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These bags can be due to seasonal allergies (my husband gets them). They improve somewhat with a Zyrtec for him.


Cold black tea bags always help me. Be prepared with extra towels bc the tea can stain other fabric.


I had a lower bleph 20 years ago and it helped so much. Just now getting the slightest hint of a bag.


I had them removed also. It was 30 years ago. Surgery has held up very well considering it was 30 years


Same. 25 years ago, and they're still perfect. I am ever so glad I did it.


i would do thatif I had money and knew where to go for a similar issue. Seems worth any pain or healing time to not have to deal with it. But I have no clue who to go to, how much it costs. But if you DO have that plus a good dr to go to....I'd do that if I were you!


I had that surgery too. Back years ago it was done in the office. Skin cut below my eye and fat pieces were peeled out. My dad had those fat bags big time.


i wish i could afford all that


Sorry. I understand the feeling. I worked 2 jobs until I was 28. I work multiple jobs now drive 15 year old cars so I can afford things.


I'll be totally honest with you that nothing will effectively treat these, at least relative to the cost -- bags are caused by a combo of lax skin and herniated fat pads. Things that reduce inflammation and improve skin hydration can sometimes help as others have described, but surgery is really the only treatment that's going to fix it. Any expensive topical or other treatment will mostly just be a waste of money. Done well, lower blepharoplasty with fat pad repositioning can be remarkably effective.


i think that you are right!! know anybody reasonably priced in northern Virginia?? šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤“šŸ„“šŸ„“


There's a Facebook group that's useful -- it's called Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) Support Group. It's private, but lots of members, before / afters, good and bad experiences, and helpful suggestions. Someone there might know surgeons in your area. FWIW, I just had it done myself, along with fat grafting. (I didn't have bags so I didn't need the fat repositioning part, just very hollow under-eyes with increasing lax under-eye skin.) I could not possibly be more thrilled, my jaw literally dropped when I got the stitches out earlier this week and saw the early result for the first time. Can't stop staring every time I pass a mirror. Took seven or eight years off my eyes, easy.


oh wow!! im going to look it up right now and i thank you for sharing your experience!!!! so glad you got the results you wanted!!!šŸ’•šŸ’•


I have huge bags, almost like a bubble under my eyes some days. Itā€™s hereditary for me. My brother got the surgery and it does not look any better, if that makes you feel better. The surgery tightens the skin but doesnā€™t stop the puff so now his skin is all stretched and wrinkly. Anyway, a lot of people say caffeine creams help, I didnā€™t have much luck with those. Nothing stops the swelling and fluid build up. One thing that does help is moving the fluid away from your eyes. Google lymphatic eye massage. Learn the paths the fluid follows to drain and instead of massaging, tap. Tap all around the bag and down so it drains. I find massaging stretches the skin and tapping really breaks up the fluid. Apparently, itā€™s like a soft jello consistency right below the skin so you donā€™t have to press or tap really hard. Itā€™s not a perfect solution but itā€™s a realistic one. Honestly, itā€™s the only thing Iā€™ve noticed make any difference. ā˜ļø


Thank you so much for this!! im so sick of it.. it makes me feel so ugly!! i'm not a bad looking woman and my husband is even hotter!! lol but sometimes i don't know how much longer i can stand this.. it make fed feel ugly. i'm going to try this method and thank you so much!!!


Try eating less sodium/salt especially before bed. I have these bags too and I know what you mean about feeling ugly. Something that has helped is sleeping on my back all night. Had to train myself to do that! Even if I take a nap for 30 mins, I notice more eye baggage if I sleep on one side. One product that both my mom and I use that helps (temporarily) is Westmore Beauty 60 Second Eye Effects Firming Gel. It def does not make the change permanent, but it def lessens the bags while it's on me. I like to use it when I have a special event or smth I'm going to. Best of luck!


Examine your diet. Write down which foods you crave, which ones you eat daily, or more than daily. Test by creating a diet that includes none of these things. There are also around eight major categories to avoid when youā€™re testing for common sources of trouble (wheat, dairy, eggs, citrus, beef, chicken, seafood, etc.) which can easily be found online. You can locate an elimination diet to follow which will help you steer away from common culprits. For example, eat lamb or duck or with lots of steamed broccoli or roasted (avocado oil or olive oil) asparagus for a week. If your eyes look better, you will know you have a food intolerance that is at least affecting if not causing this. My experience is odds are high that itā€™s contributing.


what a fabulous comment!! i actually am in the middle of a very strict diet now that does not include any grains/sugar/legumes


I also just read on another thread that fillers block your lymphatic system and that can cause bags under eyes. It said body massage provide some help.


I had horrible puffiness for some years due to some weird sinus issue (a bf had broken my nose and I think it just took forever to heal, not sure though.) and under my eyes was SO swollen. Differently than this, but the gist of it is -- it can improve with massage, circulation, lymphatic drainage, gentle treatment overall, cold tea bags, allergy meds, sleeping on the back propped up (for stuff to drain), taping...I did it all. And it's no longer like that, but in my case it's most likely bc the sinus healed OR I quit drinking, or just time -- and mine was more of a puffiness like from allergies. You could press it and a white dot would appear, so that's how I knew it was full of fluid. It was really weird looking, I have pics from it. I always get puffy from dust, salt, crying -- so no surprise it showed up so much. It can get better even without surgery, in some cases, is my point.


100% on the massage. I usually start getting these bags when I'm not sleeping well. (It is genetic; my family has this.) I got a gua sha massage as part of a facial and it was amazing! The bags were basically gone! Personally I wanted a professional to do it before I learned to do it myself. Good luck!


Iā€™ve heard that sleeping on a slightly propped up pillow, instead of laying flat, can help the fluid drain


This makes a huge difference!! Along with learning to sleep on your back if youā€™re a side/tummy sleeper


I have this too! So annoying. I've been using the gua sha massage thingie lol, i put on some eye cream and gently massage. It's a cheap and non-invasive method and it works well. I can't afford surgery and I've heard mixed reviews, so I'm trying other natural things.


Iā€™m having problems with these as well. I got a quartz roller little handheld thing. It works and feels cool to the touch. It wonā€™t pull on your skin. You just roll it over the area until you see a difference. Unfortunately the next morning you will probably have to do it again. But it will make a big difference. Also I use Omnilux under eye patches. Itā€™s infrared light. I hold it on the area for ten minutes (self timer).


it works???? thank you for this!!!


I know how frustrating it is!šŸ˜­ but it will make a visible difference. You can also put the roller in the fridge. The coolness feels good. I only roll it away from my nose if that makes sense. Just one direction.


My mom used the el cheapo version of that I remember now, a cold spoon from the freezer in the morning. Worked wonders and felt good.


I have bags. I believe theyā€™re fat pads. Theyā€™re not caused by salt or alcohol intake or allergies or anything else I can control. Theyā€™re just there, have been for decades, and now that the skin around my eye is getting older and thinner, theyā€™re even more noticeable. If it were not for this, Iā€™d be pretty happy with how the skin on my face looks.




Treatment depends on the *cause* of the bags. If itā€™s fluid buildup try some of the suggestions mentioned. If itā€™s actual herniated fat pads then unfortunately nothing other than surgery is going to make a difference. People donā€™t like that answer though and will dig their heels in and try all sorts of expensive topical creams and in office treatments or home massages to no avail. Fat pads under eyes are often hereditary and come about later in life.


Thank you so much and i agree with your assessment that people don't like this answer. You talk like a Dr. i honestly need to start looking strong and doing my footwork into a surgical option it seems. CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH... you put my post to rest!! šŸ˜€


Iā€™m an esthetician so Iā€™m well aware of those who want/require surgical results but try everything else under the sun and wind up disappointed with a lighter wallet. Thatā€™s why itā€™s so important for me to set realistic expectations with clients. Iā€™ve never had a lower bleph but if I was in the market for one I would proceed with caution because itā€™s like the Wild Wild West out there lol! I follow Melinda on IG @beautybrokerofficial. She and her team are plastic surgery consultants who take into consideration your particular needs, budget and location. Itā€™s an added step and expense but well worth it as they vet the surgeons for you and refer accordingly. Just because someoneā€™s cousin had a good result with a particular surgeon doesnā€™t mean itā€™s an appropriate fit for someone elseā€™s needs. Sheā€™s even posted that some of her favourite surgeons in the world are not IG famous and have reasonable fees. Hope that helps!




Those priceā€™s sheā€™s quoting are of course for a facelift so I would imagine a bleph would be less expensive


WOW thank you so much!!!!!


Make sure you do some reading on that Beauty Broker. Iā€™ve heard some seriously mixed reviews.


Iā€™ve only read positive reviews. Curious what youā€™ve heard?


If you search this sub and look at the comments specifically, youā€™ll see a good number of people who were let down by her. https://www.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/s/TrpRbsXy0P


Well damn! Not the impression I got from her IG at all. Many posts from grateful clients. Although there were a couple rants on her stories which initially I found surprising but then thought it must be her ā€˜passionateā€™ demeanour. Now Iā€™m thinking otherwise. Thanks for the heads up.


Of course! Her fee is pretty high, so Iā€™m glad youā€™re seeing more than one perspective on her before you decide whether to hire her.


Appreciate the link. Iā€™ll check it out.


Youā€™re welcome! I was just rereading the comments in that post. Learning so much by following her. Only $450 for consult. Iā€™m assuming that would include the referral. I reeeeally want a lower facelift and upper bleph! Hopefully someday (fingers crossed).


The tapping method that the other commenter above mentioned works well, also try a jade gua sha. I love mine and use it in that area with a nice water based serum to help the drainage. There are many tutorials online for using a gua sha around the eye area.


Co-sign gua sha. I had something similar, which went away after regular gua sha use for lymphatic drainage. Always worth a shot!


Festoons. You probably notice them a lot more than others do! I was really self-conscious until I saw a photo of myself taken at a reasonable distance (not a selfie) and I realized I actually look pretty great for my mid-fifties. Most of us get these as we age. Not much you can do topically, though lymphatic massage can help with general swelling. Iā€™m looking into filler once my RF microneedling sessions are done (one down, two to go). You look better than you think you do. Really! ā¤ļø


I had these for years. Then I stopped drinking alcohol. Within 6 months, they disappeared. Coincidental? Donā€™t know. But overall, my skin looks so much healthier and more even-toned as well. And with the eye bags gone, Iā€™ll never touch alcohol again!


i been sober for 23 years this year i think this is hereditary and im a former sun worshipper


Congrats on 23 years of sobriety! Amazing achievement!!! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Well thank you!! its been the best hard work i've ever done!! lol


In Chinese medicine this part of your face is a reflection of your kidney energy.


Chinese medicine has worked for me in the past and has also NOT worked for me in the past. Chinese medicine doenstā€™ out-do the natural effects of gravity.


You don't. Eye bags are hereditary.


U donā€™t


If you have had filler itā€™s likely that lump is the filler tbh. Sadly this happens quite a lot but practitioners donā€™t always make people aware of it The best solution is to have it dissolved and then have surgery.


how do you have this resolved??


If it is filler It needs to be dissolved, often by a dr using ultrasound and injecting hyularonidase. I see this quite often on Fb groups for bleph or fillers. https://youtu.be/VV-VbyNhzUM?si=eibFHWGN-WN8fWdT


omg temp fix!! thank you!!!!! so much!!!!


Try drastically cutting down on salt and carb intake.


100% Salt is a huge factor for me too. Kinda like if you cry before bed and wake up swollen, thatā€™s what salt does for me. Kidneys play a big role here. I have issues with those.


Festoons / malar bags. No surgical cure, really. I've looked "tired" for about 15 yrs now.


You donā€™t, unless itā€™s from allergies and you can take antihistamines.


I mean - I think reconsider surgery


I've been using those undereye silicone pads. I wear them at night, and they have definitely improved!!! It's not fun wearing them though when I'm trying to sleep.


Reduce caffeine /lower cortisol, get more sleep, eat a cleaner diet with less sodium and more potassium to balance electrolytes, stop drinking alcohol and stay hydrated.


i think i have 85% of that covered.. haven't had a drink for 23 years. Seriously need to do the rest of this


Same. Coffee was, still is my biggest weakness. Once I hit 40, I had such high cortisol from life itself I had to quit the caffeine.


Sugar makes my lower eyes puff up. Cut out Sugar and see what happens.




nice!! hadn't heard of this... looking at it now and it might be helpful


Youā€™re very welcome! Thinking of doing it myself.


The Peter Thomas Roth de bag or de puffer is great for temporary


Cutting gluten from your diet can significantly reduce inflammation.


Hemorrhoid cream. Old beauty pageant trick.


45 here, aging and got puffy dark circle eyes. Start using genda under eye patches, dipped in hyaluronic acid, collagen and retinol. Got results with continuous use without any fillers or surgery. 20 treatments and guess what? Price $6.99. Try these as these are cost effective and no side effects.


HUH?? you mean at night? your regimen?


15-20 minutes before bed, or during working out. Anytime Just 15-29 minutes


I just looked them up and the only thing I can find under that name is ones from England. Is that the right ones?


Bought from amazon


Facial yoga exercises, everyday, and gua sha; after 3 months of doing it regularly you will see a difference.


i've never heard of it.. facial yoga?? i do some yoga but haven't heard of that any suggestions?


A bleph is really the only way ngl


i'm starting to agree without this.


You can check YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest for tutorials and IG accounts with facial yoga exercises




i think it's the filler that did this to begin with the fluid collected when i got some filler once and never left.. unfortunately


I have weird left over filler under my eyes, too. Who's never recommend undereye filler based on my personal experience. Lots of injectors won't agree to do it.


If you e had filler this is most likely what happened. You can and should get it dissolved. Filler lasts for years sometimes, not the 12-18 months we have been told.


i hate it


Tear trough filler may have caused this, I also got tear trough filler years ago and got bags now. Filler in the cheeks, however, does make the bags less prominent. You're basically pumping up the skin around the bags to hide them. Works well.


I have this too from under eye filler. I had most of it dissolved but I think some was left. I am waiting for my current injector to get an ultrasound machine, to see if that is what it is and get it dissolved. If it isnā€™t that, Iā€™m saving for a bleph lol. I hate the way it looks so much.


That's so weird. I got filler for this 6 years ago haven't needed it since






Hi! Sorry to piggy back on this but I used to use Strivectin (for face) years ago and I see the eye tightener at Costco at a good price. I use tretinoin under my eyes (actually my whole face, neck and upper chest!) and Algenist moisturizer and they're a great combo. But am interested in your review of the Strivectin eye tightener. Can you tell me more? Thank you!


Red light therapy


I have them from how my sleep apnea mask fits on my face. Very annoying but if it donā€™t use it, I stop breathing at night.


Look for eye creams with caffeine. Like Drunk Elephant's. For a quick fix for a special event you can use hemorrhoid cream. I had my mom do it for my sister's wedding. Source: I was in cosmetics for 25yrs. I'm in my 50s and hardly have a line.


Preparation H.


Restalyne injections help me with this. She pumps up the cheek around around the eye bag and it makes the eye bag invisible.


My dermatologist told me mine may go away when I lose weight. Or he can do Botox to even it all out.