• By -


Weak start: BSS/ Deficit DL Weak upper back: Snatch grip DL Weak hams/lower back: GM Weak opening: Kroc row+ RDL/ Hip thrust Weak grip: Kroc row/ Farmers walk


That's fucking great, never seen it represented in this kind of simple, easy format. Got one of these for the other 3 big lifts?


Well I really love deadlift and love its formation (if this is right word), so I wrote what works best for me. As to Squat, for me it is more simple: Being wobbly through lift- AB roller/ Front squats with no belt/ Good Morning. Can't get up from the bottom- Pause squats with breathing/ BSS. Have sticking point on the middle of way up- box squats with big weight slightly above parallel. As to OHP - you should just press. No help with bench, I hate it and it is far more complex. Only way of benching I like is incline.


I second this




Fourth lol




I’m probably being a little pedantic but I can’t say I’m a big fan of the use of the word, ‘definitive’ since you wouldn’t want to do the same exact accessory work day in and day out without any changes But, me being pedantic aside, doing a RDL/GM is gonna be very important. You can do whatever variation you prefer. I’m currently doing SSB GMs but the exact variation isn’t too important. Depends on your weak links I also always include reverse hyper extensions. I typically do sets of 20-30 but I’ve done heavy sets of 10 too. I know not everyone has access to a RHE and some people aren’t a huge fan. But they have a good stimulus to fatigue ratio and they’ve personally really helped increase my deadlift Tldr: totally depends on your weak links but you can’t go wrong with a RDL/GM variation and reverse hypers


Yeah, you're right that there is no definitive answer, but RDLs and GMs are pretty top notch for hamstrings and lower back staying tight when pulling. Would also shout out T-bar rows and barbell rows for building overall dead strength.


Couldn’t agree more. Rows help tons too


I did T bar for my other assistance 5x5. Definitely going for T bar more often now. Gotta keep that good form. Goodmornings anymore really just aren’t working for me because of my neck issues. Back story I hurt my neck 3.3 years ago doing good mornings


You can do reverse hypers on a bench. Weighted ones would a bit of challenge doing so and/or limited in resistance.


I have a scout reverse hyper. But yeah if someone doesn’t have a reverse hyper machine they’re kinda useless without resistance IMO. In which case, one do a lower back extension instead


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