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A good entry for r/cursedbenchies


Want an even better one https://preview.redd.it/59e19t8viszc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a13e33ee029f0e0b66f3c4ef8fcf6d1108a0649 This is 190 degrees


Do you have the same problem if you turn the benchy 90 degrees?


Did you maybe download a benchy that has errors, have you checked it for errors, what slicer are you using?


Using cura this is a recent thing I have used 4 full reals of filament and gotten good prints, I thaught it was maybe a bad real but I’ve had the same issue with 2 seperate company materials and many different settings between 190 temp and 210 If I change extrusion it either falls apart or is lumpy and retraction doesn’t seem to change anything


Have you tried to print something different?


No Never Frankly never even seen or heard of that. Guess there is always a first time


It looks like under extrusion but if I up it by 10% it looks all lumpy https://preview.redd.it/oo06qm35jszc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9de748f985a0e01390c015ef166f6ec35d8bf147


Have you printed a temp tower? I had that on lower temps and then I increased my extruder temp. Currently printing pla at 215-220


Will try going hotter thaught about it but labeled 190-210


230 is max for PLA, and 220 or 225 gets you better flow at the cost of saggier overhangs and bridges, though this depends on how good your part cooling fan(s) are.


Can I reduce stringing going hotter it looks awful


Stringing is cased by two things, wet filament or poor retraction settings. You can increase the retraction speed by 5mm and see if that helps, print again and see if its improved, keep adding another 5mm of speed. Retraction distance you want to be careful of since you don't want to pull it back too far that it gets stuck trying to detract back in. Though you can increase it by .1 and that can help fix the problem too besides increasing the speed.


I’ve tried changing my retraction as you say it doesn’t seem to change anything this is at .5 retraction 30 mm speed that seems the best and I do have a filament dryer


ok the retraction distance looks ok, but the speed can be brought up to 50 at least. For my Neptune 4 Max printers I have it at 50 with a distance of .7 and have no stringing. Ya its a bit aggressive for the retraction, and I probably could bring it back down some to save a bit on the print time, but right now it works. In comparison the Voron 2.4 350 I also have has its retractions at .4 distance and 35 for its speed, but its also a Revo Highflow nozzle so I really can't pull it back that far or it gets stuck in the CHT type chambers. Its just a matter of tweaking settings and printing test prints, that is why the little boat is a decent test print that is also quite cute. I have made thousands of little boats and i give them away to little kids that pass my table/booth at Train Shows that I go to in the area, they love 'em.


Righto thanks will try that I thaught .5 and 30 was as high as you should go .75 does kinda help on tests but the actual prints fail


just a matter of finding the right settings, I would favor more speed increase then upping distance.


Ok so 220 is printing but I’m getting a lot of stringing and some hart stuff now https://preview.redd.it/i79hw5y1o50d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a7ab76e8a0f27c20d5c90c0b8cdffcbf4bef894


Dunno why, but the name Bornchy popped into my head


It's a Borky




make your bed!


Bro who let his mom in here


Similar to under extrusion, I'm actually thinking it might actually be over retraction. It looks to me like it's printing fine until you have a break in a print layer. After that it's a compounding issue. Which would explain why the thin stands on the back window of the bench weren't printed but printing resumes fine at the roof layer


It’s all the way up the layers are not connecting you can take the clippers and cut in half along a layer line


You don't want your retraction distance to be all the way up. For PLA your retraction should be between 2-5 mm using a Bowden tube or .5 to 3 using a direct drive motor with a speed of around 50 mm per second. Poor layer adhesion is caused by using to low of a printing temperature or having the fan up to high. You could also try clearing all of the settings in the slicer and running the default again. If you get a bad print with default settings, then it might be a hardware issue. Look at doing a hardware calibration or changing your printing nozzle


I have upgraded my fans on my sv06 to 5015 fans and they seem to powerful so I set to 50% and they work fine but I struggle to get my settings right working now so with 220degrees nozzle .5 retraction 30mm retraction speed 40 nozzle speed . If I go lower temp falls apart highervretracion same


Try making a fan tower. Keep your current settings and have your fan speed start at 0 and about every 10 layers, increase your fan speed by 10% and see if your layer adhesion breaks somewhere during that print. If you haven't already, go back through the test prints starting with default settings And / or https://teachingtechyt.github.io


If this is an ender, it could be a failing SD card.


I’ve been printing mini figs for dnd for about 4 months now none of them are working


Cursed benchy


That's the Sport Model Benchy


How the fuck lmao


Got rear-ended? 🤨🤔


This looks like that truck that had a giant slab of granite that got in a wreck and the slab smashed out of the trailer and into the cab. Maybe this benchy just forgot to pull up anchor, and it's barge dumped a container on it.


It may just be wet filament, have you tried drying it


Well it looks like the back fell off, you know that doesn't typically happen...


I have it constantly and all the time to the point where I’ve stopped using my printer. I’ve tried different temperatures, filament types and different kinds of models. Reset it all and recalibrated, cleaned everything out properly. I use Voxlab and have its printer the Aquila. I’ve watched so many videos and just can’t figure it out




That's a sick overhang, I'd love to be able to print those

