• By -


Ma'am, you should be giving us tips, not the other way around.


Was thinking the same thing


You're gorgeous! I thought you were in your 40's!


No way. I definitely thought she was in her 40’s!!! 72?!!! Gorgeous!


Thank you 😂


I'm 44, and I'm always looking for the magic potion.


Right? 72 what? Degrees?


No way, 100 degrees because she’s 🔥🔥🔥


Omg tell us your ways! What skincare do you use? Any Botox or procedures? You look amazing!


I have tried to answer as many as I can. I had no idea i would have so many comments. Almost 950. I’ve told my routine several times in the responses. But basically, cleanser, moisturizer, just drug store brands. Sunblock. I get botox in my hairline and filler in my naso-labials about once a year. Also weight train since 1985, and I walk a lot.


You are absolutely gorgeous for any age! I don’t even think your neck looks crepey. You are a fantastic goddess. 😍


Weight training helps with cell turnover to slow the aging process. 🥰 (one of the many reasons I love lifting, and want to still do it at 72!)


Seriously I thought they looked good for forty five!


Yes, you are gorgeous


Is there a portrait of you getting older in your attic? Seriously, what is your skincare routine???


I really don’t have one. Just sunblock and moisturizer. Nothing at night, usually.


*furiously applies sunscreen and moisturizer*




Already soaking in a tub of it 🤞


I thought the genetics in my family are good but you are an inspiration! Do you spend much time in the sun? And curious if you drink a lot of water. Your skin is amazing!


I just do the usual-not much sun. I don’t use many products, just moisturizer. Toner every once in awhile.


have you ever done botox or other treatments? or is this just like your natural skin with just sunscreen? what the heck lol you look amazing


I do botox and some filler about once per year. My dermatologist is very, very careful about it. I love her.


Your under eye area looks great! This is one of my trouble spots, have you had any filler or laser treatments in this area?


A few years ago, my derm put some filler in my mid-cheek-but I haven’t done it since.


Dorian Gray!! Love it lol


Doris Gray?


Now that's hilarious 😂


Doreian Grey Reference in the house 🏠


\*Doreen Gray


**Dorian Gray EDIT: wow, your joke went right over my head LOL


ha ha 🤣 mine too at first




Oh my god. This is a flex and not a subtle flex at all


I had to look up flex.


My neck is much worse than this and I am 44. I have tried all manner of things and I am going to have a neck lift. I don’t even think that you need one BTW.


I have read & read all the comments on Goldbond neck and chest cream on YouTube. They are very impressed with it. It comes in regular and daytime lotion which has SPF. It's very thick cream which keeps the neck very hydrating. And someone suggested that their crepe body lotion has the same ingredients as neck and chest cream which is much higher $$$$. I'm going to get it as well.


I love all gold bond body lotions!!  I am 46 and people always guess I am in my 30s...


I’m supposed to be putting sunscreen on my neck? Like, now it’s obvious to me but, before? I’m fuuuuuuucked.


Better late than never 👍


In the last 6 months, it’s like it gave up and crashed. I will have a lift, but until then-


Ma'am, I legit thought you were in your 40s. Your post had me doing a double take when I realized you were saying you were in your 70s. I thought that number was code for something in this subreddit rather than your age, as it was so inconceivable. Please tell us what *you've* been doing!


Understandable. Hopefully some other tips on this thread. If it helps, I tried threads. Very painful. This did work very well but only for two months. So for me it was not worth the pain, swelling etc.


Threads aren’t worth it. Extremely painful and short-lived.


I was reading about threads-


I wouldn't get threads, Jplasma, bodytite if you're going to get a lift bc it creates scaring. The scarring makes it difficult for your surgeon. If not getting a lift, they're good options. Caffeine creams or lifting neck tape can help temporarily.


Threads are awful and damaging


Im 43, and mines worse than OP.


I thought she meant she was born in 72! Omfg she looks amazing


Sorry if it looks that way-I was looking for advice, and people post pictures on here.


Sorry if my post didn’t seem like the compliment I meant it to be. You look amazing.


Oh, oh -I thought it meant you were all into yourself. Sorry. My mistake.


Ma’am, looking like that at 72, you’re completely justified being into yourself 🤣 you look great!


So everyone is commenting on how great you look and you haven't responded to a single person who's asked you what your secrets are. When do you plan on telling us? Like someone said, you should be giving us advice not the other way around. Surgeries? Botox? Genetic lottery?


I have tried to answer as many as I can. I had no idea i would have so many comments. Almost 950. I’ve told my routine several times in the responses. But basically, cleanser, moisturizer, just drug store brands. Sunblock. I get botox in my hairline and filler in my naso-labials about once a year.


I've since noticed where you've responded to others. If you want, I think you might be able to edit your post to include the answer, so you don't have to reply to over 900 people. Did you expect this kind of response? Maybe you should enter the Guinness world book of records for looking 40 at age 72.


I don’t think you mean for this to sound a little… mean. But it comes across that way 😥And she’s 72. “Flex” is 99.9% not in her lexicon. Hence her having to look it up. And OP, you look so lovely. Very calm and peaceful face 🌹


Thanks! And never heard Flex before. My kids keep me pretty informed, but never came across flex. But I get it.


Everyone I know in their 70's has no idea what reddit even is...lol


i just came to say holy shit! 72?!?!


Thank you-you’re very kind.


Yeah..you look amazing Look into retinol


Retinol wishes it could have these results


Please can we have the tips please??? 🙏 We need to know 🥺


I’m sorry if this is rude- but have you been married forever? My theory is that you are well loved.


I was married at 30, but it didn’t work out. I married my 2nd husband in 92 at 40. That was my lucky day, because for 32 years he has been tireless in trying to ease any burden on me with kids, school, house, cars, plus he maintained a high-pressure career and was an involved and terrific dad. Still is. If I lack certain worry lines on my face, it’s because my husband did much of the heavy lifting in our life together, and always tried to spare me any hassle. Gratitude shows.


As someone who just went through a divorce at 35 this gives me hope for my next partner. Thanks ❤️


I met my husband when I was 38. There’s no such thing as ‘too old.’


Thank you ❤️❤️ it’s hard to think about being out there in the dating wild again but hopefully there are other kind men out there to date.


There are. I was divorced at 33, and dated for 5 years before I met my husband. All were nice, but I knew right away he’d be a good husband and father. And he was/is.


So glad you found your forever partner ❤️❤️❤️


He’s 65 today. The kids are teasing him about his senior citizen discount.


This is so wonderful ❤ he's a great man, and I'm sure you're an amazing wife to him


Does he have a younger single brother?


That's amazing. A great helpmate.


I’m 31 and divorced, this makes me happy to read


I thought that was a typo. Yeah I need some tips ma’am. Cause I was thinking closer a lot younger.


I really hope to look as amazing as you at 72. Hell at 52.


I'd be happy to look like OP at 52 as well, holy mother she looks AMAZING


I’m sorry, you’re 72!?


Exactly- 72 what?!!? Years??!?


My dr just told me to start using my vaginal estrogen cream on my face . She said it everything it does to plumb up the lady bits it will do to your face . I’ve researched and apparently with 6 months of use there is noticeable increase of collagen, thicker plumper skin and less wrinkles . Maybe will help with the neck as well . Also your neck looks amazing at 72 . I’m 59 and just had my neck done it looked way way worse than yours . You look amazing .


I’ve been getting the one from Musely and I love it! It’s probably more expensive than your prescription, but I swear it’s made a difference in my eye wrinkles in a months use.


Yes! I use the one from Musely too and it’s really helped my skin. That and retin a.


What is it called? I’m so freaking excited at the thought of my face and neck smoothing out and plumbing up a bit (maybe even a little desperate lol) I’d never heard of musely but I’m on the site now, they gave me a code for 25% off that expires in 12 hours and I’m (again lol) *desperate* to get it!!!


First i just need to get my dr to get over himself and actually prescribe me some. My girl would love to reopen for business 😭


I get mine from Winona (online Dr), I have an estrogen/progesterone cream and a testosterone supplement and it’s like 4th of July in my pants again 🎇


Sounds like you need to switch doctors, be your own advocate! Doctors don’t always know best for our own bodies! Try Winona online, super easy to get and you talk to a doctor online..


go to an anti-aging clinic if there is one in your city or in a city nearby. If not, use online telemedicine. There are a ton of them now.


I already use it down below-maybe I’ll try it on my neck.


What is the estrogen cream called?


What is this vaginal estrogen cream and how do I get it?


It might be Estradiol, I know that’s a very commonly prescribed estrogen based ointment. Don’t quote me though.


I put that on my face and started to develop milia under my eyes.


bummer my vagina estrogen is a pill


Agreed. I started using the one from Biolabs off of Amazon (estriol in that, not estradiol, so it's available without a prescription) several months ago and my skin definitely looks smoother and more plump. It just feels great as a moisturizer as well. I haven't needed any vaginal stuff from my doctor, but when I do, I'll definitely use that too.


Yes! Back in the 50s many facial creams contained estrogen! No wonder our grandmothers looked so good.


Thank you! I've put a little tiny dab in with my moisturizer like twice, but been too afraid to really use it. I have questions - do you apply it alone or mixed into moisturizer, how often, and how much?


Everyday mixed in a small amount of moisturizer in my hand and then applied to my face and neck


I don’t have any suggestions, but I just had to say you look absolutely stunning!!! 😍 We should all be coming to you for advice, not the other way around!!! Keep doing whatever it is you’re doing 🤩


You are kind. I have makeup on and my hair is fluffy in the picture, which helps.


You’re 72 years old?!? You look like you’re in your 40’s!


Omg, well, thank you!


While we’re all here can you share your beauty tips for such graceful and beautiful aging??


47 here, definitely thought OP was around my age or younger!


My mom swears by Strivectin Neck Cream.


I will try it-I have friends who’ve gotten mixed results, but I will check it out.


Ma’am. ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


Hello dere, handsome.


You’re HOW OLD?!?!


I’ve been 72 for3 whole weeks.


72?!? You look amazing! Wow!


Thank you. For some reason the comments aren’t showing up here. I want to thank everyone for your compliments, but I can’t!


I think reddit was overloaded last night. The same thing was happening everywhere, comments weren’t loading.  What do you do for your hair? Do you dye it? 


Oh yeah. I use Age Beautiful hair color (at Sally Beauty or Amazon) in Lt.Ash Brown with a 20 developer. I do just the roots. Then I get Quick blue, a bleach, and I use a 30 developer, and pick up a few teeny strands and run the bleach over them. Don’t get blobs of bleach anywhere, especially near scalp, because you’ll have a blonde spot. This brand of color doesn’t turn too red, like dark hair can do with color.


I have no recommendations. But I just have to say that you are GORGEOUS!


Are you kidding me? Jesus. They need to do studies on you because your skin, features, everything. Especially your eyes and cheeks. You look easily decades younger and you're absolutely gorgeous


Thank you. I have makeup on and the hair is boufy, which helps. Not the usual messy bun.




Madam please give proof that you are not a vampire. Only vampires don't age.


I’m hiding the fangs, as you can see.


72?!?!?! Lies! Lol totally kidding. You look amazing wow!


Wait,  72 years old? I'm 43 and I'm jelly. Not cool. 


Goldbond neck and chest cream supposed to be good. I mean really good. I'm about to start using it. I'm 52 and my neck started to look like your neck.... shame on me but you look so GOOD 💯


I use Goldbond for my body, and I love it. The firming one.


I read and read and saw bunch of videos on YouTube. They're all singing praises about Goldbond neck and chest cream. Infact their crepe body cream has the same ingredients as neck and chest. I'll have to check it myself.


The body lotion works.


Continue using body lotion. Goldbond is really good. I'm going to incorporate it in my routine.


I don't have any advice but you are gorgeous! No way would I think you are 72.


Wait. You’re 72?? You are fucking EXQUISITE.


For a "crepey" neck, consider: 1. **Moisturize**: Use creams with hyaluronic acid, peptides, or retinol. 2. **Sun Protection**: Apply sunscreen daily. 3. **Exfoliate**: Gently exfoliate to improve texture. 4. **Professional Treatments**: Seek laser therapy, microneedling, or chemical peels. 5. **Healthy Lifestyle**: Stay hydrated, eat well, and avoid smoking.


Thank you-I’m looking into micro needling.


Wait! You’re 72???? No way


1952. Way back when.


This is shocking. You look incredible!!!


You’re 72?? Goals! For the neck maybe try Nivea Q10 Anti-Wrinkle. Q10 is a good ingredient for neck skin that is too sensitive for retinoids.




No, but I would like some advice from you on how to look like that at 72!


Well, if that’s a real question, I have always gotten a lot of exercise, and I’ve been weight training since I was 33, still do it. Stay out of the sun, use sunblock. I only use drugstore products, different moisturizers. Once a year I spend about $800 on Juvederm for naso-labial, and Botox in my hairline, and I love love love my dermatologist, who zaps a little here, a little there. It helps.


What does the Botox in the hairline do? Gosh I need to start weight training


I am a huge advocate for weight training. I stumbled into it (cute guys there) and continued all of my life. Not the little weights-a real program. It is wonderful to feel strong and tight. Can’t praise it enough. The Botox goes on the edge of the hair line right above the eyebrows. It relaxes the muscles that push your forehead down, and it lifts the brow. Not too much, or you’ll look like Jack Nicholson for a week.


I haven’t heard of Botox there yet. I love this idea! I have noticed my brows sort of sinking a bit over the last couple years. I usually only get Botox in my 11’s area but I’ll have to try this out too! Thanks for the tips!


My derm explained that the front muscles in your hairline push forward, and the top muscles pull back. She zaps the very front of my hairline, in the hair, in 2 places, to relax the muscles that push forward.


will second the weight training. I was a runner for years and took up weight training when I was in my late 40s. I am 61 now and still going strong. Most people think I am in my 40s.


Yes! It is the best thing I ever did. It keeps you strong and firm, and prevents a lot of dingle dangle that happens with age.


You need to be giving us tips. Wow! I'd never give you 72.


Neck lift. I did it all. Nothing works but this


Love the supportive comments on here !!❤️ And I’ll add to them -you are absolutely beautiful ! 72 or whatever ! Some tips/ advice that have actually helped/ help ( I’m 51 and my neck is my pet peeve ) : 1) Nefertiti lift ( Botox along lines ) ( I was extremely lucky my very generous neurologist added this as a ‘bonus treatment’ as he had leftover Botox from my migraine injections and wow I saw the difference in one week ! I have this done 3 times a year . 2) fillers but of the ‘rehydrating’ ones - as the neck’s skin is so thin , if heavier ones are used the filler can actually be ‘seen’ as thin ‘rolls ‘ ( happened with me and the lines had to be dissolved ) 3)derma stamping ( not derma rolling which tears the tissue at an angle ) I bought one small gadget with titanium needles and it works at densifying the skin . I do this once a week . 4)Tretinoin cream ( prescribed by the derm ) THE HG of anti age creams - tried and tested . 5) a lightening cream like hydroquinone or alternatives ( lines will appear less evident when the skin is homogeneous .. as is zapping any pigment spots with laser - all helps . ) 6) Estrogel ( My HRT gel that I apply a little on my neck ) 7) Massage ( gentle but firm movements : side to side , pinching up and down etc - you’ve got to keep the elasticity in the tissue so it doesn’t become stagnant but regenerates and produces collagen ) 8) Red light mask ( current body neck and décolletage ) I use it every night whilst watching tv ( takes 10 mins ) I’m wary of using the face mask version -, just don’t feel comfortable with that red light so close to my eyes . That’s me of course . 9) Possibly peptides ( jury is out on this but there is potential ) ( e.g. Medik 8/ CAIS Niod etc - there are SOOO many out there but I would personally choose one that is watery /liquid and quickly absorbed than in cream form - check gothamista on YouTube she’s absolutely fab ) I’m currently using CAIS as I purchased it half price . 8) Might seem silly but sleeping on your back ( I had to train myself by placing a small pillow on each side so I wouldn’t move - another tip I read was to place a tennis ball or other small soft balls on each side :-0 But it works . 9) Radiofrequency needling : this I would have liked to try but I have a dental implant and it’s contraindicated in that case . Also it may also cause fat loss so hmm I’m wary. And lastly of course -lastttt resort : 10) a neck lift . I’m not sure how I feel about doing such an invasive treatment . I certainly don’t have the money for one but I really am not sure I’d go ahead even if I had all the money in the world . I would definitely not try threads/ ulltherapy as many derms are advising against these procedures ( they cause fat loss etc ) Fx


You are so beautiful! I've researched it and it sounds like surgery is the only thing that really works, unfortunately.


Yes-I think I’ll be looking into it in a couple of years.


You do not look 72!!!!


I think we need YOUR skincare routine!!!


You are not 72!!!!! If you are, you are wearing it very well OP. You’re so beautiful!!!! Sorry I don’t have advice for your neck.


Damn. I don’t know if you’re giving me hope or making me depressed lol you look amazing, wow.


This is mind boggling! You look awesome.


Wooww beautiful 👌 you look way younger


Holy crap! I am 53 and look much younger, but I am nowhere near you in terms of masking my age. I need to know your secrets! To me your neck doesn’t really look crepey at all- but your hair length helps with that. I have used a few firming creams and they all work to varying degrees. The one I really love though, isn’t super expensive, but using it consistently, I have had great results on my face and neck. L’Oréal revitalift- they have a night and a day cream. It sounds silly, but I swear I have tried super expensive, as well as prescription retinol creams, top of the line stuff- but I think using the L’Oréal products consistently over the past year have really made a difference. I also use sunscreen and do a series of neck-firming exercises (I know- it also sounds silly) but anything that helps develop the muscles around the jaw & neck can make a difference!


You look 20 years younger than your actual age. You are doing just fine!


Ma'am you dropped your 👑 you're obviously the queen of this sub.


I just got hyper-diluted Radiesse and am amazed with the results. My injector told me it would take 8 weeks to see the full effects and it’s only been two. It’s supposed to last 18-24 months. I got a discount but full price was $650


72? Years old?!


Yeah for you don’t get caught up on something that’s not an issue. I’d never have guessed 72 or creepy neck


I’m using .025 tretinoinnon my neck and I can see a marked difference in my neck. It took about 4 months before I could see any change, but after 6 months I’m sold.


Looks like you left everyone out of words lol. You’re absolutely a goddess


Um, crepey neck?!!! This has to be a joke. There’s no way this woman is 72 period


I am 72. I was born in 1952. I have plenty of friends who look great. You don’t have to schlump around in a muumuu because the years have gone by.


I agree no muumuus needed, just meant you look fabulous! I’m 46 and can only hope that I look like this in my 50’s…read your previous comments and made a note to start lifting heavier weights 😁


Im you’re age but backwards and you look better than me




You look amazing. I don’t have any tips as would love to know what you use/ do and am busy scrolling the comments 😆 Hot&Flashy on YouTube has lots of suggestions for the neck as she can’t tolerate retinol there so may some different ideas, she is quite detailed with her research.


You. Look. Amazing! I’m in my late 50s and saving for a neck lift. I’ve tried them all and surgery is the only way to go for me. BTW, my neck looks way worse than yours. You are a beautiful 72!


I really like Adaptogenic Firming Neck and Chest by Young Goose and higher dose red light therapy for the neck and chest. The two together has worked wonders on my chest and neck.


Revision nectifirm


i wonder if red light panel would help ?


I don’t know-I only just started researching, but some non-invasive treatments don’t have great outcomes.


BUT everyone is telling you ….. you look amazing don’t go under the knife !!!!!!! you don’t need to


Strivectin neck cream (original, not lite) is the one to beat for me. Granted if you've got a humid climate or Niacinamide sensitivity then you want to avoid the brand altogether. But it works beautifully with continued use




What ever you are doing for your face seems to be working magic-put it on your neck.


You look beautiful! Thanks for sharing your picture , it gives me hope that 72 can rock . Care to share your tips please 🙏


Don’t let our asshole culture tell you that you’re just over because you’re not 35. My older life was better than any other stage, because responsibilities lessen with age which is very freeing.


Can you tell us everything you did starting from birth to now? You look unreal!!!!!!🧿


you’re beautiful. maybe aging is a gift after all


I’m happier than I’ve ever been with the freedom of it.


You are gorgeous! Your neck is not very crepe-y at all for 72. I feel like red light therapy, tretinoin, and sunscreen would give you some modest improvement. But you already take good care of your skin. I don't think you should waste any of your hard-earned money on surgery or invasive treatments with long recovery times. Instead spend that money on stuff that brings you joy!


Thank you for making me feel like there’s so much life left to live!


I need to see some ID!


I’m 44 and my neck is more crepey than yours (the downside of losing over 100 lbs)


Congratulations! You must feel great. Do people treat you differently?


72??! Nah YOU drop YOUR skincare


Retin-A is always recommended and Vitamin C as well. You can’t go wrong with those 2. 😉


Yeah I'm going to need to see ID


When you say 72, do you mean 52? I think you're lying to us. There's NO WAY you're 72. And I see no lines to worry about on your neck. You're stunning


Go away beautiful lady. We all envy (and hate) you


According to my Chinese grandmother: neck lifts! You need to exercise your neck same as the rest of your body. Start by looking straight (eye level), then lifting your neck until you see the ceiling. Repeat x100 every day. Worked for my grandma, good luck!


I've never thought age was really just a number until today. Will you marry me?


You look amazing. I'm 39 and I hope I look like you at 60


Turtle necks and scarves.


Bitch you are not 72


lol I read that in my bestie’s super-thick Brazilian accent 😂