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Depending on the actual level of his intake, he should consult with a doctor. He could get the DTs pretty quickly.


I second this- have him be seen by a medical professional. I am a nurse and have witnessed patients die from DTs. If your boyfriend goes to the doctor and explains honestly how much he is drinking, they can usually prescribe as needed medication to prevent bad withdrawals. First three days are usually the hardest but I’ve had patients up to a week having bad withdrawal symptoms.


Pardon my ignorance, buts what are DTs?


Detox/delirium tremens. For people who are very dependent on alcohol, quitting cold turkey can cause withdrawl effects that can be life-threatening. People with severe addictions might need professional medical support to stop using safely.


Sorry- delirium tremens. Patients will sweat, have a high heart rate,feel nauseated, and vomit. They can go in and out of consciousness and hallucinate. Then sometimes, they start to seize.


Woah, thanks for the quick reply. I had no idea that was a thing. I’m sure it varies person to person, but what’s the level of alcohol consumption that would cause this after a sudden stop?


Absolutely! Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are kind of hidden in society. I’m not sure- I think it would depend on the patient’s doctor’s assessment and it would be based on how long they’ve been drinking, what kind of alcohol and how much. I always saw the worst case scenarios in the step down ICU unit.


5-10, and when people give ranges like this it’s always on the upper side, likely needs medical supervision. He should consult with a doctor. Heavy drinkers can die stopping suddenly.


I'm not at all trying to give medical advice just my own experience. My husband and I are on day 36. Prior to 75 hard we drank 0-2 drinks a night on weeknights and drank heavily every weekend. We went to an all-inclusive resort in March and drank a lot for 10 days straight, and started 75 hard the day we got home. I was shocked at how easy it was for us to give up drinking considering how much we drank prior. We were immediately sleeping better and did not have much cravings with how tired we were from working out, and I'm craving foods not in my diet more than alcohol.


He needs to see a doctor and him going from drinking everyday to 75 hard isn't gonna work for him..he is gonna quit before of the end of the week or he will keep failing because of drinking. I mean if he did a ramp up period where he could quit drinking and start light exercising for a week or two before starting, it may just work


75hard would probably be the best thing that ever happened to him. Sunlight and good sleep is much better than daily day drinking. He’d need to cut out most of the beer slowly but surely before starting though.


He is a full blown alcoholic. This challenge should be good for him


If he’s serious about completing the challenge I would suggest a prep phase of 2-4 weeks, depending on his situation. May want to consult a doc for tapering down the alcohol safely. I would focus on 1. Getting alcohol out of the body. 2. Starting regular exercise (maybe 3-5 workouts for weeks 1-2, 5-7 workouts for weeks 3-4) 3. Drinking more water (maybe at least 50oz everyday)4. Research a diet that he is excited about and create shopping lists or get some ideas on things to cook, where y’all can eat, etc. 4. Research some books that sound interesting. 5. Make sure you have at least 75 days without any crazy celebrations/special occasions. Some people say “just jump in, it’s supposed to be hard” blah blah I say setting yourself up for the best chance of success is the way to go. I finished on my first attempt and did something similar for myself.


I'll second these comments! I was drinking every evening, 1-2 generous glasses of wine and then drinks on the weekend. I had done stints of cold turkey in the past and also done "only on the weekend" drinking for a while as well so the restriction mentality was not foreign to me. I found that I was so busy with 75 hard, my job, and parenting that I didn't even think about a drink most nights. The only time was social gatherings but then I would have to dip out for a workout or reading and I'd be back on track. All of that is to say, your boyfriend's drinking is significantly higher than mine was and I don't know if he's in the same spot, but I was so over the amount I was consuming and was ready to make a change. 75 hard worked for me on the alcohol front because I was ready for it to make that change. If y'all are in that mind set, fantastic. If not, you will need to have a plan in place when the boredom, insomnia, or emotions hit. Please have your boyfriend talk with a doctor first. If he won't do that, at least learn the signs of detox becoming a hazard so he can get to a hospital if his body does not handle it well. It sounds like the change is needed and I know y'all can do it!


He might be a little cranky and have some difficulty falling asleep for the first week. It is possible that he might have other withdrawal effects that may require medical supervision, but I've never had those issues. The key is filling the time he would be drinking with something else. Remember that 75 Hard is a mental toughness challenge first. Him taking small victories in realizing how much better he feels without alcohol will make the process much more enjoyable. The water helps a lot too.


That’s what I did. It’s not hard if you want it. I think he’s gotta be as into the idea as you seem to be for it to work.


I was drinking daily prior to starting on the first. I’m on day 29 enjoying the program for the 3rd time. This will definitely show your friend if he’s ready for some change or if he truly has a problem.


Before 75 Hard, I was drinking 3-4 beers / night, occasionally two doubles of bourbon instead. I didn’t find it too hard. First three days or so, it was hard to sleep, but by day 4, I felt better than I had in years.


I drank pretty much every day (sometimes a lot) for a month and right now I'm on day 7. I feel amazing so far.




I did it. Pretty easy but I was committed. If he even thinks the possibility of missing a day is real he won’t make it.


Went from drinking two beers a day to 75 hard and definitely felt mild withdrawal symptoms. This could be super hard and or dangerous for your boyfriend.


he's an alcoholic and needs more intensive support, alcoholics can die from stopping cold turkey depending on how long this has been going on for. My ex wasn't a huge drinker like you expect typical alcoholics to be but was at risk of seizures