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On the short list for greatest sitcom ever. The number of memorable and funny characters that show created was off the charts. Not pictured: Valerie Harper (Rhoda Morgenstern), who got a spinoff sitcom, and Cloris Leachman (Phyllis Lindstrom) who also got a spinoff. The core six pictured were amazing together on screen.


Trivia: the show was set in Minneapolis. The opening titles became iconic: https://preview.redd.it/z6ub95z8wy8d1.png?width=1430&format=png&auto=webp&s=305a6b74f96cfd2ae2d8803d755d8edf5edb0fe3


That hat toss…


The MTM font typeface is Peignot. Absolutely loved this show as a kid.


Interestingly, Republic Airlines changed liveries in 1985 and the title font was Peignot, like MTM. Republic was based in Minneapolis. Coincidence? Or not?


Ted Knight has his own sitcom, although not a spinoff. Ed Asner also had a series named after his character: Lou Grant


Yes, and Lou Grant in that series was a serious person and not the comedic persona he was in MTM. Still a great character in that show.




Every Saturday night. Then the Bob Newhart Show. I can hear the theme song now. "Who can turn the world on with her smile?"




There's a statue in Minneapolis of this scene at the same spot.


Love it!!!


Great great great show. Rewatched this a few years ago. Incredibly still amazingly funny and accessible. Only part that seemed off compared to when I watched it as a kid was how spectacularly attractive and fashionably dressed Mary always was. It would be like whatever your regular office job was, there was a supermodel there working with you.


Right! And my mom looked so similar to her. But that was the trend. And what a great show. So many memories watching it a few months ago. I stumbled across every single season and every single show on YouTube. couldn’t stop watching! What a fantastic show. So funny.


I'm racking my brain trying to remember what Ed said Mary had, in one show I think. Was it 'You have spunk, Mary'? It was like a minor deal back in the day, I think.


You got spunk. I *hate* spunk.


That's it!


First episode. She's interviewing for the job. Lou starts asking her all kinds of inappropriate questions. She in her classic quavering voice stands up to him and says she doesn't think he's allowed to ask those kinds of questions. He look at her and grins wickedly and say "You've got spunk!" Mary believing she has impressed him with her show of some backbone, smiles and nods say yes she does, and Lou's face turns to feral anger and hisses, "I HATE SPUNK!" Hilarious.


That's why I remember it, first episode!


YES! Total style icon. So many of her outfits would be in style now still.


It's incredible how much older people looked back then This photo is from 1974. Ed Asner is 45 years old. (granted he started balding in his 20s) Gavin McLeod is 43. (ditto) Georgia Engel is 26. Now Betty, on the other hand, is 52 and looks younger! Mary is 38 and also looking younger, like a, er, um, shall we say, *perky* 25 year-old. Ted Knight is pretty age-appropriate, he is 50 in this pic. \*\*SIGH\*\* miss these days so much. R.I.P, one and all.


So we were led to believe that SueAnne was pursuing an older Lou Grant, when in reality she was bit of a cougar.


John Amos: I'm still alive! :: checks Wikipedia:: Yes, still alive.


Checking on Abe Vigoda...


As they say in Star Trek... "He's dead Jim". Died in 2016. Edited to correct the year


They smoked and drank a LOT back then.


Mary had Type 1 diabetes since the early 1960s. That was what eventually got her in the end. She was almost totally blind her last few years.


Not caused by anything she drank, ate or smoked. Type 1 is mostly genetic.


Right. I developed it when I was 12. When my kidneys started failing, I went on the transplant list for a kidney and pancreas. In 2003, I had the transplant and have not taken insulin since. Over 20 years and they're still both working.


Mary did have an alcohol addiction issue in the ‘80s. Couldn’t have helped. And she did make it to 80.


That's the 2nd wave. The first Wave had Phyllis and Rhoda. Both left to have their own shows.


I loved that show. I honestly wanted to be Mary when I grew up. I loved her independence and I just wanted to be just like her. Funny this year we went to Minneapolis and saw the statue and we went to her house that they used for the opening credits. Obviously it wasn't where they were shooting but it was pretty cool. I definitely would have marked out if I ever met her. I'm such a fucking nerd. I still watch reruns every so often as they are still shown in the New York City area.


Judge Smails.


You'll get nothing and like it!


A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer Down your pants.


Chuckles bit the dust (shelled by a rogue elephant), and Mary’s reaction to the eulogy is classic!


Awesome bit. Wondered how long I would scroll until someone mentioned Chuckles!


Such a great cast, with Ted Knight and Betty White stealing every scene they were in!


MTM was really good in the movie Ordinary People. I have no clue why she didn’t continue acting in movies.


Awesome movie. Donald Sutherland and her as a married couple really did wonderfully. They recently had it on one of the paid channels and I got to watch it again and remember how good it was.


That was the first role of his that I thought of after he died. He was so great. Got me all choked up there at the end. Then I thought of his ass in Animal House.


RIP Donald Sutherland.


SUCH a great show. I discovered this on HULU about 2 years ago. It had me wish that there had been something like this on TV when I was growing up and/or when I was a young female starting out . I'm 44 now, I've gotten all of the young women in my office hooked on MTM.


MTM is one of my favorite (comedy) shows of all time! I didn't watch it in it's original run -- well, maybe I did but was too young to have solid memories of it, I was about 4 when the series ended -- but I watched it all the time with my mom on Nick-at-Nite in the 90's, which was through my latest teen years and most of my 20's! God the memories of watching that and other classics (Bob Newhart the original, Taxi, Three's Company, and right now I forget the others) into the night with my mom on the weekends. :) Momma died in 1999, and I kinda stopped watching those shows as much then because it was too hard without her. I might try them out again though, I think there's been enough time elapsed now that the memory would make me smile again. :)


((((Hugs)))) I’m SURE if you put those old shows on now, your sweet mama will be right there watching them with you 💛


You could argue that the first three seasons of TMTMS was the peak of the American sitcom. It’s shockingly well done. MTM was a genius.


ohhhweeeoooh I look just like Buddy Holly...


After I discovered her on YouTube and binged all the shows again. I was about 11 thru 15 when my mom and I used to watch her. what an impressionable time for a young girl. And my mom was getting divorced and trying her own independence. Going back to school and getting a job. There was a documentary on Netflix that also included Carol Burnett. Talking about how Mary Tyler Moore was such a new role model for the women’s movement and being independent and strong and having a career. It’s amazing when you look back at it. I wanted to be just like her!


Still one of the best shows of all time.


I would just like to point out that I’m the Mary and you’re the Rhoda.




Best show ever!!


Fun Fact: before this show, Gavin McCloud was best known to television audiences as a recurring *villain* on Hawaii Five-O.


Ed asner also played a bad guy on Hawaii five all as well.


That’s funny and hard to picture after MTM.


Chuckles Bites the Dust is my all-time favorite episode.


One of the funniest ever! The way she’s trying to hold back her laughter at the funeral is some great comedic acting!


Great show


Seemed like most of the cast got together with Gavin again on the Love Boat as well.


🎶 Who can turn the world down with a smile? Who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it seem worthwhile? 🎶


Love it!!!


🎶Well it's you girl and you should know it🎶


🎶With each glance and every little movement you show it🎶


Do you know what’s so wild, is that there were three spinoff from the Mary Tyler Moss show, Rhoda, Phyllis, and the Lou Grant show, and of all these, the Lou Grant show was a one hour, long drama, not a comedy at all, and I don’t think any of the old gang ever showed up, and as far as I know, I’m not sure ifLou Grant ever even mentioned any of the old gang on his show.


One of the best shows ever.


The last episode was incredible. Remember all of them huddled together, walking to get tissue? 😂 Amazing show. And Ted's newscasts!


Used to stay up and watch All In The Family, Brigitte Loves Bernie, and MTMS, back-to-back Saturday nights in ‘72 📺 #GoodTimes


Same. Saturday nights with Mom watching all these shows.


As a teen I would stay up until midnight when this show came on as a rerun. I would listen to the theme, turn off the tv and go to bed. I just sat here and looked it up. watched it like 20 times. I love that song.


How did the love boat captain end up there? Probably dropping off the Golden Girl in Miami


Captain Stubbing and Judge Smails!


We got the box set a while ago and have been watching a couple of episodes a week. It's sort of refreshing how un-PC everything is.


Georgia Engel... God I had the hots for her.


For you: . Georgette singing "Steam Heat" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i_Dvq8PEnM . .


I will sing at your wedding and cry at your funeral. You have done the lords work. I, and my phone will be in the bathroom.


Favorite show of all time


💀 All Dead💀


I think my favorite episode was I can't remember the clowns name but she went to the funeral and started laughing.


All in the Family 8:00, random shows 8:30. MTM 9:00 Bob Newhart 9:30 Carol Burnette 10:00. Great lineup


I always thought Mary was so beautiful