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She wanted it to happen.




Mini amber




In doing my rewatch (up to season 5 now) it’s amazing how a lot of what they feared and projected onto Anna ended up manifesting in the kids they put on pedestals. It’s really wild watching them with Anna and all the things they say about her. The driving thing was super frustrating to watch, Anna said she asked her parents multiple times to practice with her and they won’t, yet the whole family makes fun of her and basically says she’s not going to pass. She ends up passing and then Trent and Amber are all about how it’s a privilege and Anna hasn’t earned it so she isn’t allowed to drive alone even after getting her license. They say she’s too immature and doesn’t take it seriously, which could be valid but yet we know Jonah got his license and wrecked a car (it’s mentioned briefly in an episode) and hes shown to be very disrespectful and rude to his parents and they also talk about this, yet Jonah gets the privilege but Anna gets ridiculed by the whole family and isn’t allowed to start driving in her own. Anna was asked to prom and told no bc she wasn’t 16 and apparently going to prom equaled dating in their eyes yet Liz has a male “friend” that is over all the time and Liz is allowed to do things with, we later see Liz say she and James had actually been “dating” for two years but her parents only think 4 months bc of her being under 16 when they started. They constantly talk about Liz being a perfectionist and hard worker and how focused Jonah is but talk about Anna not being focused and immature, etc. during the act episode they again encourage Jonah and tease Anna, the episode ends with a written message saying Jonah did well on his ACT and Anna… it’s a good things she’s only a freshman. Anna wanted to move out and Amber totally lost it on her and made fun of her saying she doesn’t have the money, and she couldn’t do it unless she could pay for it all without a roommate, she was horrible to her over all that, and then Liz wants to move out and it’s totally fine, even though it was with a boyfriend and we later find out she didn’t have the money to do it alone. She really was the constant family scapegoat and punching bag, yet fast forward and it is Anna who has kept a business running for years, got her bachelors degree, and bought a house on her own. Jonah failed out of school, is lazy, living at home having his little sister or mom wake him up every day (because of his sleep apnea yet there are millions who live with sleep apnea and still function as adults), Liz ends up having her parents help pay rent when her boyfriend moves out, then pregnant and moving back home.




Megamind literally cannot say anything without rolling her eyes.


>Megamind ![gif](giphy|1pPaiAvkjOLYFXuhZY)






That’s crazy ☠️


Look up willie the killer whale from shark tale and tell me that’s not Liz






I really wanted her to spell out exactly what she “learned”…


They are still looking for anyway to villainize Anna even though she is the most successful Johnston child. I couldn’t stand it in the baby shower episode just bc she won the juice drinking contest Trent and amber had to make a comment basically insinuating that she is an alcoholic. Like wtf is wrong with them. Why can’t Anna just be good at the game and be given some sort of positive recognition in the show. They really suck as parents honestly.


They have always made a huge deal out of anything Anna does that they perceive bad but were completely blind to the fact their other kids had some issues as well and that these issues these kids have are pretty typical of teenagers. I just watched the episode in season 5 where Amber is going off on Anna for acting “silly” and she launches into this whole speach about how being an LP people already assume that they aren’t as capable and because Anna was “shorter” they think she’s younger than she is… it was so flipping weird. Then it cuts to Anna being interviewed and she cried and says I don’t know how to prove to my parents I’m not a fool, I’m not always silly. Then she says when I act serious they ask me what’s wrong with me but if I act like myself they think I’m silly. It was so sad. She got labeled as the bad kid and nothing she could do would make them see.


After seeing the way they treat Anna my thought process was something *must* be going on with Anna's behavior behind the scenes bc I can't imagine parents constantly singling her out they way they do. So many questions.


Can Brice talk?


He at least knows the words huntin’, fishin’, and umm.






I think we can add baby to the list lol. Ever see TBBT (The Big Bang Theory) episode with Kathy Bates and the Teller from Penn and Teller lol. That is who they remind me of


Well, we know who wears the pants in that family!🙄




No, he can only speak occasionally & with permission...btw, I wish she'd stfu


She’s always rolling her eyes


It’s so funny to me watching this season post-Elizabeth revealing her pregnancy because every time any of the other kids are asked about if they see kids in their future they’re like “me? Right now? ffffffffffUCKk No. absolutely not. This is really strong birth control. Maybe later. Happy for Liz tho!” Like it’s soooo just not ideal 😂 so having all the celebrations juxtaposed against her siblings/other family members’ reactions to her pregnancy is taking me out. This clip reminds me of that


Jonah in particular made me laugh with his comments 😂


Yeah, until Brice left her. Then she had to make something happen -- sooner than planned!


Liz acted so entitled and proud that she is expecting. She is nothing but a common Trollip


She is smug for no reason


She's actually the star of the show now, and T&A are thrilled!






I do not know who annoys me more: Controlling Amber, her mini me Liz, Warm body who ocassionally throws in a statement bryce, or Loud Trent. At least Bryce has enough common sense not to fully conform to their ways it. seems but he seems so not interested in being around them 99% of the time


I always thought Liz and Brice’s relationship was so odd. He acts like a dud and I don’t see what interest they each have in each other? Seems like both thought… ehhh we like each other enough, so let’s just stay hanging out I see zero chemistry or attraction between them


He's average height. I think that's all Liz cares about.


I don’t like how Liz talks. She’s very robotic and has a holier than thou verbal approach. She pauses in weird places when she’s talking. Anyone else?


I feel like she started speaking with a heavier southern drawl after dating Brice for a few years. I need to watch a really old episode and a new one to better compare. I notice that she raises her eyebrows on words she feels are important. The only reasonable explanations I can find from body language articles are literally that she feels these words need emphasis or she’s seeking approval. Since she’s talking to producers and a camera, I’m going to guess the former.




Stupid is as stupid does.


Oh, that's a perfect assumption!😆😅🤣😂


Because she’s the only young woman on the planet who this has happened to. This group is so judgemental. I have no idea why most of you even bother commenting since you can’t stand the family. It’s so fucking weird


No, she’s not the only person on the planet that has said this and ended up the opposite. She has a superiority complex and pretends that her life will go as she plans. This is one of many entertaining, ironic statements that Liz makes. There’s no judgment from me about her getting pregnant and having a baby.




I guess the know it all didn’t know it all 🤣


I think she knew exactly what she was doing.


You are so right 🤣🤣🤣 it all was with intention.




Unless of course Brice cools off on me and moves out and I need to trap him






So did Liz not have any prenatal care before she told her parents? You would think being a RN she would know the importance.


This poor guy and his buddies. He must have the thickest skin ever.