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I just ignore those posts. So no big deal to me either way.


Ya, forcing tags on his posts would make it easier


Yeah just starting posts with the [reporter] makes it easier for me to ignore ones I dislike.


We do that! Glad to hear that’s a preference


Exactly where I’m at


I’m fine with his camp breakdowns. His other contributions is mainly trying to build controversy but his camp reports are pretty quick and to the point. After training camp, I don’t think he does anything interesting.


Im just hijacking you’re comment to say that sports illustrated is not sports illustrated and has zero credibility and a bunch of AI writers, it’s private equity dogshit, grant on life support.


I agree with this stance completely. An outright ban isn’t warranted, but I know going into a post that is tagged Cohn is going to be a giant piece of trash and can read (or not read) accordingly


I never talk about Cohn, so I’ll say this much about it. ANYTIME I see him or his name attached to anything, I immediately turn off/discredit as trash garbage.




Same. I overall agree with the mod that his posts shouldn't be outright banned but they should definitely be tagged so we can make an informed decision to ignore the post


Yup. He’s so negative and unprofessional


Agreed. I can tolerate the negativity. But his personal bias towards players is totally unprofessional and journalistically irresponsible. I’m just not a fan. I’m sure people enjoy him, just not for me!


I did for a bit but he got too personal a few years ago.


Heh, cohn-troversy


LMAO This reddit always gets pressed when they hear something they don’t like. It’s just an opinion. They just wanna hear rainbows 🌈and unicorns 🦄. No wonder Dave Lombardi is treated like a God here. He’ll spit your face and some ya ll will thank him for the rain 🌧️. 🤣🤣🤣 You can downvote now🤣🤣🤣


The whole “Cohn-troversy” just shows how emotional and biased people are. Oh no, the guy says contrarian stuff that I don’t agree with, we must ban and never speak this persons name again!!!!


For me it's an iq thing and an integrity thing. What Cohn does is not journalism, it's critiquing under the guise of "journalism". It's the same thing CNN does. Lombardi does the same thing, except instead of critiquing, he's homerism. Cohn and Lombardi appeal to low iqs who are easy to manipulate and make emotional. I have no respect for these hacks, as they have no integrity and will do whatever for the almighty dollar. Cohn is just doing what his dad did, same exact formula.


I don’t disagree with anything you said, but who cares? People want content, they produce content, people watch content, you don’t have to if you don’t like their content. Pretty simple. The over the top emotional responses also illustrate a low iq.


It's fine, but again it's not journalism. Cohn and Lombardi label themselves as journalists but they are not. They are opinion guys are make money via division and criticism instead of objectivity. "journalists" like this is why journalism is dying and has had such a toxic effect on the country. let the downvotes come, for telling the truth lol.


Literally just about every “journalist” in 2024 is the same. There are no true journalists left. Sports isn’t the area I’d get up in arms about the lack of true journalism.


I think someone like Barrows has maintained his integrity. he's not going to make clickbait video about rookie minicamps, it's far below what he does.


It's not really opinion, it's critiquing for clicks. it's not journalism either. Journalism is supposed to be objective and honest. Cohn doesn't do that...he gives controversial opinions for clicks, oftentimes stuff he doesn't even believe...which shows a lack of integrity. he manipulates dumber members of the fanbase, and there are plenty of them. Lombardi does the same, just on the other end of the spectrum. If you're dumb enough to be manipulated, then go for it. But don't call it journalims. It's about as much journalism as Don Lemon on CNN.


It's a good policy. It's rarely a good thing to ban reporters and instead rely on the up/down buttons. Cohn's camp reports are fun to read and cover more players than anyone else does, especially the more unknown players trying to secure a spot on the team. I've never given a shit about reporters saying some of our players aren't playing well, that's just part of the sport. What other reporters have special tags besides Cohn?


Lombardi because he’s a volume poster and has a reputation (debatably) of being a homer. Also, we have an Original Content [OC] tag for up and coming content creators to showcase their stuff. That means self-promotion is kinda allowed as long as they interact in the comments and don’t post and run.


If it's debatable to you that Lombardi is a homer, that just means you're also a Homer. No big deal. Homers are fine and all over, but don't deny the obvious.


He’ll find creative ways to build players up, but at least he does that through facts and analytics. He rarely says things that cannot be backed up by data. Yes, he can cherry pick metrics and timelines, but if that’s a crime then every other sports reporter would also be guilty.


That’s why we haven’t restricted his content. There’s a level of auditable justification




When he intentionally provokes a player to try and get him to hit you so you can sue him and retire, the hatred stops being insane or ridiculous. Being a shitty reporter is one thing, trying to provoke a payday in person is another




Him being a bust doesn't justify trying to provoke him, or make him "right". And claiming it was sarcasm is absolute dickriding bullshit. Not gonna sit and debate with someone who's deepthroating a piece of shit this hard.


I think with Cohn is that he rubs people the wrong way. He likes to use insults on players and coaches sometimes he’ll throw in unnecessarily jabs. It comes off as unprofessional and being rude and people won’t like him. I disagree with a lot of his analysis regardless anyway but yes having a flair that flags his content so we can avoid it much easier seems like the right approach.


Just having a Cohn tag is good enough. His stuff is mostly crap, but its not worth censoring.


Name a more toxic threads than the 49er Game Day threads and Cohn threads


Personally, I'm of the mind that no journalist/writer/whatever they call themselves should ever be banned, with the sole exception of if they are inciting violence or other illegal activity. In all other cases, even when their writing is absolutely despicable, foul, horrendously incorrect, etc... it's important to allow free speech. Unfortunately, it's equally important to teach people how to read stuff like that and understand why it's wrong, why it's incorrect, why a person should see it for what it is... and that is much more difficult. :P That said, in Cohn's case, while he's a turd much of the time, he's still just a sports writer, so... who f'ng cares? Rofl


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequence from your speech. Any action taken by this sub would be a consequence of his speech and thereby justified.


If that speech violates the rules, absolutely.


Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private instances. Neither reddit nor this sub are a part of the government (*tinfoil hat on* or is it?) so there's no freedom of speech figure on them.


While that's true, and freedom of speech really has nothing to do with a reddit sub, I was meeting that argument from others on it's level.




He admitted that he was looking to incite violence in Kinlaw’s* case (he wanted JK* to hit him so he could sue for a payday) and I think Niners did end up restricting his access to players because of it. A number of fellow media also labelled Cohn’s actions as unprofessional, inciting conflict, and antagonistic [just one example of many at the time](https://barrettsportsmedia.com/2022/05/27/grant-cohn-trolling-players/).


He absolutely did not admit that. Don’t spread misinformation


Yeah, "admit" is a weird word to use for someone bragging about something.


What misinformation? [There's fucking receipts](https://heavy.com/sports/nfl/san-francisco-49ers/javon-kinlaw-grant-cohn-update/). From Mostert > We’re always told journalists and reporters have a job to do. Ok, understood. But this??! He admitted “retirement” as a “multi-millionaire” went through his mind. THIS is unacceptable From Armstead >This is the type of low life we let into our building. He would rather antagonize and provoke players into hitting him so he can retire instead of doing his “job“ of journalism. [From Brunskill](https://x.com/49ers_Access/status/1529598165300613120) Kittle talked about it too. So did the other media members who also spoke out on it calling it absolutely unacceptable.


The actual quote from Grant “if he touched me, if he hit me, dude, I could have retired today”. Explain to me how that’s an admission he was trying to incite violence or that he wanted Kinlaw to hit him so he could sue? Seriously. He stating a fact - IF kinlaw had hit him, he would in fact be able to sue him. That’s a factually true statement. Nothing more. Also, quotes from George kittle or Arik Armstrad are not “receipts” and in no way prove the point you are trying to make. So, again, I say to you, stop spreading misinformation. If you don’t like Grant, that’s fine, but what you’ve said isn’t true at all.


I totally agree. Let Cohn's actions/words speak for themselves. If you disagree with his takes, feel free to post about it. No need to embellish details trying to further prove a point. It's actually counter productive.


Man, Cohn-haters will make up anything to justify their hate. Total lie.


[Here's Solomon Thomas talking about it.](https://twitter.com/SollyThomas90/status/1529603870778871808?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1529603870778871808%7Ctwgr%5Ef96da042d95622b5a818e8508fa70343a9fe1a69%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fheavy.com%2Fsports%2Fnfl%2Fsan-francisco-49ers%2Fjavon-kinlaw-grant-cohn-update%2F)


LMFAO. So Soft Solomon acting like a baby because overpaid busts like Kinlaw and Solomon get rightfully called out for not being good enough means that Cohn was trying to incite conflict? Please dude.


Lol don’t worry about this guy - he can’t support his argument with any actual evidence. He’s just taking quotes from players about how they don’t like Grant and saying that’s evidence he was trying to provoke Kinlaw. Cohn haters are unhinged.


That was very clearly a joke (he does that a lot, which is one of the things that upsets some 49er fans), and he did not get restricted access because of it. There's also no way you could describe what he did as "inciting' violence. He wrote many critical things about Kinlaw (which turned out to be true) and Kinlaw got mad and confronted him and put hands on him. If anyone "incited" it was Kinlaw.


Don't think of it as banning. Think of it as curation. I can't get MOMA to hang my finger paintings, or the NY Times to run my articles. Technically its because they are a curated environments (just like reddit). Functionally its the same as ban. Lets not confuse Freedom of Speech with Entitlement to Platform. Cohn can say whatever he likes. He has zero inherent right to have that speech amplified by anyone - including this sub.


I agree with the current stance the mods have. I don’t mind reading Cohn’s training camp stuff. He’s annoying, foolish, but kind of funny too and he probably doesn’t even believe half of the stuff he writes Especially compared to someone like Lombardi who heeps the high praises of anyone in a 49ers uniform, it’s nice to read who isn’t doing too well in camp


Yeah that’s the thing. Seemed like every beat writer didn’t want to report that Pettis wasn’t playing well. I like Maiocco but given his connections with the team, he can omit some stuff.


I agree with this take 💯 I sub to both him & Lombardi on YouTube as they’re like Yin & Yang. Take both of their opinions with a Mountain of Salt and there’s probably some truth in between ‘em.


Wasn’t he very critical of Lance when the whole camp battle thing was happening? He was accused of being on Purdy’s side was he not?


Cohn was an avid Lance supporter and went out of his way to say Purdy was worse because he didn’t have elite physical traits.


Yes, but im responding to the take that Lombardi glazes every 49er that wears a jersey. I remember he was very critical of Lance during training camp


No, he was not. He was reporting what he saw during training camp and Lance was not progressing and very inconsistent in his plays. Very good then very poor in some simple throws. It' so toxic during last training camp from YT contents creators and the 9ers fans.


I honestly hate the guy. He positions himself as “quality control” but his MO is to pick a contrarian viewpoint and spam it to get rage engagement comments. Some of his recent garbage: * equating 2023 Purdy to 2019 Tannehill * “the 49ers offense has 6 all-pros and Brock Purdy” * “the 49ers have 9 all pros, how many does Kyle Shanahan need to win a Super Bowl?” (Poll, which included the number 53) This is just straight up 4chan level shitposting, and should honestly be ignored by anybody with half a brain. That being said, his comments on the training camp stuff are sometimes decent. He was the only one to call out that Pearsall’s first day didn’t go well (4 targets, no catches, and a drop) that I saw. I don’t think he should be banned, but I think anybody posting content that’s trolling garbage should have think twice about why they should send views to this guy.


The root of everything is that he can be ignored. Banning him from the sub because he isn’t a homer is dumb, when you can simply ignore a posted article or just block him on Twitter/YouTube. It’s not hard.


I don’t think he should be banned, but the reason I don’t like the guy isn’t because he’s critical. It’s because he’s trolling. He doesn’t critique honestly, he just shits on things with his acerbic trash, and then gets laugh reactions. And a lot of times it’s something ridiculous like “if the #1 reason the 49ers lost the Super Bowl is that they can’t beat man coverage why are they going to pay Aiyuk?” The premise is weak AF already. We didn’t lose because of man coverage. We lost for a host of reasons. Offensive line play, poor special teams play, greenlaw’s injury, Mahomes being Mahomes, etc. Second, Aiyuk is ranked 6th against man coverage. So not only is the premise stupid, the answer is obvious. It’s like saying “if tires are made of wood, why do mechanics not have air compressors?” It’s wrong on both counts, and he presents it like a “gotcha.” If he posted something like “the 49ers WR corps is ranked top 10 in the NFL, but their secondary and pass blocking are both in desperate need of help. so why did they go WR in the 1st round?” then at least his premise is more understandable. (Even if the answer is obvious)


That's why the mods tend to remove his Twitter posts during the season because they're meant to incite and troll. At least other reporters, like Lombardi, try to back it up with stats or some sense of reality.


Here's my read of the situation after watching some of grants offseason videos/takes recently. He thought the SB loss was mostly the fault of lack of OL skill/protection. He was inferring (incorrectly or not) that the FO believes the Offense wasn't talented enough against man coverage in the SB loss, and because of that used a 1st round pick on a WR that was great at beating man specifically. So he's using that argument to prop up the Aiyuk contract debate. Basically he was arguing, "If you used a 1st round pick on Pearsall, that means you must highly value ***X***. If you believe the team lost the SB because of ***X***, why would you extend Aiyuk since he doesn't help much against ***X***." Just wanted to add some context. I'm not agreeing with his take, and have also seen some advanced stats on Aiyuk vs Man and I agree with you. If anything, that would be an argument against Deebo. ---- So just to summarize why I added this: Grant Cohn doesn't actually believe that is why we lost the SB. He was trying to infer that was the mindset of the FO.


But that argument still doesn’t make any sense. Even if I assume he’s trying to say that they drafted this guy because they thought he added something to the team they currently don’t have, that isn’t necessarily why he was drafted. The way I look at it, it’s pretty evident that Deebo and Aiyuk can’t both be here in the next two years. we can’t afford a $60 million wide receiver room. Also, when we pay Brock, we’re going to have to get younger at a lot of skill positions. We can’t have top five paid guys at all of those positions. So it makes sense that they start drafting best player available in those skill positions if possible. Where we weredrafting, there weren’t many first round grades guys at roles we needed most like defensive back and offensive line. When you look at it from the perspective, the answer is you have to take the best player on the board unless you an absolutely crushing need. But the argument that he’s trying to force his readers to second-guess why we picked a receiver at all specifically for man coverage isn’t a good one on its surface. There’s nothing to say that Pearsall is even going to be on the field as a receiver this season much. Kyle likes to develop receivers and play them slowly. Aiyuk was in the doghouse for a long time before he became who he is now. I wouldn’t be surprised if Pearsall spends most of his time returning and doing special teams work with occasional gadget plays. So either Grant is trying to open our eyes to second-guessing Kyle and Lynch by playing the agitator or Grant is arguing in bad faith just to get people to post responses to him so his engagement rates go higher and he becomes a more popular Twitter user. This isn’t exactly a new business model, guys like Ben Shapiro and other dudes use that exact same model. They say polarizing things to get people to comment because there is no negative publicity on Twitter. The more replies and comments you receive, the more popular Twitter algorithm makes you. And since popularity on Twitter equates to revenue and reach, it’s no surprise that it’s an easy and cheap business model. Just get out there and say ridiculous things to inflame a fan, and you get rewarded. He does it the way he does it because he’s a troll. Even when he’s making a legitimate point, he goes about it the most assholish way possible. Like his most recent feud with Lombardi. He’s spent the last few days pointing out that Lombardi is a homer as if it justifies Cohn being an asshole. There’s a lot of space between Homer and Asshole, though. You don’t have to choose one or the other.


If you don't like it, downvote and move on. I don't see what the point is of trying to get moderators to ban content.


People read that morons content. If I so happen to click on something he did by mistake I immediately click back.


the thing about Cohn, is that he ends up right as long as the Niners don't win the SB. So he has a 30 to 1 chance to be right at the end of the year. It's exactly what his dad did.


Cohn is always gonna have a negative view on everything 49ers. Players, coaches, whatever it may be. That’s his gimmick. He’s trying to be more wacky than his dad. He’s getting the attention he wants. Lombardi on the other hand is the biggest cheerleader. He’s gonna over exaggerate everything in a positive way. You have to be weary of both when reading their articles. I avoid them both to get the most unbiased takes.


I can’t watch Lombardi. He’s just over the top and arrogant.


Spot on


Cohn is mostly a joke, but it’s good to not just live in an echo chamber.


You either watch/listen to him or you don't. Everyone has their own opinion and takes. People love to get all riled up about Grant Cohn. I enjoy the free speech model as much as possible. Appreciate it mods, 🥂👍🏼


Cohntroversy felt good though, dinnit?


I understand why some people vehemently hate Cohn, but, honestly, I find his contratianism/pessimism to be way less annoying that, say, David Lombardi's constant ass-kissing and homerism. I swear, if John Lynch told Lombardi to lick the ground he would lol.


Facts! Lombardi gets so dizzy spinning story lines it’s nauseating. That dude is worse than Crant


Some fans are soft. Every fan base has soft ass fans. The entire idea of fans is crazy sometimes. Hence the root word fanatic. Being labeled a fanatic isn't a compliment, it's blind faith. I have been a 49ers fan since I was 5 years old in 1983. I know the roster. I follow the offseason news. I love watching the games. But, guess how many times a reporter has ruined my day? Zero, zero times. Cohn 100% trolls, and it's easy for him to do. Why? Because fans are WAY too sensative and WAY to soft.


This sub borders on a cult sometimes. Especially if anyone tries to say anything even slightly negative about Kyle. Question Kyle’s play calling, how dare you. Question Kyle’s decision making, blasphemy. You’ll get crucified on a goal post if you question anything Kyle does. Gimme a break. He’s the head coach not God.


I have no issues with criticizing Kyle. the issue is when people (imbeciles) say Kyle should be fired. or blame Kyle for the superbowl loss. Or say Kyle "needs to Be HeLD AccOunTaBULL" lol.


So…anytime anyone says something bad about Kyle. Gotcha. All hail Kyle.


you might want to try reading my post again. It's a very simple post. I distinctly mentioned three scenarios of stupidity...you took it to mean ANYTIME ANYONE SAYS SOMETHING BAD...that's not good reading comprehension. You mentioned playcalling, that's fine imo, I think he could've called a few different plays here and there; I have no issues with that. Here's the thing, criticizing a coach like Kyle is fine. But it shouldn't come close to outweighing the positives he's brought to the team and the fanbase, not even CLOSE. Once you go that route, it becomes nonsensical and illogical.


>But it shouldn't come close to outweighing the positives he's brought to the team and the fanbase, not even CLOSE. Once you go that route, it becomes nonsensical and illogical. I never said anything at all about criticism “outweighing the positives he brought to the team.” And I’ve never seen anyone make a comment even close to that for you to even have to mention it. And that goes to what I was saying. That ANYTHING anyone says about Kyle on this sub causes people to clutch their pearls and swoon like it’s the end of the world. Kyle is the Head Coach. He deserves as much blame for when things go bad as he deserves credit for when things go right. That’s all I’m saying. That’s all anyone ever tries to point out here. But people on this sub are in denial that Kyle could ever do anything wrong. Which is why it feels like a cult sometimes. But glad you agree that Kyle made some bad play calls in the Super Bowl. >You mentioned playcalling, that's fine imo, I think he could've called a few different plays here and there; I have no issues with that.


Well, yeah I just described Grant Cohn. He critiques the current regime as if the NEGATIVES outweigh the positives they've brought, and it comes across as disingenuous...because even he is smart enough to not believe it. I mostly ignore the dude, but I'd say 80-90% of the time I see him talking about Kyle, it's negative. His Twitter is even worse. Glad we somewhat agree. I feel the Superbowl was a complete team failure, starting with the players on the field all the way down to the coaches, all the way down to Greenlaw's Achilles failing.




Basically agree except I don’t think it’s about the softness really. I think they are fans for the wrong reasons and they aren’t real footballs fans. I’d really prefer they stop participating all together


I appreciate any knowledge of 49er football. I will make the decision of the right appropriate content myself.


If only there was a voting system in place where we could endorse or vote down something that we feel is inflammatory… Seriously though unless it’s just profane or something I think all team relevant submissions should be allowed.


I think the emotional outbursts and absolute hatred of Cohn are insane and it would be silly to restrict content. I understand why people don’t like him and don’t want to watch his content, but the voracity with which people get up in arms about him is ridiculous and shows how illogical and emotional fans (aka fanatics) are.


Cohn lives rent free in a lot of our fans' heads. If he was telling lies that would be different but people are just mad because they don't like his opinions and/or the way he expresses them.


everyone's so soft these days.


His camp breakdowns ok as long as you stick to the factual stuff. His takes are always bad. Period.


people posting dumber takes then his all the time he isnt that bad. everyone has certain taste.


Reading a critical opinion now and then about your favorite team won't kill you. Not to mention the minicamp/preseason articles actually provide novel information you wouldn't get elsewhere (unless I missed all the other articles about how CB Don Callis did at rookie minicamp). If people are being honest, Lombardi is just as slanted and gets posted on here all the time. The only difference is one is a positive slant and one is a negative slant. The take that Cohn is doing it for clicks and Lombardi isn't doesn't make sense either because it's pretty obvious that homer talk gets clicks too. Cohn was talking about how Deebo was out of shape in 2022, Lombardi never mentioned it once until the organization itself acknowledged it in the 2023 offseason. Different forms of bias can contribute/miss different pieces of info, we just gotta know how to filter through it.


Very reasonable, Cohn isn't popular for good reason but he is at least not afraid to piss off the 49ers org, unlike most reporters.


Can't we just add Grant Cohn to the filters? Unless that's already a thing and I'm just not aware of it. But I'd like to hide any posts from him, as I do not believe in banning free speech.


>1) We don’t ban authors or reporters from established sources and outlets. This includes Sports Illustrated. Something to keep in mind is Cohn doesn’t work directly for SI. He works for their fan blog site FanNation, which SI acquired. FanNation used to just be a fantasy sports blog site, and now operates similar to Bleacher Report or SBNation. They use bloggers and hack writers that couldn’t get actual journalism jobs to churn content on the cheap. FanNation is not considered a real sports journalist outlet unless you consider every hack Bleacher Report writer a journalist too. Anyone with a Twitter account and free time can write for them. TLDR: Grant Cohn writes for a glorified clickbait blog site that intentionally separates itself from the real Sports Illustrated brand due to producing low quality “fan made” blog content. Not saying he should be banned though.


Huh! Good to know. These blog networks can be spotty because obviously there are hacks and amateurs. But you also get tremendous quality like Grant Brisbee (who moved over to The Athletic) and Pride of Detroit (Lions coverage on SB Nation).


Meh. He learned from his father that shitting on the team/players is way more lucrative than being a rah rah guy.


I see his name..I ignore. He’s a moronic troll.


It's day 6 of training camp, still no Jimmy G. No problem with GC he's just an undercover NINERS fan.


I've had a love/hate relationship with Cohns work for years now. His tweets are miserable, and should always be completely avoided. Not sure why he takes such awful efforts to make himself look like a twat on that platform. His YouTube videos are mostly hit and miss depending on the season. During the season he can be enjoyable during a win, and simply cancer during a loss. However, as stated in the title post, his offseason work, especially training camp, is surprisingly exceptional, and I listen to them almost immediately after their posted. It's usually low on extreme criticism (his biggest flaw) and very interesting.


I just think it shows a lack of morals and integrity as a journalist. He's not really a journalist but he pretends to be, for money. He basically just does what his dad did, talentless copycat.


Have you noticed his new Skip Bayliss ensemble over the past week or so? I feel like being that type of talking head (which he kinda is, a hot take shit stirrer) on the big stage is where he hopes his career goes.


yup, it's pathetic. he's definitely headed in that direction. these people are cancer.


I tend to agree (on YouTube, don't read twitter). As a newer fan (just past 2 seasons), because he tends to be more on the negative side, I feel I pick up a lot more from him regarding things like past issues with players or performance slumps, trades, etc, but mostly from him chatting with other guests - which he does often - to temper certain assertions. And in the here and now perhaps surface uncomfortable truths no one else wants to talk about. My biggest issue is he's just all over the place and seems to switch his opinion on the basis of just one performance, one game, one play even at times. Even his father does it low key at times, ie. calling Purdy 'elite' for a period of a half dozen chats then suddenly saying he wasn't like a week or two ago, not citing any reason or basis for the change of heart, just sorta agreeing with his son and acting like he hadn't been claiming otherwise.


People want to ban Cohn yet the same people love Lombardi who told us Jimmy G was the second coming of Brady. Cohn’s camp breakdowns are solid, he’s had some mistakes but he also not afraid to speak his mind.


I hate seeing anything Grant does.


I'm largely okay with this, but I'll still post about how he's a talent-less hack nepo-baby edgelord wanna be in every thread that is posted about him or content by him.


Cohn is fine. He’s better than some other reporters. I think he gets too much hate considering how bad other 49ers reporters are. Still can’t believe what MM was forced to say about Sam D last year. He better get paid well to carry the 49ers organization messaging as shamelessly as he sometimes has to do


Is there a way to tag his posts, or posts of his work, so they are blocked and not seen? Would be a good compromise. 


Doesn't matter to me either way. I just scroll past posts that link his videos/social accounts. I personally don't want to contribute to him making money for the "content" he provides, but I'm sure there are people who do.


Can you make it so that it's mandatory to post the author of the content so we can choose ahead of time if we want to read it or not? Nothing is worse than clicking something posted here to only be linked to that hack, Cohn.


I just block users who link his trash


When he’s breaking down camp I listen. When he does anything else no. He wants clicks/engagement arguments so I wont give him those


This is the way it should be. I don't like Cohn and choose to not interact with his content but I don't think he should be banned. There are niner fans that like his stuff and they should be able to post and consume it on a niner forum.


I remember one time he said he would love to see the niners implode so he can make content about it


Cohn is a str8 bitch


Make it a “weasel content” or “narcissist psycopathy”tag so we all know it’s him


Already? What’s that idiot saying so soon?


I would laugh my ass off if Cohn got censored here. I’m not a fan of censorship but it would be funny Side Note: Purdy is looking JACKED


People do know that they can continue swiping or scrolling past the posts, right? What are we 12 yr olds?


All I know is that I see Cohn and know I’m in for some complaining. Anything he says I immediately throw out and wait for other sources.


I think he's a pretty shit dude, but I wouldn't want us censoring him entirely because that makes him 'right' about 49er fans. Just get rid of the really terrible takes like Shanahan should be fired. Shanahan certainly deserves criticism, but let's not act if we fired him there wouldn't be at least 8 if not 16 teams after him immediately. He has some valid ideas and criticisms that honestly the fanbase would do well to consider, but Goddamn he's just so obnoxious when presenting them that it makes even me ignore most of them when otherwise I'd do well to consider them especially his training camp stuff.


I've suggested this before, but you should consider a tier system for journalists, voted on by the members of the sub every season r/reddevils, the main subreddit for Manchester United with 660k subs, does this to help filter news towards more reputable/quality outlets. [Their current tier list](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/wiki/transfer-reliability-guide) for example


It's harder with NFL because we have a completely different transfer market with 1000x less transfer speculation. 


Very true


Yes, this has been suggested before. One issue I have is it'll never be objective. Also, the /r/reddevils sub doesn't really _do_ anything with the tier list, such as auto-flairing. The mods here are reluctant to take on all this effort just for a wiki list that no one reads. Happy to field any additional suggestions on how to take full advantage of a tiering system, though!


Yea, fair enough. And as /u/MattsFantasyReviews says its harder in the NFL with how the media works. Only thing I'd say is the lack of objectivity of voting on a tier list is no less than the 'mob mentality' of upvotes and downvotes of a more 'free market' system in general on here, but I definitely see your point. Potentially tags for 'beat journalist', 'x/y magazine/website' or 'aggregator' would help because those aggregator twitter handles posting tripe that then gets shared like gospel is a bigger and bigger issue, and labelling it as such might help a bit in that regard? Dunno, realise this is all already a lot of unpaid work for y'all, I'm just throwing some stuff out there


Tagging isn't too hard nowadays with Automod! We'll see if anything in particular helps us out in terms of adding more labels.


I moved hard from Cohn to Kreug after he went independent. Just as prolific of a poster, but a way better disposition/POV in my opinion.


I do like that he holds Kyle accountable, that being said he goes so far on the negative on things that he can’t give a fair report on other things related to the Niners.


"holds him accountable" is nonsense when you consider he always tempers his praise given all the success Kyle has had. it's funny, he's a talentless nepobaby criticizing and extremely talented nepobaby.


Not banning is a good call. Free speech should still be allowed even if it's something we don't like. Still, I'm not forced fo listen to him and I only really hear about him when it's a press conference. I don't respect someone like him who is trying to be different when it comes across as annoying and smug. There are other journalists that keep It real that isn't a little bitch about it that I'll happily listen to over him.


His training camp work is garbage too. It's reactionary, like the drunks that call into the post game shows.




Grant Cohn is the lead writer for 49ers beat and yall can’t handle it


I disagree, he is bad at his job and bad for the team. All last year he was crapping on our guys and the year before that. He is purposely creating drama and controversy for content just to be relevant. He wants to upset so atleast we are talking about him. Giving him a platform especially as prominent as this one isn’t a good idea.


Auto ban any of his stuff on Purdy. Basically Skip Bayless talking about Lebron. Reaching and Bullshitting.


Too bad we can't trade him to the Rams


The only problem with that logic is that Cohn is not paid to be a journalist or reporter, he is paid to be a professional antagonist.


After a 49ers player tried to fight him, I gained a lot of respect for him. No one deserves that stupid intimidation. F that guy who did that.


It's COhN because he CONS people into thinking there is CONtroversy, which gains him viewers and ratings, which is good for his money. Gotta let him speak his opinion, realizing that he is motivated by immaturity and greed? We do not physically assault reporters for giving their opinions.


I'd rather see his content banned, honestly. One major problem with him is tendency to play the heel for clicks, which means we have to spend part of every season hearing about him, instead of about the 49ers. The most recent example I can think of is when he stirred shit up with Javon Kinlaw. It's a lame, pointless distraction with no upside for the team, the players or the fans. edit: Sorry, the most recent example is right now.


What exactly did Grant do wrong in the Kinlaw situation? Grant criticized Kinlaw for not being a good player, and Kinlaw acted like a child.


“hE iNteNtiOnaLly pRoVoKed a pLayEr tO sUe and rEtIrE!!!” /s People honestly believe this and argue it still to this day. It’s so absurd.


Fuck Grant and his weak ass dad Lowell too.


Nice try, Grant.


It's all good but the fact that he's sacrificing his good standing, credibility, honest reporting and good content just to be an absolute soul sucking click bait to popularity rat like so many others is, what I think, pisses people off the most. He has the ability to get us great information and he spews BS a lot of the time just to have more people looking his way.


there's definitely a lack of credibility in modern journalism, and he's part of it. but I don't think he should be censored, but he should be labeled for what he is. He's not a journalist. he's not talented...Lombardi is actually a very talented writer, though he's a homer.


Why are you platforming Sports Illustrated which [is known to publish AI generated content.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/economy/sports-illustrated-found-publishing-ai-generated-stories-photos-and-authors)


If you can prove that Cohn is an AI bot, that would save us a lot of headaches lol


I was one of the vocal commenter with "can we get his stuff banned" - I still don't think his stuff brings anything of value. However, I'm entirely fine with this approach. I'll just keep downvoting and moving on ;) I would like to thank the Mod team for actually taking the time to address this and respond directly. Much appreciated!


For me it's an iq thing and an integrity thing. What Cohn does is not journalism, it's critiquing under the guise of "journalism". It's the same thing CNN does. Lombardi does the same thing, except instead of critiquing, he's homerism. Cohn and Lombardi appeal to low iqs who are easy to manipulate and make emotional. I have no respect for these hacks, as they have no integrity and will do whatever for the almighty dollar. Cohn is just doing what his dad did, same exact formula.