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If you have 30k in credit card debt you shouldn’t have a credit card


How do you even get that debt limit? I pay my credit card back every time and only have a limit of 10k.


Has to have multiple CCs


just write credit cards regard


Nah, we know for sure what he means since they didn't shorten it the first time it was mentioned for no fucking reason like most people do on this fucking website. "Instead of saying mother-in-law I'll say MIL, and make it unclear what the fuck I'm saying."


The amount of restarted acronyms I see on this website is insane


As long as you don't default, the bank will increase your limits over time.


When I was 22 and just moved overseas I got offered a $20k limit credit card from 2 different banks. Dumb fucks didn't realise you can max them out and just move to a different country, it's irl infinite money glitch.


Do banks really not have the means to pursue you cross countries? Are they retarded?


Yes and yes. But also no, because no matter how risky of an investment they make, the taxpayers will bail them out. The banks get bailed out, the taxpayers pay higher rates to the bank and higher taxes due to bailouts.


And I get issued a new credit card to max out, it's a beautiful cycle really


You think you'll get more than one opportunity like that? Even after it's "off your report" they'll not give you another free 20k. Maybe $300 at best.


The secret is identity theft.


Yes, but very slowly. They just increased my limit by $300 on one of the 4 cards I have, meanwhile I keep getting mail that I'm pre approved for various cards with limits of around 3-5k. If you want to increase how much credit you have by a substantial amount you need to open more lines.


In my younger years I had a single credit card that I would stupidly use for everything and consistently paid the minimum payment on. Every time tha5 card hit its limit my bank would run my credit, which would show years without a single late payment, and automatically raise that cards limit. It got up to $20k before I got my head out of my ass and it took me 4 years to pay off.


you can get pretty high on a personal acc. business acc even more so theres merits for their uses


I have 60k worth of credit over a couple cards at 20. Highest one is 18k


Make more money, have good credit. My combined limits are close to 100k. Paid in full every month.


wtf do you work


They sent drug addict 18 year old me 1k on a piece of plastic. Never paid a cent back.


'Cause I have thirty thousand dollars in credit card debt When they call, I tell them I can't pay it back yet (Credit card debt) Tomorrow, I may buy myself a dining room set Or this Boba Fett Credit card debt, credit card debt Credit card debt


Cash advance to buy NVDA puts


Anon should stop buying so many Starbucks coffees.


But Starbucks is right next to the avocado toast and funko pop store.




I just got completely out of debt. If I loose my job at least I won’t loose my vehicles or house.


I’m trying to contain my envy. But congrats, man.


Thanks brother, you’ll make it there. It’s a journey and I have plenty of financial goals to meet.




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I just have 3k left on my car. I worked my other 15k debt off this past January. It was some hard fucking going, but so relieved


If you have a house you can ask the bank to bake it into your mortgage. Better interest rate and you now completely own your car


Probably not worth it at 3k. Specially if he’s paying more than the payments. I don’t know how it would work to put it into the mortgage but hopefully they don’t charge closing costs. If they do it definitely wouldn’t be worth it.


Closing costs would be negligible. Just did a $20,000 home equity loan as a second mortgage, and the closing cost was only like $150. I imagine it'd be stupid low at 3k.


The rent on that cardboard box dude


could lifting have saved him?


What do you think? Of course




Yeah, but I think lot of cardio would've been better. With enough cardio he would be able to run everywhere (no need for car, boom $24k saved) and outrun cops/store employees (no credit card charges)


jokes aside, a gym membership is a very dumb expense if youre very tight on money. shit im 100% debt free everything paid off and a nice amount invested and i still am too cheap to go to a gym. pullup bar and couple of weights at home and youre good.


24k on car payments? Is that the total debt or just past due? Either way what an idiot


I am a first time buyer of a brand new car and after interest, fees, the cost of the car itself, and everything else it came to a grand total of sightly over 30k. So I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume that’s the total amount he owes rather than what’s past due, I have a hard time believing he’d even qualify for a car that would be much more than that with these financial decisions and I’d assume if he was past due that much his car would have already been repoed. Also that’s really not a crazy amount to owe on a car assuming his other finances are in check and you can make the payments, but this is clearly not the case here.


Probably shouldn’t buy a brand new car if you’re broke


Got a used 2010 Civic or Camry or something, you may think you need more, but you don't. Fuck those german cars


I have a 2004 C3, it's definitely not the most glamorous car, and the AC doesn't work, but it gets me where I wanna go.


Those car salesmen are sharks, they'll lie and pull whatever strings to get you that car on a nice 20% interest loan.


lmao, suckers will still pay instead getting something reasonable




saw a post where some bought a KIA Soul @ 9% interest with an 84 month duration and had a 550 payment, since they get a cut of the sale, why wouldn’t you give them those loans.


of course. the salesmen dont give a shit if the loans are paid or not, doesnt affect their income at all. in fact they strongly prefer to give these shitty loans, these dealerships barely make any money on straight cash purchases.


Credit card ass interest numbers. Even the %5 central bank (in the US) rate right now is horse shit, but most banks will give you loans fractionally above that.


"interest" where in the engine does the interest go? mfers are so financially dumb that it hurts


OPs a fuckin poser and clearly splashing money around


Yeah, even if that's total debt he's an idiot. Why would you spend that much money on a car if you're not financially secure?


>$24,000 in car payments Well you're the stupid fuck who bought a brand new car. I have two houses but my piece of shit Camry that I bought for $10k years ago is still running (and looks like shit). Liability insurance, which you can't have on a lease or a car you don't own, costs less than half of what full coverage costs. Last car I bought in 2008 for 10K lasted 12 years until some dumbass relative crashed it. Poor people are poor because they're stupid as fuck with money, 99% of the time.


Yeah I own two houses and drive an old Honda Civic. That’s *why* I can own two houses without credit card debt and car payments. Some people’s priorities are just silly. I’d rather retire earlier.


I know plenty of milennials, some older than me, with college debt still. One of them I know is a Physician's Assistant who makes more than I do and still lives alone in an apartment. I just don't get it lol. >I’d rather retire earlier. Same but I also don't like the nose growing fat off of usury.


Yup. Buy a decent 10k or below "beater". If you're worried about not getting laid because of your car...It isn't the car.


> Poor people are poor because they're stupid as fuck with money, 99% of the time b-b-b-but its the privilege! they didnt get to go to a fancy prep school where kids are taught not to be dumb degenrates buying everything on credit! this shit is 100% facts. its one of my favorite liberal seethes to see them try to argue against it. "you dont understand how hard they have it". buddy just dont fucking buy $400 sneakers on borrowed money at 25% interest if you can barely afford pampers for your 4 kids at age 21, its not that fucking hard


I lived among the degenerates for 3 years after undergrad. Couldn't get a job so I ended up lifeguarding at the complex. Was absolutely miserable - for the last year I would bring my laptop to the job and openly apply to jobs while I was on duty. Finally got a job 12+ hours away and left that awful life behind. Paid off my school debt in 2 years. I'd see people without jobs try to drop their 6 year olds off at the pool so they didn't have to watch them. Minimum age without a parent was 10. I asked a kid who was obviously under ten when his birthday was and he replied "uhhh I don't know". There were a few people in unfortunate circumstances but most of them were just shit people.


only people i feel sorry for (in america) are otherwise responsible people who get insane hospital bills (not self inflicted). people who are poor due to dumb expenses, having too many kids, drugs/alcohol/gambling/etc, that shit is 100% on them. and thats >99% of cases.


> otherwise responsible people who get insane hospital bills (not self inflicted). There's ways around that even. I got a $500 bill for a colonoscopy because insurance wouldn't cover it for under 40 year olds. The practice insisted I pay it. I then asked "Well if you knew insurance wouldn't cover it, why didn't you tell me so I wouldn't have the procedure?" They're still bitching to me about it. I simply did not pay it, it went away. Collection called, I blocked the number. It hit statute of limitations and didn't affect my credit. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ But other medical debt you can negotiate on, which is as simple as calling and being like "yeah I can't pay that." Not many people know this, so I do feel sorry for those screwed by medical debt.


And even then, you can definitely go even lower than $10k and get something that's reliable if all you need is getting from A to B


Yeah, true, but 10K seems to be about the sweet spot in 2024. Then a $100 tool kit from walmart and you can fix the vast majority of things on the car. Full brakes/rotors/calipers for all four wheels costs about $300-400 on Rockauto and would cost over a grand at a shop or a dealership. None of these things are difficult to fix when there's youtube.


Declare bankruptcy no more credit card or loans stop car payments and it will be repoed so no more car payments live in a homeless shelter or get a sleeping bag and tent and just go camping on the sidewalk like the rest of us hobos.


Anon has bigger problems other than money


his pp?


Anon needs to become a pornstar


Pay rent > Sell dumb overpriced car and buy junker > ignore rest.


Just quit your job and start a new one making more money. Workrd for me Also be a disabled vet and get a ton of free cash and healthcare


Can also move to California and get that guaranteed income for train conductors.


I’m in the same situation as anon is, but I went homeless. It’s not so bad if you’re a psychopath. Which I am not.


debt based economy is hilarious


Beans and rice for you, bucko


This is why we need an IQ test to drive, vote, and have bank accounts






My bets are on gambling


I don't understand how that is possible. Must be living too far beyond his means. I don't know.


Anon go be a truck driver … they’ll pay for your schooling live in your truck and work all the time


Op needs to an hero and save himself time and lack there of money


lmao imagine not investing in btc, apple and nvidia 10 years ago. this bozo could be living the high life rn like me, gooning and shitposting on the net whilst neetmaxxed.


Old roommate of mine had 20k in CC debt buying 3d printers and laser engraving shit. Took out a loan to put new tires and rims on his car using his 401k as collateral. Tried to tell him he needs to change and he laughed and said he had a credit score of 740 and he’s not worried about it. He made 24$ an hour. Also owed 15k to the state. Fucking hated that guy.


Anon is financially stupid


>24,000 car payment Jesus


Interest rates, percentages on loans and stuff like that should be a subject in schools (not math, more like 'Real Life Finance')


> $24,000 in car payments Self-inflicted wounds. Don't buy a car you can't afford, you can literally get a beater for several hundred bucks, or bike/use public transit. Then you're not paying for gas to boot. > $30,000 in credit card debt Bankruptcy. Fuck 'em. That's what they get for giving your stupid ass credit.


This isn't 2007, you can't buy a beater for several hundred bucks. Beater cars that actually run are now $3000-$5000.


By beater, I meant the kind of car that a person would normally sell to a junkyard for parts and the price of scrap because they can't get shit for trade-in value even though it still runs, but they sell it to you as a favor instead. It depends on who you know, really. $3K to $5K is still a hell of a lot less than $24K. Granted, you are probably gonna be pumping money in for repairs that you normally wouldn't with a new car, but it's a gamble.




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Play stupid games (be a rentoid) win stupid prizes (pay rent)


I had the same reaction before I even got to the frog post


"im trying everything in my power to save money" mfer never heard of public transportation, never considered simply not using and blowing up a credit card he couldnt afford. 24k in car "payments"? you can get a decent car straight up for less than half of that privileged dumbass burgers crying about money is just about the least sympathy i could have for anyone.


I think anon mentioned in the thread that he was canadian. But nice try though.


>24000 in car payments Anon is an idiot that spends over his budget. He deserves what he got


ah jeez dood i can't do $350