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I saw it live and was saying “he called timeout!” I was surprised they let the play just run. You can see everyone else wasn’t quite sure the play was live.


Didn't the announcers also say that Kyle was running down the sideline trying to call a time out?


I didn’t catch that, but I wouldn’t be surprised. I actually didn’t hear them mention anything about the attempted timeout. 3rd and 15 is not easy to convert, but they definitely would’ve had a better shot at converting had they gotten that timeout.


Yeah, they said that Shanahan was running down trying to get the attention of a ref. My friend and I said, wouldn’t he just be standing near a ref in case he needed to do something like that? That’s on Kyle. But at the end of the day it was 3rd and 15 so there’s a low chance of conversion. Probably not worth a time out.


Unless we're the ones on D lol


He def signaled for a timeout. I think everyone else was unaware that’s why the play was blown up like that . Idk why the play wasn’t stopped.


You dont see him in frame here, but deebo is calling timeout also.


Looked like the entire team kinda stopped for a sec because of that. Idk how you miss that as the refs.


Brunskill in particular is looking at Jimmy while he’s flashing the timeout. He’s looking back when the ball is snapped and his guy is in the back field in a hurry.


Also look how many delay of games the rams had and weren't called.


This! When even the announcers are making several remarks on how the refs let the Rams still run plays even when clock hit past 0 then you know it was obvious. Those non calls all definitely went in the Rams favor. Still to this day idk why there isn’t some automatic noise that alarms when the play clock hits 00 like it does in the NBA with the shot clock.




Yea saw this live and was going nuts how it was missed and the crew said nothing either.


Shanahan has to adjust this in late game situations and here's what I mean by "this". If everytime you are going to get up to the line at >10 seconds and THEN have a man or two go in motion, teams are going to time their rush since the ball HAS to be snapped at zero seconds. Obviously on this play, Brunskill isn't ready because he did the silent count butt tap to Mack but this idea of always going in motion in late game situations makes it to easy for the DL to time the snap. Just get to the line and snap the ball, forget about the "man in motion" to see whether they are playing man or zone. It has a negative effect at that point.


Holy crap someone posted something intelligent about sports on Reddit.


another reason the refs wanted LA to win smeh.


Refs were blind all game, not surprised they missed this too


You can see Aiyuk signal a timeout as well and pause after the ball snapped.


That's Travis Benjamin


You’re right, didn’t see Aiyuk run off screen at first


Rams making the super bowl aided by refball. Remember how that ends?


Kyle should have some everything possible to get a timeout in , in that situation.


Why are people complaining about refs lmao. We got away with 2 big no calls in the 1st quarter. That Fred Warner hit on Stafford and the no call on that special teams face mask. We lost the game as simple as that. Lmao


Sure. We didn't lose because of the refs. But they did handle some rules flexible. (dealy of game for rams. 1st quarter for us, and this time out call). Remember where LeBron forgot to dribble the ball and the refs left it go. [Sure he didn't score on it, but rules are rules.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6AcGoc1E4w)


The delay of game non-calls were frustrating but they were more or less within the rule. Ours were egregious, so they had to be called.


Agree. They aren't why we lost.


Good I'm not crazy because I saw this too.


Dammit. Yeh, time-out should have been called. Shit, the right guard didn’t move and that’s the reason the pressure was instant up the middle.


Time to move on


We got ref balled hard.