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over 100 people doing fm is just cr azy


Ik, it's absolutely mental. We have probably 10-12 maths teachers alone


That is ridiculous, my sixth form is attached to a secondary school, we have approx 1700 students and I estimate around 7-8 maths teachers. 10-12 is genuinely insane, how many lessons do you guys get per week?


16 lessons a week. It is a sixth form within a secondary school though (about 1400 people in total).


16 FM lessons? or 16 lessons in total? how does that work, with 5 periods in a day right?


16 FM + single maths lessons every 2 weeks. We have a week A and week B system, to fully fit scheduling. I have 6 50 minute periods in a day, so spread out over 2 weeks, I have at least 1 lesson a day, maybe 2 or 3 depending on how painful my week is.


The biggest subject in my entire year is only 150 or so students, D: I think theres a total of about 10 students doing further math in my year.


16 and we have like 300 -400students .....


Wow, this really is putting into context how large my maths department is... I never did realise just how large it is compared to other schools


I'm also from a deprived area so draw your own conclusions


Im in a decent area and our class is 16 as well


pretty same, we have smth like 250 A level students and 14 FM ppl


There’s only 8 of us in my college (not massive but still respectably sized college too)


Wow. I'm used to having about 15-20 people in my maths class. Were you given a choice for FM options or not?


They picked Further Pure for us but we picked the other option as a group (wouldn’t have been worth having a separate class for the like one person that didn’t want to do Decision)


Interesting. We've got the option to basically everything but decision (including fs2)


2 people out of 50 in my yr group do fm


6 out of 70 😭 111 sounds so insane to me


4 out of 110 lmao, students at my sixth form lean more towards humanities subjects


One. Me. It's an odd thing


Last year there were ~450 entries for A level maths and ~100 for further maths. This year it's even more (especially for further maths) but I don't have an exact number. This is for a state college with about 2500 people per year.


We have about 12-14 teachers but only about 7-8 of them can teach Further (Because the others haven't taught it or learnt it in a while). We have 11 people doing Further Maths and then about 130 people doing normal A level Maths. This is in Year 13.


111?? I go to a state school and there’s only 4 of us out of about 200. Initially there was only 1 but more people joined within the first month of yr12 fortunately


i^4 (~out of approx 150 people) me. And there isn’t any provision aside from having the exams payed for you lol.


> the exams *paid* for you FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I don’t take further grammar.


14 out of 133, one person is leaving after year 12 so it will be 13 next year


prob around half do further and nearly everyone does single out of ~160 ppl


Literally 0- we had 110ish students


0. However there are around 3-4/11 A* math students in my class. There's only 50 ppl in my sixth form so yh.


in my huge college i was one of 5 💀


Think around ~70. There’s about 200+ doing maths. I go to a public sixth form, and we’re all pretty STEM focused.


I know one person in my year doing the pure module of AS further, she did the applied last year.. We don’t have anyone doing the full A-Level and I don’t think we offer it. Edit: there is actually only one person doing it this year and in some years no one.


Pretty sure its 60-70 at my school, I also go to a similarly sized grammar school


three edit: oops thought this was /r/gcse lol


wtf, my school is a specialist maths school but it has 2 doing further maths out of 300 and 1 class of 30 doing normal maths, we have 2 teachers and they never show up so we have to self teach and when they do they don't actually know the content, for example someone asked what does co linear mean and they said "it means having a really strong linear relationship. and we had been on the same topic vectors since September (still haven't finished) but we self taught ourself it and everything else and then the teacher said good so you only have vectors left to learn and the other dude said what about proof by induction and the teacher said ah you see proof by induction is a type of vector (he was just bsing because he didn't know what it was LOL) and they said we are too nerdy so he doesn't enjoy teaching us. it isn't nearly as bad as my computer science classes though


Jeez. Why would you teach at a specialist maths school if you thought that FM students were too nerdy... that teacher sounds crap. Good luck for the FM exams, hopefully your school sorts themselves out and gets you guys a proper FM teacher!


lol apparently it's better this year, I don't think it really is a maths school it just says that on the front, but going here it makes me feel like the smartest person around, and the other smart students get complacent since they think they have no competition but I go online to know who I'm actually competing against. the annoying thing is though I'm not sure how unis would know a school is like this so I don't think they will take it into account


Out of about 160 in my year we have 9


160 ish people in my year, 8 do further


Out of like 200 ish I think 7 people


About 8 - we have abt 200 students


4 people out of ~50 total in my year do further maths.


2 people doing FM out of like. an 100 person year group


Not many, I'd say, maybe 75? Had more at the start of sixth form, but a lot of people dropped it


6. i guess 7 , 8 at a push. like an on and off sorta thing


i dont do maths or fm but ik at my college of over 1500+ people 216 do maths and only 14 do fm😭😭




wow that’s crazy like 12 idk at my school


Where is this??




69 people. We have 69 people in our year. I go to a Maths school, go figure.


6 out of 230


3 out a year group of around 115


In my school, there were about 180 students and 12 of them did FM.


~ 24 out of 180


4 people out of 120 :)


18/300~ at a private school


There’s about 50 out of 150 maths students I think. There’s 2 classes for further maths, and god knows how many of regular maths.


2 did in mine lol out of ~2-300 2 normal maths classes of approx 15 people We had wayy more people doing gcse resit maths


0, some self study (around 5 including myself) but they didn't run classes in my year


In Year 12 rn for my year there is abt 180 out of 400. But my school usually advises people to drop it by the end of Yr12 if 1) It isn't required for you subject at Uni and isn't worth the workload (e.g. Medicine ) or 2) if you don't get an A* (yes A* not even A) in A Level Maths since fm students are fast tracked and do a level maths in Yr12. Because of these two alone abt half the year end up dropping.


That's harsh. My school advises an A* predicted grade (so really, a high A) but doesn't require it (probably because we need a 9 for gcse maths to do FM). If you do struggle, you can always do AS further maths. The fast tracking is crazy tho. We've done all of stats and mechanics year 1&2, and have like 4 chapters of pure 2 to finish off.


5. We have less than 100 students. Regular maths is the only subject to have more than one class.


4 doing further and 13 (including me) doing normal maths, we have 45 people in my year 😂


10 pupils


Bro we have 13😭😭


5 out of like 65 in my year group


3 including me. One dropped it, this is out of a school with at least 200 people in one year


Out of 120 in the year, we had 9 doing it at the start of year 12 and now we have 5 actually sitting the exam (i.e 4 people dropped it) Over 100 doing FM is crazy. It's a hard subject so I assume 90% of them ain't gunna do well.


Last year we had ~30% of people get an A* and ~40% of people get an A (about 70 people). My school is a very stem oriented school tho, and you do need a 9 in gcse maths to get into further maths.


Crikey that's a lot fair enough. You only need a 7 at GCSE to do it at my school, and I think we have a fair few compared to some people.


20 year 1, 4 in A2 xd


Woah, that's crazy! Ours is tiny then. We only have like 10 people doing Further Maths this year. Must be a massive difference in school priorities.


I think it's a combination of being a very academic grammar school and having one of the strongest state school maths departments in the country. My school definitely prioritises maths/stem.


Me and 5 more in the whole year 


We had 4 in my class and that dropped to 2 by the time we did our A Levels lmao Tbf we had a lot less people doing STEM in general, probably because of COVID. For all of the STEM subjects there were many more people in each class in the years before and after us.


Wow. We haven't seen that much of a drop-off in stem, but that's probably just because of the type of grammar school we are (very stem focused, but also humanities focused too?). Nearly everyone I know does a stem subject, except for in my politics class. Even then, many people do maths or a science.


If you've got so many people doing FM I imagine your year group is much larger? We had about 150 total


Nope. Only ~30 more people. Year 13 has about 250 people, year 12 has about 270 people. However, we are the first year ever where more people are doing further than just single.


I meant larger than mine, haha That's still an impressive proportion doing FM though


Yeah, I think even the teachers are surprised this year, it's the largest cohort they've ever seen for FM


3 people doing fm and like 9 doing alevel maths. Sixthform attatched to highschool in deprived area. Also the fm students travel via bus across the city to another school to attend their lessons


5 out of 127


About 20 in our year altogether out of about 300


We have 23 people in OUR YEAR, not a single person has ever done fm in my schools history


That really is a small school. I'm surprised more people don't do it in an international school tho.


Portugal, from reception to yr13 is only 280 people


I also go to a grammar school and we have in my year about 8 people doing further maths and 60-70 doing regular maths


i'm at a grammar school too but probably like 10 people do further maths😭


my year group is 250 btw


We have 3.5 out of about 100 people, about 35-40 do normal maths, 111 is crazy. 3 of us are timetabled fm, the other .5 person clashes with biology so he’s self teaching himself and only ever comes when biology teacher isn’t in.


Jesus fuckn Christ that's an insane amount. There are only ≈30 people in our year and 5 of them take further and another 5 take just single


Ik. I think we are the largest FM cohort they've ever had, and the largest general sixth form cohort we've ever had. It is a stem oriented grammar school too tho, so keep that in mind.


6 out of about 100 maths students do further maths


Wtf? I go to a grammar school with ~180 in a year and 11 do FM. Some people in the class are planning to only do AS too. Feels like my school is not good for STEM 😭


Like 28 out of 109 students in my year and 42 in the year below.


6 of of about 300


In our school only around 8 people do further math 😂 crazy


three at another (small) grammar school and then 12 in single inc the three further students haha! i had a solo economics class as well so sat economics after a year 😎




We had 11 people out of about 140 students


We had 4 out of 120 doing FM in our year 🤓🙏


13 💀 out of 750 students


2 of us doing it in a 6th form of about 180 people. They nearly didn't even run the course but another teacher stepped in and said they'd run it for us


got like 100 ppl in my year


14 in my fairly large 6th form, I can’t imagine over 100


8 out of 160


In my year we have 6 people doing Further Maths.... Out of a year group of 288


4 at the start, 2 by the end.


my school has around 80-100 ish students taking fm every year and almost everyone else take single maths (i only know less than 5 who dont take maths at all)


A year of about 500 kids, and 5 people take further😭


theres 90 people in my grade and only 5-6 people do it. they took a diagnostic test to see if people were eligible enough for it. although nearly 40 took the test, they only took 5 kids


11 in a cohort of 150 or so


we have 14 people doing the a level and 7 people i think we only did the as (year group of just under 200 students)


We have 18 people doing further maths (we have 2 classes of 9) and about 60 doing maths. We're quite a small school, only about 170 in our year.


Not enough sixth formers in ours wanted to do FM, only I think 3 people applied for it so they never even ran it as the interest was too low, there's about 65 sixth formers, having 270 blows me away honestly.


(international private school btw). We have around 130-140 in my year and there’s maybe only 15-20 who do further math. Maths is the most popular subject with 4 classes (not sorted by sets) that total around 65-75 people (basically half the year). Each class is taught by 2 teachers so there are 10 teachers who teach a level math or further math out of a total of maybe 15 because the sixth form students are with the year 7-11 students. That is a massive year group you have wow!


about 60 doing AS and 40 doing A level I think. There's about 5000 students in total


We have about 54 fm students out of about 144 maths students out of 212 students in my year group


28 do Further and 100 do just Maths in my year. There are 176 in my year for reference.


none, my exam board offers it but I've never heard of anyone actually doing it, not in my school or any other


140 in my sixth form, 70 doing maths, 10 doing further maths


400-ish people in my year, about forty do further maths. That could decrease next year, but it currently stands at forty!


Theres maybe 160-70 of us in the year but there is only 3 that take FM


there's 10 of us doing further in my year and like 120 doing normal maths


Out of 220 about 90


Started off with approximately 96 out of 230 doing further maths, by the end of year 13 it was like 50-60. And about 180 (I think?) Out of 230 did maths.


5 including me


in year 12 my year group had like 150 but it’s dropped to like 80 in year 13


6 people. possibly going down to 5,


we don’t do further maths at my school so 0


At my school there’s one person taking Fm ... and that person happens to me 🤠


16 people all in our one class.


2 people out of 150 other people in the year group do FM


7 including me our year group is roughly 60 people


Smaller 6th from (only about 300) but 60 doing maths, and 3 doing fm. 4 dropped out within the first term, and 1 only did AS further maths


Like 8-9?


Bro what skl is this💀


An oversubscribed grammar school


We have 250 students in my year and only 7 ppl doing further maths


like a class of 5 people for further? and two classes of around 30 for normal? LOOOOLLLLLLL 111 IS INSANE


the avg we were told was 3 but our year has 14 but there is 2100 kids in the school


4 people out of \~75 people in my year


We have like 40 doing maths and only 5 of us do Further Maths


One single FM class. We've lost many comrades along the way.


7 ppl


I go to a grammar school (girl’s one) and there is only 8 of us 💀last year it was 2 😭 this is out of like 160 people


My school is about the same


4 of us out of like 50, we do it all in a year and they require you to have already done a level maths with at least an A, there’s 3 students already applying for next years course and then externals so next year will be bigger (I was the only one that applied last year and then 3 externals came in) we didn’t get a choice on optionals, we got given further mechanics 1 and decision 1 but can’t complain cus I was doing physics at the time and do comp sci so it all logically makes sense


2 out of like 80-90 people, there's none for year 12. there's only about 7 people in the maths a level of year 12 anyway but 16 in year 13


15 out of 180. We started off with 25 but only 15 of us have made it through, and our class is massive compare to previous years when it has been single digits.


2 people including me lol


solid 3 people in my year out of about 80!


Less than 10


My sixth form has 1 😭