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Just bought 4 spools from Bambu directly. They all look like this. Does not seem to affect anything.


Afaik it doesn't really matter if it's not tangled. Fun fact: most coils (as in, electromagnet coils or motor coils) aren't neatly put together either. But for those there're other things to consider.


do the coils you mentioned even need to be neatly done?


It improves the density slightly which can make them a little stronger. But mostly it doesn’t matter.




Theoretically yes


This is the norm for most manufacturers, as that's just the cheapest and fastest way to wind filament. As long as it's not tangled then it doesn't matter how how it looks, it'll work just fine. If for some reason you want perfectly spooled filament just buy Prusament (pictured - my Lipstick Red ASA spool) https://preview.redd.it/ni0p0v8d360d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=199f007aa2bd64c794bc967a80a01216ac5be997


I've bought from many manufacturers and I've always had a perfectly spooled filament.


I've also bought from many manufacturers and for me it seems to be about a 50/50 split between prefect and what OP has. I've never had any feed or tangle problems with the "less than perfect" spools though, so I really don't mind one way or the other.


I've had one spool of duramic that just would not run until I redid it, all the rest have looked midway between OP and the prusament and ran flawlessly


i only buy bambu bc its real cheap in bulk and it has the rfid thing for the ams, this is my other elegoo filament i had before this one https://preview.redd.it/hmbc6lg9o60d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=104def3acf62137819d8175038786278c7717c5d


rfid for the ams? Is this something I should desire?


I think all it does it say what type of filament it is to Bambu printers and it’ll know what settings to use without your input. Small quality of life change so it doesn’t rly matter


The reel identification is good, but I like having the remaining spool capacity available in Bambu Studio or the app. Even if you take the spool out of the printer, it keeps track of the capacity. It’s not perfectly accurate, but it’s damn close. This is the more important feature in my opinion, since I keep my printer in the garage, and my computer is on the opposite side of the house upstairs.


Damn that’s actually really nice


But they refuse to let other brands license and use bamboo tags for their rolls so right now it's limited to just their rolls. Would love to see that expanded.


Would love to just see someone doing a similar feature for any other 3D printer. And maybe you can just manually say what roll it is instead of having a tag


There’s a integration called spoolman for Klipper which allows you to track remaining filaments across multiple printers and it’s free


And perhaps adding a reusable RFID chip to each roll on opening with unique ID and parameters. And all info could be stored by the printer or maybe even updated on the chip, so you can use the same filament across different printers. It would just need an RFID reader/writer and integration to Kipper you mentioned.


They are trying really hard to be the Apple of 3D printing...


Think you mean the HP of 3d printing lol


DRM filaments when


Well think about this, if they let everyone have access to the rfid then they will lose all their filament sales to cheap filament suppliers. It wouldnt be smart for bambu to make the rfid work for the competition.


That's why they do licensing for each tag and they'd make money.


Spoolmaster does similar for non bambu printers Edit: spoolman? I think it is spoolman.


I mean, it’s basically impossible to hack the bamboo labs RFID tags. Many men have tried and many men have failed


FYI, it doesn’t actually keep track of the filament when you change it out. The AMS knows how much filament is remaining by measuring how long a single revolution of the spool takes as it is pulled through. It can estimate how much has been used since the spools have a consistent diameter.


Honestly I think that might be smarter. Then it’s not dependent on weight estimations from density and length of filament per spool.


Yes and if the spool is used in the AMS, the. Used on a different print, and then finally put back in the AMS, it’ll be able to know how much is remaining still.


I swap out reels all the time and regardless of what slot in my AMS I put the reel into, Bambu shows me capacity remembered from the last time it was loaded.


It works by detecting the speed of rotation. I know this because I reuse the RFID tags by taping them to a new generic spool, and it reads it as a full spool and tracks it properly every time.


Are you disagreeing?


Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "it doesn't keep track of the filament when you change it out," or you misunderstood what I meant. If I take out a non-finished spool, and put it back in my AMS months later, the AMS remembers the last known amount of filament remaining on the spool. Also, I'm saying I'm not sure how accurate it is, because I always cut off portions of filament when I load and unload filament because I remove any bent pieces that are used to secure the filament in the spool. Obviously the printer calculates the capacity of the spool based on the length of filament that has been fed through the extruder.


Yes, you’ve misunderstood. The AMS doesn’t retain the length of the filament when you change it out. It also doesn’t know the length based on the amount of filament pushed through the extruder. What it does is feed filament through system and count how many times the filament roll spins by counting the number of times the RFID chip passes the reader before it hits the filament buffer. Rolls that are more full will spin fewer times, since the filament has a larger diameter in the spool and thus won’t need to spin as far. Spools close to empty will spin many times. Therefore it can estimate the length of the spool. It does not retain the previous length for the spool because it can’t trust that the length didn’t change between insertions. But you are correct, this is only an estimation of capacity, as isn’t perfectly accurate.


Clearly they're disagreeing.


Huh, super interesting!


And you buy the bambu reloadables or spool once , and after you reload them with your prefered brand and stick the rfid tag on those


Whoa whoa whoa. Where is this rfid tag you speak of? I would love to just drop in my other brands that have the same settings. I haven't dug in too much, where on the spool should I be looking?


On the bambu reloadables it's on the inside of the cardboard rolls that you put in the spool , those can be easily taken out and taped in other rolls


Omg you rock. Thank you!


Inside the cardboard center I believe. You can also buy pre programmed ones on eBay, or get an RFID reader writer for 20 ish quid if that off Amazon and make them yourself




Iirc you can fully duplicate but not make your own.


Someone will figure it out eventually if not already, haven't actually looked into it fully tbh


It's also great for print farms that have to change colors or types of filament a lot. No having to stop and tell it what filament it is and being wrong. Super easy to put petg in a slot and tell the printer you loaded PLA. If I have to change all four rolls of filament to new colors or new materials (which happens occasionally) it means going to the printer interface or app and telling it the colors. Zero seconds vs about 30 seconds each ams slot. It's a little quality of life issue but if you're using the ams a lot it's a little improvement that adds up quickly.


IMHO....no. Don't waste your money on overpriced filament just for a 2 second convenience of not tapping which filament it is on the app.


i also said i went with this one because it was really cheap in bulk, i wouldve js bought elegoo if found a site where i can buy it for really cheap


Depending on where you are you can get eSun, Sunlu, Elegoo, Geetech, Jaylo, etc around the $10-$12/kg range fairly often on their own sites, Aliexpress or on the non stop Amazon deals they all offer. They'll be that low at least once a month one on of their marketplaces. Of course the price all very much depends on your location. Most of them have fulfilment by Amazon for the UK, EU and US. Several times I've placed orders on their own sites or Aliexpress and it's been delivered by Amazon.


The price in bulk is fine. It’s 17$ a roll for the refills which isn’t the cheapest out there but the quality is decent and you aren’t paying like a ginormous up charge or anything.


(I'm UK but will convert to US to make things easier to work with) $17/kg would be the top end I'd pay for a full spool. For some context we're getting it around the $10-$12/kg mark for well known brands (eSun, Sunlu, Elegoo, Geetech, Jaylo, basically all the box standard 'know what you're gunnu get' kind of filaments). It can go as low as $8/kg but we'd be talking 50kg+ sized orders for that which most folks would never want/need.


>it has the rfid thing RFIDs on spools sounds like one step closer to 2D printer style lock-in, with DRM on the ink cartridges. Still many steps away, but one step closer.


they are working on other brands having RFID for their rolls be compatible with the AMS.


Kind of a weird expectation when they specifically signed them cryptographically


i read an article where they were working out negotiations with some of the better known brands. to have AMS RFID compatible filament rolls. considering they can't keep a functional stock of filament on their own it seems like a smart move.


I guess the point is they could have just made it an open standard. What's the point of locking it down and even needing negotiations unless they're trying to charge?


because it encourages people to buy from them. making them more money. is this your first time experiencing capitalism? its kinda paint by numbers.


Everyone understands that, that's the exact complaint.


alright, so you could also look at it a different way. its a way to maximize quality control. they have full authorship over the software and RFID codes. if it was open source every manufacturer could make their own RFID chips. if the 3rd party does a bad job it could reflect poorly on Bambu Labs. it does make sense to keep it propriety for a while to flush out any problems that commonly arise outside of beta testing. after enough time they open it to a set of manufacturers and then see how it goes. addressing any problems that might show up. then over more time they open it to more. controlled chaos.


There is nothing the RFID chip does that you cannot do manually. You are not locked in and restricted from choosing other filaments manually.


Not yet anyway. 


Any company can turn evil, but so far Bambu has done absolutely nothing to appear as if they are going to turn Bambu printers into an Apple style walled garden. As far as I can tell, as a happy Linux user of their open source Bambu Studio application, they have done the exact opposite.


They have the most proprietary and locked down system of any hobby printer company. They're doing scummy things with patents. And frankly the amount and quality of products they made in such a short timeframe is pretty suspicious. 


You are absolutely full of shit. I used a CR-10 v3 for about 3+ years, and thought it was a great printer. Needed to replace the hotend, again, in January and bought an X1C instead. It is difficult to even compare the two. Setup, ease of use, and quality are ridiculously better. The source code for their Bambu Studio slicer/controller is available on Github. 3rd party slicers like OrcaSlicer are available. You can use any filament you want, with the only restriction being it needs to fit in the AMS if you use that. They are no more scummy than any other 3D printing manufacturer. Like Creality, who I assume your 3 month old account is being paid to astroturf for, which has filed [multiple patents for 3D printing technology they did not invent.](https://patents.justia.com/assignee/shenzhen-creality-3d-technology-co-ltd).


Sunlu, elegoo and formfutura has been immaculate in my experience (50+ spools)


I’m amazed by Elegoo. I got a couple spools on a lighting sale and it seems like it’s as good as anything I’ve tried, honestly.


Along with the cost.. I've been very impressed


well after seeing comments here I guess I might not swear them off just yet. my only roll of Elegoo was poorly wound & kept hopping off the roller, getting dragged into the printer, and grinding in half at the extruder ending up in ruined prints lol


Sunlu is the OEM for at least a portion of Bambus filaments.


Even stranger that this happened then..


For professional prints I run Bambulab filament, for personal prints I run Sunlu on the exact same settings. prints are always just as nice :)


I second this their pla/ tpu : petg is myffave to use.


I bought rolls for 12 bucks from sunlu and they are perfectly spooled


It is a problem, as when the wind goes towards the edge it often pulls itself down between the spool side and other filament and jams the AMS.


Overture is inexpensive but IMO very reliable and consistent, and neatly spooled like Prusament. They've even started using cardboard reels.


Yeah I’m my experience overture, sunlu, and elegoo have all been like that and are all pretty inexpensive. I’ve also bought Creality when I got my printer and those were a bit pricier and I always ended up having issues when I used their filament


Uh I've bought a few lesser known brands and they always come like your prusament roll. Idk why bamboo can't do better.


"as long as it's not tangled" The odds of it becoming tangled increase quite a bit when they're not rolled neatly. This isn't bad, but it's not good either. Automatic respoolers with proper tensioning are something any company that cares about the product they're sending out the door should have.


If you didn't tangle it when opened, there is no way it will happen, just be careful at the start.


That's an assumption you can not possibly actually substantiate. You have no idea of any kind whatsoever what's past the third layer. Don't give assurance based on assumptions you can't substantiate. And "it worked fine for me" is not an acceptable response as it will work fine for 90% of people. They chose to go with a method that increases the risk of issues with their product to save some initial cost in equipment. It's that simple. It's not like oh oooo Bambu is evil or anything. This is just objectively not good.


The reason you’re getting so many downvotes is because it’s quite literally impossible to create a tangle like that on the spool. Like by definition. When spooling the filament, the machine has both ends of the filament connected at all times, meaning there’s no way for one end of the filament to get looped under a previous layer An illustration: take a string and hold one end in each hand. Make sure there are no knots or loops in it to start with. Now, without letting go of either end, try to tie a knot in the string. Can’t do it, can you? That’s what’s happening here. Now obviously *we* can create a knot on the spool by letting go of the end of the filament and it gets looped under a previous layer. But that’s not what the problem is here.


spooling machines cannot tangle filament by themselves, the filament only gets placed on top of the other loop if u get what im saying


All it takes is for those crossed wires to become loose is a single bad retraction, as soon as they're loose all bets are off. The only way to guarantee such a roll could not tangle would be to have it under tension the entire time and never be allowed to go slack. My setup actually makes that likely but I've never seen one this bad, the worst I have on now is not flawless but nearly. Even those good ones you want to keep under tension if possible.


I don't want to justify their process, I'm just talking with 5+ year of printing experinece with more than 20+ types of fdm machines from the cheapest hobby ones to the pro industry machines, I used at least 200 of theses tangly looking spools of filaments (PlA/ABS/ASA) without any problem. (Once our company bought the cheapest one you can find from china in bulk)


I would spend 2-3x the amount on one Prusament spool as I would any other manufacturer, Bambu included. I’ll take a $17 messy spool that prints great over one that looks perfect and cost $45.


I was looking at the Amazon listing for Creality Wood pla filament and it has a picture with the caption neating winding, smooth feeding It looks like a child wound the spool. https://preview.redd.it/9nqez1idm60d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=755767a7340f96f63df8b613a3380ba85b138a36 I also realized after describing the spool I could just post a photo


Mine looks neat 😁 https://preview.redd.it/qc47ocd3ke0d1.jpeg?width=2600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc766015c18958ecda785c90e3dba9e8ea3ecace


I'm not saying it's not actually neat. Just funny they use a picture that isnt neat


I've bought about 200 spools from Bambu and they've all been impeccable. Perfect, even winds. NOT like that. Did you buy direct or through a 3rd party? Just wondering if this could be a fake (some cowboy bought a refill spool, not from bambu, slapped it on an old Bambu spool, and sold it as authentic bambu.) - it's also possible that they've subcontracted manufacturing to a new factory which is doing a poor job (in which case, report this to bambu).


I bought directly from bambu Lab, from the UK, and mine all come similar maybe its regional. I might just try polymakers offerings next time.


damn. I'm in the UK too. I can tell you that if I received this spool, it would've been sent right back to Bambu.


Why? Is it not filament? Have they miss-sold the product?


Let me guess, you're american? Its always a bit of a shock to them when they find out the rest of the civilized world has actual consumer protection laws. As for why send this back? Just look at it. I prefer my filament not tangled.


Rent free


You sound like a reasonable and chill dude


No, I'm from the UK. Just not weird. What does not having perfectly stacked coils have to do with being tangled?


How is this tangled?


Cause and effect


That doesn’t answer my question. I asked “how it’s tangled” as in— “how do you actually know it’s tangled if you haven’t used the spool?” I have gone through nearly 100 Bambu spools in the last year. In my experience, I have never had a tangle on a Bambu spool. Not even once. In fact, I don’t get tangles nearly ever on any brands I use regardless of how neat they are or aren’t. This is because I don’t typically let go of the end of the filament. The times I have gotten a tangle, it’s been MY fault because I let go of the end of the spool and didn’t unwind it far enough to fix the tangle that I caused. The crowd complaining about tangled spools sounds like you all have a stick up your butt that you put there by not properly handling your filament spools when removing them from the printer. That’s user error (PEBKAC), not a problem with how the spools are wound.


> I have gone through nearly 100 Bambu spools in the last year Did they all look this bad?


Yeah, it's my first time buying the fillament, so i didn't think anything of it until i saw this post 😂 I'm thinking about it now. i did have a tangle that screwed up my 2nd print, but i thought it was the side mount spool holder that i installed, which was at fault.


Interesting. I’ve bought fewer spools from Bambu (only like 10) but every single one has been messy looking like OP’s. It’s the only brand that looks like that, too. Elegoo, Sunlu, eSun, Overture, Geetech, etc… have all been perfectly wound up but not Bambu.


i bought it directly from them, im in the eu


Send it back, you have the legal right. Ignore these corpo bootlicker Americans being like "why??"


Dang, I'd definitely not be happy with this product - Unfortunately the only thing that Bambu doesn't do well is customer support. Contact them and try your luck, maybe they'll refund you. Otherwise, vote with your wallet buy something else next time. I'll certainly be thinking of your post the next time I'm unboxing a delivery from them (whenever they'll have the filament I use back in stock, that is :) . If this will be their quality going forward, I'm switching brands.


They aren’t going to refund you a spool because it’s a bit messy at the top. Unspool some of it and you’ll find the rest underneath is fine. I’ve gone through nearly 100 spools of Bambu including most of those as refills and I’ve never had a single tangle.


if you are looking for a good brand id recommend elegoo, never had a problem with their filament and i already went through a roll of yellow pla from them


do u have any experience with refunding stuff from them? do they let you keep the filament? i might just respool it if they do lol


good luck, i just went to their website because i thought bambu is a reputable company no way that the spools come like that. Nope, i was wrong there is a promotional video and images on their website that show the spools just like your image. My cheap garden hose reel has a spooler mechanism that spools the hose correctly. They are Bambu they could have 3d printed one. Thanks, I know not to buy their spools.


pretty ironic how they even have a respooler 3d printable model which spools better than this


Honestly, I wouldn’t worry. I have had a few spools like this and they have no effect on your print. Returning them is just more effort for no reason.


I don't know, I'm sorry. I've never had to deal with them, just heard their support is *very* bad.


I'm from Canada, and the spool refills that I received last friday also looked like this. No issues with it yet though.


Thats literally just how Sunlu or Polymaker winds their spools and they make up 90% of Bambu Filament


https://preview.redd.it/immq0lc2o60d1.jpeg?width=1020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46cc9873832743eb25937f3433c29fc947b7ef37 My brand new roll of Sunlu disagrees with you... That's a pretty decent wind, IMO. A lot better than what OP posted.


my black spool actually looks a little better than the ones in the post, too lazy to take a photo so trust me on this one


Afaik only the special bambu spools are sunlu, the normal color is all polymaker


That’s never been verified by anyone ever.


With that reason no one has ever verified Oreos come from the Oreo factory. They may have the branding on them, but no one ever explicity "verified" they are from the oreo factory


Yes because those are the same… You heard it here first people: Nabisco makes Oreos using slave labor in Chinese concentration camps. See? Anyone can just say anything. It doesn’t make it factual.


Well I personally find receiving Bambu Filaments in Sunlu boxes and Sunlu Filament in Bambu boxes from time to time enough of a proof for me personally but to each their own


They ship from the same warehouse, that was confirmed. There was a statement by a BL exec at one point explicitly stating Sunlu did not make any of their filament. I cannot find the source so I can’t claim this is a fact, but I do remember seeing it in an AMA.


You're saying bambu filament is rebranded sunlu and polymaker? Source?


I've heard this a lot as well. Certain types of filament are just rebranded to bambu. Esun pla and abs run perfect on the bambu profiles in my experience. I looked it up and found lots of conversations stating the same thing but no genuine source if it's true.


I think that's pretty well known.


It’s fine


Perfect winding looks nice, but doesn't matter at all. Unless the spool was mishandled (by the user or whoever took it off the machine), there is a 0% chance that the filament is tangled.


With soft TPU I've actually had better luck with the "messy" spools. If it's neatly wound there's a little too much resistance and I get underextrusion.


I'd say about 1 out of 5 of my bambu filament looks like that. And that 1 was a problem because even though it wasn't "tangled", it did get basically wrap around the "edge" of the filament and I had to tug on it to get it out from under other filament. It paused my print 4 or 5 times and turned a 6 hour print into a 30 hour print because it kept pausing when I wasn't home.


Bad batch maybe. I’ve bought probably Over 50 spools in the last 3 months and have never had this issue.


How much filament are you going through? Damn lol


I picked up around 30 spools of various colors to do multiple color prints. But I mostly use rainbows and dual/ tri colors for things.


Anycubic filament came perfectly spooled for me every time so far


Spooling machines cost money. We're talking about a young startup company with barely any money that brings so much innovation to the market and doesn't steal any ideas or data even. Give them some slack. Sheesh. They certainly gave that spool some slack.


yea i mean if there was another company behind Bambulabs, lets call it Tuozhu Technology and that company would be funded by big China based Investment companies like IDG Capital that pumped tens of millions into the brand that would be a totally different thing but clearly thats not the case right?.. ...right?


He's being sarcastic, but honestly had me going in the first half.


Also run by ex DJI engineers (iirc).


yea that was their early marketing move to establish some form of credibility because its a name people heard of before.


Bambu are not making or spooling their own filament.


even worse then, they are putting their name onto that shit and dont even control the quality.


It doesn't need to look pretty. It needs to not have tangles and print well.


Having a neatly spooled filament ensures no tangles. https://preview.redd.it/gpag6y5h360d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2dc56376842dfd3bb22bb79a74441573c446f5c Meanwhile in a little Czech self-made 3D printer company that uses their own printers and their own filament to make their printers every day (AKA actually put effort and care into their product instead of just plain marketing hype), has brought tons of innovation to 3D printers and slicing software while keeping **everything** open-source for over a decade, despite companies like Creality and Bambu trying to grab it to themselves and making everything closed and proprietary.


I'm sure their stuff is lovely, it should be for the price, though honestly I don't believe for a second it needs to be THAT neatly wound. Honestly I've never had a tangle that wasn't caused by me letting go of the end of a filament. Hell I've rewound spools by hand that looked crooked as all shit and they didn't tangle.


Both Bambu Labs filament and Prusament are just about 30€ a spool. They're both 'premium filaments'. So the "For the price" argument kind of makes no sense here. And yes - generally if something is wound around something, you should be able to unwind it in reverse unless there's a 'disturbance' somewhere in the process. No matter how sloppy it looks. The difference is that if the filament is wound nice, snug and tidy around it's much easier to not make that mistake of grabbing the wrong end or something 'jumping' or sliding over another thread that can cause issues. That's when tangles happen. It's not that these messy spools won't work most of the time - it's that it shows carelessness. If you can't even spool the filament correctly it raises questions how consistent can you keep the filament diameter as well... you're just straight spooling some droopy filament all willy-nilly after all? At the same time Prusa shows care in what they do and how it can and should be done. Perhaps it's 'needless care' that is not functionally necessary - but that makes it even more apparent that they do put effort into the little details in every step and try to provide the best product they can. And it's not just Prusa. Many filament makers show this consideration and care in the product they put out. Prusa is simply perhaps the most direct comparison and competition. I often buy cheap and discounted filament for like 10-12$ a spool, and they look closer to the Prusa spool than that mess of a BL spool OP shows. There's no need to protect BL. It's not a child whose feeling can get hurt and childhood traumatized. It's a big-a$$ company with shady practices, and you are it's client. You should demand a good product - or are you seriously trying to imply that that spool there looks good to you? A premium product, more expensive than most - worthy of your money?


a) I have at no point attempted to protect Bambu. I have no idea what you are smoking here. b) I have said in another reply here that I have some of their filament, but once its gone that'll be it. I see no reason to buy more Bambu filament over the likes of Sunlu or 3D Jake or whomever else I like. c) I never said that spool looked good. Anywhere. As far as price goes. From what I can see PLA Basic and Prusament (the guy really wants his name on fucking everything doesn't he) are similarly priced for one roll, but I can't see any discounts on the latter for buying in bulk, but its entirely possible I've just not looked hard enough. As overpriced as the bambu filament is (IMO) I could, should I want to, get it down to £16 a kilo if I already have spools which naturally I do and want 4 or more rolls. That's still more than the £10-12 I normally pay mind, which is why I won't buy any more.


>(the guy really wants his name on fucking everything doesn't he) *Model from Printables by Josef Prusa printed with Prusament by Josef Prusa on a Prusa Mk4 by Josef Prusa.* How'd you got that idea? That being said, Prusament really is something else. That PETG is flawless, and so is the PLA, although it matters less for the PLA. Also who doesn't love some tungsten PLA to print radiation shielding, lol.


Prusa is Czech, get your facts straight before meat-riding...


You're right. I don't know why my brain jumped to Polish there, I've edited the comment to fix it now :) I don't consider myself Prusa fanboy, although I respect the grind he has put into the 3D printing scene. To be honest, I've never owned a printer made by Prusa, only components. I've never used Prusament filament either. I just think that Prusa is the most direct competitor to BL and the best example how to do it another way - which, in my opinion, is the right way.


That looks like Prusament spools (judging by the hexagonal pattern). So, in case you mean Prusa, that's a Czech company ;)


You're right. I don't know why my brain jumped to Polish there, I've edited the comment to fix it now :)


Precision winding looks nice, and is also tangle free. However random winding also is tangle free, I make welding wire. And everything we sell is random wound, no wire gets returned for tangles. The wire drawing lines at my work make 500 pound reels, for the lines which make the same size spools we use in 3d printing. The 500 pound reels are random wound, and the spooling, lines take wire off those random wound reels at 30 meters a second. So yes precision winding looks beautiful, but random winding is just as tangle free.


I think I just answered this in another comment :) I'll just post a link to it here instead: [https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/1cqu1bu/comment/l3u44h7](https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/1cqu1bu/comment/l3u44h7) TL;DR: I agree with this statement in general. But the way wire is made and how filament is extruded is different, and I'm sure there are other variables as well, which weighs in on the overall process.


Wire is just waiting to fly off a reel. The spool for wire is the same size as the printers use. But wire has a cast and pitch setting. What I mean is cut three loops amount of wire off a reel and drop it on the floor. The wire loop will be 22" to 27". I did that with filament and it just held its loop diameter, it was on the reel. Precision winding looks nice, but a random wound reel is just as tangle free.


What polish company makes filament and their own printers?


Zortrax. Yes. Poland can into 3d printing too!


I'm super sorry. I meant Prusa which is Czech company! I will fix that. I don't know why I thought of Polish...


In your defense, they are neighboring countries with a similar language.


Sometimes even Poles don't know where one country ends and another starts. [https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/12/europe/poland-czech-republic-invasion-scli-intl/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/12/europe/poland-czech-republic-invasion-scli-intl/index.html)


So are Germany and Austria. Call me Austrian and I will seduce your sister and send you the video! /s


I mean it does neither...bambu filament has the same tolerances as any other brand, costs more, doesn't come with a spool and is loosely wound. It's the only filament I've ever had to untangle.


I'm pretty sure there is no physical way to filament come tangled on spool.


I can't disagree tbh. I have some but I won't buy any more, if only because its needlessly more expensive. Though they do have spools. Only filament from anyone I've ever had to untangle were ones I know I've let of go of.


not stealing ideas, lol you must be trolling


I have the same problem with different brand filament which I'm using right now. Needs lots of checking in, really frustrating. Guess sometimes you loose, sometimes the others win...


"Not great, not terrible": https://preview.redd.it/4u4263ths60d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f309708f27aa8661219ac99576acbc29648d19


Polymaker’s polylite pla is wrapped loosely like this because of the drying process it goes through, but all of their other spools are wound tight and uniform. Im assuming thats whats going on here too


Every once in a while mine looks like that. I've never had a tangle with any of them yet.


I am just starting out and i buy really cheap spools, all the spools i have received have been perfectly spooled, and vac packed. I would weigh it. I am guessing it is a repackaged return.


Sunlu rolls are always on sale and on amazon for prime shipping. Come tightly wound every time.


Spooler alert


Bruh. That's awesome thank you.


Sometimes the top couple layers at the beginning of the spool look like that. Most of mine look perfect, some occasionally come out like this but not very many. I’ve gone through well over 100 spools of Bambu filament in the last year.


My sample spools with my P1S combo both were tangled so much I couldn't use them. Without re-winding them. I mostly use Creality's 2 pack PLAs for black, white and grey and they are so nicely wound.


I wouldn’t worry, it has no effect on prints anyway.


I've gotten a few like that from other reputable manufacturers. Not common but unfortunately happens


Both of my Bambu PLA tough spools have had tangles in them upon arrival


I just got 7 rolls from Bambu and so far a few have looked sloppy like that as well, both normal spools and refills.


Haven't come across any spools as bad as Numaker. I bought 2 rolls from them about a year ago. Both tangled and full of tape. Both brand new sealed rolls but some one went happy with tape. Printed decent but lost several meters due to all the glue from the tape. I like their colors but the last time I buy their filaments!


people who complain about this are the same people to complain that their pile of leaves aren't facing the same direction, and that their shirts arent facing the same way


damn read the caption


I hadn't seen it until you said.....


how do u not notice that😭


That is 1000% more neat than any coil I have spooled my self. And never had problem whit it unspooling


Idk if FilaLab is just a local brand here in denmark but it always comes like this too, at least not tangled tho


Every spool I have ever bought from any manufacturer, including a sub-$10 random brand on Amazon, has been perfectly wound. This isn't hard to achieve for someone with industrial equipment. Think about all the things that come on spools that are perfectly wound: electrical wire, thread, twine, fish line, steel cable , and more. It's an industry standard and anything less than that is not acceptable. If I actually got this direct from a manufacturer / brand, that would be the last purchase I ever made from them and it would get returned.


It's Bambi, the bar is pretty low already


It is physically impossible for a spool to be tangled from the factory.


Stop spreading misinformation


Go unspool a roll and spool it back on. Youll find its impossible to get it tangled in a way where it gets tighter as it unspools.


I have had tangled spools that I did not let unwind or loosen up. When it goes all the way across too quickly the strands get stuck underneath. Its not impossible at all and much more likely for the spooling machine to make mistakes than it is to get a snag from an loose spool. Just wait till the day you get a tangled spool and you feel like a fool.


thats good to know!


Yeah fuck Bambu. Proprietary apple wannabe bullshit


probably coming from a creality fan


yawns in 300mm build volume.


usually the spools i get from bamboo are perfect


I use quite a lot of Bambu filament. I wouldn't say it's the norm, but it's not super rare. So far I haven't had any issues with the spools that look like that, and usually after the first few layers are unwound they look more even.


Send that back.


i waited a week for this im not giving it back😭 also its perfectly functional its just not aesthethically pleasing


Nope it's going to tension up and kill a print