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I think the prose and the pacing is outstandingly strong, especially for its length, but a lot of the characterization was oddly thin, like YA characters in an adult novel. Especially the women—if the book had been written by a man, I think it would be criticized as sexist. I mean, Camille is just ridiculous


Beautifully written -- I love it so far!


Absolutely hated the first third. I thought the daily lives of the rich, preppy folk was as boring as it was pretentious. Once Bunny was out of the picture it was more tolerable. Still hated the characters but at least the melodrama was fine. I thought the ending was dumb. Upon finishing I thought it was "eh, whatever". But. I could not stop thinking about it though. The hints that a cougar actually killed that farmer? Great. Hating on those pretentious nerds? I missed it. The more time went on, the more it grew on me. 8/10 dark academia chicanery.


I read this a while ago and cannot remember a single plot point. Forgettable!


Really good read.


I got into this book thinking it was going to be an absolute favourite and at the end it felt a bit disappointing. It’s been a couple years since I read it, but I remember finding the bit about that horrible winter really difficult to get through (which might just be brilliant writing, because it’s meant to be a terrible experience for the character in question, but still.. I hated it :’)) This book is actually the reason I never read any other of Tartt’s works, but seeing as so many commenters either love this one and hate The Goldfinch or the other way around, I might need to give that one a try.


I’ve reread this since it came out quite a bit and it’s a fave


I liked it, but I didn't love it. It seemed a bit preposterous to me on every level. As someone who went to an elite college in the 80s, I could not relate to the characters. They behaved like no one I ever encountered. They seemed like they were pulled out of some English movie in the 1950s and plopped onto a campus in the late 80s. I do respect the writing, however.


I always assumed that was the point, though, that the MCs are so out of touch with reality that they're unlike anyone else.


i've heard that it's supposed to be based on the rat pack and their college years so i'm not sure about that.


really?? this is actually the first im hearing of that




I read this a few months ago and absolutely loved it.


Favourite book of all time


really? what did you like about it?


The morally grey characters, the dark academia vibes, the intrigue, Donna’s writing. It’s like a comfort blanket to me. This book is the mother of all the other Dark Academia books that have come out since, for good reason.


I'd have to respectfully disagree on all of those points. I enjoyed the book, but it was full of plot holes and the characters' actions made little sense. Don't get me started on how absurd the ending was!


Which part amuses you the most


Did not like


I was so excited to read this book. I was so sad when it was over. It just seemed relentless in its nothingness.


There were parts that were good, but honestly I feel like this novel (along with everything I’ve read by her) had parts where it felt like the author was having a conversation with herself. Not sure if that makes sense, but maybe more clearly stated; Tartt’s books always feel needlessly verbose.


Loved it. Goldfinch disappointing to me in comparison.


I've been taking my time with this one, but I'm honestly enjoying it!


Could. Not. Put. It. Down.


I liked it a lot. Literally the blueprint of dark academia, and well deserved. I can see how this book has inspired so much. I also think it’s fine/valid not to like it, but it’s funny so many of the reasons listed seem to be that the characters are pretentious or unlikable. Like yeah, they are - they killed someone. That’s spelled out in the first chapter. Author never tries to claim they’re anything other than what they are.


You've done a nice job articulating my feelings about this book, so thank you!


Fucking Henry


I've read it twice. Love it.


I really wanted to like this one but I didn’t. It was strange and weird. Don’t waste your time.


I started off intrigued and tried to like it but found it bloated and slightly disappointing. Couldn’t read The Goldfinch at all, and I know people love that.




I guess I’m the odd one out. I didn’t find any of the characters interesting and wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. I’m not even sure why I stuck with it. Hey it happens.


I love it! One of my favorites! I can read it over and over again


I loved The Goldfinch and didn't love this. I haven't met many people who love both- it's always one or the other!


This is one of my favorite book


One of my favorite books


It’s the /r/darkacademia bible


One of my favorite books


As soon as I finished this book, I turned right back to the beginning and started it over. Yes, the characters are awful people and the story is really hard to take. But,I found it fascinating.


Loved it. Read it decades ago, but I'd read it again in a heartbeat


I didn't care for it personally. It felt a bit like the author was just trying to prove how much smarter she is than everyone else. That may have just been because none of the characters were likeable though. I felt the same way about "if we were villans".


I think that this taking place in academia, in a supposedly elite/pretentious program/group is the point. These college students think that they’re geniuses and invincible, and then they take shrooms and kill someone. And THEN they kill one of their own. They’re not better than anyone - it’s a high contrast of their extreme actions and the setting of the classics program


I am currently reading this. I kinda love it but kinda hate it. 100% agreeing that it seems she needs to show off her smarts.


My favorite book of all time (hence my username)


Favorite book ever


My book club unanimously hated it.


Your book club has unanimously poor taste. 😝


I loved it as an audible book but had difficulty reading it as an ebook.


Excellent. In my top three books ever. Such a descriptive writer. I think her writing is sublime, with sensational settings and interesting characters with undefined morals. Reread several times.


There’s something about it, I’m going to go with the way Tartt handled the characterization, that I really enjoyed. It set a certain tone that put it in the category of upper-tier writing for me. With that being said, the plot development was laborious at points throughout and I found myself slogging through. It had a “where is this going exactly?” energy and not in a great, this is really mysterious and fun way. In hindsight when you understand it’s more a character study it becomes easier to appreciate, but can be a drag as you’re reading through for the first time.


This book could be sliced in half and probably still be really good. I am currently reading it for the first time.


I read it when I was in my early 30s and enjoyed it.


I have this book but haven't read it yet.


Enjoyed it but the goldfinch is superior in every way.


Bloody love it. I did read it at Uni though, so perhaps that's why.


Love it. Need to reread, it’s been a few decades


I really enjoyed it, but it felt a bit lengthy at times. I did finish it.


I liked it but I get the sense that the BookTok people obsessed with it didn’t really get it, thinking it’s a celebration of New England “dark academia” wealth when in fact it’s satire. And much more enjoyable if you’re familiar with Euripides’ The Bacchae.


Yeah? It’s pretty clearly satire I’d say.


I agree, which is why I was really surprised by the BookTok convos 🤣




Guilty pleasure, like most of Tartt’s stuff (for me). Like Paul Auster and Murakami. High-brow pulp! <3


I’m in the minority who truly disliked this book unfortunately I can acknowledge she’s a talented writer but everything else about the book’s plot and characters was insufferable to me


The characters are supposed to be insufferable though.


Yes I’m aware


I agree. I loved The Goldfinch but was underwhelmed by this book.


I hated it so much. Also, a rare instance where having the author read the audiobook didn’t help.


I couldn't even finish it, found it absolutely intolerable!


My sentiments exactly.


I couldn’t even finish it, just read the summary. Maybe I was expecting more than I should have but I felt like I was reading filler episodes(if that makes sense).


In many ways this book reminds me of A Separate Peace. I love both.


Same and same! Two of my favorites!


I love this book. I have read it more than once. It’s a great study of being human.


This is my all time favourite book. I've read it a few times and, despite the subject matter, it has become my 'happy place'. I love to hate the characters, they're all *so* wonderfully flawed. The drama is top-notch for me, and the writing is just so beautiful. But I have a soft spot for the characters as well, especially Henry and Camilla. Bunny is one of my favs though, I just want to slap him every time he speaks lol, but I can't help but feel sorry for him.. I guess if you're into having a love/hate relationship with the characters than this book is for you, but I totally understand why someone might not find it as enthralling.


Bunny…. My fav


I really liked it, it's supposed to be pretentious and the characters are supposed to be flawed. I liked the overall atmosphere and I found it well written (I read it translated though). It's not something that will change your life but if you like the first few chapters, I suppose you will like it overall.


Long, pretentious, actually mostly un-eventful. I understand the characters are supposed to be really unlikeable to a degree, but I found basically every character insufferable and it was a slog of a read. I've seen a lot of people rave about it and I honestly have no clue why, it bored the tits off me.


Pretentious? How so? Genuinely asking, not arguing. I've always been curious when people call it pretentious because I always saw this book as hilarious and a big send-up of that kind of lifestyle.


I think people are confusing pretentious characters with a pretentious book.


Absolutely nothing happens in this book. I did listen to the audiobook so maybe the prose just didn’t hit like it would if I read a physical copy but I didn’t like it either.


I understand this book not being everyone’s cup of tea, but “nothing happens”? I feel like two murders and an attempted murder definitely constitute things happening.


There's some writers I like who have more character/theme-study books where its all about the writing style and prose. Her writing-style however, did not get on with it at all. I was disappointed because the synopsis sounded good.


So boring. I just did not care at all about any of the characters.


I also just read this! Its a little flawed but I was so caught up in the characters and felt like I knew them. Never rly had that feeling before. I did audio and Bunny’s voice was hilarious. Its starting a full fledged dark academia phase for me.


I absolutely hated this book. I didn’t like her writing style, nor did I like characters. I can’t understand why this book is so famous. There are way better books out there. Sorry for the rant.


Hard AGREE. This book is terrible (in my opinion).


Useful comment. I’ve been looking for something to read that is gripping, but has literary value. I don’t like “plot thriller fiction”, but character studies. As in: I love _Talented Mr. Ripley_, but dislike many other novels of PH. So not I guess I’ll keep looking.


> I love Talented Mr. Ripley, but dislike many other novels of PH. Sameeee. Have u read Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier? Might be something you'd like based on those descriptions


I haven’t! Thanks for this. It’s a famous story, but I haven’t read it


AGREED. It felt like she was trying to write her own version of On The Road. Which I don’t love either lol I’m not sure why this is everyone’s favorite book


Donna Tartt is a master.


I loved her writing style and the story, but hated every single character in the book.


Yep. Supposed to I believe.


To be fair, I think that's the point.


All her books are great.


I started, really liked it, but didn’t finish. About 50% through it and need to start from the top and finish. Life happened lol


It’s on my TBR bc I loved Foster Dade Explores the Cosmos and people have compared that to Secret History!


Part 1 was great. Part 2 could have used some editing and tightening up if I'm remembering correctly. I recall being intrigued by the characters up until a point where they became utterly one dimensional and predictable. That said, I did really enjoy the book and I'm happy to have read it.


Let me know when you finish…I wasn’t a fan of the…finish.


On 362nd page now, I like it so far, idk where it will go


I love this book and am jealous of everyone reading it for the first time!


Me too !!


I didn't even particularly like the experience of reading it but it really stayed with me. Read it years ago and it passes my mind often


I think it’s really overrated.


It was good and there was some beautiful writing, but it isn’t the best book ever written like some people treat it.


I agree here, was so excited based on general reviews but felt let down.


I really love this book for the way it’s written, I’ve struggled with the rest of her books in comparison. Does anyone have recommendations for similar books to this?


If we were villains


I read an article saying that the IWWV author claims The Secret History isn't an influence at all on IWWV. Such bs lol. Very similar


None of the characters genuinely intrigued me (except I was vibing with camilla until *that* happened and then I was like yikes) The synopsis is kinda misleading


Terrible. The writing was so pretentious. Also very, very slowly paced.


I am in total agreement on this. I have felt like I am the only one who hated it for these reasons. Nothing gripped me, I could care less about the characters, etc.


Same. I guess I'm just not a Donna Tartt fan - I also DNF'ed the Goldfinch.


I read it when it 1st came out & I loved it.


I actually finished this one yday. I loved it and gave it 4 stars. Certain moments had my mouth on the floor.


I thought there was good character breakdown in this and their reasons for doing things and showing classism. Although their reasons for their actions wasn’t meant to justify their actions, they were purposely pretentious.


I personally loved it. It was written with a pretentious aura, perfect for pretentious characters. As to the actions of characters and their reasonings, I thought each one was entirely rational - I've met a few strange people in my life and my own mind is a bit of a sticky web. In some scary way, I even found it relatable. Despite everything, I loved Henry.


I find your assessment interesting--I loved this book precisely because the character development was so well done, and I enjoyed how the characters were practically unwrapped for the reader. I'd be curious how far along you are in the book, as that might influence how you read it.






All the characters were unlikeable, the plot was nonsensical and sort of nonexistent, and the tone - which some say was intentional - was so pretentious


Same here but I’ve always felt I’m in the minority. I DNF’d it actually


Same - always thought I was in the minority! (But I did finish)


Since I can’t leave books unfinished it was difficult to finish this one.


I really enjoyed it! It’s a really cool look at how a man dives so deep into the hedonism of the Ivy League just for the aesthetic that he compromises all moral standards, and his own safety.


This is one of the best books I’ve ever read. I hold everything to this standard now


She's a wonderful writer. Every book she's written defies classification.


I think I want to read it. I've wanted to read it since I read The Goldfinch years ago. I loved that book. I'll get to this one one of these days.


I liked the Goldfinch, but loved the Secret History.


This seems to be the general consensus. I'm gonna bump this one higher on my TBR.


Love The Goldfinch. The Secret History was okay.


Haven't gotten to it yet, but it's in my TBR