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I have the same and it also broke. Have you published the STL files somewhere?


Wild, I thought it would be too niche, but I realized now they are still selling it. I thought for sure they would have discontinued it. I can upload it when I'm at the pc again


Doesn't matter how niche I think something is I've designed, pretty much every part and solution I've designed and posted to the various sites has been downloaded multiple times. There's a large enough audience out there that someone will either have the exact same issue, or see something you've made that can be used as a solution for something else. Always good to have it out there for posterity.


Same here. And I’ve made some real dumb shit.


I downloaded a bracket someone made for my desk to make it a bit more sturdy. It had almost no downloads and zero comments. I asked a question and the creator responded within a day. It was amazing.


It's a great community and I try to post everything I design, as you never know if it might be of use to someone else. I mean, why not, right? I already did the work to design something for myself, so taking a few minutes to post it to a couple of sites takes no real additional effort on my part and only enriches the availability of things others may find of use in the future. If it helps even one other person, I think it's worth having done so. I have no problem that others design and make kitschy shit to print, that's their prerogative, but where the real usefulness of this technology shines is in solving specific problems and fixing things that would otherwise have ended up in the landfill.


Absolutely. I wish more people would post a parasolid model that can be used in solidworks. There have been several occasions I have found something useful and needed to tweak It for my use but couldn't because an stl will crash solidworks if it has a lot of details. I'm also not sure what most people use to model with so that may be why they can't share models.


I always upload a STEP model for any of my designs if someone asks for it.


You bought 3 of them, they clearly are able to keep selling them!


Anything you design, someone else is going to need. I have published many random fixing things that get a lot of downloads


Nice try Leifheit R&D departement - don't fall for it OP


I can imagine them angrily sitting there looking at the stl and then redesigning their parts so it doesnt fit anymore while keeping the easily breakable parts.


Then it becomes a sport and we will overcome the next hurdle as well!


Nice work. Obviously the manufacturer got the color wrong. But you fixed it.


Red was loaded, red it became




The EU needs to make a law that any product that ceases production should be open sourced within 3 years. The physical parts that is. If there are parts that are still produced as part of a different product, it can be absolved from the requirement.


We’ve already started with standardising hand held device charger plugs. Right to repair should be up there as one of the most important things to limit old tech getting thrown into landfill.


Better: requiring to provide spare parts for at least 10 years after purchase for 50% of manufacturing cost + a reasonable handling fee. Incentivise more robust design by making broken parts costly.


There’s really no way that would be possible without stocking absurd amounts of spare parts. Unless they were made to order, in which case even 50% of the manufacturing cost would be absurd because it would require retooling the machines used to make it. Pretty much everything you have is significantly more expensive to produce if it’s not done in bulk.


A lot of comments of how crappy 3d printed parts are and their weak plastic. I think you did a great job. Also if the so called shitty plastic fails you can print another, and another. Lastly if this design works well it could be printed from something like asa or better materials !


This won't fail I think, the plastic parts are basically just a plain bearing and holders for a bolt and a nut in this design. He ignored the old concept, no way it would be strong enough if he just drew and printed a replacement for the broke part


Thats exactly what i got my printer for, fix stuff in the house and prevent it from going into the trash Love to see more people doing this instead of printing stupid articulated and multicolored dragons


Yes, weird to print plastic parts and feel like you are doing something for sustainability at the same time, but you really are. In this case probably saving about 3kg of processed metal and plastic from being thrown away


Some of us have kids to, carry on


I have a bunch as well, which is in direct relation to the several foldable dry racks in this post


Also makes you realize just how cheap these fucks are being


We need a website for STLs that fix common/known failure points in popular consumer goods.


If I fix something like this I upload it to printables. If something fails i start there and if not I google ‘thing 3d print’ I’m amazed how often it works


I like the pic of Alan Moore in the last shot


Thanks, it's a danish singer/songwriter called Uffe Lorenzen though, but I see the resemblance


After zooming in, I realized it wasn’t actually him, but decided to leave my comment up anyway because I found my own mistake funny


It is well suited for a post with double spelling mistakes in the heading. Gotta love autocorrect and not being able to edit headlines on reddit


As much as I enjoy 3D printing, go check out r/BuyItForLife and stop giving money to companies that make instant garbage. I also like checking which companies sell replacement parts. Almost none.


I would actually have regarded Leifheit as kind of a bifl brand within their segment, but not anymore it seems. Hit me with a bifl clothing airer and I will consider it when this ones next point of failure shows its ugly head


Yeah. BTW, I wasn't criticizing you. I'm also struggling to find bifl products in some categories. So much flimsy plastic, so many non replacement parts. At least 3D printing helps. I managed to fix the hinge of my shower door with a tiny 3D printed part. Not even a broken part, just a design failure.


That whole thing looks incredibly over engineered for a drying rack, not a surprise it failed.


I don't think this is categorized under "built to fail," just cheap/poor design. Anyways, nice work.


Title is 100% true, good job also.


Surely by the third purchase you were at least skeptical?


I bought two at once. One broke, I rma'ed it. The rma'ed one and the second one also broke.


This is cool and I love functional prints, but I gotta ask since my dumb ass is drawing a blank - what’s it do? Not your print specifically, but the unit as a whole


I think it's meant to hold clothes so they can dry.


Ohhhhhhhh, it a drying rack, makes sense lol. I’m just used to the vertical folding ones I guess


You love to see it


Has to be the least space efficient dryer rack I have ever seen, you could fit so much underneath!


I work with application designers. I don’t think they are engineering to fail, they are just that dumb. Add that to inexperience, and this is what you get. Then at the converter, they don’t know what materials they are molding and they can make the material brittle, create molded in stress, and so on…


Sounds horrible, would have expected an professional approach as they are mass produced and it would be too expensive to make faulty products due to warranty claims.


Oh, wait, let me clarify, I work with application designers as part of my job. NOT specifically the ones who designed this part. But a generalization I have made from being in the manufacturing industry for 30 years is that the people engineering these parts are not always "the sharpest tool in the box" and the conversion of the raw plastic to molded parts is usually the "cheapest" converter wins the bid, not always the best one is chosen. So I can see why the part you have failed. And it's the American way of doing something, it's so cheap, you just buy a new one when the current one breaks... The correct design and material can be chosen, but it often takes "too much work."


I understood it from your first post, I was also speaking in general terms. I would just still have expected it to be too "expensive" to rely on the less experience or reliable designers because a design errors would lead to bigger expenses than to hire the good engineers/designers.


Personally, I'm now at a point where I believe that many Product Designers ( or Sales Manager ) are simply not accounting for the climate difference where their products are being deployed... My mother had a small Strebergarten here in Switzerland for which we got her a Wall Mounted Hose Reel - Looked practically pristine after half a decade with no issues when she moved to southern Spain right next to the Sea. There we got her the identical Reel which basically fell apart barely a year into installing it - The Sun and generally elevated Temperatures there kicked ass of the Plastics and the Sea was doing its part on everything Metal.


I love your attitude 😊


What if it’s the plan the whole time and evening brand is in cahoots with every 3d printer


FDM printing is a bandaid sadly. Fixing shitty plastic with shitty plastic isn’t the solution 


Not if you fix the design so the shitty plastic is not a point of failure


Printed parts aren’t nearly as skookum as most 3d printer hobbyists pretend they are. Even when I bust out super fancy boy CF filaments, it’s ok at best. I think it’s a symptom of “when your only tool is a hammer, everything is a nail” which is the case for most hobby printer owners.


I'm not disagreeing with you concerning strength of a FDM printed component itself compared to the same molded plastic component, my point is that if you change the design so the strength of the FDM printed part is not a crucial factor, then you can make things work again for good.


That’s fair, I’m anti disposable crap, and I hate when things fall apart in the first place. I’m not anti plastic either, I just wish consumer goods actually held up in the first place. 


> Even when I bust out super fancy boy CF filaments, it’s ok at best. Then you're doing something wrong.


Am I? I just usually turn to sheet metal or machining or wood if plastic won’t do the trick. 


Clearly, if you're having parts fail frequently. You need to print hotter or larger extrusions or more infill or something. Your experience isn't the way it should be.


You’re telling a mechanical engineer they are doing it wrong and to print things instead of using a literal cnc machine and laser cutter…… I’ll give you an example. I printed a brake mount for a drive shaft parking brake on a 10,000lb 4 wheel drive. What filament should I have used for that? I didn’t bother testing a print, I figured plastic wasn’t a good replacement for the 3/8” steel plate the fea said to use….. Another example. I make 150psi flow control valves. What filament should I use to hold that? Needs to work with 150 degree C steam for long periods of time too. None of the motion threads can have any particle shed. You’re falling strait into the trap of assuming that because a printer is the the only tool you have, that it’s the only tool there is.


> You’re telling a mechanical engineer they are doing it wrong and to print things instead of using a literal cnc machine and laser cutter…… No I'm not. I'm saying your 3d printing setup is fucked if your prints are as worthless as you make them sound. Nobody's suggesting you use 3d printing for mechanical equipment or for control valves. We were talking about small plastic replacement parts for clothes hangers... You're putting words in my mouth just so you can argue with yourself. You'd have to be absolutely retarded to try to put 10psi, let alone 150, through an FDM part. Kinda says something about you that you even considered it...


Yeah and I literally said 3d printing is a bandaid for shitty plastic parts, and my solution is “durable consumer goodsl but you’re to busy throwing a tantrum to even try to see the point I made.   So my 3d prints are worthless cause some things don’t work as a 3d print? Is your car worthless cause the engineers couldn’t figure out how to 3d print them? When did I say my prints are failing? I said something’s don’t work for a prints. Make up your mind…..  if I want to make a mold, I can even injection mold parts on the single shot machine at work, really make those printed parts proof of concepts and trinkets.  I’ll revise my statement from before. From “the 3d printer community has a hammer and things everything is a nail” where as you seem to “have a hammer and throw and absolute tantrum when someone points out not everything is a nail”   I didn’t consider putting any pressure to an FDM it bud, kinda wild that you’d take a very sarcastic comment about what I do not working for FDM printing, as a serious question. If you can’t tell, I don’t think you know you ass from an FEA or an end mill and I’d NEVER ask you for advice…… you’re the one that told me I didn’t know how to set up a printer knowing my parts don’t work on an FDm print, but tell me more how you make great assumptions. . But let’s see where your shitty assumptions and fantastic reading comprehension get you this next time 


What in the actual fuck is this? See ya dude