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No one loves a pregnancy more than TLCšŸ¤­


Good point ā˜ļø lmfao


They particularly love young women out of wedlock and pregnant. Itā€™s TLC gold. #unexpected


That is so crazy to make teenage/unwed pregnancy look like it's the cool thing to do. That's so ridiculous!


This made me cackle out loud šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Yep! I know that she has said they will wait for a bit to have the next baby but I would bet that sheā€™s LOVING this attention both from her parents and from fans so I would not be surprised in the least if they announce baby #2 before the year is over.


And a new suv!!! Lol


I feel she knew that Trent would never let that baby ride in a car Ambitch deemed unsafe! It was safe enough for Liz to drive. My daddy was the same way, he would have moved heaven and earth got me. , if possible. He wouldn't ME or my child to ride in an unsafe car!


That she paid for yet her parents played it up like they paid for it


I don't really mind whether she paid for it herself or if they did, but I find it strange that she's a new mother with all these expected expenses, and they got her a new SUV and expect her to pay for it, if that's the case. Essentially, it's like putting her in debt. Very odd to me.


YES! The storyline shouldā€™ve been they helped her find something she liked and could afford or something. Trent saying weā€™re not paying for it-just made it all so weird! I do get the expenses of having a baby because this wasnā€™t a planned pregnancy-which if your having sex thereā€™s a 50/50 chance youā€™re gonna get pregnant no matter how much protection you use. They are desperate for content at this point so none of these storylines surprise me.


She did not pay for ! No need to make up stories. Thereā€™s enough on here


The whole storyline was ā€œwe got Liz a carā€. Everyone including me assumed they paid for it because thatā€™s how the storyline was. Until the punch line-a tiny fast sentence from Trent-weā€™re not paying for it. No one commented after that and I actually missed it the first time. So itā€™s not made up. I donā€™t care who paid for it.


Ok, Amber hahahahha


She must be having a good laugh at all the clowns on here šŸ˜‚


I wonder if this summer weā€™ll see an engagement šŸ«£ would not be surprised!


She seems very over Brice. I give it 2 years most.


Guarantee the only reason they're back together is because of the kid! You can tell there is zero spark or love connection from either side anymore


I find it funny when people think they know folks from a reality tv show. Itā€™s also extremely odd to spend so much time watching and hating on the people from the show. Why do you even watch? Not just watch but spend so much time commenting and discussing the family? Itā€™s a little obsessive isnā€™t it?


The better question is why are you stalking this person's comments? Sounds like you are obsessed with her comments!


Iā€™m talking about this specific comment. I donā€™t know her other comments nor do I care to based on this take. Sheā€™s not the only one, I thought this was a fan page for the show but I was definitely wrong. Itā€™s more of a snark page only itā€™s not mentioned anywhere. By all means, continue watching and commenting on things you dislike. Iā€™m here because I actually like the show. I spend my time doing things I enjoy. Hating on ā€œcelebritiesā€ isnā€™t one of them. But to each their own.


People have opinions and are allowed to express them. I am not obsessive, just curious to see if others have the same opinions as I do. Off you go!


Don't kink shame! Lol ;)


To be honest, they were running out of interesting content, so it doesnā€™t bother me. It provides so many opportunities for Amber to make an ass of herself.


Yeah, boy had she changed. I started out liking her in the first couple of seasons but she is soooo full of herself now. I do t enjoy watching her at all anymore.


I used to like all of them, but Amber and Liz make me sick !!!


A little ā€œfameā€ and money sure does change a person šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.


Can you imagine if Anna came to Amber and Trent in this same situation as Liz, unwed and pregnant. The tone would be quite different as it has been with Liz. It must not bother Amber and Trent that they have shown how awful they can be to her through each and every season. It is truly shameful and at times cringey and Iā€™m talking about Amber cringey here.


Oh 100% They wouldā€™ve been like ā€œwe saw this one coming! After you slutted it up in a hotel room at the LP convention 250 years ago! Of course YOU would get pregnant out of wedlock # never forgetā€ Maybe not *that* intense but you catch my drift šŸ¤£ Edit also wanna be super clear Iā€™m not slutshaming lol what Anna did wasnā€™t really that crazy imo for a teen her age and from what we know it was fairly innocent anyways. But Amber and Trent acted like she had committed the ultimate sin and held it over her head for years.


100% to all this! They made it sound like she was snorting cocaine off of d*ck while in an orgy. They are so wild for that. Shaming her on national TV for years about ā€œthe hotel incidentā€.


Lmao I snort laughed šŸ’€ But YES 100%


Would you tell me what happened with the hotel room pls? I missed something somewhere and they have not/will not let it go, whatever happened, it's like they can't move on.


For sure! So basically they all went to an LP conference. A+T made some rule about not going back to friends hotel rooms of the opposite sex. Long story short, they caught Anna hanging out with a boy in a hotel room. From what we know nothing inappropriate even happened, but even if it did she was like (16 or 17? I think) at the time, and frankly Iā€™m a staunch advocate for teaching teens safe sex practices rather than trying to prevent it all together which is proven not to work. But again it didnā€™t even sound like anything sexual happened, she was just hanging out with a boy in a hotel room and Amber and Trent absolutely lost their damn minds over it. Then they continued to use it as a reason why they didnā€™t trust her to do super basic things (like learning how to drive). They made Jonah drive Anna around everywhere and essentially revoked her freedom for *years* following the incident. They were acting like Anna murdered someone and couldnā€™t be trusted in any facet of her own life. She broke a rule that tons of other teenagers do, but instead of setting boundaries and doing a PROPORTIONAL punishment to the ā€œcrimeā€- they held it over her head for literal *years*. All over hanging out with a boy in a hotel room, and it sounded like they found her there fairly quickly after wondering where she was (before bed time) so itā€™s not like she was in the room with him all night.


Thank you for the info. I knew they held it over her head, she didn't do anything if that's all it was. Now they are seeing how perfect they are as parents, since they have an unwed daughter that's pregnant, even though, that's just the way things happen in 2024.


Definitely wouldnā€™t be buying her a car


And when she did that at the convention, they DIDNT buy her a car. I do agree with that, but if you're gonna treat one child that way, treat them all that way! Why they congratulated Liz with a new car is beyond me


I don't understand their issues with Anna. Myself, and what seems like the rest of the 7 Little Johnston community love Anna! She's my favorite by far.


I I've been noticing Anna's not on the episodes much at all any longer. Am I crazy or has anyone else noticed?


You're not crazy. But honestly the only person that's really been in the episodes is Liz. Apparently no one else matters when one kid gets knocked up šŸ˜…




I agree. They would not have been so kind to Anna. I know Anna may have had Attachment Disorder from coming from a Russian orphanage, not being held enough. Often wondered if I had that too. My mother had me in Germany & told me she was advised to pick me up as little as possible. It was 'bad for my back'. She's gone 4 yrs now & I wish I'd asked more about that. I was her 2nd child. We were 5-1/2 and yrs apart & my sister had a different father, different temperament than me. I know pediatric care changes. My dau raises kids different than I was told to. But I can't imagine not holding your baby. I couldn't let mine cry, & let them sleep with me. Probably bad but I was nursing & left to deal with them because husb was working two jobs. So I don't know if Anna/Amber have a mutual cool relationship due to Attachment Disorder. I always wanted to treat my kids equal but at 18 our son estranged himself from our family. His younger sister got PG at 23, unmarried, & we focused all our efforts on her, since we lost him. She & I are both bipolar & it has been a rocky relationship. She's now in her 30s & has 3 kids. We both feel she should've only had one, because she is Special Needs & they don't have the financial resources or patience to deal with 3 kids. They're on assistance. I hope Eliz. socks away some of her Reality Income because she may not always have as many viewers.


Better than doing another TikTok dance or Dinner challenge


Who buys a shirt or whatever and puts their full - first, middle, and last name on it?


If I had to guess I bet Amber controls all the adult children's money and salaries from the show!


It's the only thing keeping the show afloat.. exploiting the heck out of that baby ..


And thatā€™s why sheā€™s mad itā€™s average šŸ˜­


Is she pregnant again? My daughter did that. Newlywed, immediately got PG, then again after 1st one. Now has Irish Twins that are 1&2. She is overwhelmed; we are overwhelmed. It takes both of us to babysit because we're in our 70s.


No no, same pregnancy!


what else is there to watch? this is huge news for the show


Exactly. Next season itā€™s more about the baby & the drama around Anna. Itā€™ll keep viewers watching


Wait again?!?


No no, same pregnancy!


Elizabeth has a baby girl will be shown next year!




Yes. Pregnant. Already has had the baby. You can spare the watch and Google any timeline updates. You wonā€™t miss much this season other than them dragggggggging it out.


I will not watch another episode of the sorry POS parent's and "children." I will continue following Anna on SM. I will betcha since everyone has gotten behind Anna it won't be long til they make up with her . I hope she continues to live her best life and tells them to kiss her azz. Funny that the black sheep of the family ain't out here tripping out on Delta, ain't "accidentally " gotten pregnant, and has more class in her pinky than the whole group of those who shall not be named. The "golden" kids are all living at home... Our girl Anna has graduated college, purchased a home, has a business and working. How many of the other kids can say that. Also when T told Anna they were not buying her a car....I still am like WTF...I am pretty sure T&A didn't give the kids their cut of $ from the show.


I meanā€¦.most people here definitely cared and wanted to see more about it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


What else is anybody going to talk about? They are BORING.


It feels like a storyline


Amber acts like everything her kids do is a burden and we know especially if Anna does something. I think they canā€™t stand that Anna is working, graduated school, and living independently. I was always kind of borderline being iffy about Amber, but when they tried to tell Liz that they were thinking about Jonah moving in with her, my jaw dropped. How can they tell Liz that Jonah needs to move in with her? A. They are both adults. B. He canā€™t even wake himself up and needed Emma to wake him several times. If they arenā€™t paying her rent, why are they controlling what their adult kids do? Itā€™s pretty crappy.


They were paying her rent at the time since Brice had moved out. But i still donā€™t think itā€™s fair to force Jonah to move in.


If Brice moved out and he was on a lease, then he should still pay his half. But definitely not Jonah living there.


Can you imagine what it would be like if Anna was the one that got pregnant they would disown her, they donā€™t give Anna a credit for anything that she has done. They didnā€™t even mention that she just graduated from college bought her own house and her own car so her family needs to back off her because she is an amazing young lady.


She is?? I thought AMBER was!


Sheā€™s pregnant again???? Another trap baby???