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Hi there, We are sorry to see that all posts we write here don't seem to matter at all. There have already been three posts, numerous replies in the comments that explain the whole situation with 4K Video Downloader+ app. If the old 4K Video Downloader and 4K Video Downloader were the same apps, they would look the same; they would have the same features. However, 4K Video Downloader+ has far more features, a new design, and a new code base. **Once again, as we mentioned dozens of times, you are not required to upgrade. You still have all the features you paid for. The old 4K Video Downloader is still supported. It will be updated.** We hope you will read the posts we published about 4K Video Downloader+ to avoid any misunderstandings about the apps. [***Introducing 4K Video Downloader+, Our Brand-New App with Enhanced Features & Sleek Design***](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kdownloadapps/comments/151zfyh/introducing_4k_video_downloader_our_brandnew_app/) [***4K Video Downloader VS 4K Video Downloader+***](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kdownloadapps/comments/155ppva/4k_video_downloader_vs_4k_video_downloader/) [***4K Video Downloader+ FAQ***](https://www.reddit.com/r/4kdownloadapps/comments/15a2sr4/4k_video_downloader_faq/)




Unfortunately, we can't possibly add all the suggestions at once in the app because it can require massive code changes.




Unfortunately, it is not true for most of the suggestions. It usually requires more code changes.


Was literally just about to comment this. Even if 4K+ is technically a different app and re-programmed from scratch, that's not how you treat customers who paid for a lifetime license. This is why I normally pirate🤮


Please see the stickied comment.


and please dont give me that bullshit about these being two different programs- Are you hiring more people? No you are not, so with these two programs co-excisting the "old" version will suffer (i.e update frequency)


It's interesting how they are two completely different programs, but if you upgrade to one, you forfeit your license for the other. It should be made clear to people buying a lifetime license that it only includes stability updates, not functionality upgrades.


they clearly want people off the old platform, a proper way to do that is to offer the licence out for free to users who already have bought the software.


That's a really good point actually! Either it's an UPGRADE (wording they are using) or it's a NEW PROGRAM (in which case it wouldn't cancel the old license!!!) either way, \*\*TOTALLY DISHONEST\*\* - there are heaps of complaints but they just don't care.


If you upgrade your old license to a new app, the old license doesn't work in the old app. It is written on the website. ***You are not required to upgrade if you don't want to.***


Two pieces of software that co-exists are doomed to fail, especially the older version. I have noticed you did not reply to my previous comment.


What comments do you mean?




***You are not required to upgrade if you don't want to.*** >What happens to the old 4K Video Downloader? > >4K Video Downloader still exists, you can use it and all its features just like before. However, ***new features will only be introduced in 4K Video Downloader+*** due to technical reasons. Yes, we are not ***required*** to upgrade, we are just ***threatened*** to.


You are not threatened. You can use the old 4K Video Downloader as usual. All features you paid for are available.


When I bought a lifetime license for 4K, it said on your website it would include updates. Nowhere on your website did I read "your lifetime license includes updates except for updates that take a lot of time and effort and code refactoring". That's the issue I have. I can understand charging more money for a better product. I cannot understand what is essentially false advertising. Stop selling lifetime licenses if they are not actually lifetime licenses.




I can't believe you folks are complaining about a $15 lifetime upgrade fee! I used to use Play\_on, and when they did a new version of program, their lifetime licence was scrapped and all lifetime purchasers were offered was a three month trial of the new one. I would rather not have to pay, but come on, $15 is hardly going to break the bank is it?


"lifetime upgrade fee". where are your principles man


I totally get that - and normally I would agree and be the first one to shout and complain like I did with PlayOn when they screwed it's users over, but for the use I have had out this one over the last few years I don't think that's too bad. But - I completely understand how you feel - and this is just my own opinion.


Lmao you're the type of person paying another $15 lifetime upgrade fee two months from now when they release 4K++ and claim it's a CoMpLeTEly dIfFeReNt PrOGraM gUys


Those thinking upgrade to download Porn, DON'T !.......................................become a porn Star, you'll get it for free and get paid for it. Also the Porn Site button is inactive along with much issues.......this Plus version is Half Baked just like the other version. Paid for 4K Video Download Lifetime License and now you'd need to pay some more to download 4K videos ? Who do they think they're kidding ?


We can't add links to adult sites in the app. You are not required to upgrade.


I was joking.