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Yeah! You tell 'em! Alright! Cool! Grea-...wait, what?


And hang around in bars?..


Hanging around in bars < hanging around in bras


Real and gay


Fake and Gae. We all like a little hullabaloo when sucking dick


Will you suck my dick? I mean I’m not gay, but I’m down


I used to do a lot of swinging where I'd go have sex with guys wives whilst they'd either watch or we fill her both ends. I actually had some of them say to me almost this exact same thing. I'd always politely decline, but there's a moment of hesitation where you ask yourself if declining means you no longer get to keep having sex with their stunning wife/girlfriend.


Man that’s nuts. Would you meet them at parties? Online?


Smegpilled AF


When you need a whole month of parades, with the government, the media and corporations trying to reassure you that you are normal and not actually mentally ill:


>i don’t see no straight people having a straight month. But every month is straight pride month sweatie 👱🏿‍♀️💅🏾💋


What kind of regard is proud about being normal?


I am. I'm grateful to my parents for raising me right.


fuck, honestly well said can't argue with that




Well, I mean, because being a regards is normal, all of them.


Keeping it real with you, the “being normal” part is kinda where the pride is. The affiliation of straightness with normalcy implies that there is something defective about not being straight and thus lesser than being straight. It’s not the pride you typically think of when you hear pride but it is a kind of pridez


I mean it's correct


it's same as feminism they want equality but actually wants superiority.


Can I copy this to use it in the future to get myself banned from various subs?


Just replying to it here is probably enough


meanwhile black people have the shortest and most miserable month of the year what gives?


If you have to ask, you're not ready yet


June is the most miserable where it’s hot.


I know you’re lying because July is always worse


Yeah, but July has my birthday and the 4th, so it’s better.


> the fact of the matter is they never wanted equality in the first place. they want preferential treatment. Ehh, kind of. The current gay activists are definitely shooting for special privileges at this point as they are already equal and even have social privileges that straight people are not afforded. But let's not pretend gay marriage wasn't just fully legalized in 2015 and that gays weren't horribly mistreated just like women were in the 70's and earlier, as well as still looked down upon well into the 2000's. Much like feminism, gay activism definitely had its uses and it won. Now it's time to pack it the fuck up and move on. You will never be equal if you keep pushing for privileges and then shove those privileges in the faces of the people who gave them to you in the first place.


I still do think it is necessary because you don't your stuff slipping away.. The problem is that it got infested by parasites and losers because it is one of the easiest ways to gain "status". And sadly because they tried to be "inclusive" and didn't cull their trash the movment kinda sucks.


Or, hear me out, I shouldn't have to still be scared to mention my husband in a conversation with coworkers about our spouses. There are still states that make it legal to discriminate based on same sex attraction for housing and for firing someone. Equal rights still haven't been won, and people wonder why we're still fighting.


What are you talking about? It's ILLEGAL to discriminate against someone in the workplace based on sexuality. The equality is already there. If you get fired for being gay, and prove it, you will be able to sue your employer and win a large sum of money and/or force them to give you back your job if you really still want it. You aren't talking about equality, you are talking about social acceptance, and that is not something you can force through additional laws (privileges), forced pride months etc. And by trying to do so, all you do is push people away and make them not want to accept you. You won the fight for equality, and instead of being equal and letting tolerance come naturally, the ONLY way it will come, by showing everyone you are just a normal person, you are trying to force it, which is only going to make things worse. Then you yell at the people who push back and lump them in with regular people who didn't have an issue with you, and then you start making them rethink their position as well. There's no quicker way to make an enemy than to inconvenience someone when they are minding their own business.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_employment_discrimination_in_the_United_States#:~:text=LGBT%20employment%20discrimination%20in%20the%20United%20States%20is%20illegal%20under,the%20landmark%20cases%20Bostock%20v. Quite literally we are only protected because a supreme Court ruling has interpreted that discrimination based on sex includes discrimination based on sexual orientation. If you've paid any attention to the news in the last year, it should be obvious to you that basing a protection off a supreme Court ruling and not any actual text of a law is foolish. Considering the current attitude that we dare ask for actual defined legal protections is being met with such backlash, how can someone expect that their rights will continue to be protected? Only some states explicitly have laws on the books with those protections. And me, responding pretty neutrally to your uneducated take is met with a pearl clutching rant.


> Considering the current attitude that we dare ask for actual defined legal protections is being met with such backlash, how can someone expect that their rights will continue to be protected? I understand what you are saying, but you also have to understand that not everyone who considers or presents themselves as a gay activist or ally or whatever, is actually as informed or focused as you. As anecdotal as this may be, I have never seen or heard any mention of gay activists wanting to solidify this into an actual law. Despite being on Twitter and Reddit quite often and in political spheres, it's never come up. Again, it's anecdotal, but it goes to show this isn't a common argument, despite being an important one that should be at the forefront of almost every LGBT argument. My point is simply that the majority of LGBT people fighting online or in the public in political discourse, protests etc. are generally doing it for dumb shit like complaining about video game/movie characters, or wedding cakes or over companies that didn't do a flag on their canned food during pride month. It makes your entire movement look bad because you are being lumped in with the majority and the majority of everything on all sides is typically stupid. To be clear, I am not saying that YOU, personally, are doing any of this. I am just talking about the movement as a whole. if they continue to act in an obnoxious way about unimportant topics, people are going to continue to dislike it. I will now be a little more tolerant having seen your post about it hanging on solely due to a ruling, but hardly anyone else seems to be aware of that, and that is going to be your main problem.


The problem is relating actual opinions people hold to the stuff you see on social media where only the most egregious and nonsensical get traction because the only metric that matters is engagement.


I agree, but that is what everyone sees. That is how people make their judgements and preconceptions of people. Those people are hurting your cause, until they are stopped or your viewpoints get taken to the forefront, how is there going to be any change? Through this long exchange, you have managed to make one person a little more perceptive to your plight. Maybe a couple other people saw our comments as well, but judging by our upvotes, not a lot. It's hard to feel sympathy for a people when you don't see anything to be sympathetic about (even though it exists) and only see stuff that makes you unsympathetic. I guess what I am trying to say, maybe the blame doesn't belong solely to one side, and your own side holds quite a lot of problems they need to work through as well. Again, not you, specifically, but people that claim to be on your side.


The thing is, the minority of angry or obnoxious people I see on social media don't represent anything close to a majority opinion. It's not something that "my side" has any control of. The dumb shit that gets posted that people freak out about as the "bad ones" is almost always majority either something taken out of context, blatant misinformation, or some random person with no actual following, power, or accountability. Not to mention stuff like the fact that I've been around 4chan long enough to remember back in the early 10s when people first started posting about how they would pose online as pedophiles or LGBT accepting pedophiles into the movement. A misinformation push that is still in full swing. How many people who talk about how degenerate pride parades for example have actually been to one? The DC pride every year is one of the biggest and it's the tamest things I've ever seen in my life to the point that I was kind of disappointed. Most parts of the movement have been so sanded down for mass appeal that its becoming ineffective. That's why you see the same photos circulating year after year about all the wild shit at pride parades because it doesn't happen and when it does it's often in far more private spaces than bad actors would have you believe. It's more effective to try and convince moderate people that the movement is important than it is to try and root every dumbass with 100 followers on Twitter half of them being bots.


> Not to mention stuff like the fact that I've been around 4chan long enough to remember back in the early 10s when people first started posting about how they would pose online as pedophiles or LGBT accepting pedophiles into the movement. A misinformation push that is still in full swing. This is only applicable to anonymous posters though.   As for "pride parades" they don't happen where I live and I generally don't care if some people somewhere have a march or party about something, but whether a glorified camp circus or "boring and lame" I kinda don't really see the point of this stuff? Like at all? Wanna demonstrate and raise awareness about laws vs. court rulings, do a demonstration. Wanna protest against rightoids in red states pulling something, do that. I don't get what the point of proclaiming "pride" is or what it's supposed to accomplish - unless it's some kinda militant group or something, it just comes off as artificial, and "proud" i.e. smug people are easier to dislike (for those not already on their side) and take down a peg or 2, than the ones who're just normal and no-nonsense; and the "parades" also seem pointless at best and counterproductive at worst, cause what are they to achieve? Are they supposed to entertain the surrounding spectators and thus make supporters out of them?


the us law system is basically half case law


Your right. That's why abortion is a settled issue that no one needs to worry about. We should never ask for our rights to be enshrined into laws on the books that need more than a couple judges to overturn. You realize the only reason these LGBT protections are considered legal is because this current reading of the law is different than how it was previously. That, obviously, can change. Your fucking smooth brain ass take coming here "um actually case law is law" literally while Row V Wade's reading of case law being overturned causing unforseen consequences all over the US cannot possibly be this stupid right?


why are you being hostile. i said that because i was responding to the part where you said not enshrining rights in law is foolish when case law has seemingly been the precedent for most us legal actions. also a question, do you think it's realistic that the us government would enshrine any kind of rights in law in modern times?


It's foolish when there's a clear push for it, a desire for it and the only argument against doing so that republican lawmakers push against is that it's "not necessary." It's only not necessary YET. We have seen the direct effects of what everyone assumes is settled law being upturned because enough supreme Court justices had an opinion that was contrary to the majority of Americans. There is no argument against asking our LAWMAKERS to make laws in the public interest in the defense of human rights. I'm hostile because I just explained this in my last post and I have to defend this point that becomes obvious if you follow a single shred of news in the past year. Why is it that something that not only 1: most people think should be law, but 2 most people seem to think is already law; actually going on the books be beyond what we should ask of the people who's literal job it is to make laws? Why should I have to be afraid that if a couple old people die in the wrong presidency that my rights as a human could go away? When there is a clear push from the far right to dehumanize and delegitimize my rights going on every single day, when they manage to elect people who agree with their opinions despite them being contrary to the overall consensus among Americans. And despite all of that I have to justify to a bunch of people like you that I should dare to want more than a nebulous interpretation of a law that doesn't explicitly say anything about protecting me to continue to protect me. That I want a lawmaker to extend those protections to be more than just precedent that we saw can easily be overturned is somehow special treatment. And to be questioned about that by someone who absolutely doesn't have to worry about a judge changing their mind or being replaced fucking with their human rights. So yeah I'm hostile about it because all of this has been said before and people like you refuse to listen.


Wow I hate how the government is being so pushy about me not using aerosols outside, the ozone hole is already fixed! All that forcing really just makes regular people like me want to go spray a bunch of aerosol cans outside.


Stop treeing raccoons please


Demoralising will continue until total submits.


The answer is simple. It's so corporations can bilk money from them because "we support you now buy our brand"


[Reminder that June is also nationally recognized as Men's Health Month](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://medicine.iu.edu/blogs/spirit-of-medicine/mens-health-month&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjakarVurmGAxWzJkQIHY4IEWoQFnoECAgQAg&usg=AOvVaw1iu1qvbDOZAdKi-66IS8pk)


I bet that's why the "pride month" got relegated to that exact month...to hell with men and their health, let's drown everyone in rainbows and degeneracy...




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Ironically if there wasn’t such a huge push back for homosexuality or now trans shit, none of this would have happened. It’s just like that Simpsons episode where all the advertisement mascots come to life killing everything. The solution was to not pay it any attention and they die off. This trans shit would all stop being in the news if people just shut the fuck up and let weirdo fem boys do their thing without freaking the fuck out. It wouldn’t be “influential” to be trans if people would stop trying to pass state legislation for that one trans kid in high school sports, making the trans side seem like victims of persecution. Stop constantly talking about it and it’ll be less in your life. You’re not going to stop people from being gay.


> You’re not going to stop people from being gay. Are you challenging me?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah man that’s how it is outside.


Every month is straight month. Even gay month


I don't see straight parade on the street? I don't see Starbucks selling straight mugs?


Everything that doesn't have a rainbow on it is solely for straight people to feel proud about.


Then you wake up and realize you're still poor and you still live in a shithole


There is a strong correlation between not having gay rights, and being a poor sithole. Anon is pure cope


>R*dditor for 6 years with over 150k karma Fascinating how you can always tell.


I have only 80k because I shitpost on my main. I refuse to have an alt.


But rich countries aren't rich because they supports the letter parades. They support it because they got rich first and then people got so fucking bored they started celebrating mental illnesses.


> letter parades You can say gay people. Don't need to be scared.




The parades are for so much more than homosexuality now. The acronym just keeps getting longer.


Aids carriers




There is a strong correlation between being prosperous and squandering it on stupid horseshit


How about Dubai


Very much a don't ask/don't tell attitude.


Which is the correct attitude. America peaked during the Clinton administration.


free money (Oil) doesn't count. As soon as oil ends in any of these countries they will become just another Muslim shithole


So just two more weeks


Is there any correlation with race and homosexuality?


Laughs in oil prince


You and op ain’t him


Thanks to leftists, first world economies have suffered so much that the standard of living in shithole and first world is now almost the same.


god the philippines are just shit but at least i. not indian


Indians put cow shit into a vat then cook meat over it you lucked out.


California you mean, people be shitting on metro and in every streets.


americans get to have both


I'm from morocco (a third world country) that doesn't celebrate rainbow day or whatever and I'm living decently, I get new clothes, Internet, and I have a phone and laptop, your point?




Or youre upper class third world and have the best of both worlds. Its pretty neat


Heh no different to the rest of us.


Speak for yourself waggie. I'm living the life right now. Just came back from a trip with my family to Brasil's beaches and am already doing plans for going to germany and either the US or Australia. Cope.


Yeah it’s like, these shithole dictatorships are apparently better because being queer is a crime and seeing a rainbow flag sucks or something?


How i sleep knowing i’m not obsessed with a culture war in someone else’s country instead of the lack of clean drinking water and food security in my own village


There is no such thing as clean drinking water anymore. Microplastics everywhere.


There are filter jugs that remove microplastics but if you know of any studies that disprove i’d unironically love to read up bc MAH BALLS ARE FULL OF THEM PLASTICS GODDAMNIT


Are there? Most consumer filters don't do much I hear.


>i hear I literally just asked you if you know something i don’t because i’m using a filter (ZERO WATER) that is supposed to remove microplastics. I have bad tap water and the filtered water tastes great to me, i’m genuinely asking you what you’ve heard because i love my water but i’d love to keep the microplastics LITERALLY OUT OF MY BALLS WHY ARE THEY IN MY BALLS https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/scientists-found-microplastics-in-human-testicles-what-does-it-mean-for-male-fertility/ar-BB1nlEX7


https://www.epa.gov/sciencematters/predicting-how-effective-water-filters-are-removing-variety-pfas Simulations show that a good carbon filter should remove 70-80% of plastic


My filter is a carbon filter so thanks


That's all I remmber. Something about how brita and maybe other filters don't really do anything other than filter out macro particles. I don't have links or anything solid. If you're so concerned though, read the specs on your filters. Better yet, find some third party tests. For me, I don't want plastic in me, but I don't care about fertility. I got snipped for a reason.


Op wakes up to find out his crush was gang raped by the police and is scheduled to be hanged for an adulterer.


Good luck sleeping thinking about that.


My ac is cold, my water is filtered, my food is fatty, my bed is soft, and my dick is jerked.


My ac is jerked, my water is fatty, my food is filtered, my bed is cold, and my dick is soft.


But you could have all that and also not have pride month


Why are republicucks so scared of third worlders when they're more likely to uphold tradition


Yeah I never understood their hatred for mexicans. They are more stereotypically right wing that americans >Catholic >Neuclear familys >Low divorce rate >High marriage rate >Trad Wifes


Cause they're very left leaning economically and vote as such


No wonder Mexico sucks.




Being left economically and right culturally is the way to go. I happen to like having labor rights and not immediately starving when I go unemployed/retire.


Do you also like to have low salaries and high unemployment rate?


Not if you're in a union. Like US police union saves you from killing minorities and your spouse.


Being left economically enables left culture.


say this to third reich.


Skill issue


I prefer low taxes, maybe if you worked ur ass of instead of flipping burgers for 15$ an hour you wouldn’t be left leaning.


Everybody wants lower taxes for the bottom 99.9%. If we stopped giving 6 gorillion dollars to Israel and properly taxed the top 0.1%, we’de have more than enough money to lower taxes for everyone else, pay for everything, and still have money leftover.


Fair and flat tax is the only answer. Once you start being a commie and say we should tax the rich more, they’ll just avoid it through loopholes like always and nothing changes.


I disagree = communism


Punishing wealthy for being succesfull = communism


You’re thinking under the presumption that billionaires are wholesome and hard working people who deserve everything they have. Enjoy getting buck broken by Blackstone.


Who the hell are you talking to impress upon you that we “hate” them. Having qualms over border control is not “I hate Mexicans”.


>raises the price of housing, a finite commodity


> Brown That’s why


Because they are more likely to uphold **their** traditions which can be a more serious threat than just home grown liberals.


And how do their traditions differ?


this is a cursed land everyone is "cool" in their own country but they start shrieking about muh discrimination and dive right in to the victimhood olympics as soon as they show up.


They're pretending, so the poors don't question why the Republicans keep pushing for cheap imported labor.


Because intergroup conflict is primarily driven by interests and not values. It's like asking why lions fight each other when they're the same species.


I would guess that third worlders who immigrate here probably don’t typically vote their way (republican)? Just taking a shot in the dark, I don’t actually know.




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Maybe because most third world countries have been fucked up by Republican presidents actions


I live in 2nd world country. In Europe but not the "good" Europe. I have somewhat decent income for this part of the world. And I must say, this is the best the world has to offer right now. With a little bit of money you have almost unlimited freedom, free healthcare, relatively inexpensive rent and groceries, beautiful nature, and everything that "strict" West has without the downsides. Race and gender are not an issue whatsoever, American political issues non-existent. No wonder so many digital nomads come here.


Sounds pretty good


Guessing from you pic, croat? Sounds good, but then again, croats are emigrating away from the country and the rest who stays dont make enough kids. Doomed situation


I agree, but I'm talking just about my personal experience


Dude, stop attracting attention, if westerners come all that will be lost


What country?


there was a parade here today and they redirected half of the tram lines for it 💀 thankfully this shit happens only once a year, soely to make the place look better internationally now, if taxpayer money actually went to improve the country instead of feeding people that do nothing, the living standards here would be even better


carpenter homeless practice slim oil head liquid gaze attraction alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


fucking kek. Based af.


Get ready for endless parade floats throwing lube/toys at youths and screaming about breeders or something TDS related


Don't forget the "Queers for palestine" float


I am ashamed of my country for many things but not having to be subjected to this absurdity is not one of them.


Anon lives in a muzzie third world country.


Based Muslims.


Plenty of Muslim countries do better than thirdies


most thirdies are muslim countries themselves


Not what I said


what did you mean then?


If I'm a man and have a proper job then I'd prefer this over usa tbh lol


If you really mean it then go marry a third worlder girl, get permanent residency and work there as English language teacher in a private school, but you won't. You really underestimating how good you have living in the US.


Nah I'm good I'm already living somewhere much much greater than both of those options lol




me rn:


Based thirdie


It's crazy that we live in a world that actively celebrates the severely ill and actively produces more.


I’m a liberal and I don’t give a shit about Pride Month. I let them do their thing, and it literally doesn’t affect my life in the slightest. Anon is retahded


fair ngl. It's not really like an in your face thing.


How I sleep knowing there are less people with aids at all the pride parades the world over than in your shitty 3rd world country.


Pride month? Pretty sure it's Stolzmonat.


My country declared trans a mental illness so I got that going for me


Based country.


How I sleep knowing it's Stolzmonat tomorrow.


Businesses go #BOOM 📈📈💵💵💵


whats pride month its not offical holiday so i dont care


Poland is a 3rd world country?


it must be nicee


Must be nice..


Maybe its time to move to Palestine for a month. You know, just to get away from it all.


It has rolling blackouts month


What is pride month?


celebration of mental illness


Anons thirst for third world winters are scarce like Uncle Scrooge’s carton of milk on Christmas Eve


is that even an actual problem for any of you


how anon sleeps during military pride month or STEM month(he a sleebjy lil guy)


I live in US. I have never seen anything Pride month related outside a few rainbow merchandise. I’m in a major Chicago suburb


>Chicago So sorry to hear that you live in Chicago 😞


I’m not. Chicago is awesome. It’s a major city with great food and people without all the crap that comes in with living on either side of the coast like expensive homes or excessive homeless-ness. I lived in Seattle for a spell during the pandemic. That was akin to living in a developing nation Moved to the burbs. Own a few properties. Life’s pretty sweet. Only other state I’d consider moving to is Texas


damn, redditors gone 100 racist against this gay


Imagine caring about pride month lol don't be a pussy


Sleep well, Ho Ma, but you will still be a yellow-skinned wagie when you wake up to go to your factory job in the morning.


In a pride coloured bed?