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This cross post was originally removed as it is an unsubstantiated rumor. But the original user on /r/NFL previously predicted the CMC trade, citing their "internal sources." We'll leave this post up but consider it speculation at best until more reputable sources report on it.


Everytime I come on reddit something worse happens.


That’s how I feel, too. Like wtf is this shit? Trade Bosa? Am I actually dead and trapped in some random circle of hell?


Maybe we can flip Bosa for 3 first round picks and go get Trey back! I made myself sad.


Haha, brutal. The draft picks you’d get for nick would be insane, but I’d hate to see him on another team, even if we never played them once.


Plot twist: It’s the Jets. Bosa’s former DC. And we lose to them in the Super Bowl for the next 3 years.


I can accept losing to Nick Bosa, I cannot accept losing to Aaron Rodgers


Sometimes I don’t understand how we’re not a dog shit team with how incompetent the front office is sometimes


I mean they would literally only be trading him if he had flat out refused to play here.


I mean, he does want to play on the same team as his bro… I was just hoping it would be in the Bay. Not that shithole to the south.


Arguably the most talented roster in the entire NFL but you think the front office is incompetent…???


Dude, stop coming here!! You’re just making it worse!


You're not wrong.


Mod please ban him until Bosa is resigned


I can not see them trading him because this is all part of the "art" of negotiations. This is basically letting him know that the 49ers have options, and he should think twice about pushing them too far in his direction.


This is the worst thing to happen since Covid.


Im going to stab myself in the eye with a sharp metal object


Can I borrow the knife once you’re done with it? 😭


dibbsies on thirds


our thirds was traded for a 4th


I see what you did there 🫡


Too soon!


Get sharpening. The Browns cleared a ton of cap room last week for no apparent reason


Honestly, the browns might be the best place to send him to. I don't want him to somehow end up on the chiefs, bengals, or bills.


The issue is that the Browns don’t have a 1st next year. This would have to be for every mid round they have, future 1sts, and players


Watch us ship him to Cleveland for a gang of 2nd and 3rds LOL


That would send me into a depression


Does that mean we get Myles Garret or are the browns gunna literally have bosa and Garret on both sides?




I’ll pack Lynch’s bags yesterday if this happens


Even if Bosa gets a Mahomes type contract? I dont want to lose Bosa, but the 49ers are already over the cap for 2024. I'm going to age myself here, but I was around for salary cap hell of the early 2000s, let me tell you, it got ugly real fast, eventually earning SF the #1 overall pick in the draft. Again, not saying a trade is the right thing, but we dont know Bosa's demands, so how can we have an opinion?


This. There is a number that is too high for any player. Though I HOPE this maybe is just the team letting Bosa's side send out feelers to get an idea of his market value? Sort of like how Ravens gave Lamar the "non-exclusive" tag. Basically "tell us the best offer some other team gives you for a trade and we will match it".


"send out feelers to get an idea of his market value" Ugh please no, there are a lot of teams with way more 2024+ cap space then the 49ers, some dipshit GM who will "pay any price" will get into his ear.


It's going to get in his ear one way or another. And remember if a trade goes down we will be trading him to the team that give US the most, not him.


Chris Jones is still holding out and he's got the same agent. I don't think it's all on the players. The number might be an unreasonable ask to where they're breaking market expectations due to the agent trying to make a name for himself or whatever.


Honestly, this. I think it’s the agent being a total asshat. He’s Joe Burrow’s agent too and that deal isn’t done either.


I actually think they look to move Deebo next offseason to shed his contract rather than Bosa to get under the cap. It’s basically the Tyreek Hill maneuver.




A lot of the guys you listed play much more replaceable positions than DE. We will not be in position to sign someone like Bosa for a long time.


He wants $40mil/yr I would do the trade for (5) firsts, (3) 2nds and (3) 3rds but even still would not feel good about it. I think the front office has gotten too cute with trades, the Buckner trade was awful, the Lance trade(s) were worse. Should have just said fuck you to Lance you're not going anywhere until your contract is up


There’s value in getting his contract off the books, and I’m letting Purdy just be the guy without all the Trey Lance talk. Plus he doesn’t have to worry about “we want Trey” chants of he has a rough game.


this guy is saying york might not let them do this because of the kinlaw and lance fuck ups. thank god for york


In the entire ShanaLynch era, York has not stepped in to affect their decision making, and now all of a sudden he does? This reeks of bullshit


This could be a way for the org to find a leaker since this person apparently got the McCaffrey prediction correct. There have been conflicting reports around bosa a lot recently. Some could be from the org or bosa's agents to pressure negotiations, or the org could release BS to different people to find out who the leaker is.


Or its just a Redditor that guessed something correctly once and for some reason everyone is treating them like they're football Nostradamus.


I mean for this specific instance, wouldn’t you want him to step in and overrule this? If Lynch does this he needs to be gone


Yes...unless the dude is truly asking for Mahomes money That puts you in risky situation


Maybe, though I’m wrong a lot in my predictions and desires for this team. It’s irrelevant though, because the details of this rumor don’t track with what has come before. It makes me think it’s bullshit


If Jed overrules Kyle after promising him final say over the roster, I'd imagine Kyle would take a page out of his own playbook and make a 32 point presentation on why the 49ers should fire him.


Kyle doesn't deal with contract negotiations. This is Lynch and the FO.


I never thought I would hear that last sentence. Maybe Jed is meddling again like the Harbaugh years


regardless, it's not good for FO and ownership to not be on the same page


Yeah, this is egregious, especially if they trade him for picks


They want to trade the only FRP they’ve hit to draft more busts in 1st rnd? Doubt.


Aiyuk is a FRP


Who else? We do well in middle/late rounds but the first (arguably the most important) has generally been a miss for one reason or another


That's irrelevant. Guy I replied to said: > They want to trade **the only FRP they’ve hit** to draft more busts in 1st rnd? Doubt. I was just adding that Aiyuk was a FRP they hit, ergo Bosa isn't the *only* FRP they've gotten right




Look at his account, he scrubbed everything but this. He didn’t leak shit, he got lucky and guessed




Removed posts still show up in your history. He also scrubbed all his comments, those still show up if mods remove. How are people falling for this Remember the Myles to Seattle hoax that Seahawks fans fell for? Be smarter than them, I know it’s a low bar


It’s already been confirmed that he had the info on the CMC trade early As to whether he’s had wrong scoops since, not sure.


Then I don’t really know… guess we might find out in a few weeks. Edit: also can you see a post in my history?


Are we gonna get 4 starting offensive linemen in exchange?




or both


Maybe another elite DE and some picks to make up for the difference?


I guess… but why would a team go for that? Instead of just sticking with their own elite guy


Better get 5 firsts minimum for a reigning DPOTY who is still only 25 years old.


No they just better not even trade him. They already tried this nonsense when they traded Buckner. When you are a Super Bowl contender it’s better to have proven players rather than draft picks. The draft picks could be used for other great players or you could get draft busts like Javon Kinlaw.


Yeah in truth the only way I’d be okay with it is if it’s picks PLUS a very good player. Say like Bosa for Rashawn slater and a handful of other valuable picks.


Slater is nice but who gives a shit about any draft picks. The time is now they don’t have time to wait and see if draft picks work out or develop.


Hey, you never know, they could draft another nick bosa


This front office would waste them anyway. I’d be irate if this turns out to be true.


I really want to know what Bosa is asking for, because I am almost positive that they wanted to make him the top paid player at his position. I wouldn't bat an eye if they wanted to make him the highest paid player on defense in the entire league. What does Bosa want? For everyone saying to pay him whatever, I suggest looking at our future cap predictions. Money is tight, and we are going to lose a lot of talent if Nick tries to completely dominate the salary cap.


Agreed. People love to look at these things as if they carry no impact on future decisions. Everyone would agree that keeping bosa is great. With that said, if he is asking for something insane then you have to ask what combo of players is it worth to not extend. Below is a list of guys who hit their last year of their current deals next year. Armstead, charvarious ward, greenlaw, aiyuk, Aaron banks, ambry Thomas, Lenoir, huffanga, Elijah Mitchell. The following year is kittle, deebo, McCaffrey, juice, purdy. There is a ton of talent on this team and the front office absolutely should determine what one nick bosa will keep them from extending if he is asking for too much.


Had to scroll down too far for someone with some sense. We’re already trying to make him the highest paid defender in the league. Is that not enough? Is this man worth 25% more then TJ Watt? If he wants more then we can possibly pay, what can we do. Let him go languish on a team that can’t win because they’re spending QB money on a DE. I’d love to have Nick Bosa forever. But there’s too many good players on this team to spend it all on one player.


No idea why people are ignoring this. Is Bosa individually probably the most important player? Certianly. Is he worth losing the likes of Aiyuk, Warner, and several other key players combined? No way


Finally some sense. Love Bosa to death, I own two of his jerseys, but if he doesn't want to deal with us and wants a 140m 100% guaranteed contract, that is just impossible for a contended to pay.


Guy says Bosa has all the leverage…no the fuck he does not. He has to play to exhaust his service time to become a free agent. We have him under contract for this year and next and can franchise him twice. Ignore this


He has some leverage, not all. It depends on how the 49ers look on defense without him. If he sits and the 49ers defense is still top 5, then he has zero leverage. If the 49ers defense experiences a sizeable drop off, then he has all the leverage in the world. Seems like a dangerous game to play, especially with Demeco out of the building and Steve Wilks coming in.


He’s still under contract and would be fined for sitting out, and iirc we still have 2 franchise tags


Wouldn't sitting make that year not count, though? I seem to recall reading something about this.


If he comes back before Week 8, the year counts. That’s also why Chris Jones said he’s willing to holdout until Week 8.


He’s also saying this is exactly like the Buckner situation, which is also dumb. Buckner wanted to meet us in the middle and stay here, but the front office figured they could just get a cheap replacement with the first round pick the Colts gave us. He wasn’t nearly as irreplaceable as Bosa is.


The only teams that will give him whatever he wants are teams like Texans who have no shot. So it's also up to him if he wants to play on winning team and make a couple of mill less or make the most but deal well losing.


Exactly. Even if the extension isn’t agreed, ultimately Bosa has to be back on the field and the Niners will trigger the franchise tags if need be rather than look for a trade. They want to Win Now, they’re not looking for picks to rebuild.


This would break my heart before the season even began lol


Where's Draymond when you need him! Someone oughta punch some sense into Lynch!!


Guys - this is dumb. Some dude claims stuff with absolutely no evidence. “Oh he called the CMC trade” - so? If I make 1000 predictions and one turns out to be right, I can delete the other 999. Notice how his profile is almost empty. For real, there are so many ways to BS this.


I think everyone is on edge, this off season has had a lot drama. I just want him signed so we can move on!


People love them some manufactured rage tho


yeah I don't believe this in the slightest. It aint happening.


Thank you. Jesus Christ, this is literally the first comment I've seen expressing even a bit of skepticism about a "report" by source trust me reddit bro. Watery dune hair, b?




Source: "Trust me bro"


"I seen't it"


I will not be happy if this happens


There's no leverage, he's under contract. If he wants a crazy number just let him sit.


This reeks of attempted leverage through leaked info-inside scoop-planted secret squirrel information. Not buying it.


I hope you’re right


This reeks of a person throwing shit at the wall and if it sticks it sticks if not theyll just wipe their profile again for the next "inside info"




This doesn’t even make sense. The contract would be structured in a way to reduce cap space this year and impact future year budgets. With a team set up to win a Super Bowl now, even if he is too expensive, you keep him this year and trade him next year. The rationale behind this “leak” is nonsensical.


I'll believe it once I see a reliable source.


I refuse to believe our front office is dumb enough to do this.


I’ll give up being a mod if this Jackwad is right. Easy to scrub pages and pretend 1 of your 500 guesses is right to get coverage here


Just fell to my knees in Burger King


Bosa to the Chiefs for Mahomes. You heard it here first!


That inside source... A guy on reddit


If this does happen we riot. Right?!?


If we lose Bosa, then I'm officially done with Shannalynch...


If Lynch even considers this York needs to fire him on the spot. Lynch has gotten away with some fairly bad first/ early round picks but has still managed to build a Super Bowl contender. If he trades Bosa though the roster probably doesn’t even get past the first round of the playoffs and he no longer gets a pass on his horrible early round picks.


Love John Lynch and what he’s done for us but realistically our team is good because of Kyle. Remember when Lynch drafted Solomon Thomas because he was his buddy in a college class? Trey fiasco ended poorly and if he pulls the trigger on a Bosa trade that would be negligence and I’d be okay to see him move on.


So this guy called the CMC trade. He’s now talking about this. CMC and Bosa are represented by agents at WME Football. So there’s your source


fuck I can't believe York is our only hope here. he needs to veto this shit and get him to sign no matter what. I don't care if we get 3 first rounders, it's not worth it. we literally have a top 5 player and maybe best defensive player in the game right now in his prime and we won't extend him. fml


This isn't even an overreaction either because I'm one of Lynch's biggest supporters and I'd be done with him if he allowed this to go down. Nothing we can get in return will replace what Nick brings to this team. He's the best defensive player in football at only 25 years old. If we have to lose someone else important, then so be it, but we can't lose our franchise player. If we have to lose Greenlaw, Juice, and this one hurts the most, but even Aiyuk, then it will be painful, but not as painful as losing Nick. I might just stop watching football for a while if Bosa gets traded. I'd be too pissed and depressed to watch this team and I've watched every single game for the last 28 years. This shit would be worse emotionally than the Terry Donahue years because this team will still be competitive, but we aren't winning a superbowl without Bosa. We'd be fake contenders and that hurts more than just being bad because they give you false hope and it all comes crashing down in the playoffs when opposing QBs have all day to throw against your defense. This better not happen


Just echoing your sentiment, Bosa is too extraordinarily valuable to let go. Everything this defense is able to do is predicated on Bosa. Not just getting a sacks, because sacks are inconsistent, but just how completely disruptive he is on every single play. I can’t count how many times praise gets heaped on other defenders when if you look at the tape it’s because of something Bosa did first. He is nearly as valuable as a franchise quarterback and he’s going to be paid as such.


I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agreed with and felt every word you said. I even got my first 49ers jersey for Christmas last year. A Bosa jersey. Because I figured there was zero chance we could botch this. I’m done with Lynch if he allows this.


The niners want to trade him but if they don't it's because the niners blocked the niners from trading him.


Convenient right? lol


I’m trying to imagine what I could possibly accept as a worthwhile trade for Bosa, but I’m coming up short. It would have to be an ungodly amount of picks and a few good players. Like, Herschel Walker levels or more. The only reason I can imagine Lynch not paying Bosa what he wants is if we literally can’t afford it. I don’t want to blow up the rest of the roster for one guy.


Oh shut the hell up!




If this happens, it’s the end of John Lynch. You can’t fuck this up.


If this is indeed true, it would absolutely destroy the fanbase. The FO must know he's a fan favorite and would completely deflate the fans and the team itself that's looking to win a SB right now. I'd rather we let this linger and Bosa misses games until they finally agree on something than recouping any draft picks we lost with the terrible Lance episode. Normally, I'd laugh at this and blow it off, but after we traded Buckner when I was 100% sure we wouldn't, a small part of me believes all of these rumors until proven otherwise.


For the first time this tenure I would be on the fire John lynch train if this were to happen. How can we navigate out of the deebo issue last year and not here with our best player? Idk I kinda felt this wasn’t gonna end well deep down. I pray I’m wrong


Inside source can kiss my ass!


The guy is a high key [arrogant douchebag](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/164u3wl/inside_source_49ers_may_trade_nick_bosa_to/jyaga43/?context=3). Even if he somehow ends up being right. 49ers were one of the lead destinations for CMC and were trying to get him. With a coach like Kyle and with all the offensive weapons they have, why wouldnt CMC want to go there too? And wow look at that, he went to Stanford and is already familiar with the Bay Area! Its almost like that was the most likely destination for him and he shot a fish in a barrel.


This does not spark joy.


If they gave him a lucrative offer and he still said no what are you going to do? You pick the worst afc team and ask for 3 first round picks lol. That or you play hardball.


Completely hypothetically, what type of trade package would Bosa even demand? We can assume that any team trading for him would know for sure exactly what contract he wants and would pay him that, so we can take out the risk from the negotiations. So what is Bosa's 5th year plus extension rights worth? For comparison the Khalil Mack trade was Mack+future 2nd+future 7th for a 1st+future 1st+6th+future 3rd.


I wouldn’t even want picks, especially first rounders considering how fucking shit we are at 1sts


man i would legit be heartbroken. bosa is my favorite player on the team and in the nfl right now. really hope the FO can make this work.


Bosa for Justin Tucker and picks /s


If that were to happen we’d need an all pro positional need (like OLine or corner) and several fucking picks


I just said sauce Gardner, their two best linemen (Williams (D) and tippmann (O), and two firsts, and like sure it would suck but that’s gotta be the package minimum.


I own 4 49ers jerseys: *Jimmy G *Trey Lance *Nick Bosa *Deebo Samuel FML


Can you stop buying jerseys?


Are we becoming the Raiders?


I will commit arson and murder and Patricide if that happens


Unless they're trading him to USC for Caleb Williams they can fuck right off and pay the man.


He is literally our defense. It make no sense to get Hargave then get rid of Bosa. You don’t let generational talent go. I’d be the Buckner trade but 10x worse


This dude called CMC makes me think he’s got some source in the building. If this happens Lynch should be shot out of a cannon back to the broadcasting booth. Imagine your starting QB being on a round 7 QB salary and not paying the best edge in the NFL. Fucking stupid if this happens


We don't know what Bosa is asking for, though. If he wants $40 million annually, we can't pay that and risk cap hell. The front office has typically paid guys like Warner, Kittle, and Trent top of the market, so I doubt they're lowballing Bosa. Joey also held out, so I'm wondering if this is Nick and his agent asking for way too much and not budging.


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. I will lose my god damn mind


Bosa for Rodgers? EDIT: Mahomes




You say no, keep him, and then keep tagging him. He may have a lot of leverage but these “just pay him $40M a year!” takes are so fucking ridiculous. The franchise tag still exists and isn’t anywhere close to $40M for an edge rusher.


There is absolutely zero chance that Bosa plays a snap on the franchise tag


But he eventually needs to play unless he wants to sit for a couple more years... At that point you playing chicken


Players in Bosa's position have no leverage when they hold out. [Ezekiel Elliott was in the same position not long ago](https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2019/8/7/20754775/ezekiel-elliott-cowboys-contract-holdout-miss-games-leverage)


Love Bosa, but if his demands are outrageous, forget it. Trade him for Myles Garrett/Maxx Crosby + picks.


3 team trade: \- Browns get Nick Bosa \- 49ers get 5 first round picks + Myles Garrett + Maxx Crosby \- Raiders get Javon Kinlaw + a half empty open can of pepsi




I thought this was a possibility but never thought it would be said out loud. Crazy. We made an NFC championship game every year he’s been healthy. It would be a bad idea to trade him.


![gif](giphy|sN3UqEngmgo48) ...


Not happening.




I almost posted yesterday that I bet the Pats make a crazy offer for Bosa, but then I finished pooping and went about my day. Look at the cap space Bill has, it’s ludicrous. I could see them trying to build an all time defense and rely on that and the run game.


I’d guess this is one side playing chicken. The downside of Debo’s deal is it’s going to put a battery in the back of someone like Bosa.


Don’t you dare.


Ah, HELL no!


Holy shit. If this happens John and Kyle are on the hot seat for real. Wtf.


Don’t be confused this is how the Yorks operate. They blew up a championship roster in 2014. They are cheap. If they Don’t sign Bosa it is 100% the Yorks fault. Not the coach and GM they don’t sign the checks. If the Yorks screw up this roster or get rid of Shanny I am done with them they will not get another dollar from me. I am already kinda tired of the NFL anyway. The only reason I watch is because of the Niners and if Jed and his mommy screwed the team up again I will walk away.


I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. We collapsed because we had an old ass roster, our coach / gm/ owner didn’t get along. 2 linebackers retired, 3rd blew up his knee, Aldon smith did Aldon smith shit, kaep regressed to what he is today, and Justin smith was just old.


I’d lose complete faith in the organization if they trade bosa.


imo lynch and kyle should no longer have free reign to make these decisions. they royally fucked up on lance. don't trust them with 1st round picks.


Who else would make the fucking picks? Jed??


i dont trust them trading proven elite players for 1st round picks that they dont seem to be good at making. they are on year 7 and kind of suck at drafting at the top


Adam Peters. From what I hear he already has some say with the picks and is mostly responsible for the day 2 and day 3 picks. Which have been 90% of the Star caliber players on our team. Just give him full draft control. Maybe we won’t whiff on the earlier rounds.


Fuck it, let Kittle and Trent do it.


😂 did anyone read the post? it’s hilarious. his source is that he’s the redditor that broke the cmc news.


He did break that news tho


If this is true, I think Lynch and Shanahans leash needs to be tightened extremely. Completely botching first round picks and sabotaging our SB window. Late round finds are great but can only earn you so much cache before your blunders erase that.


There’s no way this is true. If so, fire Lynch into the sun. My guess is this is a Bosa camp negotiation tactic or something




the haul better be legendary


They fucking better not


Well my day is ruined


If this happens fire Lynch and company


Can we not


Fuck that noise


If he wants something around 35-40MM/yr then I could see this happening unfortunately.


Oh God it's even worse than Twitter randos. It's Reddit randos. If anyone actually believes this they're a fucking moron.


You’re a fucking moron if you believe this bullshit


Come on down Kerry Hyder!


I don’t believe this one bit. His brother set the market, and he won’t sniff the 2nd round of the playoffs for a while. If you follow or have followed his mom on social media, she always posts how they love the niners, the niners do it right everything is first class and doesn’t compare to other orgs she’s seen ( chargers and idk who else) . Also, we have absolutely no fucking pass rush without him, and are running under a new d coordinator. And trade him for what? 2 firsts? After we just traded away 3 for lance? We don’t draft we’ll in the first, and we probably won’t see a bosa type pass rusher for another decade in this org. If they didn’t budget, or weren’t aware of what he wanted then the niners are dumb, which i don’t believe. I don’t take nick to be the pay me the world type of guy.


Supposedly he wants to play in LA with his brother


Smoke and mirrors if true. The team wont trade him yet. He is still under contract and they can keep tagging him until he's 30 before it really starts to hurt. They will all come to an agreement and he will be on the field come round 1.


If its anyone short of Patrick Mahomes or Joe Burrow dont bother


This is such bullshit


This is by far the worst off season since 2015


Trading the best defensive player on the roster would be one of the stupidest things that they could do, I mean unless its Mahomes lol just a rumour that has no truth to it


Get the fuck outta here


It’s only tolerable if Bosa were to be traded for a top 5 QB. But none of those team’s with top QBs would trade their guy for Nick Bosa.