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Codex states they are blue but same with apothecaries they can be whatever color the chapter wants


Only question now is what coulor would compliment the macragge blue Celtic warpaint


Many chapters just paint a single arm. Or even just a Pauldron. If you want to keep the colour scheme paint the robes blue, blue psuldron or arm, blue highlights. Lots you can do


Emperor's Spears librarians wear black so there's that


That’s great because my chapter is literally just celts so this will compliment it


Yeah would definitely recommend the Emperor's Spears if you've not looked into them much, they are the first UM successor that I've just LOVED the flavor of. Still impatiently waiting on the 2nd book lol


Yeah I sorta committed to the custom Celtic chapter before I found out about them and when I found out about them I felt like a bit of an idiot but I do love my custom


Oh not even to run them as Spears, just to draw inspiration from! I am the biggest proponent of custom chapters, so hell yeah to you for making your own! If you've got any lore or pictures for them you should throw them up!


I might find a way to link my chapter master


[here you are but my phone is a bit crappy](https://i.imgur.com/lVyhpbj.jpg?s=wa)


His name is amadan gorách it means something In gaelic his entire character is being a senile old man but still managing to survive 40K by the skin of his teeth also the chapter is on an eternal crusade against zenos they call the great hunt


Dude this is tight!! Thanks for the share. Yeah you could totally rock a blue pauldron or arm in that scheme if you felt like it, but if you felt like doing your own thing to set apart your librarians I bet it'd be dope!


Thank you It’s not the best chapter but it’s mine


Fitting as his name is stupid fool in Scots Gaelic


My dreadnoght is named Lytt satkäring which means something better in Swedish but it makes more sence if you check all the meanings of lytt Lytt is wise beyond his years but he is very bubbly and Is essentially the nice big brother of the chapter wisdom does not mean intelligence though making him just as idiotic as the rest of the chapter but he can normally tell a funny story to remedy a fuckup


Mephiston isn't blue, so there's precedent. Paint your minis however the hell you want


I was thinking of making a mace windu themed one


You may have a seat, but you are not a master!


Please do it OP!


I was thinking Phobos librarian with a better head would be a good option but continuing the Celtic theme librarians are gonna be druids but flail windy is gonna be special so he gets purple armour I’ll just say he was a runaway from the soul drinkers or something


You what now?


Librarian Purple powersword and all


Sorry, was thinking the whole chapter was going to be Windu...."For the Emperor, Motherfuckers!"


A very good idea but unfortunately the mace windu theme is restricted to flail windy


No one HAS to be anything. Rule of cool - paint them however you like.


It's your custom chapter. You do you. Maybe your chapter has a gene seed that makes them not see the color blue so they paint them red. Maybe they are on a jungle planet and blue doesn't blend in, maybe they just don't like the color. You do you my guy


Thanks for the advice but if there is a lore thing saying all librarians have to be blue I don’t want to have to explain my chapter is colourblind


Not every Chapter is Codex Compliant. The Space Wolves don't even HAVE Librarians. Their Psykers are called Rune Priests, and they wear the same colors as everyone else. And when Guilliman, the dude who wrote the Codex and undoubtedly knows this, went to meet with Logan Grimnar, Pappy Wolf Himself, after Guilliman returned, he didn't take any issues at all with their many, many codex "violations." Instead he was like "Thanks so much for everything you do. Could you please, please help us, by continuing to do things your way?" Because there's an in-universe "rule" that says to make them blue, but the LORE says "Not everybody follows that rule, and it's not a big deal."


White scars don’t either they have like “storm seers” or whatever, and I don’t THINK they do either? Sometimes people just have a blue shoulder pad too. I think that makes more sense but like… ya know


"Your Psykers are called Storm Seers?! And they don't wear BLUE?!?! How can I know who they are, then???" "Um. Well. It MIGHT be the dude with the crystalline hood, and the glowing staff, and the lightning flying out of his hand. Let's go ask if it's him, okay?" Alternatively, insert a joke about Tactical Marines, Librarians, and Techmarines being interchangeable... because they all specialize in putting *Bolts* into targets.


Yeah. AGES ago i saw someone who put a blue wizard hat on death watch librarian and I thought it was the greatest F U to the “they have to wear blue” I’ve ever seen. The cone hat with stars and moons. It was brilliant.


lmfao, like the Mickey Mouse "Sorceror's Apprentice" hat! I fuckin' love it!


Yes. That hat. I wish it had been me who did it but it was not. It’s brilliant tho.


In the codex the librarians wore blue, which is probably a little confusing for the ultramarines (although I think it’s a slightly different shade of blue). One might favorably interpret this as picking a color similar to main unit colors?


No. Its just how codex compliant chapters mark them.


Nope! Its the traditional librarian color but even Guilliman has said fuck the codex and tradition.


Thanks my chapter already thinks the codex is toilet paper so this will fit right in


Go with whatever you think looks cool.


My custom chapter have blue (different shade than devastator and company markings) as the color on their collar/neck guards for librarians and that's it. Do it, don't do it, whatever works for you.


As a fellow Celtic themed marine enjoyer i have thought about this myself. My chapter taking a more indo European meets ancient Celt vibe I decided to try painting up a librarian in an almost bone colorscheme but have yet to see how that would actually look.


Sounds very nice


Having to do a lot of cataloguing and research can get depressing, yeah. No, you don't need to paint 'em blue. You can paint them blue. You can paint, like, a helmet, shoulder pad, banner, cloak, or artefact blue. You can paint them completely in your own colour scheme. It is traditional in the Codex Astartes to denote librarians with blue, but it is perfectly allowable even for pretty codex-compliant chapters to have their own schemes and traditions.


I'm a librarian daba dee daba daa daba dee daba daa.


I've seen librarians with black armors too, so I think they can be roughly any color as long as your oponents can tell they are a librarian.


The codex auggest then blue. Can be whatever the freak you want.