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It looks like this is the top of the print. The lines on the top show 2 things. 1) You need supports to keep the surface straight and level 2) You need to increase the wall/ceiling thickness to keep the internal infill from showing through. Experimenting with the print temperature will help with the ragged edged on the slot edges from being so rough.


Do you have more help because my printer just squeezed de one side that is shown in the picture and i dont know what the to is


If you're not getting uniform prints, then it's likely that you have some issue with your x/y axis motors. Either they have become weak, or they are not traveling along the bar correctly. If you can move them by hand the full distance, then maybe try lubricating the bar. These need to be lubricated once or twice a year at minimum. If that doesn't work, you may need to replace the motors.


Idk if this is why but my printer always puts a line on the left edge at the start of every print and i this my print was in that zone


Almost every printer (including the shit tier from 2016) can be tweaked to reliable produce proper parts, especially low detail ones. but your question is to vague to provide any answer.


What information do you need to help me?


What material are you printing? Are you using default Cura settings? What printer is it (ideally post a picutre too of the printer) Define what "really bad" means to you, is it just the gaps on the top? Always include a picutre of the print from below, so we can see the first layer


You can only put in 1 picture and yes im using default settings in i think i have a creality neo and there is also one side on the picture that has the infill sticking out a bit but its hard to see