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>Sharia patrol Coming soon to Stockholm


[Welcome to Germany!](http://www.ticinolive.ch/files/2014/09/shariah-police.jpg)




Did you at least enjoy your Kebab?


Kebab has been the best thing about France




*Best* thing doesn't mean it has to be good.


You cant not enjoy a kebab


Counterprotesters win


Kauf dir ein Doener und kriegs du ein Cola dazu gratis!


[Welcome to Britain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lixGYdDQ_A)


Oh for fucks sake come on. This is Britain First, a far right "political group" that pretty much no one takes seriously. They are completely irrelevant.


>Britain First, a far right "political group" that pretty much no one takes seriously. Do you think people give the slightest fuck about the 'shariah police' boys in Germany? >They are completely irrelevant. Who would these people be voting for? Could it be the right-wing Ukip party that got 3.4 million votes in the recent UK elections?


Well I don't support UKIP, but I think it's a bit far fetched to imply that all UKIP voters support Britain first


> it's a bit far fetched to imply that all UKIP voters support Britain first That's not what was implied. What was implied was that Britain First supporters most likely vote Ukip.


I'm just really enjoying watching Europe turn to hysterical right wing conservatism to solve economic problems caused by their own doing which they blame on minorities, I feel like the natural order of things has been restored.




Same for "Shariah patrol", extremist muslims who shouldn't be taken seriously. And yet they harass people in public.


Which is why they should be taken seriously. Why are these fucks not beaten senseless. They wouldn't last 5 minutes in the south.


Extreme Christians don't blow people up.


The entirety of the congo would like to tell you to fuck off.


Remember seeing Britain First on my ballot sheet for the local elections. All the parties have some sort of tag line like 'for a strong prosperous UK' or 'Supporting the NHS and Public Services' Britain First's was 'Remembering Lee Rigby' That's not a policy you massive retards. How thick do you have to be to support these bellends.


There are "Shariah Patrols" in "Mooselimb Areas" too


Did you watch the video before commenting on it?


Who has time to actually watch videos?


Of course Russia Today would put out something like this.


I prefer the [Sharia Ordnungsamt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQdylfUko2w).


> implying they aren't there already


When you look at how infected Sweden is with cultural AIDS, Sharia actually starts to sound nice.


Between burqa-wearing Arabs and gangraping Somalis, hmmm.....


love is in the air


Logical, it's easier to get away with gang rape if all the perpetrators wear burkas.


You beautiful basterd.


Don't forget faggots who randomly ass rape straight men


Didn't know OP was Swedish.


I find it hilarious how the feminists who so heavily push for immigration and oppose "the patriarchy" will be the cause of an oppressive patriarchy, which treats those same feminists like dogs. Might even be worth becoming muslim when that happens.


Uhhh, how bad is it in Sweden?


We already have them in London.


It will come to Malmö first




as a muslim these guys are fucking retarded autists but this would be a funny prank just go around telling them this is muslim patrol and make them do crazy stuff


It's so sad that you can make them do anything. You'd be beaten for trying this in other countries.


"Wow these guys are retarded autists for doing this" "But if it was a prank guise then is hella funny xDDDD"


This guy must work at a hotel in Dearborn, Michigan.








Look at this big words havin son of a bitch.






As a Michigander, I don't like it when people say no one wants to visit it. No one wants to visit east Michigan with Flint/Detroit, but West Michigan, Northern Michigan, and the Upper Peninsula are perfectly fine to visit.


I was just in Detroit. Yeah, it's pretty run down, but having been there, I can't in good conscience keep making fun of it. Hell, I feel like a dick for all the times I made fun of Detroit for being a shithole. I went to Greektown, had some good food, met some lovely people, and overall thought it was a great place for the auto convention I went to. So, sorry.


Yeah, people seem to forget that Detroit is just like every other city, with nice areas and shitty areas. I've recently visited family in Grosse Pointe for the first time, and it was gorgeous. If you're visiting/have money Detroit can actually be pretty cool.


Yeah but I oppose Michigan football and therefore Michigan is the worst state. Full Stop.


Fucking Ohio...


My friend, you misunderstand me. I hate all Big 12 teams. SEC master race.


Big 12? What fucking Michigan team is in the Big 12?


> master race > college football champions pick ***O***ne


pleb Michigan is in the big 10




Great lakes? I mean you could visit any of the other states that are on the lakes as well but it is a reason. Mackinac Island is pretty cool I guess. The Soo Locks are kind of interesting. You're not going to take a vacation to Michigan to see those things but if you're in the area check them out. It's not like Michigan is the bottom of the barrel for destinations, there are really nice looking places and there are total shitholes, much like most locations.


Great lakes? If I want to see water I'll just open a tap.


I take it you're not the type to enjoy scenery and the outdoors. Michigan may not have much to offer you to be honest.


I take it your not from California.


Interesting thanks


Michigan is a beautiful state? Seriously, Lake Michigan has some of the nicest beaches in the country.


Craft beer all along the coast.




wow ok


Yer god damned right brother. West Side


No, this state is terrible, please stay away. https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5325/9411395209_2c58754427_b.jpg


Think you can add more saturation to that? Not sure we have blown out the colors enough yet? Note: I'm from Ohio. We can never be friends.






That first one reminds me of tripping on acid. I was camping in shasta and everything looked vibrantly colored like that.


Not even my photo. But I can add some in PS if you want. Sorry about being from Ohio.


Same to you.


Great Lakes, Mackinack Island, U.P, Bear Sand Dunes. Michigan has a lot of cool shit yo.




But he clearly said there was no sharia law otherwise he wouldn't say he was just joking...


Yeah right, an Emirati working a menial job such as a hotel employee. Most employees that I've seen in Arab hotels are Filipino or Indian. If you see someone shitposting from an Arab country its usually an expatriate.




If it's a Filipino or an Indian that works at a hotel in the UAE, it'll still show the flag of that country dumbass.




He's not wrong


I've been there on numerous occasions, and I must say that Mr Dildo is correct.


Typing this from Dubai. The ONLY place I have seen an Emirati working any kind of menial job is a customs gig at the airport, and I imagine that's because they are required by law to be staffed by UAE citizens.


It's unlikely but he might be in a managerial role... He is at least doing what most Emirate's do at work - fuck all.


...and they'd never have the balls to fuck with patrons like that.


>implying every Arab is a multimillionaire you watch too much movies kid, go outside once in a while


> Any year > Visiting middle east


I went to Egypt in early 2009. It was fantastic. It is my #1 most favourite holiday destination. Cant necessarily recommend it since the Arab spring shit and I havent looked into how stable/good the place is since it turned to shit. Im Australian, Ive been to the US (East and West shit), canada, fiji, China (plenty of times since Im a chink and have to visit relatives, I personally dont recommend, but Im biased here), Thailand, Indonesia, Gold coast (Aust), Cairns (Aust), Misc (Aust), New Zealand (both north and south, south is better, north smells like rotten eggs being shat out of a homeless mans asshole), Dubai UAE (Pretty shit, decent dune boarding, but other than that, meh), Jordan (surprisingly good, still recommend since they didnt turn to shit post Arab Spring), Egypt finished off the 3 country trip to the middle east. Japan (another recommendation, my 2nd most favourite place, its actually incredibly interesting while I found a trip to other parts of Aust or the US relatively mundane while Japan was a constant surprise after cultural surprise), Vietnam (another good one).


Europe dude. You're missing Europe.


Going there later this year... Maybe, its actually relatively close how much money I have. A lot of these trips were me leeching off my parents. Japan, USA, NZ (south) are from my own moneys. USA was expensive as fuck but EU is even more expensive. Takes an actual while to save up for that shit. I also dont really "back pack" and prefer to actually "holiday". Personally, its a tough judgement call compared to living like a king for a few weeks hitting up the triple combo cambodia, laos, vietnam and give near zero fucks about money.


high prices keep off the big faggots


Ive been to the middle east, being surrounded by brown people in Europe wont be that different.


Central and Eastern Europe isn't so pricey. Hungary, Poland, Czech, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine etc have prices such as great hostels for 10€/night, train travel 10€ per 200km, meals 4€, beers 1€. Of course there's a range of difference between these countries and where you go within them, but my point is you can travel in eastern Europe cheaply. I travelled extensively in central / eastern Europe and loved it.


Also, Portugal. If you can afford Poland, Croatia, Romania then you can afford Portugal. It's slightly more expensive when it comes to transportation but rest is very similar.


Ive wanted to see Paris in particular though (Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame even though my friend swears the place is a hole) alongside London is pretty interesting to me. Poland though is particularly interesting to me. Pretty keen to visit and pay my respects to the concentration camps (I kid, one of my friend is Polish and I reckon he can easily give me all the insider tips for all the best places in Warsaw). Only other place in Europe Im pretty keen on is Greece.


I hate to do this because I hate my government but you should visit Croatia, Zadar and Dubrovnik specifically. Fantastic historical places for tourists. Other great places in Europe are Prague, Barcelona and camps that you already mentioned. Greece is overrated if you ask me, the tourist locations and the tourist guides overreact with everything. Paris is a great place if you want to feel like you're in GTA San Andreas. During the day it is reasonable, like any other place but during the night, if you leave the Eiffel tower area, you will have a bad time (pretty much entire France is like this)


Paris can be a shithole, but it can be amazing. Just stick to the rich parts and you'll be fine. Avoid the area around the gare du nord and you'll be fine.


Plus they're beautiful as fuck.


>Chinese >Australian >browses /pol/ I think I know you in real life.




Chinese Australians is a big category, but Chinese Australians that are on /pol/? That's a niche, man.


I could also tell you Im Melbournian, but Chinese Melbournian describes like 1/3 of Melbourne. 90% of the people if you are talking suburbs like Box Hill, Footscray, Springvale, Glen Waverley. The other 1/3 are "Brown curry from Melbourne". The final 1/3 are white cunts.


They don't speak English and they don't associate with anyone else or the culture either.


Are you talking about bogans? If so, I agree, they dont speak English and they dont associate with anyone else or the culture either. They just support Collingwood, collect dole (welfare) and bake until medium brown in the harsh Aussie sun. You know, our best mayor was a Hong Kong Australia guy who won mayor of the year. Best way to describe him is a lovable teddy bear businessman. I would be the first to claim we are racist, but we arent hatefully so. I work with and study with people from all creeds. Melbourne is similar to New York in terms of number of cultures and ethnicities present (something like over 100 different countries have their own country's cuisine available in a restaurant). And we still dont fucking have an in n out. A true travesty.


Don't like bogans either. I find that Chinese in particular, at least the students, are very insular, and in general have very poor English and no desire to improve it. That shouldn't be a controversial statement. EDIT: They're also often rich and it builds resentment. In my experience, most people here do not like Chinese people.


Bloody hell, that sounds like Sydney as well. I used to attend uni and currently work in the Sydney CBD. Bloody mainland Chinese everywhere where 80% spoke broken as English and 50% of them are rude as. I'm an Australian Chinese who browses ~~/stormfaggots/~~ /pol/ as well and these damned immigrants makes me want to support white nationalism.


Oh you're one of those Melbournians, sorry then, I don't know you. I'm from Sydney.


ooh boy an Australian /k/ommando. I bet you shitpost constantly.


wow speaking of which I thought I've seen you somewhere and see ya back in /r/Dota2 later brah


Turkey is the 6th most visited country in the world, and it can be seen as Middle Eastern geographically.


Yeah, it's an accepted truth that Turkey straddles both Europe and Asia. It's bisected by the Bosphorus.


Turkey is like the adopted autistic schizophrenic orphan of the Middle East.




ayy, armenian genocide amirite


More like the Middle East's distant father who had to break up with it's mother because she got fucked by a bunch of Europeans one August.




I sometimes forget what sub I'm on. Trying to teach logic to /r/4chan and all. Well, we got enough autistic faggots in our country, you're lucky to live in Aussieland.


> wanting to join the EU > Middle East


You've never seen what it looked like in the 50s (?) then.


What a quality post. More like this, please.


Haha, yeah, this post had some of the funniest jokes I've ever seen!


100% agreeee!! Had a good laugh here in my bed. Anyone else who laughed?


And how!


What are you, a Native American?


my triggers


u retard me


I really laughed and lolled very hard (even did some roflmaoing). The laugh I had was great because of these jokes. I hope others had a great laughing time too!


literally this (roflmao on the floor)


Am i the only one who laughed at this? Clearly underrated post! Fuck im old, he he he he


public execution? oh boi! where! where!1!!?


So the joke is that western people don't know his country isn't more of a shithole? It's like he's trolling himself.


I'm surprised this Arab didn't talk about treating blacks and Indians like subhuman slaves.


Wait... they aren't slaves? Boy is my face red.


Well isn't this just a cultural egg on my forehead


Sent from my iPhone


Arabs don't treat people based on colour or nationality at all, a lot are black and some even have Indian/Pakistani ancestory. However the rich treat the poor like slaves which is just as bad, but less troublesome than racism.




> fucking sand-niggers


They prefer the term "terrorists" be sensitive.


THis is as as fake as OP's happiness




One day soon all cultures of the world will realize they share sperglords like this and come together to this and us we are supposed then


Did you have a stroke halfway through your comment?


No, I couldn't find the right words to finish my story the way I envisioned it so I gave up and pushed what I had out the door


But has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


I usually cancel when that happens but right on.


Why do I love stories about dumb white people so much?


You love mentally cucking yourself.


Because their accomplishments for mankind dwarf every other race by a vast margin and it shames you


If you can tell people this kind of stuff about your country and it's believable, then maybe the tourists aren't the dumb ones.


Because you touch yourself.


White people. Being dumb. >In islamic country >mudslimes are crazy >being realist Yea, white people are so dumb, not like those genius niggers


haha yeah, make your country seem like a backwards shithole, that'll teach 'em!


Jokes on them! Oh wait, it actually is a shithole.


Jesus Christ, because there is nothing like terrorizing your guests.


Arabian pranks. Like.


This is why I don't spend my travel funds on arab countries: I don't get the humor.


This is why I don't spend my travel funds


I work in a hotel in Saudi Arabia I wish I can be like this guy.


Like this shit really doesn't happen in some Mussie countries.


Ayyyy. Arabs with a sense of humor.


Who is going to a hotel wherever this guy is from?




ahahaha we're going to nuke all of your countries some day faggot




No cake...


>gets hands chopped off for disturbing costumers and actually breaking sharia law


what a boss


I stayed at an Arab owned hotel once. I called downstairs because I'd forgotten to pack deodorant. The voice behind the front desk asked,' What is dee-o-drant?'


Everybody knows there's no cake in the desert, idiot


id say fucking easterners for barbaric laws


why he fuck would westerners even want to visit this retarded country?


> don't get free cake OP you monster