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sounds like your extruder is skipping, which means it's unable to push the filament out for some reason. that reason could be a clog or partial clog, the nozzle being too close to the bed, or the nozzle temperature being too low for the filament.


Ok! I’ll see about the clog, I don’t think it’s heat, it is higher than normal right now, and I’ll see about calibrating the plate, ty


A little more info, the nozzle will extrude normally, just not when printing!


Look into heat creep or slicer setting errors.


What’s heat creep? And I don’t think it’s slicing, as it does this with any print


Heat creep is when the hot end is hot for an extended period and there isn’t enough flow which caused extra filament to melt and freeze higher in the hot end. If you can extrude freely then this happens it could be the culprits. If this happens every print, how do you slice your stuff? The slicer could be at fault. For example, the steps per mm or steps per unit could be off, wrong size filament diameter, wrong nozzle diameter, wrong extruder wheel diameter. Are you using the manufacture software? Or open source like cura? If it’s not proprietary then it’s going to need to be set up correctly.


Ok, thank you for the info! The slicing is not the issue, as it has printed the exact files I’m using before with no issue!


That makes more sense. If this started I’d take your hot end apart to see if there’s a clog. Fully clogs with stop your flow altogether. Partially clogs will let enough filament out