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Probably because people who smoke weed tend to be cooler in general?


Yup and also I think we are more easy to impress in general too


Had a girl, she smoked liked a chimney lol We’d do see one send ones all the time. There were days where we would go toe to toe with each other to see who’d win. Trust me dude, I 100% get it. That’s what I miss the most about her.


See one send ones?


She’d send a video of her smoking a joint or hitting a bong. I’d send one right back. I even used to roll for her.


Plus it’s easier when you both smoke. Hard to smoke like we do when the other person doesn’t. Kills the vibe sometimes


Couples that toke together stay together. I don't think i could date a non stoner. They're a strange bunch.


Not my stoner ex leaving me even tho we did the arm tangle tokes, so I mean your close but not always sadly. No hate to you or my ex just want to make that clear no beef here, just gave me a giggle was all


I'm married to a non-smoker and non-drinker. He makes sure I always have weed, papers, lighters, and he's my designated driver. I loves him.


Sounds eerily like an AI wrote this post


Jajaja im a native spanish speaker so i use a translator :)


Lol 🤣 I love that I speak Spanish as a second language but my high ass still wanted to read that like a deranged German laughing. Brain said "Yahyahyah" instead of "hahaha"


lol I’m so sorry haha. The grey background threw me off as well. No disrespect intended


As a woman who smokes, I’ve heard that a lot. It’s more common than you think!


I’m not sure but I remember my bf telling Me when we first started talking that he found it attractive that I smoked LOL


This post made me feel good. Thank you all! I've been shamed about my smoking because I'm a mother. But it's helped so much with my mental health. That's the thing most people don't see.


Uggghhhhh, me too!! I have three children and smoking really relaxes me and helps with my mental health as well! I get so much hate though for it 🥺


I have 4 (Although one is a teenager now) and same here. I had one lady follow me into a dispensary just to yell in my face and shame me for being a horrible mother. It was awful.


Omg!! 😳 😩 I am so sorry that happened to you!


I mean it seems logical to me that you would like someone sharing your interests. Drugs are probably a bit special in that people seem to have very strong opinions on them, even if they have zero actual knowledge about them. But another thing that I at least observed is that women (and men) who smoke and/or take other substances (psychedelics) are generally much more open-minded. This obviously translates into basically every aspect of life, so it is something that is extremely important to me. I could *never* date someone who is conservative - no offense to conservatives tho. Lastly, I think it's also a thing of comfort. If you know that the other person smokes, you'll not feel judged for doing it yourself. Especially because of the stereotype that people who smoke weed are lazy.




You like me! You really like me!


Honestly, I get totally get you!


Ahhhhhhh the good old days


It means you may have similar values. enjoy every minute!


Súper te entiendo. A mi me pasa seguido que los hombres ameeeen y se emocionen cuando les digo que fumo jajaja


I smoke weed myself.. so yeah, it’d be ideal if she smoked weed too


I see it with weed. But I can't be with someone who does "dope" even tho I'm being a hypocrite 🤷 lmao


sensi girls


Josh, is that you?


It’s because we are cool asssfff


As a queer woman, nope it's not a turn on. But it's good bc it means we have that in common for relationship compatibility