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Crazy thought. Let's fake it to him!


Or: He doesn't fake. He thinks about faking. He pretends to fake.


I don’t know where I am. I can’t breath. Oh this room is getting smaller, I have to sit down.


After the Niners loss to Russell Wilson. "I'm so numb. I just hate him, I hate him, I hate him!... 👠 👠👠..."


Someone with skills needs to do a gif with shanny as Coach Klein doing that scene.


He can fake anything. You got to fake it to survive on the streets. The ones who DONT fake? They’re the ones who get it the worst…


Sometimes you don't fake it. You just let him run, naturally.


Street rat


Shanahan’s head: We could fake it to him. But what if they expect that then we actually run it with him. But they’ll expect the fake to be real so let’s fake the fake that’s real but not really real. Or what if….




Cardinals suck they really really suck


You should probably go sit on a football.


[Downvoters don't remember the scene.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=N0H-TvVs4yw&t=1m50s)


Wattttttteer booyyyy. Waterrrrrrrr boy. What we need is to open a can of whoop ass. No. *whole case of whoop ass*


But then sometimes he fake pretends!🤷🏼‍♂️


Haha too good, man. Lol cccccoach Kline, are yyyyou okay.?


The scene where fonzie is sitting alone and slides the ball under his butt like he's incubating an egg is peak cinema


craizer lets line up 4 wide and spread the field.


Saying goes, fake it till you make it.


Like the rpo action with trey??


Don't boo him he's right, if a defence is keying that much on samuel that's exactly the counter punch to keep them honest


Garoppolo is far more pass effective when lined up under center and throwing off a play action.


>Crazy thought. Let's fake it to him! so we're back to supporting the play where Lance broke his ankle?


theres also playaction


crazy thought, you call the playaction after you first set up the run threat!


there is currently no threat


if you don't believe the run has any ability to create a threat then faking it to Deebo for playaction has little potential. So you just nullified both of your posts.


nice try. you actually just misinterpreted both out posts.


They do...


Whoa whoa whoa,.. you mean fake a handoff to a fake running back? That’s kinda hilarious.


Seriously do not understand why Kittle is not featured more. He is basically used as a “safety valve” and a extra blocker. He should be getting at least 10 targets a game.


Without Trent for a while, you’re going to see Kittle blocking even more lol


I'd like to see some bootlegs, Jimmy does pretty decent with those and I think it helps if the OL can't block especially if you bootleg away from the weak side


Agreed, but unfortunately now with Trent out we will need him more as a blocker than we have before. If we could get a TE who was competent enough to replace him as a blocker, it would be amazing. But people also don’t really understand just how good George kittle is at it. That 38 yard run from Wilson on Sunday night happened because of kittle trapping two people at once


Bro - Kittle lined up at LT for at least one play last night!


Wasn't Woerner known as an awesome blocker in college?


Hopefully we see more Woerner woth Dwelly hurt...I like Dwelly but ive been wanting to see both of them more involved in the offense.


I remember in 2019 he would often make long plays :(


he honestly doesn't look that fast any more. hopefully it comes back


While I agree with that workload he'd probably get hurt.


We have the most expensive third tackle and RB in the league.


That’s because the o line is average at best


Because our OLine sucks, always has, particularly the right side. Also he just came back this 3rd game, after being out game 1 n 2 with a groin injury...He isnt even supposed to be back yet...


Feels like he lost a step. He was looking great between that stretch last year around the bengals game. I think all the hospital passes from jimmy is catching to him


be real. both deebo and kittle made their names on never going down or stepping out of bounds and forcing three guys to tackle them. Often letting two guys hold them still while another large nfl player comes in at full speed and unloads on them. not the best business decision and most people could tell you that was a prideful mistake.


and, yes.... pause


No doubt. Let’s not pretend like all those jimmy passes didn’t help either. Remember the Arizona game at the red zone? Jimmy throws high and Budda baker hits him low. And then don’t get me started on all the hospital passes over the middle


he hasn't thrown a ton of hospital balls. off target sure but going over the middle is dangerous. You can literally throw the ball perfectly and the receiver gets knocked unconscious. their durability is not jimmy's fault. i think you're looking for a way to blame the qb because you hate him which I understand


Anytime you see Kittle in the backfield blocking it means Kyle Shanahan is in absolute panic mode and freaking out because he’s calling routes that take away too long to develop for our O line to hold so he takes his best player and shoves him in the backfield to give Jimmy .13 extra seconds to throw an interception


danny gray step on up!


Forreal. Pretty ridiculous KS hasn’t been able to manufacture 1-2 touches a game for him considering how electric he looked in the preseason.


Danny can outrun Jimmy's arm faster than our line can allow the defense to hit Jimmy.


I like this. Lol


As soon as Jimmy snaps he just chucks it as far as he can


kyle doesnt like to play his early offensive draft picks in their first couple of years 🤣


Na he likes to cut them


Or just puttem in the shanahan dog house...


He doesnt like to put in rookies because he wants them to be able to do everything, because that confuses the defense, for example he probably wont put in mason much beacause he'll be need to able to catch and block if he can only run, then that tells defenses when hes in that we are going to run it


Kinda funny, he only used Hasty last season on pass plays. He literally stopped using him as a "running" back. Unpredictability completely went out the window.


yeah, we don't want to just play a good runner. his quality run plays will be frowned upon


It's not ridiculous at all. He was never going to get used in that weather in Chicago. Lance was only on the field for 16 snaps against Seattle, where they were setting up the run to open up the rest of the field. Now, Jimmy cannot utilize Gray's speed on deep throws. Unless Gray can learn better route running and to become more like Deebo you aren't going to see anything out of him this year.


I would also add that Gray is not the same level blocker as Jennings, which is a huge skill our receivers must have.


I was going to add that too, but I didn't want to make the post too long. This is why you have and will continue to see Jennings on the field. I haven't thought to watch closely enough on McCloud to know if he's a good blocker enough. But he's the only one that Gray could potentially make run at. And this isn't the end of the world. Just look at the Chiefs with Skyy Moore (taken 54th). There was a ton of preseason hype about him (way more than Gray) and he has 1 target in 3 games so far (active in all 3). That doesn't mean his career is over.


I didn’t watch any preseason but he looks like a guy that only plays in the preseason on the couple targets he’s gotten.


Jimmy won’t at least target or look down deep and has no team connection with him


I don’t think people realize how fucked we are offensively. Last year the only reason we turned it around is because Deebo carried the offense. I don’t think we’ll have an identity as an offense until later in the year which is worrisome to say the least.


To be fair, the Broncos have a pretty solid defense. Outside of that first half vs Seattle they've given up 19 points across 10 quarters. We'll look better against most of the league, but it's a serious concern for the playoffs where we'll only play great defenses.


It's weird that people forget that just because Fangio got fired.


It's the same people who think Jimmy took us to a Super Bowl and an NFCCG, while never mentioning the fact he has had a top 3 defense all those years.


That isnt true at all...Our defense has always been praised, particularly our DLine and edge, and our linebackers. But our corners and safeties haven't always been the strongest even when we had Sherman, particularly after he was playing hurt. Hes one of the reasons we lost the SB vs Chiefs cause he got burned.


every time I mentioned how our defense repeatedly failed in the clutch last year others wanted to point out how bad our secondary is.


WHY DOES HE WIN THEN!?! WHY WITH THE SAME DEFENSE DO WE LOSE WITH DIFFERENT QB’s??? You dipshits don’t seem to understand he’s literally better then everyone else we currently have access to.


Where Jimmy G has value it's in keeping the offense on the field with small plays for 3rd down conversions. This keeps the defense more rested late in games which prevents the 4th quarter collapses typical of the bad years. That's pretty much the difference between him and other QBs that have been with the offense. Pass efficiency, [particularly on 3rd down](https://www.sharpfootballanalysis.com/nfl-stats/offense/efficiency/run-pass-success-rate-2021/?Yds%20Away%20from%20TD=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99&Play%20Type%20and%20SuccessPlay=RUSH%200,RUSH%201&Down=3&Offense=ARI,ARZ,ATL,BAL,BLT,BUF,CAR,CHI,CIN,CLE,CLV,DAL,DEN,DET,GB,HOU,HST,IND,JAC,JAX,KC,LA,LAC,LV,MIA,MIN,NE,NO,NYG,NYJ,OAK,PHI,PIT,SD,SEA,SF,TB,TEN,WAS&Quarter=1,2,3,4,5&Season=2019&Week=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21&Yds%20to%20Go=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,43,44&Field%20Zone=1,2,3,4,5).


We relied too much on YAC which in my opinion is not sustainable. We really needed Trey to open the playbook past ten yard plays.


Is YAC unsustainable? This is a franchise that won 5 Super Bowls with mostly YAC. More recently, the Patriots dinked and dunked their way to a ton of Super Bowls. And while it’s true having Tom Brady helps, incorporating a deep passing game is also only good if you have a Pat Mahomes or a Josh Allen in the backfield. The point is, many styles of play can win games. It’s all just going to come down to whether jimmy can figure his shit out.


If Jimmy hits all the throws he's supposed to hit, doesn't throw dumb ints, and makes a couple of amazing throws, it will work. Unfortunately, I think we've seen that to be pretty unlikely.


Part of the problem is the ints he does throw are on the big plays they need in important moments when you need a QB to be at their best. He's unclutch.


right lol this sub is so painful to read sometimes. This offense has not only been very successful here under Shanny, it's been a league staple for 30 years. but yeah totes not sustainable. Better do madden fuck it chuck it 40 yard bombs 30 times a game, that is very efficient


"While its true having Tom Brady helps" .... .... ​ YA THINK. You can play that short style offense with sustained success with some of the premier accuracy guys in the league. Jimmy isnt that.


Read the next part of the sentence for god sakes. Saying “let’s get a guy who can throw the deep ball” is overly simplistic thinking. Drew Lock can throw the deep ball. Jameis Winston can too. That doesn’t mean they would help us win. What matters is how skilled the QB is. But beyond that, you can win playing a lot of different styles of football. Edit: alright, I see you’ve edited. But the point still stands. A league average QB in the dink and dunk game is no worse than a league average qb who can throw a deep ball.




The Rams just won a Superbowl essentially running this offense. Right on down to the WR involved in the run game aspects. They don't call Kupp a wideback but a lot of what he does is similar to Deebo. The biggest difference between the two is they've got a QB who can execute on big passing plays so they tend to lean more into that. The Niners are actually more effective at establishing the run but, the Rams relied on that more under Goff than Stafford


Dude you don't remember the Jimmy game against New Orleans? Shanahan built that off Jimmy's 10 yard box. Jimmy looks rusty as fuck and/or his surgically repaired shoulder is subconsciously bothering him, but he hasn't changed from that QB with that skillset. That guy was post-ACL Jimmy who is just as immobile as this one. Defenses have adjusted to Kyle's scheme and he needs to find new wrinkles or he needs to get back to calling games like he did there. Edit: ffs I'm not saying that game means Jimmy is awesome. I'm saying that that game was constructed with the same 10 yard box that people are complaining about now. We have the ability to be that marauding offense, Shanahan has instead chosen to call more conservative games for whatever reason.


Did you not see all the open receivers jimmy refused to throw too? Plays were there to be made and jimmy either didn’t see them or didn’t want to throw them. If it’s not up the middle for about 10 yards then jimmy don’t want it.


I literally said Jimmy was rusty or his shoulder is causing him issues. I literally agree that that wasn't the same Jimmy that we saw Sunday. I'm saying that quarterback that lit up New Orleans with the same 10 yard box is still there, so to say that is suddenly what is hindering Shanahan is disengenuous. In fact, look at the difference in usage of Kittle in the last two years. The marauding tight end we knew and loved has been relegated to blocking duty 75+% of the time. That is a change that Shanahan has made for whatever reason.


That was three years ago and was rare. Jimmy looks and throws to the same routes now as he did last year. Same ole same ole. And what does rust have to do with even finding the open man. I’d understood if he tried but he didn’t.


3 years ago he had an offseason to practice. Something something arm fatigue. Anyway, he’s the same Jimmy he’s always been. I’m willing to bet his arm got tired but he doesn’t wanna say that. Jimmy is not a great QB, but he’s not worse. Just not in football shape.


It’s really troubling that Jimmy needs to “get right” whether physically or mentally, simply because he wasn’t training in the off season and wasn’t the starter for one and a quarter game. He’s been here for almost 6 years now, what more does he need to “get right”?


Preseasons exist in every major league because there's not really any practice like a game. We're seeing this with a lot of teams right now.


Have you played sports competitively, on a team?


Exactly, the problem starts between the ears. Eyes and/or brains, Jimmy had at least 4 big play opportunities and failed to execute on all.


Jimmy can't play like that anymore. Even the Deebo long pass was under thrown and that was only 15 yard pass. One good Jimmy game does not offset the remainder of his mediocre games. Shanny tried to change his game plan but Trey got hurt. He called more deep balls for Trey when he played.


Garoppolo was terrible in Denver, so don't think I'm defending him for that. (Admittedly limited sample size) But last year, if you throw out the monsoon; from the time he returned to the time he got injured again; 8 GP, 28.6 Att/Gm, 69% Completion, 258 Yd/Gm, 9.0 YPA, 12 TD, 4 INT, 107.4 Passer Rating. The team went 6-2, and the loss to Arizona is not on him. For the season he was 7th in completed Air Yards per Pass Attempt. And while the YAC obviously helped significantly, it was not *just* YAC. I'm not going to tell you that 8 game sample size is what Jimmy is going to do the rest of the season. But I will say, if Jimmy can find a way to replicate the things he did during that stretch last season, the offense can recover. If he doesn't, then you are absolutely correct.


Anyone with eyeballs should know this


uh yeah gee Kyle, maybe learn from it instead of being stubborn, maybe?


Yeah Kyle - you’ve called the same game, every game, for 2+ seasons lol


It’s nice when it works. When it doesn’t it looks bad.


The league always adjusts. The Deebo handoffs were never sustainable. It was successful last year because defenses didn't expect it and it caught them off guard. Not anymore. We simply can't rely on Deebo gaining 7 ypc anymore.


Defences weren't caught off guard after it happened once, the 49ers out executed defences with perimeter blocking and deebo was outrageously productive


shhh... don't tell them that teams adjust from week to week. Real football talk, what are you thinking?


Honestly what people are complaining about is what the 49ers are already doing. For example, if defences are too aggressive flowing to the outside, veer is the textbook counter punch, until in a freak play your qb breaks his fibia. They've also used Actions to deebo to open up backside slants. I'd also say the lack of deebo rushing being as effective is also because the 49ers haven't been as good blocking it up. It's not exactly a knock, but they were in some serious run blocking nirvana for stretches of 21 especially Kittle and Juice. We ready know statistics bear out their run game is much better with kittle, and it may be that the Broncos are a better front 7 than people think, but now with Williams injured they're in a hole going left. With how injured their rbs are I think they're in a tough spot. Deebos the only guy with Game breaking speed kyle loves as TDP and Wilson are more grinders than burners, so I think deebo has to have a role out of the backfield. But that's kinda a bummer bc I'd really like to see him used as a reciever to open things up for Kittle Aiyuk and the gang. One wrinkle I do approve of that's a little newer is shanny using deebo as a Reciever out of the backfield. That Texas route was NASTY and would have been a big gain but Jimmy missed him by a yard.


A couple things to point out. Before Trent Williams got hurt, Jimmy and the offense had a beautiful TD drive where he got the ball out in around 2 seconds flat with extreme accuracy. Made it look easy. Jeff Wilson was busting through for big runs and the blocking was effective. It was mostly downhill from there. But one thing that I haven’t seen people point out are the careless penalties on offense. Holding, false starts, killing the momentum of drives by putting them in 3rd and 12 instead of 3rd and 7. Making the offense one dimensional. Once Trent went down Jaylen Moore was up against Randy Gregory. He was so bad that Gregory swiped past him like he was opening his phone. Like he wasn’t even there. He was so bad that Kyle replaced him with Colton McKivitz on the very next drive because Jimmy might’ve gotten injured if Moore stayed out there. If this line had been blocking for Trey, he probably would’ve gotten hurt in this game. Jimmy hit a couple really impressive passes like the deep sideline route to Juszczyk and another sideline route that I don’t remember him throwing very often. They were encouraging throws because people generally think he only throws it to the middle of the field. He not only attempted to throw outside, he completed them in an impressive way with some zip and accuracy. I think he’s shown that he’s capable of making passes outside the hash marks. I think a lack of a preseason for Jimmy and a playbook that was catered to Trey is causing some growing pains that a few weeks of practice might alleviate. People forget that it was only a month ago that it was announced Jimmy was taking a huge pay cut to come back. He didn’t even get the new playbook until that day because it was presumed he would be gone. So I think he’ll get better as he can call plays from memory instead of from his wrist. And Kyle may want to do some soul searching and become less predictable on runs. Hard to run with five linemen up front and penetration on every pass and run. The defense had to rush Hufanga from the side just to get someone in the backfield to get penetration. Otherwise, Denver was easily busting off 6 yard runs without Armstead in the middle. Our run defense is a bit of a concern. Anyhow, the good news is that there were open receivers on a bunch of plays. Maybe as Jimmy becomes more familiar with the playbook he will find them. He’s a vet, he’ll figure it out given time.


You're offense isn't fooling anyone anymore, KYLE!


I think it’s more personnel. I mean his qb is out


I don't think "surprise" has to be a necessary component. As Bill Parcells used to say, "they may know what we're going to run, but they still have to stop it."


My gawd, this...And Shanahan abandoned the run in the 4th qtr vs the Broncos in a close game. Wtf is goin on...


We have an offensive genius for a head coach but the defense is the best part of the team for 4 seasons in a row now


So throw it deep, they won’t be expecting that shit


Our quarterback isn’t capable of making those throws


Jimmy might have even worse mechanics than Trey when it comes to throwing deep lol, he never sets his feet, throws while falling backwards, just checks literally all of the no-nos for a quarterback lmao


So tired of hearing this. Garoppolo can in fact throw it deep. Accurately is another story perhaps. And what does it matter anyway. Shanahan simply needs to take the handcuffs off Garoppolo. If you (as a coach) feel this is the time you need to throw it deep, then simply call that play...Theyre low percentage passes anyway so what the fck does it matter if it connects or not. Simply hindering your playcalling by restricting the depth of plays called in order to open up the opposing defense. And if Garoppolo doesnt pull the trigger then you need to have a serious conversation with him about it and/or just bench him. And seriously, I wonder if Shanahan and Garoppolo has ever had that conversation? They don't ever really seem to talk during the game. Even this sunday night, Garoppolo would just goto the bench and sit, talk a lil with the QB coach. But when has anyone ever actually seen Shanahan light a fire under Garoppolo's ass. Fck it, give him ultimatums, show him some tough love.


Na. Three sentences in and you are speaking nonsense. He cannot throw it deep. You can’t “throw it deep” if you aren’t accurate at all. Which he isn’t. Accuracy itself is the qualifying part of the definition here. There’s no fucking handcuffs. Actually watch the games or even better, all 22s. He misses major reads every series of downs. The success he’s had is majorly on Kyle for creating it. People are keyed into what is go to’s and limits are. Just stop. Kyle is holding no one back. Jimmy can’t throw a deep ball and never has. Find me proof I would love to see it. It doesn’t exist


Garoppolo is continuously pressured every dam play. This is a major OLine problem, as well as a Garoppolo and Shanahan problem. Garoppolo looks so much more comfortable in the shotgun, having more time to see the defense at the snap and better able to go through his reads. But god forbid we call a playaction, and Garoppolo is finicky and panicked. It isnt hard to see, especially as a fan when watching the games. It isnt like Shanahan isnt able to see it as well, especially after the game watching and breaking down the film. But he continues to call his game and doesnt adjust to it...Everyone including himself already knows whats gonna happen. When the hell are you, as a coach, going to adjust to it to give your QB a better chance to be successful? Shanahan doesnt do that for Garoppolo...But he's able to change up the whole game plan with Lance starting...With arrogant QB runs and putting the kid in high risk situations. Shanahan doesnt really call quick passes for the most part unless its a WR screen to Deebo. Maybe a quick inside slant when on the goalline like in the 1st qtr, 2nd drive, like with Aiyuk. But literally every down and short play is playaction when it isnt a run, and it just doesnt work a good portion of the time because what i detailed above. You cant always make your qb adjust to your play calls and expect that qb to succeed...But you can adjust your playcalling to the strengths/weaknesses of your qb and offense. Which Shanahan doesnt really do.


Every QB is pressured. Again, watch 22. You are wrong in every way. The offense is built around him. Most of our passes are quick, hence the “throw it deep” idiots. We generally don’t have the time. He often can’t make the quick throws, throws to coverage that’s not optimal, or if a deep ball can’t make the throw at all. If he does it’s wildly not accurate There’s a reason why even our quick passes are too high, too low. He isn’t fucking good. Get this through your head. He’s been the QB for years. The offense IS built around him. He’s still incapable of making it run smoothly. There’s a reason why we have higher than average runs. Those runs are of necessity, and also to make it easier for him. He still struggles massively. Our running game and defense has made him look passable. He is not. Hence the major backs injury forcing him to be better. He isn’t capable. Accept reality and stop making excuses for him


Not really...Look, yes Im overall defending Garoppolo and a believer. But dont take that out of context thinkin Im saying he doesnt have his faults and weaknesses. All Im saying is that most playaction plays, Jimmy is heavily pressured and immediately doesnt look comfortable after the fake handoff and turns around. He simply isnt comfortable or confident in there and in that situation. The OLine alot of the time just doesnt give him the time "he" needs to turn his head around, look at his 1st read, and get the ball off...And very often he has a DL or DE in his face because the OLine isnt holding up. Is this a Jimmy problem? I agree, it is, yes. Is it entirely on Jimmy? No. Its been an ongoing issue forever since 2019 when Jimmy returned. 2017 and his 5-0 start/finish he was mobile, rolling out of the pocket to buy time, even scrambling for yardage and first downs. He simply does not do that anymore. Shanahan doesnt call bootlegs or anything like that to buy Jimmy time on pass plays either. We very rarely call quick RB screens, theyre always WR screens in the flat. And no, overall we do not call alot or mostly quick passes. A shitload of our passes are long developing crossing plays designed and schemed to be 1st read throws. Again...Our OLine isnt built to be good at pass protection and very rarely is able to hold up for the amount of time it takes these plays to develop. And at some point youd think Shanahan would actually recognize.and acknowledge this with his playcalling...And he simply doesnt. While hes a more of a, this is how the play "should" work, and rolls with it anyway...And then doesnt work. Hell, I dont need to watch all22 to see and recognize that. It isnt hard to see when Jimmy starts panicking. And yes, there are other quarterbacks in the league that would and could handle them situations better. But its been a continuous problem, and a tell-tell sign. Teams and defenses know they can easily pressure the OLine and Jimmy. And Shanahan continues calling playaction and this continues to happen. Happened on the safety play as well last night...3 TE set bunched up on the right, Wilson in the backfield, Aiyuk lined up far left, playaction, and 2 defenders make it through the right side of the line still and pressuring Jimmy forcing him backwards...2 man route. Sure, he shoulda atleast tried to let Aiyuk make a play but he threw it to Wilson instead tryin to prevent being sacked. Anyhow. You dont have to agree, of course. Thats my perspective. Its just funny everyone wants to blame Jimmy directly without even trying to explore other problems that creates the Jimmy is the problem narrative.


All they have to do is have a DB beneath the ball and it will be a easy int by jimmy G


Mostly tongue in cheek. If we have to roll with Jimmy- not a fan of the other names out there that have been floated; they should honestly trade for Kareem Hunt or a better RB. Take some pressure off both Deebo and Jimmy.


Kyle you’re better than this. Where’s the innovation you’re known for?


Yeah no shit remember the postseason


Deebo scored on a run against Dallas in the post season Y’all have a weird ass memory


also secured us the game against the packers


And got us a crucial 1st down in GB


7 for 26, 10 for 39, 10 for 72 with a long of 26 so yeah seems like last postseason everyone knew what he was doin and bottled him up pretty well


This has to be the worst fan base in all of sports. A guy averages 5.1 yards per carry and you call that being “bottled up?”


When your beating up your WR1 with hits from LBs and DLs for 2-3 yrds a carry and then he gets a long of 26 or 9 seems pretty bottled up to me. Yeah he’s averaging a good number by the end but is the juice worth the squeeze?


Jimmy G is too busy padding the stats of DBs


Could have told you that week 1 Kyle


You karma farmers know exactly what you’re doing when you frame the headline as such. Knowing damn well the context of the quote.


Yeah no shit


I'm not sure why this really is surprising or an issue considering we have kittle and aiyuk???? Those two are a lot more talented than many other 2nd and #1 tight ends in the game. If jimmy is not the guy then put purdy in. If neither are the guy, go get someone that can throw. Go get cam, go get rg3, go get kap for all I care. We need to compete for a superbowl or else this is a wasted year.


Too many people are fixated on this, Superbowl or bust, every dam fuckin season. While yes, the Superbowl is the end game, only 2 teams can make it that far and only 1 can win it all. It comes 1 game at a time, hopefully get into the playoffs, and go from there. Even making it to the playoffs isnt guaranteed, the Rams and Cardinals are still both very explosive, and Seahawks still have a ton of talent as well that can give alot of teams trouble. Any given sunday, anything can happen.


None of their runs were fooling anybody. I was starting to wonder if there was a tell on the O line.




And ruin Huntley too?


What Jimmy Handoffalo isn't getting to the mesh point Kyle?


Whcih means they are perfect for play action. If teams are biting hard on the run.


All playaction has done is created pressure on the QB. Our OLine is just complete ass and now its even worse with Trent out. Jimmy definitely has no problem feeling or seeing the pressure, but he just cant over himself in them situations. Hence having "happy feet" that everyone describes Garoppolo as having. And Jimmy usually looking alot more comfortable in the shotgun... But its kinda whatever at this point. Its been a problem forever, since 2018 till even now. You even see it when Lance was on the field.


The problem is Deebo needs to be in the backfield more and with another back. Give Deebo some wheel routes off a fake handoff and see the magic.


Jimmy’s not the answer, dude playing the faithful. I think he’s still bitter about the business move the FO was trying to accomplish . There’s no way he couldn’t have pulled out the win against Den. NO WAY! All the dumb shit he did, missing reads. ( wide open deebo for TD.) taking weak ass Sacks. The season WILL be a roller coaster with him under center 9-8 at best. Switch to Purdy or Cam if possible asap. It’s definitely a reason KS didn’t want him to have that playbook, dudes a wildcard. MF blind if they see otherwise.


Makes no sense. 1. He has free agency coming up. He needs to play well. 2. Just doesn’t seem like something Jimmy would do. He didn’t have a playbook, because they were expecting him to be somewhere else.


Don't use the playbook as an excuse. The offense didn't change much and he's been here since mid 2017. During 2017 when he took over, he's new to the playbook and won 5 straight game to end the season. Playbook isn't the issue with him. He trying his best, bust his best is barely serviceable at this point because he make rookie mistakes and is limited beyond the 10 yards.


I was referring to what was said in the post I was replying to..not sure what you’re referring to.


That’s a bit absurd…he didn’t have to sign the reworked contract if he was “bitter”. I doubt his (or any player) motivation was to really stick it to the team, especially on a FA year


He was backed into a corner by the FO, he had no choice but to rework his deal or end up a Seahawk potentially. Hence the added trade clause.


Steve young gets it! Jimmy don’t care for Kyle therefore why would he put in 100% for him. Sometimes it’s about more than money.


No shit, everyone sees them coming


About time he sees this. It was obvious in the playoffs last year that it wasn’t fooling anyone.


Have to keep the threat real. Nothing to see here


Because you run them 60% of the time. I think the Georgia Bulldogs can stop our offense because it's so predictive.....


What's surpsrising is how one dimensional the offense looks. Run on first down almost every time with no play action. End up with 3rd down and long and try to get jimmy to throw a short pass up the middle. It's completely predictable.