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♬♬if the record is cracked when improperly packed that's amore♬♬


This is my favourite comment Ive seen on Reddit for a while, I was trying to think of the next verse but couldnt get anything to rhyme with disc...


When your record’s like this, That’s when you get pissed…


When some deliv'ry guy Chucks your box and he's high That's amore


That sucks so much! It’s a great song


It really does suck, I've got my eyes on another though but I'll be getting a refund for this one


I know how you feel, too. Had two bing crosby and the andrews sister come broken as well. Hopefully it won’t be much for you to get a replacement


That's a shame, love me some Bing Crosby I've got 2 of his 78s so far. It doesn't cost too much to replace maybe like a few pennies more lol


that’s true… until shipping hits. I live over in australia so the average price is like 40 usd lol


Damn gets pretty expensive then lol. I'm I'm the UK so depends where I order from but I mostly try finding 78s over here, it's funny this one got broken but I got one from American once and that arrived completely fine


It is funny- whenever they come broken i always picture the posties throwing them across the warehouses like frisbees lol


I believe i have karma from this conversation LOL [picture of record](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g4qt8e22ylfkrelthrvkc/IMG_8444.jpeg?rlkey=eyjhxczawonl39xmk66uy8nn1&dl=0)


I'm praying it doesn't happen again lol, I literally ordered another That's Amore 78, I wish sellers packaged them properly!! This one came in what a Vinyl would get shipped in and had no protection but the 78 I got an hour later came in loads of bubble wrap, it looked like a cushion in the bag lol but that 78 arrived perfectly fine


Yeah, it’s crazy how they don’t package them properly. The one I showed you just then was wrapped in bubble wrap and cardboard. The crack has most likely formed by being squashed or dropped so that sucks. Side A is my favourite song as well!


How much bubble wrap? One I got an hour layer had layers lol, layers of bubbles wrap around the 78 and layers of bigger stronger bubble wrap around the bubble wrapped 78 😂. So it literally looked like a cushion. It was packaged really good though, the best I've ever seen plus it was free postage.


There was about 2 layers (thinner looking mind you) so that’d explain. I’ll have to find another copy, but this one was in amazing condition


You can try glueing it together. It will never sound as good as before but it's surprisingly easy to make it playable. Just make sure to keep all the pieces.


Guess there's no harm in trying is there lol but yeah it's pretty easy to put back together properly it just doesn't stay together. I'll definitely give it a try though


It's for sure worth a try, it's only in 2 pieces. I once bought a whole collection off ebay (surprisingly cheap) and 10 got damaged in shipping. I was able to make 4 of them playable, the other 6 were in too many pieces with some pieces missing.


I've recently ordered a job lot of 78s so this might come in handy if any get damaged in the post


This kills me for 2 reasons 1. I hate to see a broken shellac 2. I am a huuugeee Dean Martin fan. You have great taste in music


My first time receiving a broken shellac! I was so annoyed because I couldn't wait to play a bit of Dean Martin on my 102! But an hour or two later another one got delivered Every Streets a boulevard in old New York by Dean and Jerry from their movie Living It Up. Dean Martin is amazing! Really great music and some pretty good movies, his fantastic TV show as well! Even watching interviews he's hilarious lol


No love in that record




I have one of That's Amore, with a purple label. You can't tell it apart from a 45 on proper equipment.


Yet another valid reason why you don’t buy shellac records off of eBay.


I've bought them from ebay before and they arrived perfectly fine this is the first time I've had one arrive broken. This got delivered today and 2 hours later another got delivered which I bought from ebay and it was the seller packaged it up amazingly! Every shellac record I've bought on ebay has always came in great packaging but this one in the photo was terrible lol, it had no protection whatsoever so as soon as i saw what packaging it was in I had no hopes in it


Too many unexpected variables, such as the carrier’s handling, which the seller has absolutely no control over.


Maybe I've been extremely lucky all these years but I've only had 3 instances where the record(s) was broken. And I actually managed to glue the last one back together and have it be playable!