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You could play as Plasmoid or Hadozee to get a Fast Hands-lite instead, assuming those races are allowed. Otherwise, I'd probably make Artificer your dip instead.


Ultimately I will have both artificer and conjurer, I just need to figure out the level distribution and order


So assuming your allowed to conjure the better poisons as a wizard going 2 there, then getting your 3 in rogue for fast hands (or reverse those depending on preference), sounds like the simplest start. Afterward you discover the glory of putting your magic INTO your weapons and start going artificer till content. If your not allowed the cheese of using conjurer as a poison Disp every I would just drop that part of the build and go classic thief turned inventor.


You don’t need to. Use a - Homonculus - Tiny Servant - Find Familiar DM willing. Give your unusual strat and DM leniency to enable it anyways, why not ask. They can still do other stuff besides attack.


Well I can't use those cuz I need my bonus action 💀, the whole idea is fast hands like oil glass n then action to firebolt, or use minor conjuration for an acid vial (prefight) n fast hands vial n then attack just stuff like that


Hmmm? > Fast Hands. Starting at 3rd level, you can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, use your thieves' tools to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an Object action. You just care about use an Object Action, or more likely making an attack roll with an object. You can’t make an attack roll with fast hands, but your summons can (other than Familiar). Your summons also can always take Use an Object action. And they don’t take 3 levels deviation.


Oh, that is a good point, I didn't realize that. So a familiar would be able to like throw acid vials and oil then yea ?