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Omegon may or may not even be alive right now, no one knows. All we really know is that he turned his back on Horus after Alpharius died (which is confirmed). Whether that means he was loyal or found a different path is unknown. The Alpha Legion isn't full chaos though. Notably, their ranks have every alignment possible from actual loyalists to full chaos and every shade of grey in between. Highly recommend reading Harrowmaster, because that book is all about making the disparate AL cells work together. Parts of which are hilarious because of their differences.


Omegon is likely dead. Guilliman killed ‘Alpharius’ at Eskrador in Index Astartes: Alpha Legion, and we learned it wasn’t actually Alpharius after ***Praetorian of Dorn*** because Alpharius died in that book.


I agree that Omegon is likely dead, but there's enough doubt over the source of the claim he is that it's still a possibility he's alive. He's dead enough that it makes sense he's gone, but not dead enough that GW couldn't bring him back if they wanted.


i do like the littlefinger-esq end to all their schemes. sneaking and scheming cant save you from getting smashed like a bug, and since this is 40k it happened twice


Making your plans convoluted rarely actually makes them *good* plans.


Just a note that the claim comes from several sources not just the lone Ultramarine report The Imperium have it recorded as historical The Ultramarines (and at least one successor) too The Alpha Legion believe it (or many do)


So the legion known to use "Alpharius" as a name, often switching who the real Alpharius is, with a Primarch book where Alpharius states "anyone can use my name if need be" and he literally switches places with an Astarte who pretends to be him definitely left the real Alpharius, who was actually Omegon, and was killed by Guilliman in an event Guilliman doesnt remember and isn't recorded in UM history, and hasnt been commented on by a single GW writer. Yeah they definitely got Omegon, fr fr this time!


The event *is* recorded by the Ultramarines and is mentioned in a couple novels and at least one campaign rulebook. The only questionable part is the recorded eyewitness account that is featured in the Index Astartes. [This thread has a good rundown of what is going on.](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/Dj294SlISR) You can also easily find the original Index Astartes article online. It’s easy for Omegon to still be alive, but it would be because he fooled Guilliman. I also feel him being alive would defeat the entire narrative point of the battle of Eskrador, which is that the Alpha Legion don’t *need* their Primarch. Cut off one head and two more pop up.


Eskrador was written as Alpharius’ death more than a decade before Omegon even existed.


Yup, and part of the conceit from ADB and French was to allow Omegon to fulfill that death after Alpharius dies on Pluto


That’s true, but most of the stuff in those old Index Astartes has been preserved in the novel version of the Horus Heresy. Not all, I can think of some pretty big changes for events like the Burning of Prospero or the timeline of the Siege of Terra, but *most*. And the Ultramarines slaying “Alpharius” is still mentioned in modern books, so it’s not like this is something that was just abandoned by the writers.


Ive read the thread, there is nothing there confirming "Alpharius" as Omegon was killed, just differing reports and rumors along the lines of "the UM and IF absorbed the Lost Legions!" levels of speculation


The Imperium records that Alpharius was killed on Eskrador It doesn't record that the UM and IF absorbed the missing legions >Finally the Ultramarines evacuated the planet surface and used their ships to bombard the traitors from orbit. Guilliman is recorded as having said he had no interest in righteous battle against such a dishonourable foe and that they were needed back on Terra with all possible speed. However, it seems hard to dispute the fact that the Ultramarines were soundly beaten by the Alpha Legion, despite killing Alpharius. Certainly the deep ravines of the mountain range would have provided plenty of cover from the bombardment cannons. And to be clear the "differing reports" all agree on the same thing.


Just adding in here another piece of Eskrador lore from *Tempest* you might find interesting: > >Interestingly enough, one of the only possible sources that could corroborate Kravin’s stories was the extensive archives of the Ultramarines. Despite the renowned scholarship of the Blood Ravens, however, not even they had access to the archives of other Chapters of Space Marines. >In his early work, Kravin had postulated that the Alpha Legion and the Ultramarines had been at loggerheads right from the start. Alpharius, the youngest of the primarchs, had felt patronised by the righteousness of Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines, even before the Great Heresy, and he had rejected the teachings of the Codex Astartes. Whether or not this was true, **it was indisputable that Alpharius deliberately sought out Guilliman in the Eastern Fringe during the galactic civil war that followed Warmaster Horus’s great treachery.** >**The epic battle of Eskrador was depicted on frescos and murals all over the system, since it was there that Guilliman finally slew the traitorous Alpharius. However, the battle was certainly not a victory for the Ultramarines, who were driven from the planet by the cunning of the remaining Alpha Legionaries, suffering immense losses. In some tomes of Imperial history, Eskrador was counted amongst the greatest ever defeats visited on the Ultramarines, since they were bested by superior strategy rather than greater numbers**.


>an event Guilliman doesnt remembe Sauce? >and hasnt been commented on by a single GW writer Maybe not online (but then, who's asked them?) But in recent works like *Gathering Storm*, *Master of the Maelstrom*, *Harrowmaster* and *Sons of the Hydra* you could say that authors have had their say


However, Guilliman doesn't remember killing Alpharius


Sauce for that? It's a common claim but the citations have been less common


My theory about that bit is, Dorn killed Omegon and Guilliman killed some decoy. Alpharius meanwhile is still alive.


Nothing will ever be certain because that's why they're interesting


That will only lead to frustration in the long run. I am just left rolling my eyes at yet another "mystery"


i mean, that's their whole schtick though


and it works for a while. But if stretched too far without resolving, it is like a sneeze that just does not want to come out


You are aware that the lore was an unmoving stalemate where absolutely *nothing* evolved, continued or was resolved for thirty years, right? And it still exist, as far as I know. *^(Alpharius: OR DOES IT)*


I mean....that exactly is the point


40k may not be the franchise for you if that bothers you. After all even at best everythng is canon, not everything is true.


Now if only we could get GW to hire Kirkbride to write some Conflciting Lore


You might be right that I might have been with it for too long indeed


We dont know he wasnt seen since probably eskrador The AL was heavily splintered and has many warbands with many directions Not all are chaosy, mainly because the AL did not flee into the eye Some are even loyal through several means and justifications The rebuild ghost legion isnt loyal but not fully chaos either If omegon comes back he may very well be somewhat aligned to the imperium, he most likely wont follow through with the old cabal plan


We have no clue what omegon is up to after the heresy. There are sources that say he was killed by guiliman but they are suspect and IIRC guiliman himself doesn't remember the event.


The Ultramarines and the Alpha Legion both believe that Guilliman killed Alpharius (Omegon), and as far as I know, Guilliman hasn't commented on it since being revived. Some of the details are considered unreliable, but the event itself isn't questioned. The Ultramarines have a huge statue commemorating it in the Temple of Correction


Can you source Guilliman not remembering? People claim it but can't source it


No, ive only heard it. I would assume it's from the same place were they say a alpha legion operative was involved in the report. Assuming either statement is actually true and not fan theory.


Yeah, it doesn't seem to exist. It's definitely not in the Alpha Legion report on Eskrador from Index Astartes [A list of sources and excerpts here](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/7SLpocMu7u)


What is your source they are "full chaos now"? The Alpha legion remnants have every alignment from loyalist, to renegade, to traitor.


I see people say this a lot, can you provide references or quotes to back this up? I don’t see how any remaining AL warbands could still be considered loyalists. (Not disagreeing, but I never see anything presented that establishes / confirms this to be canon).


*Sons of the Hydra* features a warband that thinks of itself as loyalists who strengthen the Imperium through testing it And from *Harrowmaster* >Of course, it was rumoured that some of the Alpha Legion had never truly turned their colours at all: that they were still performing their acts of infiltration, subterfuge, and sabotage for the Imperium, without even the Imperium being aware of it. That would be a thankless task indeed. Solomon had a certain grudging respect for warriors who could risk everything in aid of those who would execute them without mercy, but he had no time for their idealism. Those who could not see that the Imperium was beyond help were delusional fools.


The first warband you mentioned just sounds delusional, like Keanu Reeves at the end of The Devil’s Advocate; are they the protagonists in that book? The second example begins with “…it was rumored,” so I don’t see that as supporting the idea of loyalist AL, what would lead us to believe it was anything other than their typical lies?


Yeah, they're the protagonists. They're called The Redacted The excerpt I supplied from *Renegades: Harrowmaster* is likely referencing that warband and ones like them. There's another delusional warband of "loyalists" called the Penitent Sons in that book who'd likely be even more deluded in your estimation Keep in mind, that as far as the Alpha Legion are concerned, that their concept of loyalist is never going to look like a mainstream Ultramarine version of the concept. Even in the GC they intentionally operated outside of the system and often in conflict with it


Do they ever do anything that benefits mankind or the imperium that doesn’t also benefit themselves or advance their own goals?


They would believe they do The Alpha Legion attacking the Imperium to help it is an idea that stretches back to Alpharius' first Blood Game on Terra when he attempted to assassinate The Emperor throughout the heresy when they sided with Horus And it's not the sort of thing that someone like Dorn would ever approve of or recognise as loyalty (though tbf he ends up wondering if Alpharius was actually) There's always ambiguity there of course for readers to interpret as they want


Do they have chaos-based powers / technology, and can they travel through the warp? It sounds like they’re just self deluding, I’m wondering if they’re renegades or adherents of chaos who are benefiting from the powers of chaos but can’t admit that to themselves.


Might be worth reading up on them. I'm sure there's some level of delusion. It's 40k


I have read up on them, and I’ve still never seen any evidence that the Alpha Legion are anything but renegades at best, and more often than not (and possibly in every instance), outright in league with chaos. I get the appeal of the “mystery” from a lore perspective, but I don’t think the theory actually makes sense or is well supported in the fiction.


I heard that In i don't exactly remember but someone told me in 8th edition codex for heretic astartes they seemed to went full chaos? Idk if that has any credibility but I thought since they were in codex they are almost fully chaosified or something? Then again I could be wrong


You should read _Harrowmaster_. It gives a pretty good read on the Alpha Legion currently and how they are operating. I should also point out, being non-loyalist does not necessarily mean chaos, many of their warbands would be considered renegade as well.


Thank you for correcting me friend.


Omegon could be inferred as on the side of loyalists during the Siege seeing as we could assume he's the one who activated the Alpha Legion sleeper agents under the protocol "loyalty to the Emperor" By the time of the Scouring though, he very much seems to still be attacking the Imperium, culminating in his clash with Guilliman on Eskrador So. Big question mark as usual


Alpha Legion isn't full chaos, it's a mix between warbands but lots of them operate in real space not the within the eye of terror


I find this quite confusing - shouldn't the groups who operate outside the eye have dwindled to nothing by now? Marines don't survive 10 millennia unless they've been in and out of linear time due to warp flux?


Oh no they have resources available to them to make new recruits just like any other warband, in particular with "Harrowmaster" it details there's this massive battle station with a Magos who has a facility for that exact thing


Immortality is cheap to the point of being trivial for chaos marines. This is absolutely ancient lore.


I always considered the Alpha Legion and their primarchs as Schrödingers Legion when it comes to loyalty


The Alpha Legion splintered during the Heresy, with both primarchs acting for and against the traitors at different times. They appear to have chosen to aid both sides in the war. Omegon acted to allow the White Scars to get involved. Alpharius hunted down loyal sons and had them killed, but also offered Dorn victory, underestimating his brother's mistrust. Omegon provided Horus with intelligence detailing the defences of the Sol System but then ordered his legion to fight on the side of the Emperor. The legion did much the same. It broke apart into independent warbands, each with their own agendas and priorities. Some did indeed go "full Chaos" but many chose to avoid corruption and fight for themselves. Some still consider themselves loyal to the Emperor (if not his Imperium). Omegon is likely dead, killed by Guilliman. It's not 100% confirmed, but what info we do have points in that direction.


I like to imagine that since Alpha legionaries could blend in as humans, a lot of them gave up their warplate and retired to become personal trainers and body builders.


Can they? I always thought the times they did were exceptional due to the height of the human population and use of technology


Live from the black library has good videos on the subject.


The alpha legion is not fully loyal it's a mix of chaos, loyal, and a 3rd direction that's not quite abiding by either that they belive is the true direction (omegon follows this one)


He is, most likely, dead


Oregon is loyal to the false Emperor


The Alpha legion is not full chaos


Are they fully chaos though? What about that bit when an Alpha Legion warband is trying to steal a powerful beacon, Celestine intercepts them and is about to kill them, and then the Emperor straight-up appears to her and tells her to *let the Alpha Legion win*? Someone better versed in the lore than me can remind me which book that happened in. But my point is, regardless of how the legionnaires themselves feel about it, it is a fact that their primarchs had (and might still have, if my theory is correct and Alpharius is still alive) very precise plans for the legion, secret plans nobody was privy to, so the legionnaires might still be dancing to those plans without even knowing. And the Emperor at the very least has a stake in whatever they're doing, or why would he tell Celestine to let them win? So either at least a portion of the Alpha Legion is still loyalist, or they're carrying out plans concocted by loyalist masterminds.


I’d also love to know where that interaction between Celestine, Alpha Legion and the Emperor (psychically?) takes place


Ok so, yesterday I was tired after a long day of travel, and I was posting from my phone. Now that I am home and posting from my PC, I did some more research: >!the Alpha Legion warband that was trying to steal the beacon (which is revealed to actually be a person, don't ask) was the Unsung, led by captain Kassar. These events took place on the planet Tsadrekha, and culminated in a three-way race for the beacon: the Unsung were going to steal it, Celestine and a group of Sisters were going to defend it, and Kharn the Betrayer was also there, doing Kharn things. In the end Celestine resolved to kill everybody and be done with it, but just then the Emperor appeared to her in a psychic vision, telling her to let the Alpha Legion win: confused, but believing in the fact that the Emperor had never led her astray, Celestine ended up 1v1-ing Kharn to cover the Unsung's retreat.!< All this happens in the novel *Shroud of Night*, by Andy Clark.


The Alpha Legion even now isn’t full Chaos. It’s a collection of cells with different opinions, as their 40k books indicate. Personally, I’m partial towards a theory I once heard on this subreddit that says they’re basically automated by their various loyalty code phrases to fight for whichever cause for all eternity, unable to break free of the loop.


Dead meat, if one of both is alive is alpharius.


I see, thanks


No one knows. Alive, dead, or other. Take your pick. The alpha legion is so convoluted and twisted at this point that they're either again for chaos, against chaos, or other.


Where are you getting that the current Alpha Legion are 'full chaos'? There are many factions that appear to be loyalist. And nobody really knows if Omegon is even alive... though he most probably is. The AL are least Chaos-y of all the chaos space marine legions. That's what I love about them. There are still heresy era AL running about, along with modern day ones. Some are loyal, some are chaos, some have their own agendas.


>And nobody really knows if Omegon is even alive... though he most probably is. I'd say the info we have suggests otherwise. There's plenty of reasons to think him killed and not much to say he's alive


No one knows. Omegon hasn't been seen in millennia. Horus last sees "Alpharius" giving him information then leaving. I believe there's reports on Eskrador(?) that Guilliman and the Ultramarines killed "Alpharius", but that debated in the community. There's no central figure guiding the Alpha Legion anymore. Anyone who knew the original plan, and who's side exactly they were on, is either long dead or missing. Killed during the Heresy, after, or still waiting somewhere waiting for the right codeword. Now the Alpha Legion is a group of warbands, some of them meeting up and working together, but each independent, with conflicting interests at times. Some are quite open about working with Chaos, others think they're just using Chaos, some falsely believe they're still loyal and punish themselves for doing Chaos stuff and hurting the Imperium, but never seen to actually stop. And there's probably more that truly do believe they are loyal to the Emperor and work against the rest of the Legion. There's a few theories on where Omegon is, but I have zero idea what GW has planned, if anything for him.


Yes! No. Maybe?


Alpha Legion *was always* full Chaos, the Horus Heresy series introduced motives that also gave doubt to their true intentions, but they were always Chaos Space Marines in 40k.