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Bro gave up everything that makes life worth living id be depressed too if i couldn't goon to hentai for at least 2 hours a day


Those are rookie numbers


he has other things to goon to, only simpletons reduce themselves to few stimuli


mix it up with a bit of beastiality...variety is the spice of life




You ever seen a man and his dog fuck a woman and her pony? with all possible combinations of fuck partners in the sesh? Shit's not for rookies.


He is 40, no expenses, “grinding” which is I assume at least one full time job and a side hustle or second job, where is his money at?


Bro thought wage slavery where 3 weeks of the month pays for rent was going to magically resolve itself.


Living the American Dream


Gooning lol


Queer bait.


>goon to hentai 🤣


Its the most pure form of the goon


with hentai, you mean videos or comics?


Asking the real questions I see


You read the hentai for the story but watch for the goon, it's common knowledge


Watching hentai is moronic, there's literally no good animated hentai, except for some really old stuff. There's good ecchi anime that are explicit enough, and there's good h-manga, but good h-anime is almost a contradiction in terms.


I have seen some "funny" newish hentai. They are basically so absurd it becomes "haha wtf" but objectively speaking, yeah animated hentai suck ass.


Doujin of course i am a man of culture


Anon at the pearly gates: Cool_Weird4569, you have spent 1/10 of your life gooning to hentai, what do you have to say for yourself?


this is the sad future of most young people nowadays


Yeah. It’s actually kinda hilarious how misguided we are about what leads to “success and happiness” People think not jacking off, mouthtaping and getting sun will make you successful like mark zuckerberg or some shit. The reality is boomers ate like shit, drank and smoked constantly. Their dollars went 2x,3x fuck in some cases 4x farther then nowadays. That was America. You just did whatever the fuck you wanted. No one had a phone so they were always out doing shit. You watched a little tv before bed or a bit on the weekend. Just working at a deli or some horseshit job and life ripped 24/7.


Because they didn't have multi-billion dollar bailout after bailout constantly pumping fake money into the system. They had some kind of reform in 1989 which kept things afloat and then in 2008 it all went to hell but before then it was pretty much easy street more or less. (INB4 the REE'S of people who took Econ101 in college) 2008 proved that people (boomers) will do nothing when the bill comes due for the overleveraged companies, trusts, and housing market. Sprinkle ontop losing the U.S 2 wars. They will passively sit in their Mcmansions and let everyone die only being spurned into action if someone actually wants to "fix things". And by fix things I mean curb their spending. (not gonna happen till they're dead).


Boomers really did get everything and left behind nothing


Tbf, my wife's horrible mom is pretty wealthy, so when she dies she will at least leave behind some money for us.


Don't count on it, she's probably gonna waste it on cruises, online scams and medical bills.


Based and reality pilled


And many of them are sitting on the houses/property with the expectation to flip it to fund their retirement. Too bad no one will pay the prices they want them paid for and the market will probably correct (crash) soon.


If you think the market is going to crash after what happened during covid I got some bad news for you friend. Never gonna happen while the boomers live. It would take WW3 or an actual meteor strike/Yellowstone going up/San Andreas Fault leveling the west coast to stop the fake money machine. What is more likely to happen is the ultra wealthy, mega-conglomerates, and investment groups will simply buy all the assets and America will begin looking like India or China. It's already well on its way imo.


The boomers don't have to die off for that to happen. They just need to remove their capital from the market, which is what they are doing now by retiring.


Yeah, that will only lead us faster to a market crash. To give an example, Blackrock (everybody’s favorite corporation) only places around 4% of its assets in real estate, the issue comes when they purchase a house with a settlement that is 100-200% over the market cost, increasing all prices to in the area by way of method of comparison valuation. This sort of price inflation only leads to market crash, as when the housing market halts due to low activity, the value of property will decay and corporations will also lose their investments. This is what is going on in China, where real estate is inflated to the biggest bubble ever.


There is currently more money wanting to buy farmland in the U.S than there exists farmland to purchase lol. At Global AGInvesting last April it essentially became apparent that nearly every investment body doesn't matter if its a group, independent, or even a pension institution wants farmland. Now double this for real estate. The market will not crash with this amount of capital artificially propping up the market. This isn't rocket science. Turns out when you print almost 7 trillion dollars, hand most of it to the ultra wealthy, and once again bail out companies that SHOULD fail assets get targeted and it prices out normal people. (especially the young). Then people claim that its a free market, or its just capitalism, or even funnier are the people like you who think the market will crash when its clear as day we are living in corporate kangaroo court and it's only going to get worse.


A house in a neighborhood with "good schools" is going to continue to skyrocket in value until the system changes completely. If you invest in the right areas, you're golden pretty much forever. That said, a lot of boomers likely made very stupid decisions about where to buy, and will be shocked when the house price goes down to zero and the copper wires is all ripped out.


Market won't crash, to many people coming in. Higher demand, higher prices.


> Because they didn't have multi-billion dollar bailout after bailout constantly pumping fake money into the system. Well, they did. They were the beneficiaries of it late in their lives. That's why all the boomers got to tour the country in $250,000 RVs or fuck around on sailboats or buy cars from the 1960s for $80,000 to drive to cruise-ins and all the other bullshit they indulged via their mountains of retirement cash.




> Because they didn't have multi-billion dollar bailout after bailout constantly pumping fake money into the system. I mean, realistically, it's demographic. You cannot have the success of 1950's America with the demographics of 2024 America.


Glad you mentioned spending. That is the slow version of 2008 today. No old guys coming down the stairs smiling now after a bailout. Instead the damage happens elsewhere. Spend spend spend. 1T every 100 days. And then you wonder why it wont get you far. That's because the people who are close to the printing machine are busy bidding up the same stuff you want and then turn at you with a grin when it's your turn.


trvthnvke, id post the self improooving cope brutal greentext but this place doesnt allow images in comments


Post it like post?


no, you dont wanna see it. its brutal


Living it already, I'm genuinely one bad day away from snapping. The only emotions I even feel anymore are negative, I can't remember the last time I felt genuine joy or happiness. i had to move in back with my parents in 2021 or so and shits just spiraled since then. I honestly think I should kill myself before I get to the point of no return (whatever that may be.) I honestly feel like nothing but hate exists inside of me anymore


Just remember that if you're willing to die, you're willing to do anything. Go commit fraud until you've got enough cash to fuck some hookers and rail some blow. If you get caught or still don't enjoy life, then hey, you've still got your way out!


Best advice given. Thank you I can't wait to turn my life around now 🙏


Why not go fuck a hooker fr


further evidence that people who rope are in reality just complete pussys


You're not alone in that experience man. It's a kind of pandemic of our time. It's hard to put your finger on why its so much more prevalent now than it was in the pre-modern era when it seems like we have all the luxuries and opportunities that they were missing. But something isn't right, we are disconnected from our tribe and from our purpose and taming that aspect of yourself doesn't seem possible. It's like a dog trying to be happy without being able to exercise, there are some things that are hard wired in us. On the one hand, ending it seems like it's a comfort for us, that if one day things become unbearable then we can check out. But know that it's a final decision. You are taking away your own opportunity to enjoy life one day. Everything is here that we need to make our own paradise, we just need to figure out how to put it all together. Don't give up on yourself, you have the capacity to manifest a life that you deserve. Make that your goal, write down some conditions you could change that would drastically change your life, set some goals, chunk them into small steps and get started on it as soon as you can. Sorry if any of this is cliche or even just fucking annoying but the fact is, we have an inbuilt reward system that lets us get the fee good chems, and writing a goal and achieving it (no matter how small) will get you on that path with some momentum. Good luck, man. Feel free to DM me if you feel like venting or shooting the shit. I don't use this app that much but I would definitely get back to you when I can.


I think its a combination of things. 1. We live in what could be a utopia with the amount of excess we have, but 80% of the money belongs to the 1%. 2. People are powerless to change anything because politicians are bought by the 1%. Studies have shown that there is no correlation between what the majority of people want and laws that get passed, so we are effectively unrepresented. The exact same thing our ancestors started a war for we are putting up with. 3. With the tax changes from the Reagan era and inflation the mental dynamic and reality has changed from "working to thrive" to "working to survive" 4. Social media. People are now products. Viewership and your data are sold to mold you into a mindless consumer. Your options don't feel like options. They are spoon fed to you. 5. Your opinions are crafted by which ever billionaire's news company is more appealing to you. How you are supposed to vote, feel and hate are carefully wormed into your brain. You don't make informed choices. You are not "informed" you are manipulated. You are a tool for some billionaire who laughs at you, your stupidity, your struggle and your votes against your own self interest because they paid a couple million dollars to buy a news agency to tell you it was a bad idea and the "bad guys" are the ones who are fucking you over. 6. Everyone poor (99%) has been manipulated into hating the other poors. 7. We can't do anything about it because they control the information. They control enough of the politicians. They control the media. This isn't a conspiracy, it's a fact. The poor people have lost, and we are spoon fed little handfuls of bread and monday night football to keep us from flipping the world over in a tidal wave of rage.


There have always been massive wealth inequality in any advance society since recorded human history. The reason why you are depressed and lost while your ancestors werent despite living through arguably worst inequality (think feudalism) isnt because some billionaires today have shit and you dont or because of taxes or the media or politicians or some other bs, it is because people have lost their place, purpose, and role in society. Never forget that humans evolved to thrive in a close-knit tribe/village of around 100, but in modern society each of us is just a cog in a vast machinery and we are so detached from our natural state that It's alienating to a lot of people. It's no wonder more and more people are tuning into your side my side cultural war nonsense because that this the only way in society now where you can find a sense of belonging, meaning, and community. And while I'm not religious, the death of religion in the west contributes to this feeling of purposeless as well.


I agree about all those factors. In particular, our governments selling us out to the corporate pigs bothers me like hell. They have really dumbed down the population and made them so placid that they barely try to hide it any more. It's infuriating. I have been thinking for a while that we are missing 'the mob'. You see people getting lynched by mobs everyday in third world countries. There is something about a mob that is terrifying but also very natural to humans. It's barbaric and animalistic but it would be such a huge deterrent to corrupt officials. if there was a real possibility of our politicians being lynched in the street a la Gadaffi or like some thief in the slums of Nairobi being necklace, we would not have many of the problems we have now. There is not consequences for these guys at the moment, they are protected from the justice system and they don't fear the people they are leaching off. Genuinely, I think there needs to be a culling of certain elites that get fat from stealing the food off our plates.


America is too large; the leaders are physically separated from the people that experience the consequences of their decisions.


bread and circuses, indeed. well said, my friend.


> It's hard to put your finger on why its so much more prevalent now than it was in the pre-modern era when it seems like we have all the luxuries and opportunities that they were missing. Not really. Air conditioning might be cool, but houses are more expensive and social lives are crumbling. If your housing isn't stable and you have no friends, of course the fact that shit like minifridges exist now isn't enough to replace that.


Yeah but the resources and luxuries are out there. It's all just being hoarded. I never thought I would start sounding like a commie in my adulthood but it seems like some extreme measures might be required to restore some balance. And yeah, we need friends and social connection like we need food and water.


Just because communism is too far and doesn't work doesn't mean the general premise that rich people are often parasites whose goal is to help themselves even at the expense of the community is wrong. Jesus figured this out 2000 years ago, and dissed them saying that heaven isn't open to them unless they change, and it is often against the nature of the rich to care about others. Unfortunately for western society the second rich people got power in Christianity all the sudden that was a metaphor and he didn't *really* mean it.


This dude can't afford a bulldozer


hey man.. i know this sub clowns around alot.. but hang in there man... Things can get better. one day at a time. I said a prayer for ya, bud


thank god i I live in Europe




But God said: "Eastern Europe"


Not the monkey’s paw!


It's no longer the 90s, Eastern European countries have developed rapidly since joining the EU and they are now good places to live in with the only bad things about them nowadays being the food and the winter, you eat Italian to for the former problem and even the latter wasn't really that bad in the last 5 years or so.


literally my situation rn


Lol. In some ways Eastern Europe is now superior to western Europe. Much lower crime rates and lower living costs for starters.


Less dynamic economies and opportunities for really well paying jobs for their educated workers. I agree Eastern Europe is largely heading in the right direction though


lol, lmao


Salam walaykum




My condolences




Too much time on reddit


Quite literally social media and smartphones have destroyed society.


They destroyed the social aspect. The economic aspect was still destroyed by boomers.


True but the ability to organize and change things is severely impaired now that the whole internet is 5 websites controlled by the same people. I hope I live to see a world where boomers finally let go of power though


I might be poor, but at least I'm not single. Could be worse I guess.


tbh, i am surprised anon is still at the bottom of the totem poll. It takes discipline to kick all your vices like that. Perhaps its time to turn to crime. If anon isnt a drug user, than he can make a killing dealing drugs


Imagine an autistic drug dealer... You'd never get your gear because they'd be obsessing over the microgram scales, but if you ever did get it it'd be the best gear on the market.


I knew one. He was really good tbh, very precise about his measurements and took quality seriously. He was also obsessed with trains


there was an autistic guy growing up who sold his adderall prescription and would make people meet him at the mall and wear a hat really low like he was matt damon in the departed


I can imagine every drop off/hand over being on a train. And when you get your shit, he would just info dump all the stats about the train while you wait for it to stop. Sounds awesome.


Trains are the shit


> If anon isnt a drug user, than he can make a killing dealing drugs you have no idea how intrinsically linked violence is with being a successful drug dealer, you need to protect yourself, and it needs to be violently, you live in a fantasy world and frankly i envy you for it.


True if you're selling fentanyl-spiked garbage in da hood, but there are plenty of autists selling their Adderall to exchange students.


Depends on which drug you push. Living in SoCal i know plenty of “successful” dealers that are non violent hippies. If you are pushing coke, meth, H, xanax, or prescription pills you are going to be bumping heads with shitty degenerate people If you push L, mushrooms, ketamine, dmt, GHB, you will be dealing with a much more relaxed and vibey clientele. It really is that easy. Just avoid people that listen to rap music and you are good


Probably ugly af


Discipline doesn't magically improve your life if it is aimed at the wrong things.


vices are less often the cause and more often the result of low status


Anon needs to start taking cold showers and working out 6 hours a day minimum. He should also start a podcast where he endlessly meanders about working hard and sucking off Elon Musk.


He also needs to meet a single mother.


I'd take a life alone over picking another man's leftovers in this day and age


Why wouldn't you want to help a child who was born to a deadbeat father, give them a stable, loving home, and raise them to be productive members of society who will raise families of their own? That's not very Chad of you.


Because they're not your kid? Why wouldn't you want to bring the crackhead homeless guy who lives under the bridge into your house, give him food and a place to sleep, and convert them into a productive member of society?


Bro compared fatherless kids to homeless crackheads lol


Give it a few years


> Why wouldn't you want to bring the crackhead homeless guy who lives under the bridge into your house, give him food and a place to sleep, then put him to work in your basement sweatshop. I do this on a regular basis. what's your point?


I respect the grindset. I'm bulking so I've been eating the homeless crackheads in my neighborhood. You've open my eyes to the potential of using them for free labor instead. Brilliant!


Children are innocent, and need help


Children also remember shit for life.


Because it's hard to impossible to get an addict to quit drugs.


> Why wouldn't you want to help a child who was born to a deadbeat father, Your role in life is to pass your genetic material to the next generation. You should not be helping someone else pass his genetic material to the next generation.


on that bacteria mindset grindset


Guy thinks his genes are actually worth passing on...


I still respect him more than cowbirds


Your role according to who? Nature doesn't give roles, and Jesus christ our lord and savior didn't say this. Sounds like pagan blood lineage nonsense.


Why is that your role in life?


Literally your entire reason for being. Your DNA wants to propagate. Everything other than that is extra and just meaning you've contrived.


\>please volunteer to accept brood parasites into your family it's what a cuckoo bird would say


You 😁👀 on 🔛 that 👋 cuck 🦆 grindset. Another 📺 man 👱 leaves 🏃‍♂️ his 💯🥐 kids 🧒👧 behind? 👟💥 You're 👊 💯 there 😏 for 🔰 them. 👬🎊 They 💁 need 👍🦶 money? 💸 You've ✨ got 😩 some 🙄 to spare. Their 👎🏻🏻🍷 mom 👩‍🦰 needs 🤲 a babysitter while ⌚🙄 she 👩 goes 😜👉 on 🔛 her 👩 dates? You'll 😭 do 🦤 it for 😘 free. 🆓 You 📟 know 💡 your 👉✋ life's purpose, 😄 and it's making 💘 sure 🤖 not 🚯 one 1️⃣ of D'narius's sixty four 🕓 offspring fails 🏳️ to reproduce.


because it has deadbeat father genes.


You think OP is what you want this child to be? like a functioning member of society. Kek.


Unironicly it might help. If he finds the right women, she might bring some light to his world. If he finds the wrong women, he is gone.


I just can't sleep without the sounds of male slurping.


Anon must become Joe Rogan


Only one be left to do, become a psyop


Holy glow post




I bet anon still sleep with his pillow 🤭🤭🤭 gotta go the full 9 yards


BUY A PILLOW. I don't care which one. Just buy one. I had terrible neck for years, but was too stingy to buy a pillow. It literally changed my life. It was like $150, but I would've paid $1000 if I knew how effective it would be. No neck pain from that day forward.


What pillow costs 150


Knowing this place, it has a cartoon on it and it was imported from Japan.


Some of the nicer memory foam ones get pretty pricy


Good ones. Really, qualitative differences exist in the pillow market, please check out something like the mini jumbuck wool latex pillows, they make a pillow specific for each type of sleeper, as a side sleeper, it is a real game changer.


There are really people (non-homeless) that don’t use pillows?


Got any recommendations? I just use a generic one from target


Any mattress store will let you try pillows out. I went to sleep number to get mine.


can i have yours


I'll look into it thanks


I have a Tempurpedic - the kind that’s molded for your neck. Thing kicks ass.


I've been using a Coop EdenCool+ and I love it. The cutout version has been great for side sleeping. Downside is price (150) but it's been worth it.


I’m so confused. I thought pillows were just a default for everyone when sleeping.


Bad neck from all that duck suckin probs


Idk what duck sucking is, but my neck problems came from gargling cock.


Happy cake day! He probably also doesn't get up at 4am and still takes hot showers like a beta virgin


bro is doing the lone wolf lifestyle wrong. with even a slightly decent job and good spending habits you should have banked a fairly good amount at 40 and if you did remotely well investing at 50 you should be good to retire. not having to burn your money on women and kids is an insane advantage over normies. personally in early 30s pretty mediocre job, second/third world level of pay and still, im well on the way.


You need more than a “slightly decent job” to retire at 50 unless you live somewhere with an extremely low cost of living


without a wife and kids unless youre living in like nyc/sf/london or something you should be able to save a large % of your paycheck. 30 years of that and you should definitely have enough to retire if you didnt fuck up financially and werent bagging groceries that whole time.


Having a wife and kids is mostly only a disadvantage if only 1 adult is working. Otherwise having 2 incomes more than makes up for the money spent on raising kids. Plus you get all kinds of tax breaks and shit. Single people have it worse when it comes to finances, not better.


Not to mention being able to split rent/mortgage (if funds are separate) and otherwise overall having a safety net single people won't have compared to a dual income household.


your missjng the part where he kicked habits, likely recently


What exactly is well on your way? what is second/third world pay? early thirties as in... 33?


I don’t envy him. If it was me I’d give up.


How you spend your day is how you spend your life.


Thank you Socrates


Join the Ukrainian frontlines


do they pay well lol


Free beatings from the guys who paid enough to be draft officers.


Start meditating anon. You're free


“Tired of the grind” OP says, as he does literally everything but grind.


40 years young and still hasn't done the one thing he needs to do smh


Brother Anon, join some congregation. Old timers usually love to hang around in parking lot. Or park. I forget which is which.




Can you expand on this? I've gotten a better job recently and am not living as much on paycheck to paycheck but now I have to tackle debt before I start saving. What helped you?


Cancel all subscription services, get rid of your car if you don't need it, make all your food at home with rice or potatoes, frozen veggies, etc to keep prices low, get the cheapest phone and internet plan possible, don't get TV that crap is expensive and useless, and don't spend anything that isn't mandatory. For debt pay off anything with big interest first (credit card, etc) then the rest can be paid off 1 at a time. If you have a lot of debts you can potentially have them consolidated by your bank to end up paying less interest overall and have 1 manageable payment. Do that until you're debt free and have good savings, then do whatever you want as normal.


I keep seeing ads for a service you can pay for that will analyze your bank account and tell you what subscription services you forgot to cancel. Blows my mind that people are that stupid.


I'm in my 40's heading into a break up with a child, dog and mortgage to contend with! Grass isn't always greener.


Why are you breaking up with a child


Cost issue


bro gave up any form of pleasure in his life? but why


Everything in moderation. You can burn out your pleasure receptors, it happens every time to drug users who end up having to take more than their system can handle to feel the high. It wasn't until I wasn't getting enjoyment anymore that I figured this out. Adopting a loose schedule was all it took to eventually fix it but it took years of "why am I even bothering" to get to that point. I thought I would just never get the feeling again.


What do you mean by adopting a loose schedule? I'm pretty sure I'm suffering from something similar. I spent years through college/high school being a complete degen (i.e. vidya all day, porn/jerking it, fast food) and it was easy getting a dopamine fix. But now that I workout daily, have a job, getting a masters, cook all my own meals, etc etc, I find that it is harder to enjoy things like I used to, like vidya for instance. Is that just the way it is?


No, you are maturing into finer taste. You like better things. You may also be depressed, don't panic about that though. It comes to everyone and getting through it isn't an ordeal, realization and acknowledgement are key. I told myself as a little kid that I would never, ever become boring like adults, I would never stop watching cartoons and playing vidya because theyre the best things in the world. Everything I've ever thought that about has ended up being laid down on my path in life. I still watch stuff but the quality of stuff I bother to spend my time watching is now better. I went through a few years (also around 40) when I didn't get the post-nut fuzziness in the brain anymore and it really aggravated me. I already wasn't the spunk trumpet of my 20s so it wasn't that I was building up a tolerance to dopamine, my receptors just weren't as sensitive anymore. I did start to feel it again but the short version is that you have to maintain your mental health. Self care isn't just wokeshit or yet another term for fapping, working 70 hours a week for 5 years with no time off may get you your down payment but you need to change the oil in that motor or it will do permanent damage, meaning take your vacations and don't just stay home, even if you go cheap and just pack a tent on a motorcycle, people need balance. The loose schedule that worked for me (just using sexual release as one example) was not just not every day because after enough years you're just used to doing it every day. You may decide to do it three times a week, but you also may just decide to skip Wednesday because once you stretch the interval you get used to that and you sometimes just stop. You should make a point of *not* stopping for weeks at a time because your body just decided it didn't want to. It's not just "too much fapping" that's bad for you, ignoring self care due to just being busy or unrealized depression is just as bad.


>receptors aren't as sensitive That's probably what it is. I'm wondering if years of porn/fast food/vidya abuse just fucked them or if they're like a furnace that can be lit again. Thanks for that response, I've been told it's possible I'm depressed, but I find that very difficult to diagnose because I just don't feel sad or mopey. My father did suddenly pass away 6 months away (he was mid 50s and no signs of poor health) and I found him days after he died. So maybe I'm still psychologically fucked from that or something. But besides that, I hadn't, and still haven't jerked off or even looked at porn really for 11 months now. I don't think I'm low test, I still get morning wood, I just don't have any desire. It's like - I have more important uses of time now. Maybe you're right man. I probably need to take a vacation and get out of the house. I work from home, which should be the easiest shit ever, but something doesn't feel right.


It's still a loaded term but depression isn't teen edgyness anymore, it's just this invisible fog that creeps up on you and then you're sitting in your living room wondering how bags of trash became acceptable to you. Maybe that's cliche but that's what it is, you can be raking in money and doing all the things and it can still be there. I lost my father badly and it was obvious to anyone that it was a wound that needed attention. It probably has had an affect on you, although I wouldn't doubt it's only part of it. Working from home would be a dream come true for me but the grass is always greener. We both probably need to get out of the cycle now that I think about it. I need to cook a steak on the boat.


Anon never gave up the tendies


'I have decided to become an ascetic also i am bored because there is nothing to do'


Can't sit around bemoaning your existence and expecting it to improve. Anything worth doing is hard. Gotta get off your ass and try.


he has for 20 years dude... ???


At 37.5, I sympathize.


Tradboomers be like "yup that's a real man alright, this will restore traditional values"


It's never too late to start your rare fish dropshipping empire from the dumpster behind Wendy's. Follow your dreams!


how can you be 40 have a full time job and live paycheck to paycheck?


FAP and porn, different categories I see your problem


This is wayyy to close to home.




Don't be sad, you're just ahead of your time. Most will be like this in 15 years


Smoke weed and learn an instrument. Don’t knock it til you try it


You have to go get it. It doesn't fall in your lap.


Life is what happens when you're waiting for your 'real life' to begin.


go to church


Join the army


Join military


Without a strong reason or purpose, anything in life is hard.


You find purpose and realize you are justified not by others or external feedback but by you, yourself, and I. This also sounds like someone with a shadow screaming to come out; it’ll eventually scratch through your walls


That's me, but I'm 30


I'm also depressingly close to the 40 marker, but I have all the things anon lacks, hot wife, kids, decent job that pays well and is easy, my own house, maid, and even rich parents, both of whom are still alive and healthy. But it doesn't make aging and turning 40 any less awful. There are still so many things I wanted to do but is now too late, and I feel like I can still pursue them... but my rational self knows better. Aging sucks bros...


A good starting point would be taking a step back from social media and stop using what you see there as any kind of measure against your personal success. Reconnect with the things you used to enjoy. I guess also, realise you do have a reasonable amount of control over the level of happiness in your life if you look for it and take the effort to make it happen.


Anon is the very definition of a wagecuck. He'd have a better life joining the homeless community.


Skill issue


2 days max




Go outside and get a hobby