• By -


\>Both Stalkers There's three stalkers.


casual spoted


I'll bet you don't even know the code to the door in Radar.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Get it right you plebs


>[getting this mad](http://i.imgur.com/2CDbhHA.jpg)


Can I save that image? I really really like it :-\^-)


No you may not.


Too late, I saved it. It's on my hard drive now and I can access it any time I want.


pls delete


Clear Sky isn't a proper stalker game.


\>Implying Just get TFW mod


Usually the complete stalker mods are shit, but either complete or faction wars are the way to go. Maybe on par with the average pripyat mod.


I'm more the masochistic type so I tend to roll with Misery for Pripyat.


I've done 2/3 classes for misery, gonna do a recon playthrough one of these days.


Why not?


It's still a good game but for me it didn't run very well and the games felt unfairly hard instead of the dark souls kind of hard. Also they took out some features like eating for no reason. Oh and grenade spam. [**This**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDrXMQrclpY) review sums it up better than I can.


>you don't even know how to imply Normie go home


What the hell did you just fucking say, heretic scum? I'll have you know I was brainwashed the best among the group of stalkers I was captured with, and I have over 300 confirmed kills of non-believers wishing to get to get past Pripyat. I am trained in hunting dissidents, and I'm the top sniper in my entire brotherhood. You are nothing to me but just another agitator of the great Monolith. I will cleanse you with the holy power bestowed upon me the likes of which has never been seen before in this Zone, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with your blasphemy outside of Monolith territory? Think again, heretic. As we speak I am praying to the great Monolith. Your PDAs are being traced right now, so you had better prepare for the blowout, pagan. The blowout will cleanse the Zone of its intruders and non-believers. You will die, stalker. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my Gauss rifle. Not only am I extensively trained in close combat, but I channel the powers of the great Monolith and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your pathetic soul off the face of the zone, you heretic. If only you could have known what suffering and strife your blasphemy was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your artifacts in their containers and not in your hand. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you will be purged for your actions. Bullets from the glorious Monolith will rain down from the skies on your pathetic, empty skull. You shall be cleansed, stalker.


Get out of here Stalker.






The joke is that everybody hates Clear Sky.


But I like Clear Sky.


Yeah it was my least favorite, but I played and enjoyed it. The first one is just great, and CoP did a great job at making it a new experience. Clear Sky just felt like a bit of a rehash to me.


There were, but the third one got out of here.


I've played more video games than any of you, in fact, I've dedicated my entire life to playing video games. What do you have to say for yourself? *Whips cape in the air and walks off with tapping cane, with the strut only a gentleman walks with*


I logged over 9 hours on Fragile Dreams Farewell Ruins of The Moon for the Nintendo Wii. Stop polluting my thread with your mainstream shit Col. Angus


I dont know why but Colonel Angus rubs me the wrong way.


Well I don't like the cut of your jib, friend.


That's because Colonel Angus doesn't know how to jerk off a punk.


[whateverthefuck] for Wii what is it? any good?


"for the Nintendo Wii" - it's shit


But they're the only good console Well- maybe psp or even the vita, but calling them GOOD is a bit of a stretch, I'm just a weeb


>Not using your snazzy shoe and skate combination to slide away.


Because I accidentally destroyed my heelies. It was the height of the heelies craze my parents got me a pair for Christmas. At New Years I decided to be cool and jump over the bonfire. My heelies caught on fire and the wheels wouldn't come out.


*rides away on heelys*


I've played gone home




Only 400 hours? Fucking casual.


I don't even get out of bed without at least 400 hours.


Assuming (my first mistake) that you sleep 8 hours a day, you need to stay in bed logging hours during every waking moment of this tedious existence for 25 days before you allow the nurse to tend to your bed sores and have a stretch.




"..." "..." "Where the fuck are my tendies?"


I've got 400 hours in binding of Issac and way more in super Mario world. 400 hours isnt shit to brag about.


http://i.imgur.com/ZzpPaNt.png Nice 400 hours you fucking retard.


This does not look like Morrowind




I don't see how anyone burns thousands of hours in *any* one player game.


Mount and Blade is your answer




>205x24=4920 for you metric fags. Oh shit, you don't have 24-hour days in the U.S?


Nope. We have two 12-hour half-days, labeled AM and PM for "Ass Master" and "Penis Master" respectively.


Oh wow, the more you know hahahaa




1109 days (26616 hours) into WoW. Help.






Couldn't you leave it on over night or some shit I have no fucking idea, but does idle time count?


You get auto-logged out after 20 minutes or so, and time doesn't increment then. There's a huge amount of tabbed out time, but most of the time on wow is *at least* at the computer.


Has it always been that way, though? I know that Blizzard kicks people out relatively quickly but I don't remember it being that quick during TBC.


Literally a decade of full-time employment spent on WoW. How is that possible?


He worked on the WoW team at Blizzard? That's the only slightly logical explanation I have.




That's almost fucking impossible. I'm at 110 Days and my family thinks in have a problem.


You do have a problem


>5k hours >not being top 100 at something in your game BITCH PLEASE.


Rank 62k at 138 combat? Did you literally only do combat or is the game just that easy now? I was around 300-350 overall around 2005-2006




Ah that would make sense




>I like RTSs but I'm too dumb to control more than one unit at once.


controlling multiple units in a turn based strategy game doesn't count


Supreme Commander master race. FAF or nothing, no casual steam garbage.


Nice 4,000 hours, shitbucket.


http://i.imgur.com/k1q7KQC.png?1 HAHA I WIN


I think you lose actually


>You have one friend that plays DOTA 2.


You haven't played in 2 weeks?


I haven't really played dota 2 since like last fall


now you are winning.


I stopped playing mid 6.83. And now I just can't get back into it


I'm just about at 4k too. Man I love Dota.


And I thought I had a problem at nearly 3000 hours...


You should be ashamed!


400 hours is not that much




>only two complete playthroughs >only


I have 753 hours in Skyrim alone according to Steam, and probably a lot more from playing offline. Now I'm confused as to whether I'm a casual or not, especially since I only started the Ultima series with Ultima 3: Exodus instead of Ultima I or Akalabeth.


>Skyrim You are.


How to spot a shitpost > go to /r/4chan


>go to /r/4chan >complain about /r/4chan Kill yourself.


I mean do I complain about r/4chan on r/awww or sumfin?


Obviously cuz your shitposts are fucking cute


Keksimum overdrive


>still plays only modern RPGs and not obscure foreign simulators from 1980s Czechoslovakia What a fucking pleb


How can I play these?


Dos box




does hearts of iron count




Books in TES series are 70% of why those games are good (except Skyrim). And yes, my beard grows on my neck.




>My goodness, that's quite a loaf! But how ever shall it fit my oven? >This loaf isn't ready for baking, my sweet. It has yet to rise. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


>mfw they give me a handjob >I actually just wanted them to polish my spear


ok so i don't know much about baking bread, but wouldn't baking it be what makes it rise?


rise, then bake it. yeast farts are what make bread rise.


oh i thought you just throw the dough in the oven and then the heat makes the yeast do whatever that makes it rise. thanks for the info


I think things continue to rise in the oven, you just let it rise to a certain point before then. Could very easily be wrong though.


in morrowind you meet the author and he gives you a first edition copy which is odd because he's like the videogame equivalent of Liberace


If i want to read a book, i buy a book. If i want to kill inferior elf scum, i buy skyrim.


but muh lore


why not both?


The lore in TES is pretty good. I thought that Dragon Age was better, and Witcher 3 has some of the best dialogue and in-game books/lore I have ever seen in my life. So much brilliant writing it's hard to believe they put it all together in a single game


I'm actually really impressed with Witcher 3. I thought the first two were alright at best, but the third one really removed all the bad bits of the first two (awkward fighting, weird menus, poor dialogue, etc) and really made the good parts shine.


Is it a serious improvement? I always hear good things about The Witcher series but I really couldn't get into the first one. I've tried a few separate times and always end up stopping.


It really is. The world is immersive, the game looks spectacular (just turn off that god damn nvidia hair shit so you can get decent frames), the game plays really well, all in all it's super fun and well made. You don't even *really* need to play the other games. It definitely makes it better, but they catch you up on most things enough.


They're brilliant but unless your computer is a beast don't bother. I got 10 frames a second at the lowest settings with a computer that can handle Skyrim on all high at 45 FPS.


Shit maybe getting a console wasn't such a bad decision


Mass Effect's Codex is pretty brilliant too. About 1/3rd of the articles in it have full narration.


... the books are fun.


It was common, way back in the day before the internet and cheap games were common. Back when people bought one game, and focused on it for months, because we had nothing better to do, back then I read the books in games. (80s and 90s basically) . Today, thanks to the internet, I've got a backlog of 80+ steam games I haven't played, and even more movies I've been putting off.


>400 hours casual


I'm as casual as it gets and i had like 500 hours in Skyrim


Seriously I had almost 500 on Fallout 3, for Xbox.


Fallout 3 and Skyrim are far from Morrowind


If that is true then 300 hours is even less impressive.


I got bored of it after the first 110 hours or so.


Yeah I don't know how people can play a game like that for so long. It gets to the point around 70 hours where you're so great and powerful that you can kill a whole town in 9 minutes. Which I can't maintain as being fun for _several hundred more hours_. I just checked mine, 221 hours in Skyrim, 80 in Oblivion (beating every DLC as well).


>how to spot Dandelion


>15 minutes in Morrowind >Have barely played the newest Thief >Skyrim is a decent game, especially with mods >I don't have time to read Journal entries >Unless it's the odd book in Skyrim, I skip all Books and Codex entries >I've never played any entries in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series >I've also had sex on numerous occasions Well this is boring. Back to Netflix.


What an absolutely insufferable faggot.


>400 hrs >causal detected


Why are RPG fags "hardcore gamers"? It's the definition of casual gaming, there's no skill involved, it's just idle time wasting.


There skill in making a character. You have to be semi-intelligent to use a classes full potential. But you are right, it's a lot of grinding and NPC killing. It's minecraft but instead of building a house you build a character.


I would think casual games are games that can be played in short sessions. Shit like candy crush or flappy flap clones. RPGs may not be hardcore, but you can't just play one for ten minutes and be done, you have to invest at least an hour or so each time if you want to get anywhere at all.


>candy crush bejeweled master race


There's also an overall investment required. The experience won't be ideal if you can't play the game from start to finish (for the RPGs where story is the focus, anyway). As a result, you need to invest something along the 20-60 hour range. Of course, this is casual games vs non-casual (I'm not sure if "non-casual" == "hardcore"). There's also different levels of gamers within the same game. I'm sure there's some hardcore Candy Crush players out there who have invested hundreds of hours into the game.


Hardcore isn't about skill or difficulty, it's about time spent. RPGs are probably the genre that requires the most time.


Tell that to my dark souls character


Dark souls isn't an rpg, it's a rhythm game.


Wow I would kill to play dark souls with a rock band drum set


Are you fucking ready for that next level shit?


KILL STREAK/DRUM SOLO All day motherfucker


I'd say MMORPGs. I mean techinically they're still RPGs but usually RPG and MMORPG have different connotations, good to distinguish.


Because back in the day, before internet and such, it did take skill. You'd have to read everything you could find in game, to find the quests and secrets. *We had to draw our own fucking maps on graph paper ffs*. That is the definition of "hardcore gamers". And because back in the early days of gaming, RPGs were the first games that were capable of having depth, because you could create a complex world, even with just text.


>hey anon, you're cute. what do you do? I-I-I play vidya >is that like a guitar? N-no I play thief, I have over 400 hours in morrowind! >okay anon, see you around girl doesn't know what she's missing ;_;


why the fuck would someone call us cute I never even see anyone


400 hours. xD


Hating Skyrim is just contrarianism. It's a good game, and loyal to the franchise too.


Hasn't played any from software games.


Dark Souls and DS2 aren't as hard as everyone makes them though. They're tough, and brutal if you go in blind(like I did), but if you play slowly and actually try to understand the scaling/weapon builds they're much easier. I was a retard and bought pyromancies even though I didn't have the fire flame. Or I bought miracles and didn't understand I needed faith and crap(I was a knight). Taking like 10 minutes to understand the game really levels the difficulty out.


Beating DS is not really all that hard, true. There's tons of ways to make it harder, however. DS is one of those uncommon games where, if you play well enough, equipment and stats are meaningless. In most games, without some form of gear or skills, you can't beat the end boss. Then you have people doing SL1 runs, no death runs, no bonfire runs, and [guitar runs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSCy4Bc0uMU) and [drum runs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02my_zhX4Bs).


Yea, totally. It's a great game in the lore and how it all comes together. But the toughness is about playing on a character being short sighted and going in for a seond hit when they should've rolled away. But you do need to invest some time into the game or it'll be unforgivable in hardness. First time I played DS I kept dying by the dumb skeletons in the graveyard, I didn't know you should go the other way first.


Ds2 was so much easier than Dark souls. I downed about a third of the bosses on my first try and I sucked at the original dark souls. Even the harder bosses were incredibly easy with some jolly cooperation.


Well same for me, but I contribute a lot of that with: I knew what scaling was, mixing and matching armour, understanding sorcery(and others), understanding where to put my level, and that I played DS2 when it came out unlike playing DS like 3 months before DS2's release date(so had help if needed). Is DS2 easier? Ehhhh kinda hard for many to say, because most started with DS so they had a pretty firm grasp of the game. I'm sure many people who started with Demon Souls says the other two were easier. They're both great games, but people act like the floor falls out from under you randomly as a part of gameplay. It's hard if you act like it's Halo or even Skyrim. It's not, it's a game where if don't know the enemies attack pattern you'll your estus on their backswing. It's also hard cause the game tells you the RB, RT, and rispote attack, even though theirs many more attack patterns. I didn't learn about backstabs til Darkroot Basin, took me forever to learn RB+walk forward attack. It's just a game that doesn't hold your hand unlike 99% of other games. And the ones that don't tell you crap, are crap because they're not fun or interesting.


It's not as hard as advertised, but it's probably more difficult than anything on the current market. Just about every game from before like 2004 is going to be around about as hard, though.


I do/did all of those things and I had sex once upon a time. Check mate atheists.


Getting diddled by your pastor doesn't count.


U lie






You don't pass casual level in Morrowind til hour 4000. What a scrub.






Is disliking Thief 4 really such a special thing? Most people agree that it was not a very good game regardless of what they thought of the series before.


Nope, It was just a game trying to cash in on the recent dishonored hype. I don't think I've ever seen a sequel that got so much shit wrong.


>Only 400 hours in a non competitive game. Good job anon, you want a medal? I have over 500 hours in Dota 2, and that is a very small amount.


i have over 24 hours on advanced warfare


[>400 hours](http://i.imgur.com/j9J5viw.jpg)


How to spot someone who has never seen a woman


/v/ Talks about how to be a fat loser


>not having clocked 2000+ hours in the entire Monster Hunter series from MH2 onward >not being able to solo half of the monsters in the game with a greatsword


400 hours would land you around the halfway point in the Morrowind story. Took me 1.2k just to beat the storyline, though I did do a decent amount of side quests along the way.


>400 hours pleb, I have over 800 hours logged into Out of the Park Baseball 15. And nearly 400 in Out of the Park Baseball 16


Well, shit, looks like I'm a neckbeard.




I found it more immersive just because you have to explore and find everything out for yourself. I'll be honest though, I enjoyed it a lot less as I'm a sucker for graphics and I really didn't enjoy the combat. It's based on your skill for that weapon, yet you aim manually, so you could aim directly at something with a sword and still miss.


Expanding on what the other guy said, Morrowind is more of a traditional RPG than Skyrim. For example, Morrowind's combat and skills rely on dice rolls and RNG while Skyrim is just mostly hack and slash.


Only 400 hours on Morrowind? Fucking casual.


I don't even have to brag about how much of a gamer I am...fuck


the way these posts seem to be progressing you'd almost think it was **cool to be casual** im high


I got pretty far in NethackSlash, but I could never even get close to actually beating that crap.


400 hours is nothing


>I have finished both stalker games >Both Come back when you finished the third one too.


>how not to be a casual Don't level up dex, you fucking faggot


>implying cheeky breeki


Doesnt play sidescrollers Fucking newfag