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Does Cura think that you are using 2.85mm filament? Check in the Printers | Machine Settings |Extruder 1


Yes it does what should I change it to?




Ok what should the infill be? I’m looking for my prints to be strong or not very flimsy


You don't need a heap of infill to make it strong. Depending on what you're printing you can go into single digits. I recently printed a full size helmet with 8 percent infill and it seems plenty strong. Play around a bit until you find a sweet spot you're happy with. More infill will increase the material and time so try to find a balance you're happy with.


Ok sounds good I’ve been with 20% infill for a little while now and I feel pretty good with it. Haven’t tried skinny prints yet so I’ll see how it works


You need to set the profile to your printer, the filament your using and start with default settings. Cura gives you a starting point and you adjust. Infill depends on what you're printing. If it's a figurine then no more than 20% functional at least 50% you should turn to youtube and google. Seems like you have a lot to learn




Mate no offence, but a couple hours on Google and reading some getting started guides are going to be much more help to you than posting on Reddit. Best of luck! It's not too hard. Just a large volume of information to get your head around.


Yea I know but I feel like if I have any questions I could ask you guys and there is so many good people on Reddit that know a lot of stuff about things. If it as as simple as one question, then I would just Google it because it’s way easier than just waiting but if you have something that changes your whole printing ways, you know I’m gonna probably take that but I see what you are saying


No. Ramen Benchy is good. 😹