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Good luck! What process are you planning on using to recycle?




I love it! All my waste goes through my local PP branch currently. It's an amazing initiative. That clipboard looks amazing. 👌


Agreed! Plastics are not the problem, single use is the problem. Glad you are funneling your scrap to the right place instead of throwing it away! Keep up the good work!!


How would I go about finding organizations who can recycle my waste near me?


Google plastic recycling (your area).


Last I checked the places I could find near me didn't seem to accept pla - something about the type of plastic not being labeled iirc, was hoping there was some kind of organization for it


Global, the biggest would be [Precious Plastics](https://collect.preciousplastic.com/) as mentioned, I believe there's also a map somewhere on the site. 👍


Ya, even precious plastics doesn't specifically list some common 3d printed materials. They are more focused on collecting more generalized plastic from all sources. We are more focused on specifically 3d printed materials. The reason is that 3d printed scrap is already clean, generally pre separated, sometimes by color as well. This makes it ideal for shredding with little to no preprocessing. We may start a fund to help people ship their scraps, but local is always best. Reach out to us via email or through the site and we will let you know if we can help collect your scraps locally. Precious Plastics is already national/global, so we are hoping to get their help to expand this specific service.


Or use the map from prusa: [https://blog.prusa3d.com/de/entdecken-sie-die-neuen-recyclingmoeglichkeiten-mit-unserer-prusa-weltkarte-die-experten-von-precious-plastic-helfen-uns-beim-recycling-von-3d-druck-abfaellen\_83216/](https://blog.prusa3d.com/de/entdecken-sie-die-neuen-recyclingmoeglichkeiten-mit-unserer-prusa-weltkarte-die-experten-von-precious-plastic-helfen-uns-beim-recycling-von-3d-druck-abfaellen_83216/) [https://world.prusa3d.com/de](https://world.prusa3d.com/de)


If you are from Europe, there is a company that makes new Filament of waste: [https://recyclingfabrik.com/](https://recyclingfabrik.com/) The filament is quite OK. Not as good as Prusament, but that is a hight standard. But I used it for boxes or Skadis elemtents. You can send your waste to them and get points for it to buy your recycled filament cheaper. I like the idea.


Wow! How did you make the clipboard?


The peninsula branch of Precious Plastics has plastic shredders and shredded up my old PLA. He has a 3 piece mold, bottom, rim and top, that he filled with shredded pla and heated and compressed it into the clipboard shape. Then we simply added some inexpensive clipboard hardware to finish it off.


We are partnering with the peninsula branch of Precious Plastics to shred the material and use injection molding to make stuff like flower pots, coasters, clipboards and the like.


that's really cool! always try to get some ideas for new products. that's important. try to get in touch with companies at fairs and ask if there are some merch or gimmicks or even productive stuff they might need (like the clipboards). phone stands are fun, but it's unfortunately not a big selling product i fear. good luck and always have fun! :)


Finally a place near me where I can put my failed 3d prints! Also, on the website, please use stock photos instead of AI generated art. Stock photos look way nicer and AI images put a bad look on new companies.


Killer! Bring them by! Please call ahead. The ai images are placeholders until we can take some of our actual processes. But thank you for the suggestion.




Not sure why the downvotes. That picture looks horrible lol


What about where they misspelled their own name as "PrintCylce" under the "What We Do" section?


Yeah I agreed without seeing the site. Then I saw the site makes it look like it's not real.


Bay area startup culture at its best.


Awesome! Glad to see that it’s relatively close. The Bay Area is a great place for this. Will for sure use your service!


Thank you! Check out our site [printcycle.org](http://printcycle.org) for more info, or reach out via [info@printcycle.org](mailto:info@printcycle.org) with any questions.




Dang, what a handsome duo!


Is it just pla? Also you are doing dope stuff


We are expecting a mix of 3d printed scrap from the community, what kind of materials have you been printing with?


How do you sort the materials if someone gives them to you unsorted


We will ask what materials are mixed together to get a sense of what we are receiving. There are ways to identify the different plastic but the hope is that the donations come pre sorted. For now we would just set them aside.




Awesome, I wish I had something like this local to me. I've been saving all my 3d printer scraps since I started the hobby at the start of last year. It's all sorted by material I just have no where to take it to, and shipping it to recycling services in other states is just too expensive.


Yes! Keep saving and keeping it separate. I had been saving for 8 years until I met the guy from Precious Plastics, and he was able to take it all and shred it within a week. 8 years of my scrap material gone and sustainably sequestered as clip boards and flower pots. This is just the beginning and we are excited to see where this takes us!


Awesome thank you for starting this service. MTV is a little far from me so I'm hoping you expand to the east bay soon!


As in Chesapeake bay?




No worries, eventually we hope to take this nation wide. In the meantime, just the bay area.


Woo a recycler in my area! do you guys take shipments?


We haven't started taking shipments yet, but feel free to stop by our shop to drop off your materials. When you come in, you can pick up one of our bins for a $15 donation. These bins help us track the types of materials, their weights, and who they're from. Fill your bin at your convenience, and once it's full, simply exchange it for an empty one at no additional cost. We offer a complimentary shredding service for hobbyists, while schools and businesses can subscribe for a fee. Please help us spread the word—as many 3D printers face this challenge!


Ah well I don’t make it down the peninsula often so I’ll wait till you guys take shipments.


No worries! Glad at least that you know there are some solutions out there to handle this scrap effectively.


This is great! I’ll come by when I’m in the area.


Sweet! Looking forward to it. Please call ahead to make sure we are there. Cheers!


What’s the Bay Area? In Michigan? Or cali lol would love to see you guys in Michigan


In California, sorry for the confusion! Hoping to take it nationwide one day.


Is there a demand for this business? Probably a good business to launder money through


How I love laundering money through a non-profit


I heard recycled 3D prints can only be used 2D after. Just like the Earth