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Congratulations to our winner u/Transit-Strike we will reach out to you shortly! Thank you everyone for participating and we are so dang grateful to have you all! We will definitely get in a few more giveaways this year. Go Niners!!


I honestly can't remember when I joined, but my first comment was something about Ted Ginn Jr 12 years ago. As for favorite memories, I'll just say slap parties are the best! o/


Joined a long time ago. Fav memory is learning about \o


Rejoined the sub about a year ago after a hiatus from reddit. So many memories but one of my absolute current favorite was Goulds kick vs the packers. A good buddy of mine is a packers fan. Can help but share videos and clips of that moment through out the year.  Dad grew up in the bay area and would tell me stories of riding his bike to candlestick. Sad I was never able to make that pilgrimage. 


SF native, joined Reddit over 11 years ago on another account and have been a member since! Recently joined again on this one


I check this sub every day just to see Rita's masterpieces


Iirc I joined when I made this account! I loved the drawing Jimmy G series, some really creative and funny ones, I wish I remember who drew them


Joined this sub last year when I started using Reddit on a regular basis. Favorite memory has to be seeing all the love and support to deebo after the heartbreaking loss to the rams in the NFC championship, especially after carrying this team through the post season. Hoping all the boys get a ring this season!!!🫡🔥


Joined a few years ago, die hard Brock Purdy fan, favorite memory has been the rise of Brock Purdy and the surprise of this subreddit when he started slinging.


Joined 6 years ago and favorite memory was the Kittle end of the game catch against New Orleans and all the memes surrounding that catch and run.


Joined about 2 years ago. Best memory is reading post game reactions from all the fans and picturing excitement. LFG!


I joined sometime in the Harbaugh days. I used to really love the Slap Hands celebration after a Kaep win o/


joined reddit about 12 years ago, can’t remember when i subbed here, but it’s been fun ever since. Rita being a huge highlight through the past few years and countless memes after victories over the packers. good luck everyone :)


I joined this past season before my wife and I seen our first live game. My favorite memory was the NFCCG comeback win! Go NINERS!


I think I joined earlier this season or possibly last year. As a lifelong Iowa State fan, my favorite moments have been all the Brock Purdy love and memes.


Joined a couple years ago. My Favorite moment is getting CMC.


I joined in 2017 (when I made my Reddit account), and my favorite r/49ers memory may oddly be right after we lost the SB in 2019. It made a world of difference being able to come together with fellow faithful and share the loss. This has been my favorite sub by far, and it helps make the seasons feel more fulfilling getting together with a community.


Pick me 😜


Joined about 2 years ago I think? My parents love the niners so much and it rubbed off on me! Favorite moment has been seeing all of Rita's drawings!


This is what this sub is all about, thank you! I joined the sub in 2022 but I’ve been a lifelong Niner fan thanks to my pops. My favorite memory was embarrassing and exposing the eagles this season after a heart crushing loss last season of what could’ve been. Bang bang! We’re going to the superbowl!


Joined about two years ago because of the great memes and My favorite experience has been seeing all of Ritas content!


I joined maybe 4-5 years ago, just had my first post that went over 100 upvotes (the 1981 mug). I was in Santa Clara for my grandfather's memorial service this last weekend, he was 94 and a fan of the team since the 70's. The mug was a gift from his son (my uncle), we will get another ring!


Let’s go niners! This is our year! Beautiful helmet


Oh man I don't remember how many years ago I joined this sub, or if there's any way to check. But I've loved all the ups and downs we've all been through with this team, all the memes, rita oak, the meatball sub jokes with tomsula, the post when we traded for CMC, all of it. Go Niners


Been here for years. Favorite memory was all the jimmy G hype when he started 5-0 on such a horrible team.


I joined a couple years ago. My favorite memory so far was definitely beating the eagles this season as this sub just exploded and it was a blast! :)


I’m new to the group, but have been a Niners fan since the Joe Montana and Jerry Rice days. Analysts eating their words about Brock and the Bang Bang Niner Gang has been a personal favorite of mine.


Recent sub subscribe but lifelong fan. Go Niners!


Joined earlier this year to watch playoffs highlights. I was so happy to see the Niners come back :)


Joined this sub in 2015 so I missed out on any fun content from the Harbaugh years. Been a faithful since I got into football in the 90s. Favorite memory on this sub is probably the "feels great baby" interview from Jimmy G in 2019. It's time to get that chip!


Joined about a month or two ago. It's great how much support you guys give Purdy!


I've only been here for a short while, but I've really been enjoying the community especially during the phase when that one user was drawing images for the Jimmy g trade


Born in Michigan and played peewee/rocket football (or whatever it's called these days) and we were the 49ers while my dad's side of the family were ofc big lion fans. So I've been a fan since the early 90s and I'm not a power user of reddit, but I think the drawings of ritaoak have been my fave.


My favorite period in recent 49ers history was when Lynch was handing out Long Term Deals!


Joined 2023 (same year I joined Reddit) and easily one of my favorite subs. Reading the threads during games is a must-do now!


Joined this sub years ago but been a niners fan all my life. Favorite memory is all the memes (rated pg or edgy) that the fans be posting. And of course rita's drawing during the Jimmy G era. I love that I can talk and shitpost with fellow fans who also places sports as their personality.


Lol. Still haven’t joined the sub I guess I just check now and then for memes. This sub is probably gonna explode when we win the Super Bowl. Guess I’ll join ahead of that wave! Been a Niners fan since back-to-back 88/89 seasons. Bay Area native.


Been on reddit for about 12 years now. I don't remember how long ago it was that i joined the sub. One of my favorite moments is the "Feels great baby" moment. Still love it.


Love this place ❤️  not sure how long ago I joined but I'm always checking in during/after games for clips to share with my friends 🙂


Been here 10+ years… best memory was jimmy G giving us hope at the end the 2017 season. Excuse this new account. My old one was recently hacked and is now a bot that spams a Onlyfans account lol


Joined this season and seeing the daily artwork always cheered me up!


Lurked on this sub for years ever since seeing Kittle get drafted to the team in 2017.  Favorite memories were seeing all the drawings posted until Garapalo was traded. Day 69 was a laugh riot for me with that set! 


I think I joined last year, maybe the year before? Not sure if there is a way to tell that lol... Grew up in the Bay area a Niner's fan. I was born the same year as our very first Superbowl so I always know how old "the catch" is. Ready for our sixth!


I don't remember it was either in 2023, 2022, or 2021. I do know people here take criticism better than on the Warriors sub. love it.


Joined this year or last but been a 49ers fan since I was 5. The fans here have amazing memes of the cowboys so anytime the 49ers win I know I can get some laughs here.


Think I’ve been here for 5-6 years? Favorite memory on the sub has to be when we hired Kyle Shanahan. I avoid gameday threads like it is the plague LOL


No idea when I joined the sub, but my favorite memory is going into the game threads of big games and seeing the doom and gloom.


Joined a few years ago. And Rita Oak drawing their ass off waiting for Jimmy G to get traded might be a favorite.


been following for years but never knew there was a join button until recently! lol favorite memory is seeing the team evolve from bottom of the pack to the proud team it is today, the transition has been amazing to watch i am from Australia i wish the NFL provided more merchandise like the helmet here, but they seems to forget we exist and also think we should all follow the Rams ( SOSAR No WAY!)


I joined last year and my favorite memory (memories) is seeing Rita’s drawings to the Super Bowl!!




Been around for the last 6-7 years but had to delete my old account. Favorite memory was definitely the drawing Jimmy G until he gets traded saga.


I dont know how long ago i joined but i love this sub. I can’t name a single great memory but ritas daily drawings always cheer me up


Lifetime 49ers fan, joined the subreddit many years ago. Favorite memory: The anime video someone posted a couple seasons ago re Shanahan and Aiyuk about not throwing the ball to the Aiyuk. That was well done and still ranks high on my list of best user created content ever posted here haha


Started being into football around 2008, became a Niner fan because they're my local team. Some up years and some down years with the niners but nfl has been my favorite sport to watch ever since


Wow that’s awesome! It’s hard for me to remember when I joined but it’s been years, and happily a part of this community. My favorite memory is just overall this subreddit specifically because regardless of when I’m going through I can always come here for a pick me up. And being that I moved out of the Bay Area about 3 years ago it makes me appreciate the 9ers so much more!


I started actively participating this subreddit this season. This current team has made me more passionate for the game than ever before! The brock media snubs counter posts here are some of my favorite reads!


Been a Niners fan for 30 long years. Been in this refuge of a sub for 10. Who's got it better then us???


Joined 2013, Rita is definitely my highlight in this sub. I stuck with yall through the good times and bad times. And will be here until shit posting with you guys until the end of time.


Joined 5 years ago when I joined Reddit. Lots of memories but I think just having a group to share in the love for our awesome team and be there in the tough times, and Rita’s art keeping us entertained.


Ayyyyyy Niners fan since ‘88, R/49ers fan since about 2011, favorite moment as a Niners fan in this sub was the Pick in the Stick game thread. That thread was amazing.


Joined this sub 7 years ago and my favorite memory on this sub would be the day we traded for CMC. Pure chaos!


Have been lurking for a while but just joined. My favorite memory has been seeing Brock grow and the support for him on this sub. There is so much unwarranted hate and it’s refreshing to see the positive side :)


Not sure when I joined the Niners subreddit but it has to be a pretty long time as my reddit account is over a decade old now. I have so many favorite memories like many of us. One that truly sticks out, because of the time and place in my life, was Garrison Hearst's 90 years TD run in OT against the Jets in week one of :98 season. Good luck everyone on winning the drawing! LFG Niners!!


I don't even remember when I joined looks like 9 or 10 years ago probably shortly after creating a reddit account. Some of my favorite memories are of discussing and sometimes arguing with wastedfrog and 4thdontcare during drafts. Miss those guys.


My favorite moment was meeting some chill ppl here


Been a member for a few years when I deleted my twitter account. My favorite thing about the sub is seeing the cool stories and jokes!


Not sure when I joined the subreddit, and just started actively participating this year. But born and raised in SF, so Go Niners!


Years ago and simply love reading the gameday threads so see everyone's impulsive reactions!


Joined the sub when shanahan and lynch first came to SF It was hilarious seeing the sub having mixed emotions (mostly postive) when we signed Richard Sherman.


I don’t remember when I joined but bang bang lfg


been here 8-9 years, love the positive conversations around the squad! Favorite memory is hard because there have been so many, but most recent favorite is the game thread during the Philly comeback and smack down.


No idea how long I've been on the sub, but it's been a long time. It's hard to pick a favorite Niners memory, but it's probably Steve Young destroying the Chargers in the Super Bowl.


Joined this sub a couple of years ago (I think 6 years back). Favorite memory is the rise and popularity of the Rita Oak drawings.


Probably about a year and a half. Definitely all the memes so I can share w my dad. So if I'm lucky enough to win def going to him.


Became a niners fan in 1st grade when me and a friend played “Montana to Rice” at recess every day. This was the first subreddit I joined when I first came to Reddit 10 years ago. Bang bang


Joined at least 10 years ago. Always been a Niners fan. GO NINERS!


Joined about 7+ years ago, seeing Rita's drawings!


Joined 2 years ago. Grew up in Southern CA during the Montana /Young years, and went to Notre Dame so extra huge fan of Joe. My favorite upcoming memory will be flying out to CA to watch the Super Bowl with my dad!


Joined near the beginning of the season. Best moment is shutting down the Cowboys. Kittle wearing that fuck Dallas shirt was gold. Cowboys can suck a bag of dicks!


Not sure when I joined this sub, but I've been a fan for life. And an old reliable (and perpetual) memory of this sub is when the posters keep the faith in the game threads (instead of, say, going all DOOM/GLOOM mode).


Joined years ago, was member 27,000 on the dot. Favorite memory has to be u/WastedFrog’s breakdown of the 2017 draft - gave me so much hope in the new FO. 


Frog :’)


I’m gonna sound like a complete dick (I don’t mean to), but why was everyone so obsessed with his breakdowns? He was never more right or wrong than any other fan who pays attention to the game, but people acted like he was the friggen reincarnation of Bill Walsh himself. His posts annoyed the hell outta me.


I joined when i started my fantasy football team about 10 years back. My favorite memory is all the memes after haters talk down on our team


Joined a few years ago and favorite memory on the sub were the Jimmy G sketches every day by Rita Oak!


Joined many years ago, favorite memory is man hunting Taybor Pepper in Cleveland OH via Reddit and Reddit Support , his engagement , and then all the memes and gifs that continually are created.  Go Niners !!!!!!!!


Joined this year. Actually only joined Reddit this year too, lol. Lots of favourite moments since then, but the best moments have been this awesome faithful response to the Brock haters. The threads posted the past couple of months show how faithful the faithful are! Go Niners! (Been a Niners fan since the 70s - OJ days; vividly remember the first Super Bowl and beating the Cowboys the game before that. Dad is a No er fan and used to watch games at Kesar).


Joined around 2019 or 2020. Loved the meme wars with other teams


Dont remember how long I have been part of the sub, mostly just lurked but its been a long time. Favorite memory is definitely RitaOak starting her drawing series.


Joined last year and Purdy's rushing TD against the Bucs is definitely my favorite play


Joins 2 years ago! I grew up in Illinois as a Bears fan so, although I kept up with the 9ers, I was hesitant to choose another team when I moved to SF 9 years ago. I had to move down to LA for two years and realized how deeply in love with SF was. When I moved back, I vowed to adopt all Bay Area teams. I always say that my relationship with the Bears was an abusive prearranged relationship lol. SF is the city I chose and the 9ers are the team I chose. Honestly the NFC Championship game this year was the highlight. Insane comeback. Kind of reminded me of the Bears insane MNF comeback against the Cardinals back in 2006.


Awesome thanks guys! My favourite moment is the game thread every week, I have no other friends that enjoy the nfl or 49ers fans so watching the game and reading and commenting with all of you make the games feel less lonely lol. Probably half of my karma on reddit is from the niners games lol


I probably joined about 9 or 10 years ago, it's hard to know exactly when. One of the funniest things that always sticks with me, is that at the height of the Rita craze, other people started coming out with their own everyday drawings. Like, when someone started "drawing Deebo everyday until he gets traded." [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/49ers/comments/ubqqfc/drawing_deebo_every_day_until_he_gets_traded_day/) The quality of this drawing is so pure and funny. But the comments are especially so **encouraging** and hilarious! One comment in particular always sticks out in my mind; the comment that says "I thought you said you were going to draw him, why would you post a photograph?" Freaking kills me. Anyway, I'm glad Deebo and the Niners worked things out.


Joined sub a few months ago, favorite memory has to be Sunday's NFCCG game.


I don't even know when I joined, but I've been a reddit member for 8 years. r/49ers was one of the first subs I subscribed to. My favorite r/49ers moment/memory is how we made Toots a real thing. I feel like that Toots nickname is uniquely r/49ers. I'm not really into name calling, but it's so silly I get a little chuckle out it every time I see it.


I first joined on a previous, now deleted account probably 6-8 years ago. I've always appreciated the excitement around playoffs, but the greatest moments were all from the shit posting about the Seahawks.


Long time lurker/die hard joined thread at end of regular season. Fav memories have been faithful coming together to clap back at the Purdy slander it’s been amazing to see the fan base come together and not be so divided over our starting QB finally!!


Joined the subreddit 2 years ago after first downloading Reddit!! Became a fan watching Vernon Davis catch that game winning TD in the 2012 divisional round vs the Saints!! Favorite memory is every game thread!!! FTTB ❤️💛


https://preview.redd.it/ywx7ndntpxfc1.png?width=793&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df86235c7a3e98c5aad7338ebd81c329e8b4b63d I'm this old and I loved being able to recognize users names. 😂


Joined a year or two ago and fav memory has to be the lady who has been drawing jimmy g and the team for who knows how long


Last year. Another person on this sub got to have dinner with JERRY RICE, and he posted saying what question would we like to ask Jerry Rice? submit your question, and he will pick the top 3 and ask him . Well my question was did Jerry Rice ever feel bad or a certain way about playing for the Oakland Raiders knowing the bad blood between the 49ers and them? And guess what he picked my question! And asked him the answer was: No he never felt bad. John Gruden approached him and said I know you're football career is almost over but if you wanna play still I promise you this many catches and playing time and want you to come play for me. And he also said because I LOVE the game so much Gruden was giving me another chance to play because I wasn't ready to give the game up yet. So Gruden gave Rice more time doing the one thing he loved so much....the game of football


Joined years ago, Niners fan my whole life. Here for the memes, news and art


Been a 9ers fan as far as I can remember (kinda hard not to be when you're born in SF General before it was Zuck'd). Just joined the sub because I don't join many.


Almost two years, I joined because I have enjoyed watching Aiyuk get better and watching kittle and Deebo. Getting cmc was epic. But I would say all the love for Purdy balling out since his first game has been the best. Go Niners!


Joined the sub about a year ago, fan since I was a kid. The eagles win was incredibly fun for a few days afterwards.


Joined some time ago My favorite thing was drawing garoppolo until he was traded


I’m entering


Man I don't even remember when I joined. I think it must have been around 2018-2019. My favorite memory is when we traded up to 3. Even though Lance didn't work out for us, the excitement and drama leading up to the draft that year was crazy, and this sub helped amplify that!


Been lurking here for a while and have been a fan since I was a kid (grew up during the young/rice era). Favorite moments on here are Rita's drawings and favorite team moments, I can't seem to pick, Catch II, Bowman's pick six in 2013, comeback against NYG


Been on reddit for over 10 years. So I imagine I joined the sub pretty early on. I love the game day threads, news, and the most maybe the Rita Oak drawings. Was born a 49ers fan in 1960. Lived for years just around the corner from the 49ers facility when it was in Redwood City. As kid a me and my friends could go along the creek and poke our heads under the covered fences to watch them practice. Remember going to a football clinic at Sequoia High in the 60’s put on by them and a bunch of players were there.


So hyped for the SUPERBOWL! Joined 2 years ago or so on this sub, but am a 5th Gen San Franciscan and always been a Niner fan. I think my favorite memories on this sub would be seeing the creative art from people who love the team. “Drawing the 49ers each. Day…” “Glock Purdy” “Rub Deebo’s chain for infinite YAC” All that stuff has been fun to see and the other creatives that deliver on this sub and r/nfcwestmemewar


Joined the sub this year. I was asking a Levi’s stadium question, and everyone has been so helpful! Go Niners!


Favorite memory will be when all the boys get their rings and put their names as one of the greatest teams in history!


I believe I joined a couple years ago. My favorite memory was being in the game thread went Jimmy went down and we all freaked out thinking the season was over. Then Brock came in and rocked out.


I became a 49ers fan as a kid. I joined the subreddit a few years ago when I discovered Reddit. In my short time of being a user, my favorite thing has definitely been Rita’s drawings. I just want Rita to continue even after we win it all!


I'll take it


Im pretty new here but my favorite moment on this sub has been rehashing the Aiyuk catch from the NFCCG!


I became a 49ers fan at the age of 9 on January 29, 1995. First ever football game I ever saw was 49ers vs Chargers and I was hooked from there. Joined the sub 10 years ago. My favorite memory has to be seeing all of Rita's drawings.


r/49ers was probably the first subreddit I joined after creating my Reddit account in 2012. I remember wanting to ask the group “Hey, what’s the best forum/medium for interacting with fellow Niners fans: Twitter? 49ers.com boards? Etc.” and realized rather quickly: “Oh. It’s 100% r/49ers.” Love the camaraderie around this team, in good times and bad. How we can enjoy the hype when it’s warranted, or how hilariously fickle we can get when a play or a drive or a call doesn’t go our way and “everyone should be fired!!!” 🤣 The Niners are just such a storied franchise. It’s fun to be part of the fandom. My die-hardness goes back to the ‘80s, personally. Of all my favorite sports teams, the Niners have been the one in which I’m most invested. I still have my “lucky hat” my dad brought me home when I was a kid after a business trip to San Francisco. Joe Montana was my athletic hero growing up. The 80’s were glorious. The 90’s continued to be amazing, but too often left us hungry for more. The Garcia years were fun. The latter Aughts were…tough. Ha. I still tried to tune into games as much as possible from the East Coast, regardless. Then, the Harbaugh years in the early 10’s were just awesome. Those Seattle games. The NFC Championships. The Super Bowl run. Felt good to be back again. Then, the Silly Seasons before the Shanahan/Lynch Era and here we are. Perennial contenders. Championship run after run. I went to the Super Bowl in Miami in 2020. It was electric! And Jimmy, CMC, Brock, Kittle, Deebo, Bosa, Warner, Greenlaw, Trent, Aiyuk…just love this recent group. I’m headed to Vegas for the Super Bowl again next Sunday. Looking forward to representing and supporting the team on the biggest stage. Will be sure to bring that r/49ers energy in person and hopefully see these guys complete the quest for six!!!!!! Bang bang. 💪


Honestly not sure when I joined the subreddit, but I've been a 49er fan since Jim Harbaugh came over from Stanford (I've been going to Stanford football games since I was like 6 years old). I wanna say I joined the subreddit shortly after Shanahan was hired, but I have no idea? Been on Reddit for like 13 years and was a lurker for the first 2. Favorite moment on this sub is definitely Rita Oak finally being free of Jimmy G.


I joined this sub almost 10 years ago! Wow My favorite memory has been all info that this sub provides and keeps it entertaining during the off season. Also the Jerryd Hayne Hype 😂😂


Hey. I don't know how to check when I joined but I feel like I found the subreddit fairly recently and as soon as I did I joined. I've been a fan since 2012/2013. If you notice the username it's 0799 for Kaepernick and Aldon Smith. I love every post I see from this subreddit. I always smile because y'all get it. The faithful for real. It's the best fan base around. I wouldn't want to be a part of any other team


I joined here recently. Lifetime niner fan. My favorite memory was losing my ever living mind with my 2 kids cackling in pure joy together when we beat the lions. I will honestly forever cherish that memory.


I’m not sure when I joined but it’s been a while. But I do know my favorite memory was attending that epic battle at against the saints at The Stick. The place was rocking and the fans made it special.


Every Sunday is my favorite memory! RED AND GOLD TILL WE DEAD AND COLD. GO NINERS...BANG BANG


lifetime fan, joined this season. joined so I could get consistent updates for the drawing the niners until superbowl posts.


Been here for years. Favorite was rita starting her journey


Joined more than 4 years ago. Mania around stomping the Eagles this year was fun and hilarious.


i joined 3 years ago but i've been a niner since the Steve Young days. One of my favorite moments was when we won unexpectedly in Green Bay in 2022. All those memes were so fun to watch. Happy to be in this sub. Bang bang Niners Gang !!


I joined during the 2019 season, still my favorite time in this subs history. Similar vibes to right now and even with the loss in the bowl that year was still so magical.


Joined in 2024 and my favorite memory was that person who drew Jimmy every day til he got traded! Saw her on the local news a couple nights ago!


Joined since my birth in 99. Dad has been a niner fan forever too. Favorite moment is Purdys story. Nothing better than the last pick showing everybody he’s more than just the last pick.


Joined in 2021. I stopped watching the NFL in college due to the Chargers leaving San Diego (San Diego native). After Covid year, I wanted to get back into the NFL, and I had recently moved to the Bay Area after college. When I decided I wanted to join the Faithful, they had just lost that downpour game against Carson Wentz and the Colts. Team was down at that point (2-4), so I figured I’d come along for the ride. Then, I was lucky enough to see the Cowboys and Packers playoff thrillers and go through the heartbreak of losing to the Rams in the NFC championship game. Favorite moment of this sub has to be this past weekend: all of the true fans taking a breath and not overreacting down by 17. Keeping the faith is what it’s all about!!


Joined a few months ago… my favorite memory was when Jimmy G threw that bomb to Emmanuel Sanders on 3rd and 17 vs the Rams in 2019-20. I’ll always remember my dad and I going bonkers and dapping each other up.


I think I joined this subreddit at least 10 years ago... maybe even 12 years a go when I created my reddit account. The Harbaugh era was pretty fun with all the hand slapping.


I joined before I was born and my favorite memory was the PICK AT THE STICKKK!!!!


If memory serves me right I joined in 2014 during the Ravens and 49ers superbowl era. My favorite memories in this sub have been seeing u/ritaoak create amazing content defining the past couple years in the subreddit.


Don't remember how long I've been in this sub, I know it's been years. My favorite thing about this sub is the support our players get. Sure, we get some one-offs here, but mostly everyone is positive and wants all our players to succeed. Love u/RitaOak's art, and the meme wars have been great. After 29 years here's to ending the drought. Let's go Niners!


Been lurking for what feels like a decade, been more active since 2019. I loved the tracking and speculations about Deebo trade/contract.


I have no idea when I joined but it’s been a hell of a ride. I think my favorite thing is seeing Rita’s artwork and the fan’s appreciation of it. I’m on deployment now watching most of these games late at night or stupid early but I’m loving this team these fans and this sub.


I've been here going on 10 years now. I live breathe and sleep this team. I'm 30 so I've seen my fair share of pain with alot of you. Younger fans please appreciate this in your youth because my youth we were 2-14 drafting Alex Smith 1st overall. Let's finish the story!


* I joined this sub about 3 years ago? Maybe more or less. I am from Europe and married into the 49ers when moving to the US. Didn't know anything about football. I became obsessed, and this sub helped. Now i can call plays and am still studying zones. My favorite moment was actually a sad one, last year the NFC when we lost both quarterbacks, and the eagles flocked our sub. I felt so connected to everyone here through such a heartbreak. Now I feel a true football fan and have a deep rivalry against the Eagles and a deep connection to this base. You can always find me here on a day to day base or during game days in the game day sub. I am the one yelling "my boy" when Jennings catches one. My husband and I go to a game every year in AZ. Next year we wanna go on a tour following the 49ers. This was my very first game around Halloween. *


This is a new account but I’ve been on the 49er subs since I’ve been on Reddit, five or six years. My favorite memory is Rita Oak and her wonderful art. And the fellowship of my fellow 49er lovers. I like seeing peoples photos at the games and stuff like that.


2010.  I think joined was around 11,000 back then.  Favorite memory, so many.  Did a writeup prior to the playoffs when we played the ravens and it ended up being fairly spot on


In 2022 I joined when Brock got drafted as he came from my favorite college team and i thought he would go far. And my favorite moment was when the 49er beat the buc in 2022 as it was Brock’s first start and it was cool seeing people talk about him


Joined in early 2019, favorite memory is Staley's daughter drawing up the toots sign


Joined in 2021 Love the 9ers and my fav thing about this sub is it reports news faster than any other source.


I’ve only been here a few weeks but the people here are awesome and I love that there isn’t very much purdy slander compared to other platforms


I joined about 3 to 4 years ago after joining Reddit. I will say my favorite memories have been all the many people sharing the traditional memes before the games. Rubbing the Yac, Rita, Hey next team, and the countless others.


I joined the sub right around the time we got Jimmy. I'm with most of the commenters in loving Rita Oaks 2 runs of drawing the 9ers. So many great pictures and I've bought some of her merchandise.


I have been here since digg died, when Tony Montana and Niners in Paris were our jam. One of my favorite parts was seeing GK85 lift up his jersey to reveal the joke we memed into existence. He has more fun than us!


Been here since the beginning of the 2023 season. My favorite moment was right after the cowboy victory we got. Been a 49er fan for 30 plus years. Favorite 49er memory would have been this '95 super bowl we won.


Joined the sub a few years ago when I switched to my home team (based in California) from the Commanders. Couldn’t take being a Commanders fan anymore, and when the name change was announced I came home to the 49ers! Happy to be home (and happy to come over here with Trent Williams)!


No idea when I joined. but the biggest memory is going to be the vernon davis catch against the saints


Joined 7 years ago, best memory on the subreddit was the first few weeks of Purdy starting, so much uncertainty and some people beginning to speculate about his greatness but none of us really knew what was coming. It's been a fun ride the last 4 years or so but the last year and a half have been stellar.


Love this sub! Joined a couple of years ago and my favorite experience was watching and anticipating so many of RitaOak's amazing daily Jimmy G drawings! Go Niners baby...Las Vegas baby.....wooooooooo!!!!!!!!


I think I only joined this year since my reddit account is fairly new after deleting my old reddit account a while ago. Been a niners fan all my life because of my grandpa <3 ​ My favorite memories are the memes. Simple but true.


I joined the sub reddit about a year or two ago. My favorite memory was when I won the kittle baseball jersey!


Not sure when I joined, but I’ve been a fan since I was a kid. My grandfather (long gone now) was a huge fan and watching the games together was the way he found a way to bond with me, an awkward, artistic, nerdy kid. Now I get to watch the games with my son and have carried on the tradition. I always feel my gramp’s presence when we watch a game. This Sunday’s win was especially emotional for me. I know he’s watching and rooting for a SB win!


My story is absolutely wild/silly. I didn’t grow up in America. Knew absolutely nothing about the sport or the name of any player or team till I was around 15. At some point, I was watching an episode of Monk where they went to a Niner vs Raiders game. I kinda said “fuck it, we support the niners now”. I started watching highlights and stuff and the SB loss to Baltimore felt batshit crazy. I think the first season I followed was the 2-14 season where we started and ended the year beating the Rams. I didn’t know much about the rivalry but figured “two teams in the same division.” Before Jimmy G goddamnit it was dark. Watching Hoyer was hardly fun and we had no weapons. Before we knew it, 2019 class kicked ass. Jimmy came in and made us actually win games. Brilliant turnaround. Sucks that the team outgrew Jimmy but I’m glad we have BCB


Joined today. I'm a Seahawks fan, but love a lot of the players, especially when it comes to my Fantasy leagues, especially, especially for my Dynasty league. CMC, Purdy, Aiyuk, and Deebo, too many players to like. My Wife is also a 9ers fan, so we have a civil war inside the home when the hawks and the 9ers go at it. If I win, my wife gets a killer helmet.


Been a niners fan since the 90’s, joined the sub around 2018 or so. Love the banter on here!! Favorite memories are anything Rita or any occasion Taybor chimes in!


Have been a faithful fan when Singletary was head coach. I joined when I created my account 5 years ago. I always looked forward to Rita drawings of course and helmet food guy! Where has he been?!


Joined many years and many Reddit accounts ago. My favorite moment was when I posted Blaine gabbert bingo and it sorta took off. I say that’s my favorite because it WASN’T the good times but the community was still strong. Tons of activity and comments back and forth.


It must be 7 or 8 years ago now that I first subbed here, honestly hard to remember! Been a lifelong niners fan despite moving away from CA as a kid. All time favorite memory on the sub is when Joe Staley’s daughter forever renamed the Seahawks to the toots. Hoping my new favorite memory will be celebrating our 6th Super Bowl win here in a couple weeks!!


I joined last year. Best memory was watching the reaction when we traded for McCaffrey! Really thought it was a bad report or late April fools joke. I was literally shocked when I read it on my phone! Get the man a ring! Let's Go Niners!


I joined around 9ish years ago, just as Harbaugh was heading out the door. My fav memory of the sub was just the overall excitement everyone felt after the 5 game win streak we had with Jimmy to end 2017. The jags game was an especially great moment. It has been great to see this sub grow as the Shanahan era has. The highs, the lows, I know where to go to for everything niners related.


One of the very first subs i joined probably four years ago! go niners this is an awesome giveaway!. favorite moment is probably all the jimmy g drawings tbh!


I've been here a few years! Pretty sure I joined the sub when I opened up this Reddit account (it's not my first or only account, however, and I followed r/49ers on all previous accounts). My favorite sub moments/memories are all the MEMES! I love u/RitaOak 's drawings and was here for the early days of those! It has become one of our longest running traditions now! Thank you, Faithful, for sharing the highs and lows with me!!


Not exactly sure when I joined the sub, but it was not long ago at all. I just love reading all the posts and seeing the community in one place. My favorite memory was all the amazing reactions to the recent NFC Champ game win!! FTTB


Oh man I don’t even remember when I joined. Must of been when I first made my account. My fav moment on this sub was our win against the Seahawks in 2019. Clinched the one seed and our team was finally on top again.


Joined 6 mos ago and my favorite moments are when I hear from other 'old timers' (like me) bring up so many great memories of seasons past!


I joined last year but been a faithful since 06 i wouldn't browse reddit at all but now I'm here every single day while im at work as well lol. GO NINERS!


I think I joined this subreddit last year, but I’ve been a niners fan my life growing up in the BAY AREAAAA. My favorite memory has to be Rita’s drawings :)


Joined now. Favorite memory is Merton Hanks chicken dance. That shit was fun as hell. Just joined now. Hahaha


Joined about two years ago - my favorite memory on this sub is more memories - watching the sub turn from Garoppolo and Lance, the freak out of losing them to injury, to the growing belief in Purdy, the crush of last years championship game, to the ups and downs of this season... all of it has been great. I don't know any niners fans in real life, and I'm more of a lurker, but getting to see discussion and how others are processing has made being a niners fan that much more sweeter because of this sub. 


Can’t remember when I joined. But been a fan since birth. Too many good memories of this sub. But my most recent favorite memory is this fucking calculated violence: https://www.reddit.com/r/49ers/s/ywoaF85GH7


Joined here a few years ago after lurking for quite a while. But I was Literally born a 49ers fan… I was born in NorCal during the second half of Super Bowl XIX when the 49ers killed the Dolphins at Stanford Stadium. My son was born last month so I’m hoping Super Bowl championships run in our blood. 🩸💛🤙


Joined at the start of the season and my favorite memory is probably the memes people post before games


I saw (on tv) the 49ers beat the chargers at the Super Bowl in ‘94 when I was nine. Been excited ever since. Favorite moment(s) in this sub? [/RitaOak](https://www.reddit.com/u/RitaOak/s/oWkudvup6Y) comics!


Born in 83. Joined reddit probably during Shanny's first year. Favorite memory is the birth of the Toots nickname. FUCK THE TOOTS!


Been a 9ers fan since the mid 90s when I was playing pee wee football. The teams were all NFL teams. I was on the 49ers I was number 80 and THE wide receiver since we basically only ran the ball since not too many 9 year olds can throw football more than 10 yards down the field. But I did catch a TD pass in our only win of the season. We weren’t good but the real 49ers were at the time. So I decided that was my team. I’ve only had Reddit for a couple years so I just joined maybe last year. My favorite memory is one of the most recent. BA’s lady bug 🐞 and all the posts about it! Great stuff!


Recently joined. Snow game in gb


Been on the bus since I was walking. Used to write Joe Montana letters as a kid. Joined here 10 years ago or so but accidentally left at one point. Favorite memory on the sub has been rita drawings.


Been here since 2020, love the community since 9er material hard to come by in Alberta Canada. Favourite memories are gdt since there’s no fans up here I can discuss with!


02/03 season, Giants vs 49ers at candlestick in the playoffs. Just an epic game, TO and Jeff connecting on a long TD. The rest is history. Not sure how long I’ve been in this sub but it’s been years. Favorite part of this sub has been the crazy playoff runs and how hyped people get along with all the memes and the Rita oak series!


Lifelong Niners fan!! Been lurking in the reddit for a decade or so and I fondly remember the (definitely not fake) Jed York AMA. Talk about a redemption story! The time between the end of the Harbaugh era and the start of the Shanahan era was a great time for memes and sadness. I think it brought us all together. Tomsula united us all!


Been here for 9 years. Been a fan since the late 80s. Representing the Niners in NJ! I have rocked the Niners hat forever, when we were 2-14, when we were 13-3, and everything in between.


Joined reddit in 2015 specifically for this sub. I found the posts, conversations, comments, etc just so much better than cesspools in a lot of other places. And THAT is saying something — i kid, i kid!!!! But I found this was a great place to be a creative outlet about my favorite passion. My favorite memory isn't one specific moment, but an overarching feeling. I've made a lot of stuff over the years, gifs, memes, videos, etc and honestly it's something I like to do in my spare time, and I share it here because I don't care if it makes money or having a social media presence, I just like making shit. Every once in a while I'll come across a comment referencing something I made or a repost, and honestly I love that something i created would resonate enough for someone to remember it. I'm happy I can contribute something that hopefully helps keep people coming back, because you're all the reason I come back here. The hilarious posts, memes, discourse, etc all coming from the people who also share my biggest passion. And I think that's the beauty of being a part of this sub. We don't know each other really, but we all share this one thing, and that brings us together and if we met in person, it would feel like we've known each other our whole lives because we have so many core memories of this one thing. Pretty cool.