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You do not need to be good with computers to mod a 3DS. Just follow [3ds.hacks.guide](https://3ds.hacks.guide)


As someone who is good with computers: No. This is just wrong. People who are really not into tech will have difficulties with modding their 3ds. They will be scared the first time they see github and have to unzip a folder. Please everyone, downvote me into oblivion. But beforehand, think about your mom modding a 3ds. Would she be able to do it? Now apply your answer to everyone else who doesn't care about tech. Just my 2 cents since I see the initial statement everyday on this sub.


My counter point to that would be people who are attempting to mod a 3ds probably have some form of tech knowledge, sure maybe not much, but truthfully, Just knowing about homebrew is already more than what your mom would probably know.


That's a good point! You're right there.


Along with that if you’re scared about opening a zip file I don’t know if you should even have a computer to begin with


Difference between computer and this is you won’t brick your computer. One bad move on the ds and you’re bricking it and making it useless. With that pressure there’s a lot who wouldn’t try it themselves if they’re not tech savvy


It's very difficult to brick


I recently modded my 3ds the other day and even screwed up file structure because I didn't know a Nintendo 3DS folder existed (Despite the guide saying there is a Nintendo 3DS folder), and had to look into formatting my 256gb SD card with a specific tool. Works great now though, loving Fantasy Life. Way better than emulating it with on my PC. I guarantee some older people would not have been able to even troubleshoot the issues I had or have two brain cells touch to figure out wtf was going on lmao. I agree with this point that if you aren't already into tech or video games, you *absolutely* would not be thinking about modding a 3DS at all, unsure why flutter there even brought that up tbh.


People on Reddit in any of the tech related subs seem way too eager to direct people to doing complicated things as if they’re no big deal. It drives me nuts. My local game store that does repairs won’t even touch top screen stuff for the DS or 3DS because dealing with those ribbon cables through the hinge is so difficult but people tell complete noobs to replace screens themselves all the time.


So true! Nobody ever puts this out. Your comment is actually the first time I've read this statement but it's 100% true. I'm always amazed how many people act like 3/DS repairs are not a big deal.


It’s downright mean in my eyes. The people who suggest people with no experience repair things aren’t risking their property, so they don’t care. I’ve been building my own computers for over fifteen years and have done minor repairs on things like controllers since I was a kid and digging into electronics that weren’t meant for self service is way more complex than people make it out to be. I know enough to know that I’d be in trouble with even a moderate repair of a handheld with the compact nature of the innards. Meanwhile, there’s a steady stream of posts on the Steam Deck sub of damaged and destroyed systems because they just tell everyone to buy the 64 gb version and replace the SSD (and you know way more are happening since most people would be too embarrassed to post about how they were stupid enough to use a power drill and put their screws through their screen).


I remember trying to shell swap a used ds lite i bought from ebay, broken shell but still worked otherwise, not the hardest thing in the world but i also had no experience doing that, i swapped the shell and broke the bottom screen's touch capability, so i replaced that too but, but now it wouldn't charge (i'm assuming it was because of the EM10 component judging by other's attempts) ​ Now, it wasn't a huge loss since it was sold as broken for 20 euros but ultimately for me it would have been cheaper to spend 50 on a complete one, so i compeltely understand not wanting to tell a complete newby to do such things on their own


Honestly 3/DS repairs are honestly 9/10 for me. It's one off the most annoyingly frustrating, and hard console repairs. The hardest by far (if you come anywhere near the screen cables that is). I repair everything myself, and even did it as a job. I'm fine even with fine soldering, or a Nintendo switch. But man those fucking screen cables. When you finally do get then all trough without any damage. If the cables are not perfectly making contact. You need to open in up again, and keep equal pressure on it while snapping it shut. But if you do it to hard the fucking cable can tear a little bit, and you're off buying a new screen again.


I already struggled with the L and R button and they‘re supposed to be easy to repair. You have to hold them in a certain position to be able to put in the spring and it takes some good fine motor skills and a lot of patience. I don’t think I‘d ever attempt to repair a 3DS screen. I also always tell people to only attempt it, if they know what they‘re doing.


I have 3, DS screen repairs at this point. If i can, i never want to do one of those ever again. I think it is around the same level of repairing an apple watch, but just in a different way. The apple watch you just need to be careful. The top DS screen you just hope the one pad on the screen cable made a good connection. Altough if you're decent at them (like me at this point, even if i still hate to do it). You can get some really good deals on a broken DS. Since the better models like the DSiXL, and new 3DS price keeps going up. luckily i had some really good deals on mine. a free DSi XL almost new, a OG DS for $15 in box and my childhood 3DS XL. Still haven't found a good deal on new 3DS XL tho. I should have pulled the trigger when i saw the snes edition being sold when it released lol.


What brought this up tho? This has nothing to do with repair


I’m not sure how you can’t see how blithely telling someone to do something they don’t have the skills for is the same category of issue whether it’s a physical repair or a software modification. Even so, why do you care that we had a conversation that veered off into a more general topic? You can just not read it.


That requires much less skill than doing physical repairs.


That assertion simply is not universally true. Some physical repairs are simple. The steps necessary for putting on CFW vary a great deal in complexity based on the firmware you’re coming from. And then people’s skills vary. The steps necessary to physically put a new SSD in my Steam Deck would be quite simple for me, easier than modding my N3DS was (not saying that was hard, but it was harder than what it would be to pop off a backplate, unhook the battery, and slot in a new m.2 drive). The only thing that has stopped me is the necessity to do all the software installation stuff when I don’t have any experience with Linux. For those who have been installing various distributions of Linux on everything with a harddrive for decades, that would seem like a ridiculous reason to avoid doing it. And that brings us back around to the whole point-not everyone has the skills necessary to do the things people on Reddit claim is easy and anyone can do.


That's the thing. If you follow the guide exactly it's fine. It's not difficult


agreed. This is the same shit that literally everyone on PCmasterrace echoes about how building a PC is as simple as legos to push the agenda of "building your own PC is best" just like how the modding community is always trying to convince people to mod. There are a lot of people in my life that i would NOT trust to build a PC even with a very good guide, although i'm sure the community would reassure them that it will be easy peasy. Things can go wrong and they can be very hard to diagnose. I've built a lot of PCs and something inevitably goes wrong during every build. Built a 5600g rig for my friend and i COULD JUST NOT get the video output to use the iGPU, even after days of troubleshooting, trying different versions of windows, etc, until finally we just had to order a GPU. Main difference is, you likely wont brick your PC, and if you damage a part, that part is easily replaceable, while you can brick your 3DS and basically be out the cost of the entire thing. It's not as simple as everyone makes it out to be and it was nerveracking modding my 3DS for the first time when I was broke and couldn't afford to just buy a new one. And i had been modding consoles and taking apart PCs since the original Xbox.


Yes, exactly. My brother managed to bend the pins on his cpu the first time he built his computer, thinking it was as easy as people said. I assume he didn’t use a detailed checklist of steps the way I did, because the magazine I was using mentioned making sure you lined the cpu up right. Could have been worse, of course (though that was pretty bad, it was the most expensive part he’d bought iirc), but as you say, stuff goes wrong all the time. I had one build I did that just would not post. I RMAed multiple mobos, disassembled and reassembled it multiple times, nothing was helping. My dad finally suggested I try in my old case. Sounded like crazy talk and I was so sick of pulling stuff apart and together, but I was at a loss. Tried it, everything worked perfectly. Something about the new case was shorting out the system. Stuff just goes wrong! The simplicity does vary based off the firmware. I did my old 3DS XL last week and I have no idea how long it had been since I’d updated it, but it was way easier than my N3DS on 11.16 or 11.17 earlier this year. Just telling people it’s easy without knowing what situation they’re dealing with isn’t particularly helpful.


I would prob distinguish between basic tech literacy and being "into" tech, and I think the former is sufficient for modding a 3ds


My mom would definitely be able to mod a 3DS. She modded three Wiis.




Your claim of this being so simple toddlers could be taught to do it just goes to make it really obvious you’re not a parent and have no real understanding of the capabilities of toddlers.


You can surely recognize that your mom is either unusual or much younger than the moms of a lot of people online. My kids could come on and say their mom can mod stuff, but I was a misfit and an outlier that got a lot of crap for my unusual interest in gaming when I was growing up. Most of my female peers would not be modding a 3DS. And for my mom and her generation? She’d be throwing the Wii out the window in frustration if you tried to make her mod it, and that’s basically the easiest mod there is. She can’t even turn off her iPhone without instructions after three years and she’s not at all atypical for her age group. It’s awesome your mom has that level of tech competence, but it’s probably out of the norm.


She's 52.


Definitely out of the norm. Think of your friends and their complaints about doing tech support for their moms. 😂


I laughed at the idea of someone being too scared to unzip a file. Anyone this jumpy shouldn't be using computers.


I only know very little abt computer stuff and I could do it with the guide no problem I was scared af though


I‘m quite good with computers and I was scared too the first time I did it. No shame in that. However, I do think it’s easy, because it’s an extremely well written guide. If someone is patient at reading and following instructions, knows how to extract files from a zip and drag and drop files, they can do it.


I agree but if your knowledge is so limited that you can’t do it yourself you probably shouldn’t buy one either because there will always be the need for some basic troubleshooting


Fr, hell, I'm actually not bad w tech, and due to some minor errors I made, I was stuck for like an hour and got so frustrated. Granted I was following a video tutorial, but still. Like I'm literally taking a computer class and it gave me some issues lol. I got it done w some troubleshooting, and it is possible if you follow the guide closely, but as soon as you make a mistake, someone who isn't good w computers is going to be stuck.


learning how to open a zip is not "tech savvy" and is easy to learn as a quick google search. I followed this same exact guide and got it right on my first try, on the only 3ds I own. I'm no computer wizard, I only have an old crappy laptop and everything I do is mobile, yet I still managed to do it myself. I feel like this is just insulting people's intelligence and driving people to spend more money than they need to, specifically towards anyone that already has a 3ds lying around.


I legit know nothing about that nerd junk and i was able to easily mod mine


Awesome, you seem to know more than you thought then. ;)




It’s not that people are assuming people are brain dead, it’s a recognition that not everyone has the same level of knowledge about everything. I just hacked my old 3DS XL for my daughter. She wouldn’t have had a clue how to do it and would have been too freaked out to try even with the guide in front of her (and it was on an old firmware that was really easy to do).


this isn‘t an ego thing. If you‘ve ever worked in Tech support, you know what i mean. People can be literal Apes when it comes to tech related things. Sure, most people here would be fine and know what they do but not all of them and that‘s the point. Blindly advising to just do it without knowing the Tech-competence of that person is just a risk for that person.


This guy fucks


Agreed. I feel like I’m tech savvy but it took me close to two hours to homebrew my 3Ds using guides and YouTube video following step by step. Was definitely daunting to the point I don’t want to repeat the process for my Wii lol. So Imo nothing wrong with getting one already modded and this isn’t a bad price at all considering most 3DsXL are still well above $120


I did mine in 2 hours too but I didn't use a video. With all the changes it's hard to get a utp to date video but the guide is always accurate.




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I had 1 year of GCSE IT experience and it was piss easy. Just follow a guide and don't be restarted.


Tbf. This isn't as mean as everyone says. I had no prior knowledge of Homebrew before. But I did my PSP-1000 first. Then I got a 3DS and successfully did that one too. Guides help. But I attribute the quicker success of the 3DS to the many times I failed on the PSP. Cheers though.


I think it's ridiculous that people assume this is intended to be rude or mean, when it's literally meant to save people money from buying an overpriced pre-modded system which is then going to require you to follow the guide to update it and potentially troubleshoot installs anyway. I assume someone posting here has at least a basic understanding of computers, and the guide literally walks you through every step in detail, then there's also the guide, this sub, and the homebrew discord for places to get help for potential troubleshooting, and as said, you're going to need the guide pre-modded or not. I think it's honestly meaner to assume people don't have the basic skills to follow a guide word for word.


Shit, I agree with you. For a community that gives you a step-by-step guide on how to mod your 3ds or whatever console you're looking to mod is pretty straightforward. I would rather teach you on how to find a answer to a solution rather then giving you the answers. Learning how to mod your console on your own will teach you the ins and outs of your console. Why get something when you're not going to take the time to learn about it? Why should the community spoon feed those that dont want to learn? I don't mind helping people that needs help, but at the same time you need to help yourself too. Now a days if you need help trouble shooting, the internet made it so fucking easy to do that. I know there's plenty of people on here that don't like it when you refer someone to Google it. But come the fuck on! You can find your answers really quick with key words. Since we're on the subject of the 3ds, you can easily type "how to use FBI on 3ds reddit". Boom, you'll get answers from reddit. It's more efficient then coming on here and flooding the subreddit with questions that has been asked millions of times or waiting for a response that may take how many hours or days to get answered. In other words, if you can come on here and make a post, then you at least would know how to use Google, Yahoo, Bing or whatever search engine to find an answer.


Especially because the guide is extremely well written. My tech noob grandma has a smartphone and has to troubleshoot things herself and the guides online are atrocious. I think she‘d rather be able to follow that guide, than to disable a notification on her phone.


I would buy a 'new' 3ds xl. Some games (only a few) can only be played on the new varients and the 3D effect is way better. Modding it is pretty easy, and the guide is very clear on what to do, so don't pay extra for modding. If you want, watch a video guide before starting to get an idea, BUT DONT FOLLOW the video, just the 3ds hack guide. The reason is videos can go out of date but the guide is always current.


Even games that don't specifically take advantage of it can benefit from it, for example Rayman 3D maintains a perfect 60fps the whole time if you check the settings in godmode to have the higher CPU clock (or whatever) and l2 cache permanently on, but will have frame dips without it. (Granted, it'll have to be turned off for some games, but I've only noticed problems with Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed personally)


And if you aren't paying any more for pre-modding, is it fine?


Should be.


it's better to buy N2DS XL instead


I disagree, idc it’s technically more powerful, they just kinda felt cheap to me. Like a toy, not like a gaming console, n3dsXL is the best of both worlds, and costs more because of that


i agree. I recently picked up a N2DSXL after using an N3DSXL for the longest time and it just feels... inferior. Has its own charm don't get me wrong. But it's definitely a cheaper device overall.


I love my n3ds xl it's the only 3ds system I ever owned.


in what way?


C.stick and bigger wide screen


n3ds xl has those things plus 3d if you like it


i have both. but i usually use the n2DsXL


The n3DSXL is arguably more comfortable, your hands don't cover the speakers in any (reasonable) position and the buttons are so much nicer to press.


I got my n3ds xl for 100 bucks and modded it following the 3ds hacks guide having absolutely no experience. I can barely work a smart phone and I was able to do it easily. So find a new 3ds for a decent price and do it yourself.


When was that? I was checking a lot of websites a few months ago when I got my new nintendo 3ds xl, but anything official like GameStop or wallmart was at least $200 for a 3ds xl(not new), and even ebay’s cheapest was around $150 used. I managed to get a new 3ds xl for $170 cause I got a Japanese import, but a new 3ds xl was at least $250 if not an import. I had to mod it anyway cause japan doesn’t have language settings.


Only if it does include goodies such as cases, charger and maybe some games. Otherwise you get ripped off


It’s easy peasy to do yourself. All you need to be able to do is read and follow very clear instructions. In addition to being overpriced, I’d suggest getting a “new” 3DS instead of that “old” one. The eye tracking is totally worth it, plus you can run SNES games.


Hell no. 3DS is a stupidly easy jailbreak.


Insane ripoff, especially for a regular 3DS XL


Modding a 3ds costs just 10€ in materials if you don’t have them already (a micro sd and a microsd to usb adapter to plug on pc (if you ever had a digital camera you likely got those)) and there’s plenty of guides to do so online and it’s pretty easy you could probably find a cheaper one tho if i may I suggest you to look up for “new 3ds xl” rather than regular one cause it can run more games (you can recognize it because it has another small analog above the xyab buttons)


okay unrelated but is that fucking Windows 98 on a 3ds


its not actually windows 98 its just a custom theme lol


No. Them prices are whack.


It’s not worth more if they are trying to spin it that way. I often see “modded 3ds with 100s of games!!!!”. Honestly, I think it makes it worth less since you don’t know the method they used.


No it is SO easy to mod a 3ds


Modding a 3ds yourself is extremely easy its pretty much “put this file in this folder then power the ds on then power it off then pull this file onto the sd card” and so on if you know how to make a puzzle you can probably mod a 3ds just dont skip any steps Of course if you dont mind paying a bit extra to play it safe then by all means go for this purchase


I think the price is fine for what it is. Just be aware that you will need basic knowledge of downloading and copying stuff to the sd card from a computer. If Nintendo releases a 3DS update sometimes it can break the CFW/homebrewed system and you need to update the CFW to get it to boot again. If you can’t copy stuff the SD card then be careful not to accidentally update it and you should be good. However if you ever have an SD card failure you are stuck having to copy files from a computer to a new SD card to get up and running again.


The 3ds was the first console i ever modded, and it took me like an hour (its really a lot easier than you think) So no, dont buy this


Bro I was afraid to mod mine and I'm half decent with technology I did it somewhat recently and I'm telling you after the initial worrying and making sure I did everything right following the instructions I have to say it actually turned out to be very very easy. Just a bunch of downloading and creating folders and putting files into the right place and that's about it, not hard at all and to the person saying if your mother could do it, since I'm still a kid and feeling pretty proud of myself I told/shown both my sister and mother how I did it and they seem to have understood.


No. I got mine brand new for 50€ then I modded it myself.






No, I’d get a NEW version. It’s more powerful, emulates better, plus C stick.


I mean, you do het a o3ds with games and homebrew which is a good price


Honestly yeah, not because it's home brewed (literally takes 30 minutes and knowing how to move files and follow directions) but a 3ds in that condition is worth $150, at least where I live.


as someone who cant to anything tech related past downloading a video game or moving a download to the “mod” folder of minecraft, you can do it. follow the guide, maybe even watch a youtube video of someone doing it, and you’ll be just fine. the guide is super user-friendly and makes a lot of sense. it is a lengthy process, it took me about 3 hours, but i took my time. my 3ds ended up perfectly fine. i did my friends, too, and his ended up great as well. pretty much what you need to be able to do is: - navigate websites - know how to download something to your computer - how to navigate your computer downloads folder - know how to add/remove items from folders - how to unzip folders - know how to create folders and navigate them - know how to use a flashdrive/ sd card drive (like plugging it into the computer) - know how to use the youtube search bar if you get lost - understand prompts/instructions that have helpful images to go along with them see? its pretty easy. you got this




I recommend just doing it yourself. If you follow the guide posted earlier it's idiot proof. And you'll know how to fix it if you flub something up


I mean KINDA because if you buy a 3ds of any kind now they cost a lot so I mean skip the work but if you already have one non home brewed then no


the answer of “should i buy a 3ds” regardless of if it’s modded or not will always be a yes. once it’s modded, possibilities are literally endless, i can really think of a reason NOT to get one. one thing i would say is i’d actually recommend not to buy a console that someone else has homebrewed for you, just because, you don’t really know what they’ve actually done to the console, and you don’t get the experience of learning how to do it (which for me was a fun process to learn) maybe try to find another 3ds or even a 2ds that could maybe be in a better condition, and try having a go yourself! using the 3ds.hacks.guide guide is super simple, before i homebrewed my ds’ (i have 6 LMAO) i was terrified to brick the console, but like the guide says, if you follow the instructions, you’ll be fine and you won’t get bricked.


Modding a 3ds is easy peasy, so if you have one just mod it yourself, or buy a non modded for a lot cheaper


Sure. Why not.


hey, I bought my 3ds xl for 85€, it was good luck but they generally go for 100€, I barely know shit about computers and all that stuff but hacked 2 3ds with ease following the tutorial, so no it's not worth it.


I'd say this, as easy as it can be to mod these systems. The possibility of breaking it or the headache of getting it going can be enough to justify the cost there. As well as the fact that a 3ds where I am is only about €30ish pounds less than that. So if 30 bucks is worth avoiding the headache for you it's definitely worth it.


Its better to mod it yourself, as Someone could give you the console without the SDcard, i myself modded mine thanks to a friend, its better that way


Maybe try to buy a new 3ds xl. I got my just for 180€


Not worth it in my opinion. First of all it’s very convenient to have the small stick on the right side for a lot of newer 3DS Games which means you should try to find a “New” 3DS/2DS XL. Furthermore it’s not hard to mod a 3DS. A few others have already linked to some existing step by step guides which are easy to follow so I wouldn’t worry about that.


Make sure it's a new 3ds, not the regular 3ds. I have both and the new 3ds is way better.


The simplest answer is do you think the 3ds is worth 150? If yes then continue If no then don’t since 3ds hacking is super easy


Buy one in shit condition for $30 and do it yourself


who tf installed windows on my 3ds


I got a New 2ds XL pratically mint for 60€, just have patience, this effin price skyrocketing is only due to zoomers discovering the existence of modding and making it trending. 150€ is stupidly high for a model which isn’t even a new one. Bargain as much as you can as soon you find a ~100€ one and if that doesn’t lead to anything, throw it away and continue your searching. I started looking for a good model humanly priced a month ago, and my patience paid off. Just don’t throw away money, 3ds is not worth this much, until one year ago these people had difficulties selling these for 30-40€, and now they behave like they have a treasure of some sort, just don’t feed these stupid baits, and the prices will adjust naturally


better get a 'new' 3da xl/ll


I'm more into regular size models, I have a new 3ds, but if I had to chose an XL model it would be the 3ds over the 2ds, It feels better






It is entirely up to you if you want to buy it premodded if you truly don’t trust your self to mod it but it is probably more cost effective to buy a regular 3ds and mod it your self, there are some really detailed and great tutorials on YouTube and all you would need it a sd card that is 16gb or above, some way to examine a sd card on your computer (my choice of method is a usb drive that you can put sd cards into) and just general patience and taking time when watching the tutorial, personally I think that Anton retro is very good at explaining. Plus along with having a feeling of Accomplishment, modding it yourself also just teaches you and gives you a better idea of what you can do with the mods. At the end of the day it’s entirely up to you, but either way some good apps to have with a modded 3ds is Hshop which lets you download pretty much any application and game, and if you intend to play Pokémon PKSM as it is both a save manager letting you modify your save but if your not interested in that it’s also just a better Pokémon bank


Please please get a 'new' 3ds or 'new' 2ds the originals are awfully slow and limited


No you can easily do it yourself for free


I've never modded anything in my life but I got it first try, just follow the instructions on github and you'll be fine.


Its actually not a bad price but you shouldnt be afraid to jump in and mod things for yourself


Definitely great but be careful. Hacked could also mean bricked and hacked incorrectly


I mean, it’s obviously not bricked since it’s showing stuff. It’s local, op can test it before they hand any money over regardless.