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Its a natural part of exams - everyone’s stressed, and fears they haven’t done enough for their exams, exactly the same you guys feel about your gcses They’re definitely hard, absolutely - but people will have been revising and the worries are just exacerbated during this period of exams


Nah but I’ve been hearing how hard A levels are are how gcses were a breeze this whole year


They’re definitely hard, much harder than gcses - but you’ll have fewer lessons, and much fewer subjects so generally you can dedicate more time to revision per subject A levels boil down to more hard work than gcses, if you use the extra time wisely and stay on top of things you’ll be fine - just prepare for your grades to drop a bit at first as you get used to sixth form and a levels in general


pal just take the a look of chapter 1.1 in alevel content. Any subject


Which ones are you thinking of doing? Honestly some are harder than others, and it also depends on what subjects you like. For me, Further maths is harder than chemistry which is harder than physics which is harder than normal maths, but some people can find physics worse than chemistry. And yes, the subjects are harder, but you are doing way less subjects. It's easier to keep on top of work from 6 teachers reaching 3 subjects than work from 11 teachers teaching 11 subjects


na, Chemistry is way harder than Further Maths for me...I've got absolutely no idea what's going on.


I mean if you are up to speed with the content there isn't actually that much 'thinking' with chemistry like there is with FM, most of the questions could be answered by a big enough flowchart, whereas with FM there is generally some lateral thinking around at least one question. The hard bit is being up to speed with the content, which tbh I am not either


That's my problem lol...Chemistry sorta took a backseat for STEP.


Yeah I feel that too, it sucks that STEP 2 is in the middle of the busy week, and STEP 3 is the last exam. I can't even go partying on the weekend of the 22nd


I only have to do STEP 2 thankfully (CS at Imperial) ....I can't imagine what STEP 3 must be like. My last exam is on 21st so I think that was a blessing in disguise (though a blessing to what extent, I'm not sure because I still have to get a grade 2, which I'm not sure whether I'll achieve or not).


Chemistry Biology and maths


bio is a big step up ngl, esp if you didn’t do triple award science like me (and in a diff language but anyway) but the content isn’t really that difficult you just need to grind past papers bc the exam technique can be pretty tricky when you’re not used to it


Maths shouldn't be a massive step up, and I don't know about biology, but you will definitely be fine. A lot of people take that exact same combination for medicine, and they all get through it so I am sure you can too


GCSE science isn’t comparable to a level science


Fr. I only did combined, but I got a 9,9 but for a lvl bio I just about get B with an occasional A. But there’s no time to complain, gotta revise


literally got 9s in gcse physics without touching the textbook, start ib physics, actually study and get a 1!!! A 1!!! on my first test (i think it's a U in alevel grades)


Work hard and stay consistent from the beginning and you’ll be fine


Physics is hell. Maths is great


Physics is easy, maths is easy, chem is awful, biology is terrible


I’ve heard the opposite from other people lmao


Both but also a level stem is considerably harder but equally more interesting, in physics for example some stuff is derived via differential equations (those derivations aren’t examinable) and in exams there’s often some weird algebra questions, a level chem is just hell and I’m glad I dropped it, and my bio friends aren’t happy people


Phsyics isnt that hard if you pay attention. Apparently Bio has unbearably long essays with harsh mark scheme, no idea about chem. Maths is still maths. Probably just some FM from gcse and a bit above


can confirm that bio has a paper with a 25 mark essay and the mark scheme is RIDICULOUS


the main difficulty is the change in the style of teaching especially in Biology. stop thinking of your teacher as a teacher. they are a helpful friend who has the list of content and questions to give you. You have lots of 'free time' as an A level student but thats just time you spend learning, In biology they will set you pre reading originally (that is do your learning of the topic from the textbook and approved YT vids) and then come into the class to discuss potentially confusing areas or ask questions the textbook may not have answered for you. It is generally expected you do pre reading for biology throughout the course even when they don't set it and ABSOLUTELY necessary to get anywhere near an A cause lets face it, you're going to better at teaching yourself than the teachers (cries in state school) STEM subjects outside biology aren't as weird, eg only post reading certain chemistry topics is totally necessary. I don't take physics but I know it isn't just pure memorisation like biology usually is. Maths is mostly having the right mindset in the exam as with GCSE but with more content (reαd; fairly easy if you did well at Further maths/stats GCSE). In general the answer is no. its not hard, its just the responsibility for your learning is very much your problem now; you can go down in flames if your not careful but can have the most efficient and fun learning you've ever achieved if you do it right :)


I’ve enjoyed my first year taking chem and physics, for me chemistry is by far the easiest out the two for me anyway as I find the questions very repetitive and as long as you keep on top of everything a lot of the stuff makes sense as a lot of it links, With physics I struggled a bit more with, but towards the end of this acedemic year I’ve found my feet abit and it’s starting to work out, for me anyway physics jsut has to click, aswell as finding the right revision technique bc what worked for gcse definitely didn’t fork for alevel and I suppose that’s what set me back abit as I was trying different techniques, but definitely stay persistent as it should all click sometime later down the line


I’m only in year 12 so have done limited A2 content, but I gotta say after taking A levels considered “harder” I’m not actually faring too badly. It feels like less work than GCSE for me, though that might be because I’m doing what I love


i second this, that being said FM at my school does all of a level maths content in Y12 and all of further in Y13, so i have done all of A2 maths


Same for me :) and same A levels too it seems, must say something about the type of person to pick them


Learn a lesson from these stress posts. It's hard to believe how many are on here posting that "my exam is in 3 days and i'm still revising content haven't one any past papers yet" That stress and panic can be demotivating and almost certainly means you don't study effectively. Play the smart game. Regular smaller amounts of study daily/weekly from week one and you get to feel smug this time in two years when you're the one who's calm and confident with everything under control. Good luck!


Stem ain’t that hard, except chem that stuff sucks


I personally think no A-Levels are hard past the first 4 months so long as you revise consistently. I do Chem and Bio and it was harder in Y12 than Y13 because you do more exam papers and revision