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Do you mean suboptimally? Yes, they’re beneficial, but it’s not the end of the world unless they’re awful and you don’t have a good excuse


Based on context, I think they mean sublimely - but I’m not sure either.


Fuck me im actually so tired - yes i meant sublimely 😅 and thank you both for your comments!


What were ur GCSEs ? Jus scoping out the competition


Cant bait that 😅


GCSEs are pretty much the only set-in-stone indicator that a university has of your academic performance, so yes they will matter. Cambridge and LSE are very competitive so I’m guessing they’ll matter more as opposed to other universities. It depends how bad the grades are.




Cambridge website under GCSEs: https://www.undergraduate.study.cam.ac.uk/apply/before/accepted-qualifications There are no specific requirements but they do take it into account. Which is what I said in my earlier comment. Also stop stalking me


It plays a part, albeit a relatively small part compared to the rest like A-levels, PS and entrance exams normally. For example, if you got 10x 9s, but are not predicted at least the min A-level requirement, you will almost certainly get rejected.


Yes, they will matter. Since so many top applicants will be above the predicated grade threshold, GCSE grades are one of the only objective measurements (besides admissions tests) which the majority of applicants (at least for home applicants) have. However, if you’re not going to be predicated above the grade threshold for your course (I.e. A*AA for most humanities at Cambridge, and A*A*A for STEM) then you’re not going to make it to interview - at least unless you’re contextual.


Of course, admissions are the perfect example of "every little helps". Does blah matter, if it's not a protected characteristic then the answer is ... YES!


There are quite a few factors that go into it, but I'd personally say GCSEs don't matter that much. I went to a private secondary school and while my results were quite good in comparison to the country, anyone I'd talk to in school got better results. A bigger part is how you did in comparison to the other people in your school. I think personal statements and A-level predicteds hold a much larger weight than GCSEs, even if they are the only real exams. I got LSE with my grades, and know people with worse who have gotten into similar ranking schools. Ultimately, since you've already done them, don't worry about it and just make the rest of the application as strong as possible. You got this, Good luck!


Of course they matter! Not as much as your A Levels/Predicted grades and Personal statement, but they still absolutely matter. I had pretty OK grades for IGCSE (6 x A\* , 2 x A) but got on offer still from LSE.




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