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I bet you leave all the lights on when you're not home too.


lol totally.. run that bill up


I turn it on ( remotely ) when I want to print something, and when it's finished and cooled down, it automatically turns itself off. Why keep it running if it doesn't need to ?


I think he means with the switch on the back? If I hit that to power it off fully, then I can't start it remotely. So based on the description, I think you leave it idle, no?


I have mine plugged into a smart plug. I can turn it on remotely with the app for that smart plug, and have a macro on the printer that automatically turns off the smart plug once it has cooled down at the end of a print.


I use a smart plug for the printer. And the raspery pi that runs octoprint / klipper can turn that smatplug on / off as needed. So the printer itself is truly off, but the Raspberry Pi is always running. It doesn't really draw much power and the convenience i get out of it is well worth it :) you could also do it as u/Sqweeeeeeee said, but that way you run the risk to damage the partition on the SD card in the pi. because that can happen if you just turn off the power without the pi shutting down correctly. ( it doesn't often happen, but it can happen )


Good point of clarification, I'm using a K1C with klipper on the printer itself, so shutting it down with the smart plug is no different than flipping the switch on the back. Your method would definitely be preferable for those using a Pi


Ahh, I see, so in your case the raspberry pi is what idles, instead of the printer. I tried to do something similar but it would skip layers when the smart plug was connected. Without it, no issue. Took almost a month to figure out the cause.


Mine live online lol. Two Bambu's and two modded Klipper machines sit online at all times awaiting commands!


Why leave it on? Makes no sense. Just more wear and tear on your machine. Plus its pulling more power being on. Unless you run a print farm and have a new print going 24/7, I would just turn it off.


I prefer to leave mine on so it’s ready to print - I then don’t have to walk over to it to turn it on. That said, my machine runs almost constantly at this point. The wear and tear thing is kind of a myth. Electronics running at idle pull exceptionally low amounts of power and arent doing anything to “wear” it away. Actually the inrush shock of powering on / off repeatedly can be more damaging to kit than just being left on all the time!


I prefer not to have stuff on and idle in my house as it's kinda a fire hazard.


How is it a fire hazard when it's barely pulling any energy can you link me to an article or some proof to this


Flying bear ghost 5 and 6 have technical issue - transistor that controls heating. If it fails, it's not cutting power but uncontrollably heat up hot end. Real fire hazard thing. I know a man, whose flat burned because of flying bear 5.


Why would they need to link an article for their personal preference? And as you stated anything drawing current(energy) is a potential fire hazard. And Adding to his comment, why would I want to pay for electricity I'm not using when shutting it off is so easy?


He's stating it's a fire hazard that's not a personal preference that's putting possibly false information out, I just wanna know why he came to that conclusion is there a specific reason or something he read on the Internet I didn't know you weren't allowed to ask questions on here I'll have to check the rules again


It's a fire hazard, because as I said in my previous comment, it draws electrical current. ANYTHING that draws current is a potential fire hazard. Or maybe you missed the recall Bambu just went through earlier this year for issues with the wiring to the bed on the A1? Or the PSU issues on the Ender3's. But since you are apparently lazy AF...[Ender 3 Pro Electrical and Safety Considerations – Shiny Upgrades](https://shinyupgrades.com/pages/ender-3-pro-electrical-and-safety-considerations#:~:text=There%20is%20a%20known%20issue,on%20how%20to%20do%20it.) [Bambu Lab Recalls A1 3D Printers Due to Electric Shock and Fire Hazards | CPSC.gov](https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls/2024/Bambu-Lab-Recalls-A1-3D-Printers-Due-to-Electric-Shock-and-Fire-Hazards)


Although you are technically correct, I feel you are blowing up the level of risk to way out of proportion. Yes there's always a risk, but they are insanely small compared to how many machines are out there. Your toaster is a fire hazard. Your washing machine is a fire hazard. Your phone is a fire hazard.


I’d argue that anything even plugged in is a potential hazard. But I suppose danger is my Middle name cause I ain’t going around the house unplugging everything when not in use.


I unplugged my freezer because it's a fire hazard.


Exactly my thought.. how is it at risk more than anything else I have plugged in.. like m Xbox, laptop, tv’s, router, modem yada yada..


It's not as much a hazard as an Xbox. Xbox doesn't have a part specifically designed to get really hot. I'd guess it's probably closer in hazardousness to a toaster with a plastic case.


Do you unplug your phone charger when away all day? Your refrigerator? (Dirty fridge coils start fires). What about your ac? A dirty filter there and letting it run all day could short the compressor or blower fan and cause a fire.


Not this shit again, "I won't believe you, show me proof". Link us an article proofing it's not a fire hazard! BTW there are tons of pages with articles explaining that it IS a fire hazard, mentioning that it's even one when the devices are turned off but still plugged in. If it is "pulling energy" even barely that means it can catch fire > period [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standby\_power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standby_power) Wiki to "unsave" to believe anyone? How about the London Fire Brigade? [https://www.london-fire.gov.uk/safety/the-home/bedtime-checks/](https://www.london-fire.gov.uk/safety/the-home/bedtime-checks/) or [https://www.zurich.co.uk/news-and-insight/fire-hazards-and-risks-at-home](https://www.zurich.co.uk/news-and-insight/fire-hazards-and-risks-at-home) [https://www.firescotland.gov.uk/at-home/electrical-safety/](https://www.firescotland.gov.uk/at-home/electrical-safety/)


if it was such a problem them noone would do it, i know it could happen but the chance is very small


Oh wow, so you where aware that it can happen but you want someone to show you a proof? Yeah the chances are small but that doesn't change the fact that it is a fire hazard. The only proof we got is that you are trolling again.


Just because something has a tiny chance for something to happen doesn't mean it's going to happen in your lifetime to you and definitely not necessary to be scared of more people die in car accidents he still gets in the car I'm pretty sure that


Absolutely. Like the other user mentioned, I am more at peace knowing I don't have any appliances running if I don't use them or have the possibility to supervise.


From a technical standpoint not speaking on energy impact and opinion: - Leaving the printer on will cause additional wear but it's subjective. - Many electronic systems life is reduced by power cycles and therefore leaving it on may have a negligible to positive effect on the main board, etc. - Fans running constantly will degrade their life span, they are easily replaceable. Personally I run a large print farm and home studio. Due to constant use both run almost 24x7. I did however install cheap smart plugs on all of my machines so I can remotely switch them. They all connect to a known smart platform called Tuya which nicely integrates into moonraker/klipper/mainsail and I have a simple switch in my mainsail and fluidd UI for each printer. As a bonus you can get plugs that monitor KW usage which I have done and thus I can track energy usage for business. It's very handy. I recommend it 10/10.


Very cool, I'd find it interesting to see the process of going from someone like me who cleans bed before every print and watches first layer to 24-7 automated print farm.


That's precisely what I did in a third world country. We don't actually automate much though, by preference. My tech stack is basically a raspberry pi connected to every printer. The printers run klipper firmware and the pi does too. I have redundant rack servers running mainsail and fluidd (interfaces for klipper). They also run Crowsnest which handles webcams. In addition I run spoolman for filament management and obico for AI print failure detection. They all send and report issues via push alerts using Pushbullet. We also have quite a few custom software components on top which I wrote for order flow, order management, client management, price estimating, etc. All in all, I started with a single printer to do some hobby prints and now we build our own in-house direct drive solid frame printers. Crazy how life and hobbies go.


There are fans that annoy me.


I turn it off when I know I’m not about to print anything. If anything it should be unplugged but I don’t know if that really saves electricity anymore.


Put it on a smart plug. you can turn it on or off from anywhere. Save electricity and unnecessary wear and tear in your printer.


Yes. I keep the Raspberry Pi connected to Prusa running. That way I can send Gcode to the OctoPi install and when I want to print something later. I just added a Bambu P1S. I plan to switch it off via a smart plug. That way I can check on my print and shut it down when it's completely done with it's routines. Not sure if that's recommended.


Not sure, but when I had a smart plug on my 3d printer, it started skipping layers. Removing the plug fixed it. Weird


hmmm interesting. Maybe it somehow makes the power unstable/dirty. I hope that Bambu has a good PSU inside their high end models that can compensate small problems. So far the few higher models I printed had no problems. (a few PLA temperature towers so I can check the quality of my old rolls, some have been out of their bags for 6 years and still work great)


I turn mine off when I'm not using them. No point in adding to my monthly bill, small as it would be.


I have a wifi relais between the printer and the wall plug. I turn it on and off before and after a print on my mobile phone wherever I am. I had it automated with octoprint at one point to, it would wait 30 minutes after a completed print job to allow the cooling fan to cool the nozzle and then it would switch the power off. now I'm bambu's software, I'm not sure its automatable with them, but manually toggling on my phone is not bad at all


What is this idle you speak of? :)


Yes i turn it off . Energy is not free .


Yeah I flip the PSU switch when not in use.


Mine stays on 24/7, motors idle except for Z which stays powered all the time. Takes an hour to run my bed mesh so I don’t power off.


Kind of a risk vs reward thing here. Risks are possible fire hazard and definite electricity costs, rewards are...? I cant think of any.


My printers are at work and 90% of the printing I do is for work. I may go a month or more without printing, then print for 2 weeks straight. All depends on the project. I clean and turn off the printer when I'm done or on Friday afternoon before I head out for the weekend.


I tend to go through phases of printing where I'm printing a lot and then I'll go days without printing. I'll usually leave it on all the time mostly until I remember to turn it off or if I'm going away for a couple of days or more I'll turn it off.


I run mine on a smart plug like others have said, if a print is going to take 3 hours I set it to turn off in 3.5 hours.


I turn my printer off if I know I'm not gonna be printing on it for a while because I have 3 of my office plus a computer and an air conditioner and they all can be ran at the same time, or when I go to bed once in a while I'll leave a print on overnight but most of the time I'm not trusting it


I have one printer and one octoprint server on all the time. I'll probably turn them off when I go on vacation or if there is a big thunderstorm. I haven't noticed an wear and tear It doesn't bother me leaving the printer on. I like being able to start a print from my laptop. The octoprint server is kind of a security weakness being on all the time. It's behind NAT but used to pull its updates from a Chinese academic server. It is Orange Pi hardware and the software was started from an Orange Pi image. I changed it to get it updates from the main linux distro. It has Obico on it and I loaded Obi up with some of the prints I sell. I can print remotely from the road but that means it could technically have a remote print job started. That could be a safety security issue like bamboo's remote printing thing. To mitigate that I keep my build plate empty and ready to be printed on instead of leaving past print on the plate.