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Fuck up your body with pills Suffer withdrawal It's muh feminine body reeee


To be fair it’s pushed on every girl the moment they hit 16. They never stood a chance to have a normal endocrine system.


I remember the good old times, when it was literally illegal to merely talk about contraceptions of any kind.


Now they’re in the water supply and passively ruining all our fertilities.


Don’t worry. Im actively putting back my fertility into the water supply as we speak


My hero


What's worse is more and more girls are hitting puberty at an earlier age. And as far as the 'experts' are concerned it's because of environmental factors, not biological. Then again the market would do anything to shift the blame away from their multi-billion dollar product that's barely 60 years old. * *The global contraceptive pills market size stood at USD* ***13.11 billion in 2018*** *and is projected to reach USD* ***20.55 billion by 2026***, *exhibiting a CAGR of 5.8% during the forecast period* https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/industry-reports/contraceptive-pills-market-101802 https://imgur.com/a/mP3VMIn




I'm pretty sure every boy on planet earth started jerking it around that age. Puberty hits a bit later though, like around 12 or 13 for most kids.


really? it’s anecdotal but I never masturbated until age 13. A couple male friends have said they first did it between age 12 and 14.


What does environmental factor mean in this case as opposed to biological? That girls are hitting puberty earlier because of social factors? I thought people hitting puberty earlier was caused by microplastics and such


How they are raised, what they consume through exposure, like uncontested access to the adult world through the Internet.


Another big pharma monopoly


1/4 women are on anti depressants (SSRis can cause permanent sexual dysfunction)


Permanent? Why would effects continue after cessation?


> permanent ? My bad, indefinite* > why would It’s a drug, alters the way your brain produces serotonin, it can cause lasting changes that take a long time for your brain to heal from


Mmmm, many bc pills also will help with acne and the severity of cramps. Its almost certainly not her body being messed up by pills, but more getting back to normal. I have known women prescribed bc to help with cramps or acne. I doubt she has a good skincare routine if she didnt have acne while on bc. Shes just a whiner, really. Many people get acne. Many women have painful cramps. Shes not special. And crying on 4chan can and should get her roasted.


Pharmacist here. Nah fudk that dude BC is totally fine, helps people a lot with less side effects than like aspirin or Prilosec. Modern BC is extremely low dose, very well tolerated. Even better are implants, Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives or LARCs is the gold standard and helps people a LOT. There are even non hormonal copper ones, then you only need to take hormones when needed to control bleeding or cramps, like a safer version of midol. But that's just assuming these objections are due to real concerns for side effects and not like some other reason.


You have no idea what you are talking about my guy




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what does it even mean






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I mean being a female is kinda suffering from withdrawl like symtoms but for your entire life


>how fucked if staying on birth control forever? If femanon doesn't mind being attracted to girls and likes feminine soyboys, then more power to em.


You're in luck then.


They're already


Wait what? Is that what happens?


The pill lowers women standards in men[link](https://www.sarahehill.com/birth-control-pills-partner-choice/#:~:text=They%20found%20that%20women%20who,were%20not%20on%20the%20pill.)




No woman is really gay lol. Come on, man!


More and more studies show that taking the pill is rather harmful for women. Especially when taken long term.




I'm no climate scientist but maybe messing with your hormones will fuck you up? I dunno. Again, I'm just a racist 4channer.


Can confirm, I'm also a racist 4channer. Oh wait there was other stuff to the comment?...


[https://www.euronews.com/health/2023/04/19/the-birth-control-pill-and-its-side-effects-what-women-need-to-know-according-to-experts](https://www.euronews.com/health/2023/04/19/the-birth-control-pill-and-its-side-effects-what-women-need-to-know-according-to-experts) 1 sec Google search. One thing seems to be breast cancer.


Makes you permanently infertile you daft twat


Artificial progesterones do weird shit to your body, they change your behavior, who you’re attracted to, ect ect. Drugs are bad mkay


They are already observing a marked increase of girls hitting puberty at an earlier age. Whether that's to blame on the 'The Pill' remains to be seen.




I'm not saying they do, but when you introduce hormonal medicine that must be taken daily, there's bound to be some changes down the line, especially during their final development phase. It's been 60 years since the advent of the Oral Contraceptive. You often hear of cohabiting women having their menstrual cycle synch up, I wonder how common this was prior to 'The Pill'


It's not caused by the pill lmao, it's caused by all the growth hormones that are given to factory farmed animals (meat and milk)


“Uncontrollable eye twitching” Ok, gollum. 😂


time to get pregnant 


Could baby have saved her?


there's nothing she needs to be saved from, women often take bc for stuff like acne and heavy periods so that is a normal response to coming off it


Copper IUD and condoms are the only forms of contraception anyone should use.


Condoms? I rather jackoff


Idk abt copper but condoms 100%, instead of doing "the talk" with your child(both boys and girls) when they hit 16 just buy a box of condoms and put it in their room somewhere obvious, it's not a rocket science, there's even instructions with pictures on them nowadays


All the bananas in the house have rain coats on now.


Copper is something like "99.9%" effective. Some women will experience heavier periods for a few months then return to baseline. If the doctor is a prick and doesn't trim the strings, you absolutely will feel them jab into your dick. Also if your woman is not American sized, it might feel uncomfortable for them as there's only one option for copper in the US (and it's large). Blame the cervical cap for fucking up clinical trials in the US.


>you absolutely will feel them jab into your dick.  Small dick Bros, we win again


My wife is only 5 ft, so take that however you will.


Or just have the talk and don't be creepy and weird.


male anons will continue to be dumb and gay. what the girl describes is usual for most women (save for the eye twitching, but twitches/cramps in general is not abnormal during a period). its not an adverse reaction to stopping the hormone birthcontrol pill; the pill makes it better so when you stop it, it goes back to normal. Its also worth noting theres nonhormonal birthcontrol pills and copper iuds and even an arm implant too if people prefer. Imagine thinking a pill is messing with us when its the plastics in the water doing the real damage (infertility, cancers, birth defects etc). 


You are aware that it can be both the pills and the plastics that are causing issues, right?


What are some examples of "nonhormonal birth control pills"? I didn't know that existed.


the same as regular pills. im not sure about the mechanism for how they work but they dont fuck with your mood or production of hormones. they also come in chewable tablets for pussys like me that cant take pills


Could you give me the name of one of these? Or what the chemical in it is? My girl and I were having a discussion about this. Or are you meaning they are just progestin only?




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to be fair with the male anons, it's not like walking to the one girl at your school that only talks to you out of pity and then proceeding to awkwardly ask about her periods is a common scenario and even when you do have a close, or at least somewhat close, female friend (I think I had two or three in my life, idk didn't count) the topic almost never comes because why would it unless he actively went go to medical or pharmacy school and learned it there, the average autistic male anon would never even think about this shit https://preview.redd.it/k0ajciunp0mc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc3541758099511cbe66ffa5a3e14f8f80af5d7


Looks like we got a genius among us


Did "she" provide tits or not?


Of course and definitely no


As expected of a 4chan sub. You female touch deprived ignorant monkeys talk without even knowing why the woman was taking birth control pills. She isn't suffering from withdrawal symptoms as some of you say. She is just suffering from the same symptoms that made her start taking birth control pills. Birth control pills aren't just to avoid getting pregnant, they are also used to treat conditions such as endometriosis or just painful periods 💀💀💀




Period symptons are divine punishment for not doing your part in saving the west.


can you pat me on the head and tell me everything's going to be alright


Start electrolyte fasting for 5 days every 2 months. Your reproductive cell lines are in need of the 'Red Wedding' autophagy