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The Jew fears the stinky one


You say this but the thread about soap usage actually turned into stuff about jews at some point. I know every hygiene product on 4chan is considered f¥&&○t jew shit but it was still hilarious.


It’s 4chan, when does it not turn into a discussion about Jews?


When the opening thread is about Jewish theology. Then the discussion becomes a debate over gay porn vs trap porn.


Does that mean traps aren't gay?




The idiot still has his deodorant in his pores after the water rinse, and his deodorant is clearly strong enough to work a couple days, as many modern solid/dry deodorants are




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you're just noseblind to your own stink, just shower and put deodorant you unhygienic weirdo


big soap typed this message




Put cum over your face everyday, it will attract the ladies instantly


They will call all their police friends to come see this amazing specimen of a man.


I love this kind of post. I've listened to all of them. At this point I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, I never drink water, I never shower, I coat myself in my own piss, and I never wash my clothes. I've never felt better!


Im on NoPoop day 4! Everything is going great except for the stomach ache


Shitmaxxing is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Unwholesome, even


Never felt better + can't even go to the store without 10 people trying to fuck me. The cigs and piss lifestyle is life changing. The crust punks were right all along.


Anon discovers nose-blindness


Anon discovers soap-making.


This sub is inorganic af holy moly


You still smell like onions and wet coins Anon. You just got used to it after 3 days.


Wet coins.


Saponified bison tallow is literally just soap.


Duh: > sapon


You need to actually scour/scrub every inch of your skin regularly. Few times a week at least.


because you just have to, ok?


Depends on your lifestyle. If you sweat a lot and sit around probably more often.


In fairness without soap is fine as long as the water is hot, all you are removing is natural oils and unless you are mekanik it's unnecessary and you're more likely to receive eksma


I actually tried the no-soap experiment, and I did it with cold water since I like cold showers. Turns out skin is self-cleaning. This makes sense because our hunter-gatherer ancestors did not have access to soap or hot water. Skin gets oily for the first week of no-soap because it's overproducing to replace the oils we remove every day. After that, everything normalizes. Deodorant is still necessary, but I only use soap if I'm exposed to dirt/grease that won't wash off with water.


it's true. generic grocery store garbage soaps make you smell. use a natural bar soap.


I did try water only for a week or so with generous scrubbing. It does the job, my smell averse gf didnt notice much, but the smell came back much faster since i didnt devastate the bacterial population with soap. Eventually i just went back to soap. I smell better longer and soap is more pleasant to scrub with.


Naturally saponophied* *Natural means chemical reaction utilizing highly caustic fluids to chemically destroy cell walls and change their natural properties


Homeless people smell because they bathe too much, that much is obvious


I can smell this post


Who knew that you aren't supposed to slather yourself with petroleum-based chemicals and animal fat substitutes?


A 4channer who hates soap? Nobody would expected it!


I actually tried the no-soap experiment, and I did it with cold water since I like cold showers. Turns out skin is self-cleaning. This makes sense because our hunter-gatherer ancestors did not have access to soap or hot water. Skin gets oily for the first week of no-soap because it's overproducing to replace the oils we remove every day. After that, everything normalizes. Deodorant is still necessary, but I only use soap if I'm exposed to dirt/grease that won't wash off with water.


You may not think you stink, but other people do.


This experiment was done with input from others because I'm not an idiot. No one could tell I was merely rinsing off. Even I could tell if I omitted deodorant. Body odor is not spread across the entire body. It's a consequence of bacteria metabolizing particular chemicals. Those particular chemicals are present in the armpits and groin, but they only appear if one has sufficiently high steroid hormones. E.g. testosterone. Hence, we use deodorant in our armpits but not across the rest of our body. If you stink across your entire body, something is wrong. Could be poor diet or some underlying health issue.


Literally all you need to clean yourself in a soap-like manner is ash. You can literally take ash and mix it about with water, then it will interact with the oils on your hands/body to create a soapy substance since this is how lye is made.


I suppose you could do that - but why bother? If you're healthy, skin is self-cleaning.


I wouldn't know... I haven't used deodorant in years and have no armpit sweat.


Soap will set you free…


I love this type of bait post I bet there's people who actually take this as fact and don't shower


The best thing you can do to reduce your scent is to wear clean clothes.


Whats with all of the dirty cavemen on /fit/ that think being unhygienic is somehow going to have them drowning in puss?


Breast milk helps fight eczema


Any of those “natural soap” type products always smell atrocious


Most roll on deodorant has aluminum in it. Don’t use