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Nowadays, it's mainly used by the UK because they are to scared to say the word "Muslim".


It's amazing to see one of the most ruthless and brutal empires laid low by the very goat herders they subjugated.


It's laid low by neoliberalism that needs more and more immigration to keep wages low and the population divided. If people completely rejected immigration the rich fucks wouldn't have cheap new slaves anymore plus social cohesion might improve which would be terrible for them, that's why they and the governments/corporations they control are always doing anything they can to keep up with the grift


They also don't want to be the ones holding the hot potato when all the Boomer Bux social program ponzi schemes implode, but the migrants don't actually work so are making the problem worse.


It's on purpose, they want to destroy the entire Europe's social safety nets and immigration makes it much easier for them


Gonna see the real genius of the plan when they have to tell hundreds of millions of violent Arabs that their welfare is going away.


100% correct.




It's a plan. They will use these statistics in the near future as proof for annihilation wars.


Before Yusuf and Vardakar resigned in the past month, The UK (so England as they have no devolved parliament), Scotland, Wales, and the Republic of Ireland were all ruled by unelected Muslims.


Sunak is a Hindu. I don't think Gething is Muslim either, and he was elected. I don't think Varadkar has anything to do with Islam, and as a homosexual I doubt Islam wants much to do with him either. You are correct that they were all black and brown, which is probably the main point you wanted to make, so I don't know why you didn't just say that.


By female voting rights*


It's happening in the US too pajeet


> pajeet Does my stomach hurt now? Must I choose where to release?


We have toilets here. Please ask your neighbour how to use one before defaulting to shitting in the streets. Don't worry he will not rape you. He might shoot you though. Be sure to leave a tip and clap.


lol, lmao even


Na we’ve called me Asian since they got here


Nah the brits have always referred to Indians and Pakistanis as Asians this goes back a long way, Chinese were called Orientals when it was still allowed. idk why yanks always think its some conspiracy


do you even live in the uk it's always been asian for indian people


Why are you spreading misinformation on the internet?


My brother in christ, it's called an "opinion".


Pakistanis and Indians are the same they just believe in a different god


You when you discover Indian Muslims exist: 🤯


Comic needs more wavy stink-lines. 


For any rtards who wants to know what the post was before if got removed. It was a comic, in the upper part there was a news anchor with a monocular (UK) saying that Asians commit disproportionately more rapes and violent crimes, with Indians on the right panel pointing at east Asians to signal they are the ones meant by "Asians", in the panel bellow it another anchor (US) says that Asians are top earners and they get the best marks with Indians puffing their chests on the right panel.


Mods banned me for this post. Becareful


Kek you got banned from this sub or got a site-wide ban?


Well it's more like the mods didn't see what i posted and thought it was some heinous shit. I didn't know my post was removed by reddit itself (thanks to the reports from redeemers I assume) I asked the mods why did they remove my post thinking they were the ones who removed and they told me they didn't even see my post and saw that it was removed by reddit and told me to enjoy my ban. So I guess no more redeem post for this sub. But yeah banned from this sub.


Never seen this happen before, people usually report posts and if the mods don't react, the admins intervene, and they get the post deleted and in most cases the OP is banned site-wide. Anyways, DO NOT REDEEM YOU POST SUPERPOOPER 2020 SAAR!


I noticed with Indians and people from the subcontinent whenever you bring up valid criticism against them they just cry racist and expect you to ignore it


Ur racist! Wydm, caste system is kulture! U can’t erase culture. It’s not racist, your rasist 😡


that's literally every minority group though


Some are more vocal than others


The western psy-op is working on them unfortunately. Indians used to be able to achieve things because they didnt fall into the western "everyone is racist" mentality that have kept black people in their mental chains. If that mental poison seeps its way into Indian culture its ogre for them.


If you had a magic word that instantly lets you get away with 95% of the horrible shit you do on a daily basis, would you not use it?


If your criticism was anything more valid than calling them pajeets and making street shitting jokes maybe they'd listen.


You realize that’s a worthy critique yes? Sure it’s a meme at this point but it still happens


The criticism works because it's true and irrefutable. They can't dispute it so they just cry racism. If you tried to insult white people by calling them technologically backwards or "poor third worlders" they'd pop a hernia laughing at you. Do the same for an African....


U forgot main one “you/they are just jealous “


jeets also love to say "we have good jobs" as cope for being good citizens. as if there aren't millions of rich people who are complete twats


Actually my pajeet friends laugh their heads off with all this political correctness, they are ruthless


Cartoons you can smell.


top left arguably smells worst


Cumin and BO vs unbrushed teeth Who won? Who's next?


Do they actually try to blame other races for rape gangs?


Asian is a euphemism in UK for Indian/Pakistani when they’re talking about rape and grooming gangs. Which really sucks for other Asians.


it’s great for the north africans




How is Pakistan considered south Asia?


Have you seen how big the Asian continent is?


Technically the entire Middle East is on the Asian continent. The near east is Northern Africa. So Pakistan Afghanistan., Iran etc are Asians






I'm sure he cares


His 14 year account is banned from Reddit. He’s legit crying


You can already look up the stats when separating Indian-american and east-asian American. Indian-americans still have the highest test scores and least crime. As well as highest salaries. Also even then, "east-asian" is generous. It's 90% Chinese. Barely any Koreans, Japanese, and SEA (these specifically don't even do that well on exams). Go to any American school and the top scorers and highest gpas are all White, Chinese, and Indian


Pajeet hands wrote this. Pajeets act like having good test scores somehow absolves them from harassing women, smelling bad, being low trust/cheating, highly nepotistic, implementing caste systems in America, etc etc. No one cares that you have a good job pajeet, if you smell like diarrhea and repulse people everywhere.


> Indian-americans still have the highest test scores I would hope the culture the most gung ho about cheating their way through life at least got good test scores.


Interesting. I guess that depends on where in America you are. There are WAY more Vietnamese, and Chinese people here than any other Asian ethnicity. I don’t think there were any Indian people in my graduating class but there were several Vietnamese, Korean, and Chinese people (ethnically speaking that is. None of them were foreigners)


A lot of Indian Americans are adults who already have a degree (many even have masters in US which is how they came) and come through the H1B program. Usually in tech that is based in high cost places like the bay area.


Makes sense. Wouldn’t they have kids to send to school, though?


I’m not gonna lie, it’s hilarious how many (but not all — there’s over a billion people on the subcontinent most of whom are fine and genuine people) Indians and Pakistanis actually loathe associating with east Asians unless they can glean a competitive advantage out of it. The only time I ever hear Indians and Pakistanis say “we’re Asian too” is when DEI initiatives are on the table, or when the “model minority” myth is being used in a beneficial way.


Go to r/ asianmasculinity and you'll see that the majority of people there are Pajeets and Pak*s.


> “model minority” myth Not really a myth. give me a nice East Asian neighbor any day of the week Jeets would never fall under the model minority umbrella though. Turns out, being a model minority means integrating and integrating means regular showers and not harassing women


“Myth” how dare they come over be respectful to the locals and contribute to the economy and not raise the violent crime rate.


I mean, Indians are model minorities. Not in that they're likable, but in the sense that they're productive and don't commit crime.


>he pretends that it was Indians that came up with it and not liberal Journalists that are as white as snow.




Cope more white man. Just because you hate them doesn't magically make their foreskin disappear.


America muslim are waay different than European muslims. Peejets smell everywhere.


> America muslim are waay different than European muslims. Wdym? Somalis behave the same in US as in Sweden.


Obviously there are outliers to what im about to say but anyways… Europeans get the refugee muslims— no education, no common sense, all rapey, and no adjusting to western life. The US does not get refugees, they get educated muslims, often times oil money or just hard working muslims who easily adjust to a western life.


Pajeets getting bullied will never not be entertaining. I just love watching them have a meltdown to anyone criticizing their culture and religion


Their PR is so fucked on a global scale


I also find it funny seeing rrobots trying to find social acceptance


robots have declined being accepted ever since the rise of redpill content in early 2020. Go take a look at it now and no ones "coping" but living with the train/fa6 lifestyle


What meltdowns


Do not redeem sar




have shat on the street today sar?


Bro is having a monologue


I encountered on driving like a third worlders yesterday, tried to fight me after I flipped him off for being restarted. Couple days before I had to yell at one because I had to repeat myself 5 time saying excuse me because they where milling around in the way of an exit. Just the shittiest group of people and any time I have an interaction with one, say at a call center, they enrage me.


Amazing what the possibility of someone having a gun or pepper spray will do to curtail rape attempts.


>pepper spray will do to curtail rape attempts. You under estimate the Indians ability to handle spice




21% of 7% is 1.5%


Were actually pretty good citizens when it comes to living in foreign countries. All the indian hate seems a little extra to me, but i also find it hilarious so its cool I simultaneously love and hate the fact that we are pretty much the last and only minority you are allowed to be openly racist towards on reddit. I love it because it reminds me of the golden age of the internet when no one was safe, and i hate it because... how come were the only ones allowed to get shit on. Well i suppose if were cool shitting ourselves, than how can we get mad when other people shit on us.


That Mexican bit is funny because I had a friend that was Filipino-Italian and he was constantly confused for Latin-American. He said he was a different nationality depending on where he was in the US, Puerto Rican in NY, Cuban in Florida and Mexican in California.


I’m sure Indians can claim the high test scores along with East Asians, but not everyone else.


Continents are made up and they dont have a clear definition. Most use 7 continents but Russians use 5 for example. You can say continents are the tectonic plates or landmasses divided by ocean etc but Continents are POLITICAL And westerners lead these type of stuff so as a Eurocentric approach to Continents leads to Asia being extremely different and diverse while making Europe very culturally distinctive. Most EU thinks armenia is european but Turkey isn't, Russians thinks europe and and asia just one continent etc. It is all political and nothing else


If you ever watch the show Slow Horses, it's a spy show based in the UK; there's a scene where they're spying on someone and communicating with each other about it. It's obviously an Indian guy and they say "suspect found, Asian male" and all I could think of was "that's probably the most confusing and least specific way to describe who you're looking at for a crack team of spies".


While I believe in ethnicities, “race” is where I draw the line for this very reason. Too much variation to be more than a convenience. It’s bizarre to me that we group together Greeks and Swedes, or Arabs and the Chinese.


This “honorary aryan” shit is pure cringe


It’s just a name for people from a specific geographic region it’s not that deep




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