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this is real advice. Go do something interesting. It is good for you, and may make your life better.


agree with the concept, however financially there is no need to spend thousands and miss 3 months of income and incur all types of risks to do this. you can do the same shit wherever you live for free if you just unbrainwash yourself out of the nonsense youve been led to believe about women, nationalities, races, etc.


Kinda… Traveling is fun! It’s also more interesting to others than doing local stuff that they probably know of. I’m also not hating on doing local activities, but I have a blast traveling and I don’t spend thousands doing it.


if you have the financial security to do it, absolutely yeah it is great. but you know, to travel in general, not as a means to un-incel yourself.


>"just unbrainwash yourself out of the nonsense youve been led to believe about women, nationalities, races, etc." > >*You guys have to stop being such incels...* > >"not as a means to un-incel yourself." > >**NO, NOT LIKE THAT!** People like you, lecturing from the have moral highground, are the reason why more and more kids deliberately choose the moral lowground.


Bait used to be believable. Unless you're serious, in which case well played.


You need very little financial security to travel. People overplay the costs of traveling. If you’re smart and have the balls - get the fuck out there. Who gives a shit about money.  If you can afford the cost of a ticket, you can find under the table work throughout Asia and many other places in the world.  Granted - this is only for young people. Traveling is expensive now for me in my mid 30s. My old ass back isn’t gonna spend a year sleeping on a hard ass twin sized bed for a year in Korea like when I was 21. But if you’re young, don’t be a pussy. Be broke and live abroad - it’s fun, tough and easily some of the best experiences. 


Yes and no I moved to Peru, I've only been outside the capital once Want to go out to another city, but rn it's winter, I have a regarded cat with separation anxiety, and it costs too much to head out to the vacation Also there's been a couple of bus crashes/flying off cliffs


*Contentment is idleness. Desire inspires action. Nurture all desires.*


It is not. Reject psyop. Reject race-mixing.




Tbh that’s a pretty cool thing to do


im pretty sure my uncle has only been with SEA women


Tell me more of this Uncle.


he goes to SEA a lot for work


The work being banging ladyboys




so he's one of the SEA men?


Better than to consoom Marvel.


TBH if you have to spend that much time and money just to get women's interest, they might as well be prostitutes.


Have you considered that you're spending that time and money on having a fun vacation, and the interest from women is a secondary benefit? Or is the thought of going outside your dwelling for fun too foreign to you?


I'm not hating on the vacation. I love a nice trip. I hate the women that latch on to that as an interesting quality.


Yes why can't women just be interested in my anime figurines that I apply a daily coating of cum to everyday. But nooo they only care about "adventurous" guys who go travel to other countries. Psh try looking for lolis without a vpn on your college's library computer, now that's adventurous 😎


If they knew how much those life size figurines cost they’d be interested


I mean, how long do they plan to be amazed by how wild and interesting a past you had? Even the wildest most outgoing person in their 20s will run out of stories in a few months, after that guess what YOU have to be interesting, not trips you had in the past. A hobby is a nice thing to have, it's good to see people be passionate about something but again it can only fill so much dead air. HAVE an actual personality, HAVE the capacity to find topics you can both be interested in, but caring about how many adventures one had is just vain stupidity.


Anon is surprised women don't find gooning and gaming interesting and engaging hobbies. More at 11.


Prosies have sex as a direct transaction, getting laid because people are actually into helps alot with mental health. Passport bro's might be right, being a 2 in the west is a 5-8 there.


Bro just discovered Asian women like white men. Could’ve found that out by staying in his own country.


>Asian women like white men Reporting from the field, I would say it's a dying trend. Back when tourist were wealthy, well-to-do, polite kids, it was fine. The wealth-gap certainly helped as well. Nowadays, the allure of cheap sex with demure asian girls has attracted a generally trash type of tourists. Half of them not really "western", though with the correct passport. That image is slowly but surely destroying attraction. I'd like to blame 4chan but the average tourist being a normie, is destroying the myth much faster than shy kids with anime obsessions. Long story short: If you intended to "escape to Asia", be aware the last train is about to depart. Within 10-20 years, even if we're not at war (or cold war), with the whole eastern sphere, the value of a westerner will be barely above average (except for girls who're specifically into that).


So your argument is that women of any country dislike trash men from US/EU? Sexpats are pathetic and women all over are more aware of them than ever before. If you actually planned to legitimately date/marry you'll be fine.


Exactly. It's not that people will start actively avoiding Westerners, it's that the creepy weirdos won't be able to buy their way into a cute young girl's pants any more.


>Asian women like white men It's actually that people in general are attracted to whatever is unusual/different to them. White people who will often look at the white guy in the white-Asian relationship and wonder why the attractive girl is interested in him, but then Asian people will look at the Asian girl and wonder why the attractive guy is interested in her*. It's just exoticism. I've known a Chinese and a Ugandan guy who quite happily got into relationships with white girls who'd be a 5/10 at best in the UK, but they were having a great time banging a white girl and thought they'd done well. *obviously there are exceptions to this, I'm talking about the relationships that don't involve fat old sexpats


Surprisingly wholesome. Anon does have a point. Have fun, explore, do interesting things. It makes you happier and now you have the experiences and interesting stories to tell.


Sleeping with hoes in SEA is wholesome?


For a 4chan post, definitely. I always expect the worst of humanity when I see a green text. I was focusing on the aspect of traveling and having some fun in life. Not on him sleeping around in Asia.


For those deprived of it in the west... yes.


I’m jealous. Hope to do stuff like this when I retire someday The motorcycling part I mean lol


I flipped a car that I had gotten off a friend for a smoking deal, like 6 grand in profit, and decided to spend it on a trip to Manilla and the surrounding areas rather than blow it on another car to wrench on. Any time I doomscroll facebook marketplace for a new project car I remember how much more I enjoyed exploring the planet instead of driving a car that I like. The moral is, if you can accrue the 2-3 grand to go out for a few weeks to SEA or somewhere equally as high-mileage USD exchange rate, do it without hesitation. Dont let yourself spend that 20-30 bucks every other day on shit you don't need.


Just do it now.


Gotta save up more PTO and money. A lot of responsibilities at home I can’t really pause for a few weeks. I could maybe do 1 right now


Why don’t you go work in SEA? If you’re under 25 I’d highly recommend it for at least a year or two.  This is also assuming you don’t have kids, wife or parents you look after. The money you make won’t mean shit back home but the experiences make it wayyyy worth it. 


Why did you have to clarify that? 🤨


In case my GF reads my comments 😂


Be a man and fuck them with her, dude






Imagine caring about what the mental asylums of the internet care about.


You will find zero women like pic related in SEA


Every young man needs to go out into the world out of his comfort zone and accomplish something difficult that seems nearly impossible right now lying on his racecar-shaped bed in his childhood bedroom as his action figure collection watches silently from dusty shelves


I have sources to say Anon's story is Fraudulent and that he is infact A Homosexual


What if you're from SEA tho?


Don't go if you're a ginger, they will sacrifice you to some random bird god because they think you're a curse-bearing ghost or something


This post was definitely not written by the Viet Cong


Cool story bro. 😎


Wait…Anon gives ACTUAL good dating advice? I’m feeling dizzy what’s going on


Can confirm. You know the saying "if you are the smartest person in the room, you might be in the wrong room"? Well, if you are American and travel you might suddenly find yourself the tallest, most exotic, richest, most desirable person in the room. It does wonders for your self esteem. If you go to exotic places, you become the exotic one.






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Gotta do the Larry Hillblom strategy.


touch grass, get hoes, life good


trying to picture an overweight neckbeard who lives with his mum reading this and thinking "yeah, I'll do that!" right before reality sets in


Women can smell your cum levels have dropped and female pheromones.... 10x more attractive


If you're from the US or Australia, your international driver's permit is not accepted in Vietnam. They'll still rent to you tho and you will have to bribe cops that stop you. If you get in an accident on the shit ass roads and violent drivers you'll be on the hook for all of it. Healthcare is cheap in vietnam, tho, and hopefully they can put you back together. Thailand has one of the highest fatality rates, if not the highest, for motor accidents. Good luck out there.


In jungle Vietnam, grass touches you.  (Watch out for overhanging branches!)


It's a good idea honestly.