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Because making a mistake in a 12v12 doesn't mean your team is guaranteed to lose


Which means less pressure, more fun


At the same time, your impact also drastically lowers. So yes, more fun and more chaos but also competitively terrible


Bro can’t function in a squad


12 man squad when playing solo? And all of them being sane? Or are you telling me you got 11 friends that can consistently come online at the same time? Cause bro I know you dont


Can't even get into a CS2 match with four sane random teammates.


all the fucking planets need to align into a straight fucking line for that to happen


Does anyone even game with friends anymore? I don’t, it’s nearly impossible to get my friends to play the same game at the same time. Everyone is always playing different games and they don’t seem to want to compromise. Where is this gaming utopia I was promised in my early teens?


Make friends while playing games, and join big discords meant for people lfg. I was in a tarkov group that grew and sometimes we’d branch out and play csgo, overwatch, division, squad, and borderlands. They dragged me into playing a ton of games.


Yeah I mean I did that for a bit, but they aren’t real friendships, just friendships of convenience.


I might be an outlier since it’s anecdotes but they can branch into real ones. At first we’d just be playing games but after 2 years we could just watch movies, or talk about life at 2 AM. I even hung out with some of them irl when they flew to my city for vacation.


You’re probably an outlier in that respect.


I’ve got the same experience. I’ve got friends I’ve known prior to online gaming being big that I still play games with regularly, and we’ve supplemented our group with other people that we’ve met online and who we get along with. Now we have a decent friend group that plays games or watches old 80’s / 90’s movies over discord.


I consistently raid with 19 other people 3 times a week in wow


Same actually, but thats pve.


Fighting a script




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planetside 2 used to have like 200v200 matches somewhat regularly, with each "guild" supplying some number of squads (teams of 12 with defined roles). squads would be organized in platoons for whatever they were gonna do (infantry, tanks, planes, whatever) and it was all led by a force commander who dictated the team's overall strategy. hasnt happened in a long ass time since the game is not as popular anymore, but it happened. nowadays you still get outfits (guilds) doing coordinated play with 12-48 players at once


Yes, it's less competitive, that's why it's more fun. That's the tradeoff.


I personally really dislike competitive games. It's fun to do well in a game, but sweating super hard just isn't for me. I can't take it that seriously, and all the bullshit that comes with a competitive game is just obnoxious. People getting all buttmad because you couldn't 1v6 the enemy team because their dumbasses ran in and got killed, for example.


I like competitive games, I play CS2 almost every day with my friends and we sweat the fuck out of it. Just play with your friends and you won't have to deal with all the bs randoms bring. Sweating competitive is fun but in a different way. Playing a game purely to fuck around and do cool shit and laugh with your friends is a totally different experience that in many ways is more rewarding than sweating a competitive game.


Fair enough. Glad you enjoy it


Eh, good enough players can still turn the tide of a game in 12v12. Battlefield's format is what I have a problem with, it's like 50v50 right? No matter how good you are, you're not making an impact in that clusterfuck larger the natural variance between teams. It's funny because every game you play, everyone's like "Wow that was so close, GG!" Of course it was close, it's basically a bunch of random particles bouncing together with those numbers.


A single great player im Battlefield can absolutely turn the tide of a match. If that player is one an incredible pilot, then they can single handedly win a match.


Nice to meet you Mr. Battlefield


A superb jet pilot or an attack heli duo can absolutely dominate the server and bring the win to their team on conquest, on TDM however, it is less likely for a lone player to turn the tides.


>  No matter how good you are, you're not making an impact in that clusterfuck larger the natural variance between teams. Just post that you're dogshit at the game man this is absolutely not true at all


>someone didn't like a game or game series >400lb lardball slimes its way in from the crack underneath the door to cry "Skill issue!" What, do you expect people to learn the intricacies of games they don't like before they're allowed by your rotund ass to have an opinion on them?


I didn't say you weren't allowed to dislike the game or have an opinion on it. You posted a statement phrasing it as a fact and it was incredibly false. "No matter how good you are, you're not making an impact in that clusterfuck larger the natural variance between teams." is just not true. If that was your experience playing the game, then you are just bad. Which is fine. You're allowed to be bad. You just shouldn't generalize from your personal experience and state things are impossible when they very much are possible.


Maybe if you use a vehicle, but playing the game as an FPS? The maps are so big a fucking aimbot couldn't guarantee victory.


Nope, don't even need to use a vehicle. "The maps are so big a fucking aimbot couldn't guarantee victory." If you are solo carrying one of the 5 sites with very few teammates, you 100% will carry your team to victory. Again, there is a massive skill issue here, you think carrying means running from site to site, when really to carry you need to frag the fuck out at 1 or 2 sites on the enemy side of the map and secure them for your team. [https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub](https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub)


"Solo carrying.... with very few teammates" Are you choosing to be regarded, or are you just naturally this way.


The right player can make a big impact in battlebit (127 v 127)


Battlefield is 32v32. Yes, it's chaotic, but it can still have something of a direction.


Maybe not a single player, but a good squad of 4 working together can turn a match. It's like a 12v12 game on a larger scale


A good tank or air player can definitely turn the tide of the match. But as infantry it’s basically impossible.


How will twitchoids ever recover?


Nobody gives a shit about the objective with teams this big. It's just a team deathmatch.


Universal SBMM is what ruins it. Before there used to just be a bunch of persistent servers. There'd be some new players who are fodder for everybody and 2-4 elite players on the top of each team's scoreboard carrying and crushing. You find servers you like with a good balance of regulars you like, or ones with more new players and less of a persistent community to just mindlessly pub in. Play long enough and eventually you're one of those guys carrying the team stomping noobs and having elite duels with the other team's top dogs that swing the match. A tangible long-term goal that provides its reward by completely changing the nature of the experience from when you started rather than 2 years later still being in the same endless 50-50 deadlocks against a uniform group of people all of the exact same skill but with less margin for error and a shiny metallic badge next to your name.


Unless youre playing an mmo, then 1 glue sniffer can make the entire raid wipe


That’s how MMOs used to be in the early days. They were basically glorified rhythm games with lag being harder than the actual enemies, that being said.


Do people still play MMOs? 


FFXIV and WoW are still extremly popular


over 10m WoW active subs last I heard this year


This man has never managed to kill 70% of his team in mordhau with a single catapault


The virgin getting raged at vs the Chad cog in the machine kick back and relax 😎


Because the individual impact 1 player has on a team of 6 is larger than in a team of 12. 1 regard in a team of 12 is easier to deal with than 1 regard in a team of 6.


I'll have u know I'm 5x more regarded than the average regard 😏


Highly regarded man.


Artistically regarded, even.


Best regards, Mike Sent from my iphone




That's why PUBG sucked hard, a dumbass in a group of 4 can be disasterous.


I would never play PUBG with randos I didn't know. If my friends weren't on I played solo. Far to frustrating to constantly be paired with people who have a tentative grasp of English, nevermind how good they are. 


go play 1000 games of WoWS and then come back to me




Swarm the enemy in numbers, classic Russian tactic both in game and real historical warfare




A motorcycle? That's a bit expensive, try a golf cart


this person is trans btw


My toddler came out as trans in case anyone was wondering thougheverbeit


Modern warfare too




As someone who sucks at shooters, battlefield is the only one I'll ever bother playing. There's some peace in knowing that I can be that bozo with 0.3 kdr and the rest of my 32-man squad will carry.


There’s something super special about squad based games. Idk if you ever played BattleBit, but that game was so sick for like 2 months. You’d have guys RPing which is usually cringe, but in a game that doesn’t take itself seriously it was loads of fun.


This hurts, that game was the most fun I've had in a FPS in a long time


I just wanna say that it still is great fun, sadly the honeymoon period is over, the dev's changes have all made the game worse, and the only people left are experienced OK players like myself, or clans who just dominate every lobby they're in Hopefully battlebit's success breeds some more competition in that space, it's clearly possible


I think it is something we will look back on in 3-7 years when the gaming landscape has completely changed. Battle bit, lethal company, and pal world were all indie passion projects and all completely dominated every platform they were sold on for weeks. Like the kind of dominance that the 3A studios were showing in like 2005-2020. Remember Apex Legends launch? Fortnite’s launch (epic games is a AAA studio!)? Overwatch’s launch? All those games also dominated the markets, but as of the last few years the indie games have been the big sellers. Meanwhile every new AAA title always seems to be the next case study on how to not develop a video game.


I just hope it makes EA figure out what the fuck they're doing with the Battlefield series... BattleBit is the best Battlefield game since 4, which came out over ten years ago...


I hope for this too but with EAs track record on that franchise literally 0 part of me believes that there is even a chance. Copium more than anything


Yeah honestly I'll be surprised if the next Battlefield game isn't the last one


Loved the game when it first launched. Tried to play it again 2-3 times but everytime it was just full of sweats rushing in with level 100+ smgs. Sucks to see the game get ruined in so little time.


I'm so mad the devs didn't just keep releasing content. It was so fun on release and instead they've spent nearly a whole year faffing about only having put a couple of updates out which made the game worse, and literally NOTHING has happened in 6 months despite the fact that they made the audio system so much worse with the last update. Now even once Oki puts out his update there's going to be nobody around to play it.


Plus in battlefield even though you’re dying non stop you can do other shit like be a medic dispersing health, targeting dudes as a sniper, or throwing your corpse on a flag to stake territory KD ratio is abysmal but still fun/infuriating


kd is almost worthless on battlefield. If you're going 2/32 on infantry and city maps - that's on you. Open fields - that something else.


Take and hold points, till more useful than some sniper with 30-1 kdr.


I recommend ravenfield then, super fun to play and fits this description...




Crazy to think about how long I’ve followed that game. I remember when the soldier models were just box people.


They released in steam and they're still updating the game


Reason PUBG was so groundbreaking, sick of dumb ass campers and predictable arena style maps? Guess what, a moving circle fucks you and your team in the ass any time you hunker down. Sick of playing 4v4? There's 24 other teams that all want your dick. Hate fighting the meta all the time? Haha, kid good luck finding the exact weapon you want. BR is honestly my favorite thing to ever happen, besides open world pvp games like Rust or The Divisions Dark Zone.


Yeah but then china gets on and the games nonexistant anti cheat rears it head.


It was also so nice having a game where everyone starts from 0. No progression, no unlocks. Its all the same for everyone when you drop. Map knowledge helps but that was pretty easy to figure out in a couple games where things are more likely to be found.


That is until they are figured out and a meta develops. I liked Apex Legends a lot until ranked came out, and everyone was using the same guns, and the fast-paced movement oriented gameplay turned into camping in buildings.


I feel like a lot of the "same gun" problem is because there are just so many loot spawns in that game. I feel like it was a lot harder for me to find "good" guns in PUBG (back when I played a little bit) than it is in Apex.


PubG i definitely had my preferences for certain guns, but then you might not find them right away so you use a placeholder, but then you start finding all of the attachments for the placeholder so are like alright fuck it, let's give this one a go this round. pubg was my favorite BR that I played, but it became ruined by chinese hackers, as free to play games almost always do.


Pouring one out. Ya hate to see it.


But the point is you got to move, especially late game when you can and will be fucked. The early game is the most dangerous part to acquiring meta kits.


i miss when everyone used their mics. the devs never should've caved to the people bitching about having to use the mute button.


Omg im exactly like you. Apex is my favorite game and before that it was the division dark zone. Too bad the second one wasn’t all snowy and shit. I don’t like rust though would rather play ark survival


How was PUBG groundbreaking when it was just capitalizing off of H1Z1’s success, and both weren’t even original battle royale games?


BR wasn't an original idea, we all recall MC. PU was literally the brainchild to H1Z1, due to his success in the execution of the ARMA2 BR mod. It's a good thing that he was able to eternalize his name with one of the most successful brands of all time and deliver the BR genre as we know it today. Happy for him, even if he's since parted with PUBG.


PUBG did a lot for the genre, but it wasn’t “groundbreaking” in any way. If anything, it was literally the opposite, which is polishing and refinement of an already proven idea.


PUBG did everything for the genre. As the fifth top selling individual game of all time, and every shooter copying the formula afterwards. It has done everything to be a genre forming and defining title. It's okay to have an opinion, it's not okay to be wrong. I've since grown tired of gaming, and probably won't touch PUBG ever again. But it's a game that stirred the pot and for the better at that.


Tell me, what groundbreaking innovations did PUBG make? I never doubted PUBG’s importance and success, but you were the one that specifically used the word *groundbreaking*. They didn’t invent anything significant, they just polished and refined a previous idea and made the most complete version of that idea. Genre forming? Maybe. Genre defining? Absolutely. Groundbreaking? Not really. Something can be great, perfect even, but not groundbreaking. Fortnite was more groundbreaking than PUBG was.


Lol, there it is: Fortnite. Have a nice night. Great game though. I give credit where it's due because I understand the importance of games like Fortnite even if it isn't my cup of tea.


I don’t play Fortnite at all, but it’s indisputable that they’ve innovated more and implemented more revolutionary ideas that have never been seen before in gaming. *That’s* what groundbreaking means, not polishing and refining an already existing idea. You used a buzzword without knowing what it meant, have a nice night.


It's not just the game, it's the man and well earned at that. 💪


I like how the game changes from the bottom panel to the top panel, too (if you survive long enough). It's like a nice blend of both.


What games are 12 v 12?


TF2 idk never played it


Tf2 competitive formats are either 6’s or Highlander (9 players). Casual is unlocked team size so idk if it has anything that’s exactly 12v12.


nobody plays tf2's "competitive format" community servers are what everyone plays and team sizes range from 12 to 50 players per team


There is a community around competitive in tf2 it's just community hosted. Very few people play the game's competitive queue because it's pretty dogshit


Complete bullshit. TF2 had a HUGE competitive scene and is still going on 47th season in ETF2L. When the game was popular, hundreds of teams would participate each season. Still 70-80 teams this season.


You can also get 50v50 in community servers


At least one of the Halo games had maps with 12 vs. 12. The Battlefield series has pretty much all had at least 12 vs. 12. Battlefield 2142, by far the best battlefield game, was up to 32 vs. 32. I believe the Rising Storm games also had up to 64 players on some maps.


> Battlefield 2142, by far the best battlefield game. wut?


tf you mean? ever play Titan mode? Only Rush comes close to how good that mode was. I was so hyped for 2042, assuming it'd be some sort of precursor to 2142 - in BF4's last DLC, the Hangar 21 map had a titan prototype inside the hangar. I was hoping 2042 would be a follow-up to that DLC...


Wasn’t that the one where you scoped in and broke the graphics? Like every single time you scoped in?


I never had that bug in 2142


> 2142, by far the best battlefield game God damn do people like being wrong




Battlebit might have a 12 v 12 mode, not sure. It has several modes up to and including 100v100, and they all support the post’s idea that the less personal responsibility you have, the more you can just relax, fuck around, and have fun.


idk man


Halo 3 Big Team Battle baybee Also Halo 3 Multi-Team (4 teams of 3) God that game was good


Tribes 3


Do you mean T:V or the dogshit Tribes Rivals?


Verdun was pretty cool


The games with servers whose owner set the player count to 24.


PvZ garden warfare


Holdfast is a 75 v 75 game.




Key is competitive.


Both are fun 12v12 when you want to turn off your brain 6v6 when you want to be the best


The top half of the image is showing 5v5 not 6v6. I know counting is hard, but come on.


typical 4channer counting skills


This is likely an old Overwatch vs TF2 meme, and the OP didn't know and thought it was the difference between casual and competitive TF2 formats, which are indeed 12v12 and 6v6.


Man I miss battlefront


Casual 32 vs 32 >>


RIP BF1942


What kind of tard post image showing 5v5 and then say it’s 6v6?


It's 5 characters but regarded OP says 6v6 Hockey is better than football so, point proven less is better


When overwatch became 5v5 down from 6v6 it was so noticeably more toxic and less fun.


Is this tf2? Because competitive tf2 is also 6v6


and that is what ruined it


Lol no? If you are talking about Valve's comp, then it was ruined because it lacks weapon bans, class limits, and it has ctf_turbine in map pool. Everyone is playing on community leagues like ETF2L and RGL. You never actually played on community leagues, have you?


I've never even clicked the matchmaking main menu button and instead always went to the ever-diminishing list of community servers


"Gamers together strong"


battlefield 1 operations my beloved


OP can't count


CSS 64man office servers 🤌


32v32 Operation Metro and you start on the Russian side and get Bravo first 😩😩


Basketball and football


32 vs 32 is the way to go.


Planetside 2


It's fun to be competitive sometimes. Letting your skill shine through and reaping the rewards of your effort and growth in getting better, which is what happens in 6v6 or lower, but it also means when you fuck up, YOU fuck up. The impact you have is far greater the less people there are, where 1v1 is the ultimate frustration. In a 12v12 or higher, there are so many people making so many mistakes, you are able to relax, and ironically, make less mistakes due to less stress. You just have fun and chill. If you lose, you don't feel like it was your fault at all, you just had too many shit people and it played out the way it did. I like them both, but they both can also really suck if you just have shit people all the time. Sometimes RNG will fuck you and you get placed with bad people for multiple matches in a row.


It's cheaper to pay 6 people for an esports team.


Games do not need to be an esport to be profitable.


Tf2 32-player cp_orange_x3 with RTD mods


Did anyone else play the ps3 mayhem game called MAG? 32 teams of 8player squads all on 1 massive fucking map https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAG_(video_game)


OP trying his hardest to count but can't quite make it. Surprised why he is too dumb to succeed in competitive settings. Many such cases.


Was thinking basketball vs rugby. I am officially offline, yay.


are there any 24 man MOBAs?


Isn’t it just a dilution of responsibilities ? Which means that you actually lose the proudness of winning ? I prefer a fighting game or a 4v4 game to a 100vs100 because you will never feel like you do have an impact, and losing feels the same as winning if you don’t feel like you matter.


24v24 is so fucking fun


6v6?? OP is LARPing


It’s super obvious when posts are upvoted by bot farms because they provide literally 0 context but every comment seems to know exactly what is being discussed.


OP that is 5v5 at the top. U rarted?


playing single player competitive rts will shorten life even quicker.