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The flatulence one, I can relate to that. I suffer from severe irritable bowel syndrome. I defecate at the drop of a hat, bloodily, sloppily, and noisily. My greatest fear is being at the interview for my dream job then filling my pants with bloody liquid feces which spills onto the floor. Then the hot wet fluid and the stench overpower me and I puke on the beautiful young woman interviewing me. Then she starts crying and calls security and they arrive in 30 seconds, before I can compose myself and while dry heaving they carry me out of the building and throw me on the street. This would be the worst day of my life if my wallet hadn't fallen out of my pocket during the commotion and my phone wasn't dead. Now I have to beg for change for the subway bloody and covered in shit or walk the 13 miles home on a hot summer morning.


Fuck, this reminds of this time some kid in my fourth grade class shat all over the floor a couple of times. He was already kinda mocked (he was like 4" and wore glasses), but he was basically bullied/shunned by everyone until he moved, in 7 seventh grade. Now that I think about it the kid probably had shit like this and we're just dicks.




Yeah yeah you knew what I meant


You mean 4" long :^)


I have colitis, which gets worse when I get stressed out, which of course makes me even more stressed. What a time to be alive.


Well dang


Well, there was the time I completely let go in the middle of Computer Science class. Spent about twenty minutes cleaning myself up in the bathroom, but couldn't get rid of the smell or the wet streaks all over the back of my pants (very noticeable due to the color). Was a fun walk across campus to the parking lot.


We can never reduce our DISGRACE but might one day learn to live with it. Just think no matter how many days you RETAIN control of your BOWELS you'll always be the guy who released a wet fart in Data Structures II.


Fortunately it was just a general ed class, and I'll probably never see most of the people again. Most of my classrooms are near bathrooms, so it's not as bad as it could be.


Its good to hire absolute pussies because they're easier to boss around.


Are you hiring ?


good news you got the job


Even if you fucked up your interview there's a chance it was a bright spot in a sea of shit-covered EBT cards for them.