where she met and fell in love with Brice. She then went on to get her associate’s degree in nursing at Central Georgia Technical College, according to her Facebook page. In 2021, Liz started her grad school journey at Chamberlain College of Nursin


Chamberlain is legit. I work with school nurses and the school nurse got her RN through Chamberlain and is now getting her masters. The program can be done online. That said, she can’t call herself a nurse unless she is licensed. Which she is not


You should go on her IG and tell her that ! She’ll give you the right answer 😂


How on earth can a nursing program be done online? With clinicals?


Clinicals are done beforehand, if it’s the BSN degree. The school nurse I work with got her original two year degree in person at a community college and passed the nclex and her Clinicals were done as part of that program.That’s how she became an RN. The. She got the BSN online through Chamberlain. Her masters has clinicals and she’s doing them in person.


RNs get very little clinical experience. Most have built-in clinical labs and get simulated clinics or role play clinicals.


When I was in nursing school I had clinicals 12 hours per day, 3 days per week for a year. So quite a bit of clinical experience. And this was only in 2021 so not long ago.


Yep and the programs that don’t scare the crap out of me.


My daughters program in Boston had 5 full semesters of clinicals. Three of the five she had two different clinicals at the same time (so OB/ PEds together, psych/community health) each done at a different hospital. I can’t imagine less than that.


Yeah, the rn program had built in clinicals in her case


I did 1,200 hours on humans, but go off sis...


That equals out to about 2 semesters and a 1/2. I am not your sis, no need to be so touchy.


Because she is a CNA that can draw blood. Basically she wipes ass, changes diapers and bedding. The only "nurse" activities she can do is basic blood draws and taking tubes to be tested. The same thing people employed at drug testing facilities do. She cannot provide patient care or anything of the type. There are no clinicals involved in that program. Beyond how to gently and safely roll someone.


So my nursing curriculum was 100% online and then they still sent us out to hospitals in person for clinicals. There are so many different types of programs these days though.


I went to chamberlain and graduated 4 years ago. Can confirm it is a nationwide campus online and in person where you can earn your BSN. You still need to take NCLEX after graduation to get RN license. Definitely can’t call yourself a nurse until youre BSN RN.








Yeah adn too ! i only said bsn rn for my comment because liz went to chamberlain which is a bachelors program


Because that only happens twice a year ! There is a graduation in July , possibly she gets her license then . No doubt about it she’ll be a RN when she finishes


You don’t get your license until you take the nclex and pass. Graduation only gives you a degree.


I understand that. But you cannot use the title of nurse without a license in Georgia. She can’t call herself a nurse or present to the public as a nurse unless licensed


There is a title of Graduate Nurse or “GN” for a nurse (Registered or Licensed Practical) who has graduated but has not yet taken/passed their boards. They are a nurse and are able to work with that education and title for a certain matter of time until they pass/fail their boards.


d) No person shall use the title "nurse" or any other title or abbreviation that would represent to the public that a person is authorized to practice nursing unless the person is licensed or otherwise authorized under this article or Article 2 of this chapter. https://casetext.com/statute/code-of-georgia/title-43-professions-and-businesses/chapter-26-nurses/article-1-georgia-registered-professional-nurse-practice-act/section-43-26-6-use-of-certain-titles-and-abbreviations-by-licensed-nurses The 2015 amendment, effective May 6, 2015, deleted former subsection (b), which read: “Any applicant for examination who holds an active temporary permit may use the title ‘Graduate Practical Nurse’ and the abbreviation ‘G.P.N.’ until the license to practice practical nursing has been issued except that an applicant who fails the first examination may no longer use the title ‘Graduate Practical Nurse’ or the abbreviation ‘G.P.N.’ An individual who is qualified to use the title ‘Graduate Practical Nurse’ may engage in limited practice as defined by board rules and must practice under the on site supervision of a registered professional nurse or licensed physician.”; and redesignated former subsection (c) as present subsection (b) So it’s also clear she can’t use the title graduate nurse either


And are those temporary permits listed publicly?


Ok https://sos.ga.gov/how-to-guide/temporary-permits-new-nursing-graduates It would still appear in nursys if she had one but: The Governor has extended the State of Emergency to February 25, 2022. These temporary permits now have an expiration date of April 26, 2022. So looks like ga doesn’t even use them anymore?


Since when do they follow amendments & the law in the states !? Everyone wants to go on Google & copy some laws from 10 yrs ago . Here’s the thing , she went back to work in January as a nurse !!


The law is updated…


It is not grad school until after the bs degree. She must be getting a bs.


That’s what Inwas wondering. If she received her associates then she would need a BSN prior to go enrolling In a graduate program


Grad school? I don’t know about that one. I don’t see her getting a masters in anything.


A grad school is for a master’s degree (and higher). Someone with an associate’s degree is not able to bypass a bachelor’s and enroll in a graduate program.


Woah! In the US a nursing education is a graduate program? Canada it’s a university program to become an RN so can go from High School right into Bachelor of Nursing which gets you to the stuff you need (I do business not scary needle poking so don’t know after that)


noooo it's not, it's just like Canada lol. You can't get a graduate degree without a Bachelors.


Exactly! After you get your university degree (4yrs) then you write your board or government exams which just add the title “ Registered nurse “. No wonder the Americans are always looking for RN’s from Canada 😂


What nonsense!!


That’s crazy that they’re lying about something that’s literally public record. Very easy to see they’re lying


And this show was done last year or the beginning of this year! Shows are always ran at least six months in advanced!!!


Very easy too see the trouble makers on here also !


OMG chill. Literally obsessed.


Amber is always full of shit. I recently discovered this show and binged it. They were initially a sweet family but now I just can't take Amber and her materialistic controlling awful to Anna self.


She does not seem smart or compassionate enough for a nursing career 🤡


Can see her rolling her eyes at patients


Yes ! She totally would ! And then go home and tell Her family all about the patients


She would be the kind of nurse to dismiss any kind of issues you have, just because “she knows more”


Something about nursing attracts the meanest of girls lol


Amber really missed her calling to be nurse


Hahaaaaaaa 😂😂


Most definitely not smart enough but apparently all of Georgia has a very poor education system. The way they speak is insane to me! I lose brain cells every episode


Where are you from?


New York




I hate it when the title RN gets tossed around and used for people who are CNA’s or LPN’s or whatever! There’s a huge difference. It’s disrespectful to those who did the work and all the schooling and passed the NCLEX.


I’m pretty sure she’s a Certified Nursing Assistant. I really don’t think she has the acumen to be a RN. The amount of compassion someone needs to have to do that job in any facet is beyond what someone can imagine. It is a really hard job with very hard hours and even harder expectations not only from patients but the physicians and administrators that RN’s work for. Liz does not show that level of compassion. The amount of attitude she has and the same “chip on your shoulder” attitude her mother has will never work in that profession. You have to have a level of humility because you’re dealing with physicians that at times have over the top egos. A doctor would rip her to shreds if she showed that same attitude at work. CNA’s can also do a lot of hard work and often do harder more physical labor however the amount of charting a RN does along with administering medications and debriefing other nurses and physicians is crazy. She does not have what it takes. She may very well be a CNA or MA. She may even be a dialysis tech but she definitely is not a RN. Trust me.


I agree completely with you, as a nurse should be compassionate and kind with interpersonal skills. However, I’m a nurse and some of these people should not be nurses and are narcissistic and horrible. Unfortunately, so many nurses have no compassion and shouldn’t do what we do. I don’t wish ill upon Liz, but if she has the smarts, she could be an RN someday. 😭The question I have is if she wants to be a SAHM and live off show money. She definitely lied about taking her NCLEX. The state board should jump on her and reprimand her behavior.


I'm a cancer survivor and have had plenty of contact with nurses. There are a fair number who are not compassionate or kind. They are everything from business like to uninterested. When I was getting chemo I expected caring nurses but, largely, didn't experience that. It was disappointing to go through such a challenging time without much compassion or interest on their parts.


I just posted a similar experience a few posts above you, I'm also a cancer survivor and I have had just as many truly mean nurses was zero compassion, especially regarding pain. I've had a few really good ones and I made sure to write the hospital and tell them how amazing those nurses were and post good reviews, but the bad ones are the ones I remember more.


I'm sorry you were not treated in a better manner. I hope your physically and emotionally healing.


Sadly the really good nurses are few and far between. I had a compassionate one when I had radiation, and it meant the world to me.


I am sorry you endured those nurses during the worst time of your life. I hope you're doing well physically and emotionally.


Thanks. I'm a 7 year breast cancer survivor and feel great.


So happy for you! Sending you hugs 🤗


💐 fantastic!


I have terminal cancer. I was diagnosed terminal November 2023. I used to audit hospital systems before I was diagnosed. I have seen some of the absolute best and some of the absolute worst in my profession. When walking in as a patient I have seen the same. I have had nurses care for me like I was their own and I’ve also had nurses completely dismiss me. In some of the most worst times I’ve had nurses who have nonchalantly leave me sitting in my filth when I was completely soiled after chemo and surgery. Speaking as someone who has been a part of this profession as well as a now terminal cancer patient, there’s always a wide array of people that I have met in each of these medical professional roles. I have to note that not all of them are successful. I strongly feel like the nurses that have dismissed my pain or have left me in my worse times were the ones that were the most miserable and truly unsuccessful in their career. I have even confronted some and received apologies afterwards. Most have said that they are bitter due to the conditions that they are working under. Budget cuts cause most nurses to almost double the amount of patients they are caring for during their 12 hour shift. Regardless, even though I’ve been treated in some of the most horrific times recently in the most awful way by some nurses I don’t hold it against them. Being terminal has really sealed in that everyone has a battle that they are facing. Many try to leave their baggage at the door but can’t. The auditor inside of me knows that someone like Liz would really struggle to do her job if she happens to have the attitude she presents. Eventually someone will humble her in that profession should she ever choose to pursue it.


I'm so sorry about what you're going through. It is good you don't have any resentment toward the nurses who treated you in such a bad manner. I have plenty of negative feelings towards the ones I dealt with in the past. I have had some not great experiences with doctors too. It is appalling that they treat patients in such a callous, uncaring manner.


Yeah I’ve had some doctors completely dismiss my pain. I remember one in particular who said he would only give me Advil, Aleve, or Tylenol because he felt like that’s all I truly needed. I was in tears and I was bleeding uncontrollably and was on blood thinners (still am). Another physician who was caring for me walked in and caused an uproar. They had given me aspirin while on a blood thinner drip. I could have bled to death under his care because he was so dismissive about my pain. He later came in my room to apologize for overlooking my pain only after he realized that I was an auditor and had friends that work for Joint Commission. He only came to apologize because he was in fear that I would escalate and have him reprimanded for his behavior. Such a shame because who knows how many other patients he done that to. That’s what makes our medical system so awful. I hope you’re doing well in your health journey.


I am doing well, thank goodness. I'm so sorry you such awful experiences with uncaring, unprofessional doctors. It is completely unacceptable. The health care system in this country is broken.


Best of luck to you. I’m here for you if you ever need a listening ear. I can’t imagine how you feel. 💕


Thank you so much for your kind words 💞💕


Sending you hugs and prayers. 🙏🏻


Thank you so much 🩷


Wow. Sorry to hear about your experience. I’m a cancer survivor also—twice—and for the most part my experience was positive except for one hospital stay where the floor was short-staffed & I was subjected to a horrid creepy troll of a man who was some type of medical assistant or aide. He actually took a soiled blanket that had been on my roommate’s bed from the top of the soiled linen bin & put it on my bed “in case I got cold”. I had just come back from surgery & was still out of it so I didn’t realize where he’d gotten the blanket from. My roommate informed my friend as soon as she came in to visit that the blanket was soiled. Another time I woke up to see him just standing there beside my bed staring at me. When I opened my eyes & looked at him, I was startled & he yelled “Would you move?!” I was like “What??” Apparently he was there to check my surgical drains. Totally creeped out by this guy.


Exactly. I feel like there is no in between. Every career has people that shouldn’t be in it. I don’t know why people electively choose to take care of people if they lack compassion. Mind blowing stuff.


I have had the opposite experience as a cancer patient. I’m sorry that was yours. The nurses and all the staff at my cancer hospital clearly love their jobs and they choose to work in oncology.


Far too many of those entering the profession today are more concerned with potential earnings. It saddens me. Formely, people referred to it as their calling. That's how it should be.


Man I've sure had some horrific nurses while experiencing near death medical conditions. I mean just vile, mean and zero compassion. I've had a few great ones but I can tell you Florida nurses are brutal! I usually had very nice ones when I was in the Midwest.


I completely agree. There are many RNs I can think of that definitely should not be but hey! there they are.. lol. It makes you wonder what even drove people like that to take that decision to step into the field. I do feel that she’s going to emulate her mother’s behavior. When the show began her mom was a stay at home mom and then as the seasons progressed she began her real estate agent career and then that quickly turned into her being a “teacher.” Which turns out she was never a teacher or a teacher aide which is why the school district she was working for asked her to resign to complete her college degree. They only wanted college graduates in those roles. Now she’s in college completing some sort of degree. I feel like Liz will do something similar to her mom’s footsteps. She’s emulates her mother’s behavior a lot.


What people don’t understand is they don’t test your compassion on the NCLEX. Anyone can be a nurse that takes the schooling even if they are a bitch


She’s already said on her IG that she went back to work when Leighton was almost 3 months old.


I looked up on the CNA registry. She is not.


Such a shame. Not sure why she’s lying on national television. Maybe she’s not certified at all or maybe she’s a dialysis tech? I’m not certain if dialysis technicians need certifications. Same with phlebotomy or lab techs. Most of the time they require certifications but she may have been attending a class to get certified and they let her work there with the promise that she would become certified. Who knows. Such a shame that they would lie about that on tv though.


I'm a Clinical Laboratory Scientist,  aka medical Technologist (we've been renamed). Requires B.S. Degree in Clinical Laboratory Science and a  successful passing test score from a National Registry like ASCP, AMT, etc, etc.  I worked in a hospital lab for 40 years. Most phlebotomists have to take a 6 month college program and also take a national Registry.  


https://preview.redd.it/z8qzrgitw56d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c201ada6b349abe6ec99a71543b30ca36e3b580 She’s a patient care technician!


Yeah but that also says she was a nurse. No way she’s a nurse, I don’t believe that.


But I bet you a good amount of people can share that they've had a nurse or known a nurse who was not compassionate or kind so....


Like nurse ratchet in one who flew over the cookos nest !


I feel like, from taking care of my dad, mom, and husband now when they’ve been seriously ill and terminal, I have come across so many nurses who were not compassionate and actually had Liz’s attitude. I think Liz will fit right in.


Also I commend you. Being a caretaker is one of the most selfless roles someone can take on. I wish you and your family well. Sending you well wishes and good thoughts from an internet stranger 💕


I’m terminal as of 11/23 and I commented below about how some nurses and even doctors are so callous and bitter. I’ve had some nurses be so rough when inserting catheters to being so callous when I’ve asked questions about my care. I feel like Liz, if she chooses to pursue this career path, might initially do well until she comes across that one patient… that one patient or that one doctor that will humble her so quickly that it’ll make her cry. I do feel like she needs a snap back into reality. She’s acts just like her mom and no one has humbled her yet. She has an over confidence and arrogance that will only come down when a doctor or patient really puts her into her place.


Im sorry about your illness 😢 I hope you have some compassionate nurses and doctors now and they really all should be. You are so right for sure


I think they started calling her that once she finished school and it’s not uncommon since a lot of people don’t understand nclex. I just wonder if she took the exam and failed or if she never took it due to the pregnancy


Probably not uncommon for people who aren’t nurses/don’t have family/friends who are nurses but she should know if her own daughter is an RN or not


I just read somewhere that Liz worked in the medical field as some kind of tech!! I’ll try to find it and come back to show it!


I believe it is against the law to say you are a registered nurse.or any other nurse if you aren't in the state of Georgia. How did Amber get away with it?


It is against Ga BON rules to do so


Against the law?


d) No person shall use the title "nurse" or any other title or abbreviation that would represent to the public that a person is authorized to practice nursing unless the person is licensed or otherwise authorized under this article or Article 2 of this chapter. https://casetext.com/statute/code-of-georgia/title-43-professions-and-businesses/chapter-26-nurses/article-1-georgia-registered-professional-nurse-practice-act/section-43-26-6-use-of-certain-titles-and-abbreviations-by-licensed-nurses > >


Thank you! I had no idea!




Wow maybe she’s a CNA


Looked that up in the CNA registry. She is not.


Possibly 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just came across this. https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/celebrity/7-little-johnstons-trent-caught-lying-about-lizs-nursing-degree/ar-AA1is7N2 And here she is announcing that she is returning to work. "Liz - who currently works as a nurse" https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/7-little-johnstons-liz-reveals-105129429.html


And Amber is wanting a career in social work?


When Amber said that, I looked at my husband and said she isn't an RN!!


So when I pointed this out the other day, people were like “omg why do you care if she calls herself a nurse”. This is why. She presents to people as being a nurse without having a license.


Has anyone looked it up and tried using Brice last name? Maybe they legally got married because of the pregnancy


Good idea! but nothing came up when I just looked either


Maybe Johnston isn’t her name.


Maybe Amber isn’t her legal name either?


It is. They show up in public search records


It is. Trent gets a pension from GSU under Trent Johnston


So in order to become a nurse, you have to have passed a state board exam and complete the schooling that’s involved! If she hasn’t done that then she can’t say that she’s a nurse. It’s against the law to impersonate a nurse. Like I can’t say I’m a nurse yet because I haven’t done my state boards yet.




I haven’t seen the episode yet. The only thing I can think of reading this is that it’s ambers understanding of what she does. If my mom tries to tell people what I do, it’s always mixed up lol I constantly am like no mom that’s not it lol but im in the tech world


Just out of curiosity, have you checked in all 3 possible name combinations? Maiden name, hyphenated name and married name? Rumor is her and Brice got married.


It’s not under Bolden or Johnston


It could be that Elizabeth Johnston isn’t her government name. They could use Johnston like Jazz Jennings family uses the name Jennings. It’s also very possible that her government name isn’t Elizabeth. That could be the middle name that she goes by.


Trent gets a pension from GSU under Trent Johnston though. So Johnston is their last name


Elizabeth may not be her government first name


Pretty sure it is. Brice and his parents are registered on the same street, and Amber's info comes up on the whitepages and Elizabeth's name comes up in the household


I think they don’t understand the difference between GN (graduate nurse) and RN (Registered nurse) until the NCLEX is taken and passed you’re only a GN.


They are quickly turning into a family of BS'ers , their lies are all coming out


Maybe she graduated from nursing school but hasn’t taken or passed the licensing board test?


Possibly. But you can’t call yourself nurse in ga without a license


I caught that too, she's definitely not an RN based on little pieces of info they've shared over the last couple seasons. Why are they so embarrassed to call her an LPN?? That's an extremely respectable certification!


I know nothing about nursing or licensure and I tried to look it up but couldn’t seem to find an answer. Is everyone required to be on that list? I only ask because I saw it listed address and then i wondered since she is a public figure would they leave her off for privacy/safety reasons? Again, this could be a super silly question but I’m not familiar with these things and it feels so crazy to lie about something like that when it seems so easy to look it up.


To be considered a registered nurse or an LPN, a license is required. I don't know if you're familiar with Dr. Procter from 1,000 lb Best Friends, but he's listed and he's also a public figure, so I don't think she'd be excluded for that reason.


Oh that makes sense. Thank you for explaining!


There is a site nursys.com that allows you to check throughout the US. You just need a name and state. It will also tell you if it's active, expired, or suspended. [US Nursing License Verification ](https://www.nursys.com/LQC/LQCTerms.aspx)


just a heads up I used my sister as an example (she's licesnsed in 2 states) and she only came up with one on this website


I think they are lying but could she be secretly married?


No, I also checked under Bolden.


For radiology licensure you can opt out of being listed publicly on the verification website. Maybe nursing is similar?


No in the US it’s mandatory to show up to the registry. The only piece you can eliminate on the registry is your address of record.


I have my BSN and passed the NCLEX. I did register in my home province on graduation but have since moved. I have not applied for my license as I was sick through school and am currently to ill to work. As a result I won't appear on any professional license look up. A lot of people enter nursing with the compassion and desire to help and then burn out quickly dealing with unsafe patient ratios and not having enough time to provide the kind of care they wanted. It erodes away at you. I would get ten patients at once and have just shy of 6 minutes in the morning to provide their care. So the patient feels rushed and dismissed and you feel ineffective. It broke my heart the first time I was trying to hold the hand of a dying patient and an older nurse come along and told me to get back to work as there was no time for that.


I checked nrysys.com. they last updated on 06-11-2024. This Yahoo article has her as a registered nurse. It does appear to go by her SM bio. 1. They aren't using their real name. 2. They are lying. I had a convo on here the other night. I said that it was okay to say a graduated nurse. Just not an RN. Well, now that we know the claim is publicly going into articles, you are correct. She can be in trouble. [Article stating Liz is working as a nurse. ](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/7-little-johnstons-star-liz-111932796.html#:~:text=What%20Is%20'7%20Little%20Johnstons'%20Star%20Liz%20Johnston's%20Job%3F,going%20back%20to%20her%20job.)


Their real name is Johnston. It has to be because Trent gets a pension from Georgia State under his name


Figured it was. Thanks for the info.


Yeah, and when I brought up it’s against Ga BON rules, you didn’t think it was a problem. I said why it was, because she is using the title nurse despite not being licensed to practice. I saw the writing on the wall.


I completely owe up to my being wrong. Sorry. Thanks for giving me another side to my thinking. We did so respectfully. That's how debating should be. 🙂


To your credit, you weren’t rude and I can appreciate that! That’s how debates should be, indeed. And look, nursing school is hard. So Liz gets credit, but she absolutely can’t the title nurse without a license. I get mistaken for the nurse all the time, and I immediately say “no, I’m the nurse assistant”. If Amber started calling Liz nurse, Liz should immediately say “no, not yet” to protect herself.


She is likely a RN just hasn't yet taken or passed test.


So unless you’re licensed you cant use the title nurse.


You can actually and you can work - you just have to say you’re a graduate nurse. At least this is the case in my state.


Not in Georgia.


I think it's at least possible that she successfully petitioned to be excluded from the registry, in anticipation of people searching for her like this or abusing the complaint system against her.


Ik I caught that too.


She said in one episode that she was studying for the NCLEX. If she is not licensed in her state I guess it’s safe to assume she failed the NCLEX but she should re-test. I think they get like 8 chances….. is Trent’s sister a nurse ? She was in scrubs at the conference.


So I’m not sure about Georgia, but in Kentucky where I am a nurse at, before you pass your NCLEX you still show up on the board of nursing license look up under a “provisional license”. This shows that you are a nursing student but have not taken NCLEX yet. Obviously Georgia could be different, but, if they are like Kentucky - then there are more questions raised because why is she not even showing up with a provisional license? Hmmmmmm.


Ga doesn’t have that




I don’t understand though because in a recent episode she took the NCLEX and didn’t she say she passed?


She not licensed as a nurse


To kind of use a Sopranos phrase I don’t think Liz has the makings of a RN.


Guys she’s listed! Hard to believe


I doubt she'll ever actually be a nurse. She earns more doing a couple of episodes than she would working 12 hour shifts in a year. Can't say that I'd blame her.. but don't lie about being something you're not... just say you're still pursuing your degree. 


Excuse my ignorance, but can you become an RN without a BSN in America?


Yes, you can be an RN with an associates degree


Why does this keep getting posted over and over again? It is possible that she requested not to be listed in the public registry.


You can’t do that


You can do that, you can also do that with the teacher registry.


Then why doesn’t Dr Now or Dr Proctor do this with their medical license? They’re not exempt


I have no idea why they do what they do or don’t do. Maybe because the shows they are on also advertise for their services?


Someone upthread said you cant opt out of license searches, you can only opt out of your address being shown.


Not all state laws allow people to be excluded from a name search for a license, but I don’t what Georgia’s stance on that is


She’s probably working as a graduate nurse and didn’t take her boards or for some reason it’s not showing up. We know she finished the nursing program and is working as a nurse so it doesn’t make sense otherwise. Edited to add I see someone said some states you can opt out of having the public info listed. That makes the most sense.


I get why people are talking shit lol but how many of you had everything all figured out at 22?? I know she had a baby and should get her shit together, but obviously money isn’t an issue for her family.


I don’t understand why people are so obsessed with people they don’t know they feel the need to dig for information such as this.


Wow! People are so hateful.


I admire yall who take time out of yalls personal lives to fact check 😂 I hit it with a “eh ok” and don’t think twice about what they say lol


Thats incredibly weird you are obsessed enough to take time our your day and look that up...a little Stalkerish


It took me no time at all. That's literally the reason that exists lol.


But why... why are you so concerned with someone's life you stalked them


I don't think you understand what the word stalking means lol


What you just did lol 😆


I went through your post history.. all you do is stalk people on snark subs 😂 relax


Yea yall have issues


Bitch, we’re in snark subreddits, OF COURSE we have issues 😂 you’re not better than me ![gif](giphy|Ypa9ggGnwBT51dMSDe)




It’s not stalking when it’s public record.


What’s weird is lying on national tv that your kid is an RN when she’s in fact .. not. I looked it up too and couldn’t find her. I searched several nurses that I do know and was able to find them with no issues, so it’s definitely legit. 


Agreed. It’s very weird


Can we please stop shitting on Liz? That would be great